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UE vrea mai multe gaze din afara Rusiei si accelerarea energiilor regenerabile UE vrea mai multe gaze din afara Rusiei si accelerarea energiilor regenerabile Surse: Ilie Bolojan va convoca CSAT la sfarsitul saptamanii viitoare Surse: Ilie Bolojan va convoca CSAT la sfarsitul saptamanii viitoare lie Bolojan pregateste o sedinta CSAT saptamana viitoare lie Bolojan pregateste o sedinta CSAT saptamana viitoare UE vrea sa inlocuiasca gazul rusesc care ajunge in tezaurul de razboi al lui Putin UE vrea sa inlocuiasca gazul rusesc care ajunge "in tezaurul de razboi al lui Putin" Camera Deputatilor achizitioneaza servicii de transport aerian pe rutele nationale interne si de reparatii autovehicule Camera Deputatilor achizitioneaza servicii de transport aerian pe rutele nationale interne si de reparatii autovehicule Mai multe autoturisme furate din Marea Britanie au fost confiscate. Care este valoarea totala a masinilor Mai multe autoturisme furate din Marea Britanie au fost confiscate. Care este valoarea totala a masinilor Cum fura infractorii cibernetici banii sau datele cetatenilor. Noi modalitati descoperite de specialisti Cum fura infractorii cibernetici banii sau datele cetatenilor. Noi modalitati descoperite de specialisti Ucrainean care planuia un sabotaj pentru Rusia, condamnat la 8 ani de inchisoare in Polonia Ucrainean care planuia un sabotaj pentru Rusia, condamnat la 8 ani de inchisoare in Polonia Doua zodii atrag norocul si abundenta pe 22 Februarie 2025 Doua zodii atrag norocul si abundenta pe 22 Februarie 2025 Tomatele, in top 10 produse agroalimentare care au creat deficit Romaniei in 2024, desi prin programul Tomata s-au dat aproape 2 mld. lei pentru a creste productia Tomatele, in top 10 produse agroalimentare care au creat deficit Romaniei in 2024, desi prin programul Tomata s-au dat aproape 2 mld. lei pentru a creste productia Mii de oameni lucrau in aceste uzine uriase din Romania. Una dintre ele a fost ridicata in doar 14 luni Mii de oameni lucrau in aceste uzine uriase din Romania. Una dintre ele a fost ridicata in doar 14 luni Singura ancora in plina furtuna globala raman resursele: Romania are una dintre cele mai mici dependente de importuri energetice din UE. Anul trecut, gazul intern si depozitele au acoperit cererea. Cresterea productiei de energie si gaze devine aproape obligatorie Singura ancora in plina furtuna globala raman resursele: Romania are una dintre cele mai mici dependente de importuri energetice din UE. Anul trecut, gazul intern si depozitele au acoperit cererea. Cresterea productiei de energie si gaze devine aproape obligatorie De ce ne chinuim sa mergem la culcare. Explicatia stiintifica te va surprinde De ce ne chinuim sa mergem la culcare. Explicatia stiintifica te va surprinde Mirodeniile exotice, secretul impotriva imbatranirii si hrana pentru tinerete Mirodeniile exotice, secretul impotriva imbatranirii si hrana pentru tinerete Ce tendinte de culoare sunt la moda in acest an pe piata auto Ce tendinte de culoare sunt la moda in acest an pe piata auto


Stiri locale

FP starts the administrator selection procedure

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
FP starts the administrator selection procedure * The fund manager should focus on investing in domestic entities, including state-owned enterprises, according to a selection criterion * FP shareholders recently extended Franklin Templeton and #39;s trusteeship until March 2026, but rejected Finance and #39;s request to preserve the fund and #39;s current assets ...continuare.

Americans and #39; investments in listed shares, close to a record

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Americans and #39; investments in listed shares, close to a record The share of financial assets invested by Americans (households and non-profit entities) in listed stocks is approaching record levels, just above the peak recorded in 2021, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which points out that investor confidence, a strong (US) economy and the superior historical performance of the last decades encourages this type of investment. ...continuare.

FP shareholders were convened for the election of the fund administrator

publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The investment mandate of the FP should focus mainly on the continuation of investments in national entities', is one of the criteria that the administrator must fulfill, subject to the vote of the shareholders Fondul Proprietatea (FP) shareholders are summoned, on September 27, to an ordinary and an extraordinary meeting, where they will vote on the extension of Franklin Templeton and #39;s mandate by one year, from April 2025 to March 2026, or the election of a new administrator, for a... ...continuare.

FP shareholders were convened for the election of the fund administrator

publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The investment mandate of the FP should focus mainly on the continuation of investments in national entities', is one of the criteria that the administrator must fulfill, subject to the vote of the shareholders Fondul Proprietatea (FP) shareholders are summoned, on September 27, to an ordinary and an extraordinary meeting, where they will vote on the extension of Franklin Templeton and #39;s mandate by one year, from April 2025 to March 2026, or the election of a new administrator, for a... ...continuare.

New financial instruments for financing military expenditure

publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
In the context of the increase in defense spending at the European level and the need to quickly equip the Romanian armed forces with the latest equipment and technology, compatible with those of NATO allies, in order to ensure the stability of the defense of the Eastern Flank, the Ministry of Finance wants to diversify the instruments of financing so that the Government and state-owned companies can access the specific funds made available by other states and government entities for the... ...continuare.

Registrations for the second round of the Rabla Plus program

publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Administration of the Environment Fund is launching, today, a new stage of registrations within the Rabla Plus Program, for legal entities, administrative-territorial units and public institutions, according to a press release issued by the Ministry of the Environment. ...continuare.

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