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Te Cunosc de Undeva! sezonul 21, 22 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a sasea gala. Cum s-au descurcat concurentii pe scena Te Cunosc de Undeva! sezonul 21, 22 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a sasea gala. Cum s-au descurcat concurentii pe scena Crin Antonescu spune ca, daca va fi presedinte, serviciile secrete si justitia nu vor mai face politica Crin Antonescu spune ca, daca va fi presedinte, serviciile secrete si justitia nu vor mai face politica Mircea Lucescu vrea alternative! Ce jucatori ar putea aparea la urmatoarea actiune a nationalei: doua reveniri de marca! Mircea Lucescu vrea alternative! Ce jucatori ar putea aparea la urmatoarea actiune a nationalei: doua reveniri de marca! Un oras misterios a fost descoperit la mare adancime sub Piramidele din Egipt. Controverse si scepticism Un oras misterios a fost descoperit la mare adancime sub Piramidele din Egipt. Controverse si scepticism Protestele fata de arestarea primarului Istanbulului se intensifica Protestele fata de arestarea primarului Istanbulului se intensifica Cristiano Ronaldo, pregatit sa se sacrifice la echipa nationala: Daca Portugalia castiga si eu nu joc, voi fi primul care va semna pentru asta! Cristiano Ronaldo, pregatit sa se sacrifice la echipa nationala: "Daca Portugalia castiga si eu nu joc, voi fi primul care va semna pentru asta!" ANPC a amendat cu 110.000 de lei unitatile care desfasoara activitati de comercializare a pestelui in Halele Centrale Obor ANPC a amendat cu 110.000 de lei unitatile care desfasoara activitati de comercializare a pestelui in Halele Centrale Obor Tudose atrage atentia asupra posibilitatii ca Romania sa fie aruncata in criza daca Antonescu pierde alegerile Tudose atrage atentia asupra posibilitatii ca Romania sa fie aruncata in criza daca Antonescu pierde alegerile Atacantul asteptat in Serie A e comparat cu Mbappe: Foarte greu de oprit Atacantul asteptat in Serie A e comparat cu Mbappe: "Foarte greu de oprit" Ajuns in San Marino, Mihai Stoichita exclama: Pe mine m-a frapat un singur lucru! Ajuns in San Marino, Mihai Stoichita exclama: "Pe mine m-a frapat un singur lucru!" Daca esti printre cei care ingheata painea, mananci intr-un mod foarte sanatos, dezvaluie un nutritionist "Daca esti printre cei care ingheata painea, mananci intr-un mod foarte sanatos", dezvaluie un nutritionist Lyon a decis sa-l vanda! 3 colosi europeni pe urmele jucatorului Lyon a decis sa-l vanda! 3 colosi europeni pe urmele jucatorului Iranul a instalat sisteme de rachete pe mai multe insule strategice din Golf Iranul a instalat sisteme de rachete pe mai multe insule strategice din Golf Trimisul lui Trump preia ideiile lui Putin si respinge planul premierului britanic pentru Ucraina. Nu trebuie sa fim cu totii Winston Churchill Trimisul lui Trump preia ideiile lui Putin si respinge planul premierului britanic pentru Ucraina. "Nu trebuie sa fim cu totii Winston Churchill" CTP, despre zborurile private de zeci de milioane de lei ale lui Iohannis: Asta se numeste Iohaneala CTP, despre zborurile private de zeci de milioane de lei ale lui Iohannis: "Asta se numeste Iohaneala"


Stiri locale

The world and #39;s largest iceber, an ice giant with an unpredictable path

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
The world and #39;s largest iceber, an ice giant with an unpredictable path The world and #39;s largest iceberg, A23a, has sTOPPED about 70 kilometers from South Georgia Island, an isolated region of Antarctica, thus reducing the risk of a collision that could have affected the local ecosystem. ...continuare.

Jorg Kramer, Commerzbank: 'The exodus of German companies to other countries must be sTOPPED'

publicat 2025-02-26 00:00:10 (Bursa)
Jorg Kramer, Commerzbank: 'The exodus of German companies to other countries must be s<span style='background:#EDF514'>TOPPED</span>' The economic situation in Germany is becoming increasingly worrying, and the exodus of companies to other countries is an alarming phenomenon, says Jorg Kramer, chief economist of Commerzbank, in an article published on the website wallstreet-online.de, which quotes the dpa (Deutsche Presse-Agentur). ...continuare.

Why is Calin Georgescu unbeatable?

publicat 2025-02-21 00:00:43 (Bursa)
Why is Calin Georgescu unbeatable? Calin Georgescu has no opponent. He cannot be sTOPPED from marching towards Cotroceni by the parties in the ruling coalition, because they do not have the intellectual and moral resources to invent a real competitor for him. ...continuare.

Bitcoin and #39;s March to $100,000 Has STOPPED; Why?

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
* Bitwise: 'Long-Term Investors Have Started to Distribute Significant Amounts During Recent Rally' * Galaxy Digital: 'There Was a Huge Seller Last Week; Sold $14-15 Billion in Bitcoin' ...continuare.

Bitcoin and #39;s March to $100,000 Has STOPPED; Why?

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Bitcoin and #39;s March to $100,000 Has S<span style='background:#EDF514'>TOPPED</span>; Why? * Bitwise: 'Long-Term Investors Have Started to Distribute Significant Amounts During Recent Rally' * Galaxy Digital: 'There Was a Huge Seller Last Week; Sold $14-15 Billion in Bitcoin' ...continuare.

The United States - at the top of the ranking of global arms spending

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The United States - at the top of the ranking of global arms spending The United States TOPPED the list of countries with the highest military spending in 2023, dedicating $916 billion to the military, according to statista.com. ...continuare.

For the protection of depositors, the Bank of Israel is closely monitoring its banking system

publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Bank of Israel has requested that banks present a plan to redirect deposits from current accounts to term deposits, after banks sTOPPED paying interest on these accounts, according to the Israeli press. The letter sent by the Bank of Israel includes, according to sources, requirements for active measures, such as proactive phone calls to clients, and explains the need to reduce interest rate discrepancies between different categories of clients. ...continuare.

Agricultural giant Syngenta withdraws from listing on the Chinese market

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The Shanghai Stock Exchange has sTOPPED the process of reviewing the listing application Swiss agrochemicals and seeds giant Syngenta withdrew its request for a multibillion-dollar listing on the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Friday amid a period of weakness in China and #39;s stock market, Reuters reports. ...continuare.

The EURO 2024 trophy has sTOPPED in Bucharest

publicat 2024-03-01 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The national team did not play a single match at the final tournament of EURO 2024, but the coveted cup has already arrived in Bucharest. ...continuare.

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