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OpenAI colaboreaza cu Laboratoarele Nationale ale SUA in cercetare si siguranta armelor nucleare OpenAI colaboreaza cu Laboratoarele Nationale ale SUA in cercetare si siguranta armelor nucleare Da-mi casa, ia casa! Solutia de evitare a Marii demolari de pe drumul de Sinaia Da-mi casa, ia casa! Solutia de evitare a "Marii demolari" de pe drumul de Sinaia Israelul elibereaza prizonieri palestinieni dupa o amanare a procesului Israelul elibereaza prizonieri palestinieni dupa o amanare a procesului Ion Cristoiu: Cred ca alegerile au fost amanate pentru a ramane Iohannis la COTROCENI Ion Cristoiu: "Cred ca alegerile au fost amanate pentru a ramane Iohannis la COTROCENI" Explozie puternica la o fabrica de munitie germana din Spania Explozie puternica la o fabrica de munitie germana din Spania Mihai Popescu, declaratii dupa esecul cu Manchester United: Au jucatori de valoare. Eu zic ca ne-am ridicat la nivelul lor in prima repriza! Mihai Popescu, declaratii dupa esecul cu Manchester United: "Au jucatori de valoare. Eu zic ca ne-am ridicat la nivelul lor in prima repriza!" Economia poloneza a decolat, iar cea maghiara s-a dezghetat, ajutate de consum. In Franta si Germania crizele guvernamentale descurajeaza afacerile si consumatorii si produc paralizie economica. PIB-ul german a scazut cu 0,2% in trimestrul de final al anului trecut, iar Franta s-a dus in jos cu 0,1% Economia poloneza a decolat, iar cea maghiara s-a dezghetat, ajutate de consum. In Franta si Germania crizele guvernamentale descurajeaza afacerile si consumatorii si produc paralizie economica. PIB-ul german a scazut cu 0,2% in trimestrul de final al anului trecut, iar Franta s-a dus in jos cu 0,1% Ceata densa in aproape toata Romania Ceata densa in aproape toata Romania FCSB vs. Manchester United 0-2 » Vlad Chiriches, sesiune de alergare dupa infrangerea cu englezii FCSB vs. Manchester United 0-2 » Vlad Chiriches, sesiune de alergare dupa infrangerea cu englezii Carnati de porc in sos de vin, un adevarat deliciu. Reteta care se pregatea in 1965 Carnati de porc in sos de vin, un adevarat deliciu. Reteta care se pregatea in 1965 Cum arata situatia macroeconomica la inceputul anului? Care sunt principalele amenintari pentru economia romaneasca? Urmariti ZF Live vineri, 31 ianuarie, ora 12.00, o discutie cu Ionut Dumitru, economistul-sef al Raiffeisen Bank Cum arata situatia macroeconomica la inceputul anului? Care sunt principalele amenintari pentru economia romaneasca? Urmariti ZF Live vineri, 31 ianuarie, ora 12.00, o discutie cu Ionut Dumitru, economistul-sef al Raiffeisen Bank Trucul surprinzator si rapid pentru a reduce aripioarele de liliac de pe brate Trucul surprinzator si rapid pentru a reduce "aripioarele de liliac" de pe brate Economia americana a crescut cu 2,8% in 2024 Economia americana a crescut cu 2,8% in 2024 Michael Klein, interzis din nou in Hunedoara. Pretentiile controversate ale mostenitoarelor marelui fotbalist Michael Klein, "interzis" din nou in Hunedoara. Pretentiile controversate ale mostenitoarelor marelui fotbalist UE discuta revenirea la achizitiile de gaze din Rusia, in schimbul incetarii razboilui din Ucraina - Financial Times UE discuta revenirea la achizitiile de gaze din Rusia, in schimbul incetarii razboilui din Ucraina - Financial Times


Stiri locale

Trump and #39;s tariffs will hit the US and #39;s top trading partners

publicat 2025-01-31 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Trump and #39;s tariffs will hit the US and #39;s top trading partners Trade with Mexico, China and Canada accounted for about 43% of all US goods imports in 2023 by value, according to a Statista analysis, noting that, according to UN Comtrade data, the UNITED STATES imported $3.2 trillion in goods and exported $2 trillion in that year. ...continuare.

Why 2025 could be the year of the so-called 'altcoins'?

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Why 2025 could be the year of the so-called 'altcoins'? * Andrew Baehr, CoinDesk: 'More crypto projects will emerge in the UNITED STATES as the market expects the SEC to take a step back' * Citi: 'Bitcoin is classified as a commodity and already has spot ETFs and futures contracts, while the definition of other crypto assets is more unclear' ...continuare.

Concern: first human death from bird flu in the US

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Concern: first human death from bird flu in the US There are concerns coming from the US. A tragic but not unexpected case has been reported in Louisiana, where the first death associated with the H5N1 virus in the UNITED STATES has been confirmed by health authorities. The patient, a man over 65 years old with underlying health conditions, was infected after contact with poultry and wild birds. ...continuare.

Un cutremur puternic de 7,3 grade a lovit Vanuatu, avariind mai multe cladiri, inclusiv ambasada SUA din capitala Port Vila

publicat 2024-12-17 08:00:13 (Libertatea)
Un cutremur puternic de 7,3 grade a lovit Vanuatu, avariind mai multe cladiri, inclusiv ambasada SUA din capitala Port Vila Un cutremur puternic de 7,3 grade a lovit marti Vanuatu, avariind mai multe cladiri, inclusiv ambasada Statelor Unite din capitala Port Vila, relateaza CNN. Cutremurul, care a aavut loc la o adancime de aproximativ 57,1 kilometri, a zguduit insula din Pacific marti, la scurt timp dupa pranz, potrivit UNITED STATES Geological Survey (USGS). Cutremurul de […] ...continuare.

Cutremur puternic inregistrat sambata dimineata. Unde a lovit si ce magnitudine a avut

publicat 2024-12-14 08:45:19 (ProTV)
Cutremur puternic inregistrat sambata dimineata. Unde a lovit si ce magnitudine a avut Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 6,4 s-a produs sâmbata dimineata, anunta UNITED STATES Geological Survey (USGS).   ...continuare.

The UNITED STATES will have the first 23-hour/day exchange program

publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The <span style='background:#EDF514'>UNITED STATES</span> will have the first 23-hour/day exchange program * 24X Platform Receives Approval from Capital Market Authorities 24X National Exchange, a US stock exchange operated by a startup that aims to handle 24-hour trading, has obtained approval from the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Bloomberg reports. ...continuare.

Aging, a Random Process

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Aging, a Random Process Scientists at Stanford University in the UNITED STATES have discovered that aging is much more random than previously thought, occurring in different parts of the body and at different times, possibly long before we even think about it. ...continuare.

CORRESPONDENCE FROM NEW YORK The Message of the American Elections

publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
CORRESPONDENCE FROM NEW YORK The Message of the American Elections The 2024 American elections mark a turning point in the history of the UNITED STATES. ...continuare.

Strengthening the strategic partnership - the main message sent by political leaders from Bucharest to Donald Trump

publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Strengthening the strategic partnership - the main message sent by political leaders from Bucharest to Donald Trump Following the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential elections in the UNITED STATES, political leaders in Romania emphasized in their congratulatory messages sent to the future American president the importance of continuing the strategic partnership between the two countries. In the message posted on the X network, President Klaus Iohannis said: 'Romania is a strong and committed strategic ally of the USA. Through our joint efforts, we will bring... ...continuare.

Increased security at voting centers

publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Increased security at voting centers After one of the most violent campaigns in the history of the UNITED STATES of America, the 50 states have strengthened security at voting centers to ensure that elections are held safely and that the physical integrity of election officials and voters is protected in the event of violent episodes, writes EFE. ...continuare.

Key differences between the Trump and Biden Administrations

publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Key differences between the Trump and Biden Administrations In recent times, the UNITED STATES has witnessed the transition from the Trump administration to the Biden-Harris administration, two distinct approaches to American leadership that have had a profound impact on domestic and foreign policy. ...continuare.

US responds to China and #39;s planned maritime blockade: amplified support for Indo-Pacific allies

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
US responds to China and #39;s planned maritime blockade: amplified support for Indo-Pacific allies In a tense geopolitical context marked by China and #39;s growing military and economic influence in the Indo-Pacific region, the UNITED STATES Coast Guard (U.S. Coast Guard) has declared its intention to step up support to its regional allies by deploying teams specialized training resources and other assets to contribute to the strengthening of local capacities for the defense of exclusive economic zones and the protection of natural resources against... ...continuare.

BRICS Bridge: How Russia evades international sanctions

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
BRICS Bridge: How Russia evades international sanctions The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is considering the possibility of closing the mBridge pilot project, a cross-border payments platform that Russian President Vladimir Putin considers a solution to circumvent international sanctions imposed by the UNITED STATES after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and reduce dependence on the US dollar, according to an article published two days ago by Bloomberg. ...continuare.

Morgan Stanley: Dollar strengthening - the main risk for US stocks

publicat 2024-10-21 12:00:17 (Bursa)
Morgan Stanley: Dollar strengthening - the main risk for US stocks *The S and P 500 is in a two-year bull market, going from all-time high to all-time high The strengthening of the dollar may threaten the growth of the American stock market, believes Mike Wilson, the chief strategist for shares listed in the UNITED STATES of Morgan Stanley, writes Business Insider. ...continuare.

Hurricane effects: $50 billion in damage

publicat 2024-10-16 12:00:02 (Bursa)
Hurricane effects: $50 billion in damage Extreme natural phenomena cause huge damage. An example comes from the UNITED STATES of America. ...continuare.

Luxembourg - the country with the highest GDP per capita in 2024

publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Luxembourg - the country with the highest GDP per capita in 2024 Despite the fact that countries such as the US, China, India or Germany often dominate the economic rankings, the UNITED STATES is the only economy in the Top 10 in terms of GDP per capita, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis based on data from the International Monetary Fund ( IMF). ...continuare.

Rasnov: international ski jumping competition in full autumn

publicat 2024-09-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Rasnov: international ski jumping competition in full autumn The best ski jumpers in the world will compete in Rasnov at the Summer World Cup - Ski Jumping Grand Prix. The competition will bring to the start 82 elite athletes from 15 countries such as China, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Ukraine, the UNITED STATES, Austria, Finland, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Turkey and Romania. ...continuare.

Kremlin Manipulates US Elections; the Russian operation, annihilated by American institutions

publicat 2024-09-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Kremlin Manipulates US Elections; the Russian operation, annihilated by American institutions *The US Department of Justice has seized 32 Internet domains used by Russia in a massive campaign to influence the 2024 presidential election and other countries, revealing the Kremlin and #39;s involvement in disseminating fake news *The Russia Today post and high-ranking Russian influencers such as Margarita Simonyan, orchestrated disinformation operations using advanced artificial intelligence techniques and fake websites *Russia managed to recruit American influencers without their... ...continuare.

The UNITED STATES - at the top of the ranking of global arms spending

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The <span style='background:#EDF514'>UNITED STATES</span> - at the top of the ranking of global arms spending The UNITED STATES topped the list of countries with the highest military spending in 2023, dedicating $916 billion to the military, according to statista.com. ...continuare.

The end of the pandemic, researched by scientists

publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
The end of the pandemic, researched by scientists Recent research published in The European Physical Journal B offers an interesting explanation for the sharp decline in deaths from Covid-19 in the UNITED STATES between August 2022 and March 2023. Although vaccines have played a crucial role in fighting the pandemic, it appears that a change in the molecular structure of the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 was a decisive factor in reducing the severity of infections. ...continuare.

Iulian Chifu: 'Russia does not have the capacity to enter into a nuclear confrontation with the USA or NATO'

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Iulian Chifu: 'Russia does not have the capacity to enter into a nuclear confrontation with the USA or NATO' Russia does not have the capacity to engage in a nuclear confrontation or long-distance strikes with the UNITED STATES or NATO member states, according to Iulian Chifu, President of the Center for Conflict Prevention and Early Warning. ...continuare.

Iulian Fota: 'A nuclear war is one without winners'

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Iulian Fota: 'A nuclear war is one without winners' A nuclear war is a war without winners, says Iulian Fota, a specialist in international relations, who pointed out that a nuclear confrontation would lead to a planetary catastrophe. His statements come in the context of recent remarks by Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, who once again threatened the UNITED STATES with nuclear war, warning that a Third World War would not only affect Europe. ...continuare.

Frightening: Russia once again plays the atomic bomb tune

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Frightening: Russia once again plays the atomic bomb tune The Third World War will not be limited to Europe, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov warned again on Tuesday, addressing the UNITED STATES in a press conference in Moscow. ...continuare.

How many times have the Russians threatened with a nuclear attack?

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:04 (Bursa)
How many times have the Russians threatened with a nuclear attack? Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has once again threatened a world war, including references to nuclear weapons. On Tuesday, the Russian official said that the West is 'playing with fire' by allowing Ukraine to strike deep into Russia with Western missiles and warned the UNITED STATES that a Third World War would not be limited to Europe. ...continuare.

The minutes of Fed meeting indicate, as likely, the interest rate cut in September

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The minutes of Fed meeting indicate, as likely, the interest rate cut in September * The key interest rate is currently in the range of 5.25%-5.5%, the highest level in the last 23 years An interest rate cut in the UNITED STATES in September is increasingly likely, according to the minutes of the last monetary policy meeting of Federal Reserve officials in July, writes CNBC. ...continuare.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 in estul extrem al Rusiei

publicat 2024-08-18 10:15:03 (Bursa)
Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 in estul extrem al Rusiei Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a avut loc in Rusia, sambata, a anuntat UNITED STATES Geological Survey (USGS), o agentie guvernamentala responsabila cu monitorizarea activitatii seismice in intreaga lume ...continuare.

Cutremur puternic in Rusia. Un vulcan a erupt. Ce magnitudine a avut seismul

publicat 2024-08-18 07:45:16 (ProTV)
Cutremur puternic in Rusia. Un vulcan a erupt. Ce magnitudine a avut seismul Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a avut loc în Rusia, sâmbata, a anuntat UNITED STATES Geological Survey (USGS), o agentie guvernamentala responsabila cu monitorizarea activitatii seismice în întreaga lume, relateaza AFP. ...continuare.

Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 in largul peninsulei rusesti Kamceatka. Autoritatile din SUA au emis alerta de tsunami

publicat 2024-08-18 00:00:15 (Libertatea)
Cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 in largul peninsulei rusesti Kamceatka. Autoritatile din SUA au emis alerta de tsunami Un cutremur cu magnitudinea 7 a avut loc in Rusia, sambata, a anuntat UNITED STATES Geological Survey (USGS), o agentie guvernamentala responsabila cu monitorizarea activitatii seismice in intreaga lume, relateaza AFP, potrivit news.ro Seismul s-a produs in Marea Bering, la o adancime de aproape 50 de kilometri, in largul peninsulei Kamceatka, la aproximativ 90 de […] ...continuare.

JO: China counterattacks, demands anti-doping controls for Americans

publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Pointed at from many directions, on grounds of sports performance and doping, China has reminded itself that the most effective defense is attack. China and #39;s anti-doping agency (CHINA) has asked the International Testing Agency (ITA) to step up testing of athletes in the UNITED STATES after American sprinter Erriyon Knighton tested positive for the banned substance trenbolone. ...continuare.

New York, California and Texas are home to the wealthiest suburbs in the US

publicat 2024-08-08 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The richest suburbs in the UNITED STATES of America (USA) are in New York, California and Texas, according to data compiled by GoBankingRates, taken over by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

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