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The German press claims: 'The Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged by a group of divers of Ukrainian origin'

publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The German press claims: 'The Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged by a group of divers of Ukrainian origin' * The German Federal Prosecutor and #39;s Office has issued an international arrest WARRANT for a Ukrainian suspect who, along with two other Ukrainian divers, blew up the two pipelines, according to German prosecutors * Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denies any connection with the three bombers, although some American publications claim the opposite *The investigation carried out in Germany did not find any connection with the authorities in... ...continuare.

Nawaf Salameh, Alexandrion Group: 'The government has stabilized the turnover tax by 1% because it is unable to collect VAT'

publicat 2024-03-22 09:30:02 (Bursa)
The 1% tax on turnover will have a negative impact on beverage producers in our country, who are forced to face at the same time possible losses that will be generated by the deadlines set by the state for exhausting existing stocks before entering the effect of the WARRANTy-Return System (SGR), said Nawaf Salameh, president of Alexandrion Group, yesterday, during a press conference in which he presented the company and #39;s development directions and... ...continuare.

O casa majora de brokeraj bursier divulga ca detine peste 1 milion de actiuni la Gabriel Resources, cu putin timp inainte ca Romania sa isi afle decizia in dosarul Rosia Montana

publicat 2024-03-08 16:30:12 (Money.ro)
O casa majora de brokeraj bursier divulga ca detine peste 1 milion de actiuni la Gabriel Resources, cu putin timp inainte ca Romania sa isi afle decizia in dosarul Rosia Montana Brokerul BRK Financial Group este din Cluj-Napoca.Aceste actiuni au fost achizitionate la pretul mediu de 0,39 dolari canadieni la finalul anului trecut. De asemenea, BRK Financial Group detine 2.043.256 de WARRANTs emise de Gabriel Resources; fiecare WARRANT da dreptul de a cumpara (subscribe) o actiune emisa de Gabriel Resources la pretul de 0,645 CAD, in orice moment inainte de data de 23 august 2024 (cu... ...continuare.

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