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Iarna isi face simtita prezenta in Romania. Zona in care stratul de zapada a atins deja 10 centimetri. Pana cand va ninge Iarna isi face simtita prezenta in Romania. Zona in care stratul de zapada a atins deja 10 centimetri. Pana cand va ninge Platforma de e-commerce Gomag estimeaza afaceri de 3,5 milioane euro la final de 2024 Platforma de e-commerce Gomag estimeaza afaceri de 3,5 milioane euro la final de 2024 Este un desert delicios de care nu ne vom mai satura. Cum pregatim tarta cu struguri, la tigaie Este un desert delicios de care nu ne vom mai satura. Cum pregatim tarta cu struguri, la tigaie ZF IT Generation. Start-up Update. Alice Ionescu, fondator, DoctorBusiness.ro - solutie software pentru analiza businessului: Am ajuns la peste 2.000 de utilizatori care si-au vazut radiografia completa a afacerilor lor. Antreprenorii vor sa inteleaga intr-un limbaj noncontabilicesc ce merge si ce nu merge bine in companie ZF IT Generation. Start-up Update. Alice Ionescu, fondator, DoctorBusiness.ro - solutie software pentru analiza businessului: Am ajuns la peste 2.000 de utilizatori care si-au vazut radiografia completa a afacerilor lor. Antreprenorii vor sa inteleaga intr-un limbaj noncontabilicesc ce merge si ce nu merge bine in companie 10 Rase de caini potriviti pentru a locui in spatii mici 10 Rase de caini potriviti pentru a locui in spatii mici Dramele copiilor care urca pe scena, la serbarea de sfarsit de an, in papuci de guma. Sunt cele mai delicate 111 cazuri Dramele copiilor care urca pe scena, la serbarea de sfarsit de an, in papuci de guma. "Sunt cele mai delicate 111 cazuri" Pe cine vede Crin Antonescu in turul 2 pentru presedintie si cine va fi la Putere dupa alegeri. Competitie pentru medalia de bronz Pe cine vede Crin Antonescu in turul 2 pentru presedintie si cine va fi la Putere dupa alegeri. "Competitie pentru medalia de bronz" ZF Deschiderea de astazi la Bursa. Razvan Mihaescu, investitor: Am vandut la Transport Trade Services inainte de rezultatele la noua luni. Vreau sa imi majorez detinerile la Banca Transilvania, Purcari si DN Agrar ZF Deschiderea de astazi la Bursa. Razvan Mihaescu, investitor: Am vandut la Transport Trade Services inainte de rezultatele la noua luni. Vreau sa imi majorez detinerile la Banca Transilvania, Purcari si DN Agrar A inceput sezonul Sagetatorului! Descopera calitatile, defectele si compatibilitatile optimistului zodiacului A inceput sezonul Sagetatorului! Descopera calitatile, defectele si compatibilitatile optimistului zodiacului Cele mai frecvente alergii si cum sa le recunosti la timp Cele mai frecvente alergii si cum sa le recunosti la timp Cum va gestiona Romania mai eficient situatiile de urgenta, de genul inundatiilor de la Galati: mecanismul RRO, pe intelesul tuturor DOCUMENT Cum va gestiona Romania mai eficient situatiile de urgenta, de genul inundatiilor de la Galati: mecanismul RRO, pe intelesul tuturor DOCUMENT ZF Asigurari de viata. Sorin Mititelu, vicepresedinte ASF: Valoarea totala a activelor in administrarea societatilor de asigurari de viata a ajuns la aproape 1,5 mld. euro. Doar 300.000 de clienti au incheiat o asigurare cu componenta investitionala. Cealalta categorie, cu asigurari de viata atasate creditelor, inglobeaza peste 1 milion de clienti ZF Asigurari de viata. Sorin Mititelu, vicepresedinte ASF: Valoarea totala a activelor in administrarea societatilor de asigurari de viata a ajuns la aproape 1,5 mld. euro. Doar 300.000 de clienti au incheiat o asigurare cu componenta investitionala. Cealalta categorie, cu asigurari de viata atasate creditelor, inglobeaza peste 1 milion de clienti Afaceri de la zero. Stup Edition. Mihai Craciun a renuntat la auditul bancar pentru gradinarit si a deschis businessul Gradina Craciun prin care produce fructe si legume Afaceri de la zero. Stup Edition. Mihai Craciun a renuntat la auditul bancar pentru gradinarit si a deschis businessul Gradina Craciun prin care produce fructe si legume ZF Investiti in Romania! Un proiect ZF si CEC Bank. Cornel Iacob, DEKRA Romania: In productie vedem o cerere tot mai mare pentru reducerea costurilor si cresterea eficientei ZF Investiti in Romania! Un proiect ZF si CEC Bank. Cornel Iacob, DEKRA Romania: In productie vedem o cerere tot mai mare pentru reducerea costurilor si cresterea eficientei Cladirea emblematica din Bucuresti, demolata. Palatul impunator a fost construit in mai putin de un an Cladirea emblematica din Bucuresti, demolata. Palatul impunator a fost construit in mai putin de un an


Stiri locale

Ursula von der Leyen, reinstalled as head of the European Commission

publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The European Parliament, with 401 VOTES in favor, 284 VOTES against, 15 abstentions and 7 null VOTES, decided yesterday to grant Ursula von der Leyen a new mandate as President of the European Commission, despite the fact that the EU Court of Justice ruled a day before the Community Executive did not respect the rules of transparency in the conclusion of contracts for the... ...continuare.

Sosoaca evicted from the European Parliament; opposition is accepted, but not slander

publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Yesterday, Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca was evicted from the European Parliament, a democratic institution where the opposition is accepted - proof that the representatives of far-right political groups gave their speeches in the plenary session where Ursula von der Leyen and #39;s candidacy for the position of president was debated European Commission - but bribery is kept at the door. And when she still manages to sneak into the Strasbourg Hemicycle, as Diana Sosoaca did with the ...continuare.

Quarter 2 in figures

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*April 9 - The plenary session of the Chamber of Deputies VOTES, as a decision-making body, on the draft law on gambling, by which the 'casualties' are removed from localities with less than 15,000 inhabitants. ...continuare.

Emmanuel Macron, under siege by far-right parties

publicat 2024-07-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
President Emmanuel Macron and #39;s power is being shaken from its foundations after Rassemblement National and Les Republicains obtained 33.15% of the VOTES cast, i.e. more than 10 million VOTES, in the first round of the parliamentary elections in France, according to the daily Le Figaro. ...continuare.

Elena Lasconi, the new president of USR

publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Elena Lasconi won the leadership of the USR party, with 68% of the members and #39; VOTES. The mayor of Campulung declared at the end of the vote that she has demonstrated that she can build bridges between people and generations. ...continuare.

Negotiations for the center coalition necessary to reinstate Ursula von der Leyen

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Ursula von der Leyen has a good chance of getting the 361 VOTES needed in the European Parliament, to renew her mandate as president of the European Commission, if the European People and #39;s Party will not conclude any agreement, any alliance with the far-right parties that entered in the legislative forum of the EU, not even with the political formation whose leader is Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and which von der Leyen said shares certain... ...continuare.

Nicusor Dan led the race all day; Alliance of Law - the performer of the General Council of the Capital

publicat 2024-06-10 03:00:57 (Bursa)
The fight for the Capital this year was one with an expected end, given that the political left chose to split its VOTES between Gabriela Firea (PSD) and Cristian Popescu Piedone (PUSL), the PNL candidate - Sebastian Burduja not being approved by all the liberal sympathizers in Bucharest, and the AUR candidate - Mihai Enache, being deprived of any chance in this electoral race from the start. ...continuare.

The Capital has a budget: 7.8 billion lei for the mayor and #39;s office still led by Nicusor Dan

publicat 2024-03-25 11:15:05 (Bursa)
The capital has a budget for the current year, after on Friday the project proposed for the fourth time by Mayor General Nicusor Dan passed the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest with 51 VOTES for, 0 abstentions and 0 VOTES against, after including in it the amendments formulated by the PSD-PNL coalition. ...continuare.

Parliament Chapel

publicat 2024-03-25 11:15:05 (Bursa)
Orthodox deputies and senators will, from today, have a place inside the Parliament where they can pray, get in touch with God and maybe even confess to a priest when they feel a heavy conscience because of the VOTES cast in committee meetings or plenary session, or because of the open words that in the last four years the leaders of the opposition and the leaders of the government threw at each other. ...continuare.

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