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Locul din Europa unde cerul se uneste cu Pamantul. Peisajul e de vis, trebuie sa ajungi macar o data in viata
Efectul neasteptat dupa intrarea Romaniei in Schengen. Economist: "Am zambit cand i-am auzit pe unii ca e bine"
EVENIMENTE Muzeul Municipiului Bucuresti - Ziua Culturii Nationale
O cometa rara poate fi vazuta pentru prima data in 160.000 de ani. Astronaut NASA: "Este absolut uimitor"
Romani premiati la International Classical Music Awards (ICMA) in 2025
Meta concediaza 5% din personal. Mark Zuckerberg anunta ca angajatii neperformanti ai Facebook, Instagram si WhatsApp pleaca acasa
Cum ar putea aduce Trump sfarsitul regimului iranian
Celebram Ziua Culturii la Teatrul Ion Creanga!
Bambi, salvat de pompieri din apa rece a unui iaz din Suceava
Marcel Ciolacu, viral pe TikTok cu sarmale pe cap, din biroul sau de prim-ministru al Romaniei | VIDEO
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Metoda ingenioasa care ne asigura o friptura de vita mult mai frageda! Este secretul bucatarilor cu experienta
Europa Centrala se inclina catre Moscova. Riscuri pentru aprovizionarea Ucrainei cu arme
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Incendiile din Los Angeles. Un sat imens aparut pe nisipul auriu al unei plaje din Malibu gazduieste temporar mii de pompieri
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Surse de stiri
Cotidianul | Romania TV | Pro Sport | Evenimentul Zilei | Click | Puterea | Adevarul | Gandul | Bursa | Jurnalul National | Money.ro | Curierul National | CanCan | Madone | ComputerWorld Romania | Ziarul Financiar | Income Magazine | Libertatea | Mediafax | Chip | ProTV | Realitatea TV | Catalin Tolontan | Gazeta Sporturilor | Realitatea Romaneasca | Cronica Romana | Romania Libera | Go4IT | Antena 1 | AgoraNews | Ziarul Atac | Dilema Veche | Antena3 | Ziare Mondene | eInformatii | Capital | OnlineSport | SmartNews | Gazeta de agricultura | Hit | Toate stirileBusiness warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation
publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:11 (Bursa)
THE RIGid approach of tightening the fiscal environment is the worst option the Government can take at the moment, said yesterday the participants at the press conference 'What are we doing with the Romanian economy?', organized by the Association for Economic and Social Studies and Forecasts, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) and the Romanian Employers and #39; Confederation.
Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation
publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:11 (Bursa)
THE RIGid approach of tightening the fiscal environment is the worst option the Government can take at the moment, said yesterday the participants at the press conference 'What are we doing with the Romanian economy?', organized by the Association for Economic and Social Studies and Forecasts, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) and the Romanian Employers and #39; Confederation.
Laura Codruta Kovesi, the target of a criminal complaint in the 'PfizerGates' scandal
publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Laura Codruta Kovesi, the head of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office (EPPO), is accused of 'establishing a group of officials for the purpose of committing an arbitrary act that attacks THE RIGhts and freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution,' according to the criminal complaint filed by Belgian lobbyist Frederic Baldan, according to an article published by the French daily France-Soir.
Diaspora, massive vote also in the parliamentary elections
publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Romanian citizens in the diaspora with THE RIGht to vote also mobilized in the parliamentary elections, for which they could express their option on two days: Saturday, November 30, and Sunday, December 1.
The referendum called by Nicusor Dan has passed the first validation threshold
publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
The citizens with THE RIGht to vote in Bucharest yesterday expressed, in addition to the option for the position of President of Romania, those regarding the questions in the referendum organized by the General City Hall of the Capital, a referendum that far exceeded the minimum threshold of 30% to be considered valid, following the counting it will be established whether the threshold of validly expressed votes for validation has also been passed.
The presidential campaign has begun, Ciolacu is the favorite in the polls
publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The campaign for the presidential elections - whose first round of voting will take place on November 24 - started yesterday and will end on November 23, at 7:00 a.m., during which the 14 candidates will try to convince citizens with THE RIGht to vote to give them confidence for a mandate in Cotroceni.
Greenlight Capital: Buffett and #39;s recent sales show how overvalued the stock market is
publicat 2024-10-18 00:00:07 (Bursa)
* 'The Oracle of Omaha has a knack for reducing exposures at THE RIGht times,' the Greenlight founder says of Buffett
The Sovereign Investment Fund proposed by the Simion Plan, difficult to implement in the current economic conditions
publicat 2024-09-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*Simion and #39;s plan provides for the establishment of a Sovereign Investment Fund on the model of the one existing in Norway *FSI proposed by Simion will not hold shares in state energy companies, but will be fed with 50% of the dividends granted and with royalties and other taxes of exploitation *Romanian citizens could become shareholders of this fund and would have THE RIGht of pre-emption for the sale of shares in state companies *Experts believe...
One United has started the capital increase through which it wants to attract up to 70 million euros
publicat 2024-08-20 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The operation involves a stage in which subscriptions are made on the basis of pre-emptive rights, THE RIGhts to be traded on the BSE
The real estate developer One United Properties (ONE) started, yesterday, the capital increase operation through which it wants to attract up to 70 million euros, by issuing a maximum of 1.75 billion new shares, according to a report of the company published on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB).
GRECO passed our grade: satisfactory report on the rule of law
publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
With 8 out of 13 recommendations satisfactorily met, the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) believes that our country is on THE RIGht track regarding the rule of law, according to the report published yesterday, but adopted in the plenary on June 21, 2024. The five recommendations that do not are still completed refer to the conflict of interests among parliamentarians and the lack of transparency of the legislative process.
The debut at EURO 2024 and the sand castles at the North Pole
publicat 2024-06-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The national team debuts today at EURO 2024, against Ukraine. We can still dream and it would be a shame not to. The time of critical realism is coming, inevitably, but until then, until the referee and #39;s first whistle, we can build as many sand castles as we want on the beaches of the North Pole. We know the stats, we and #39;ve seen the games, we and #39;re aware of the team and #39;s limitations, but we still have THE RIGht to say despite all the...
O fosta directoare pentru diversitate a Facebook si Nike, condamnata la 5 ani de inchisoare pentru frauda de 5 milioane de dolari
publicat 2024-05-20 08:00:12 (Money.ro)
Barbara Furlow-Smiles, din statul american Georgia, care a pledat vinovata de frauda electronica in acest caz in decembrie, a furat peste 4,9 milioane de dolari de la Facebook "folosind o schema care implica vanzatori fraudulosi, facturi false si plati ilegale", a declarat procurorul american Ryan Buchanan din Atlanta."Dupa ce a fost concediata de la Facebook, ea a continuat frauda ca director pentru DEI la Nike, unde a furat inca o suma de sase cifre din programul lor pentru diversitate", a...
THE PFIZERGATE FILE Laura Codruta Kovesi, accused of obstructing THE RIGht to defense in the case of Covid 19 purchases
publicat 2024-05-14 00:30:03 (Bursa)
Laura Codruta Kovesi, chief prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office, and the EPPO are accused by the French lawyer Diane Protat in a criminal complaint for preventing the exercise of THE RIGht to the defense, says the publication France Soir in an article published at the end of last week.
Eurobarometer: Romanian citizens, uninterested in climate action at the European level
publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Citizens with THE RIGht to vote in our country are not interested in the Green Deal, climate actions and reducing emissions at the European level, according to the latest Eurobarometer published yesterday by the community public opinion polling institution.
AISIF: Blue Capital, the largest real shareholder of Lion Capital, has ended up powerless in the hands of a management that exclusively pursues its own interests
publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* AISIF informs the new management of ASF to protect THE RIGhts of all investors in the capital market
* Blue Capital is demanding that Lion Capital pay dividends and make buybacks for the benefit of shareholders
* The Pilon II pension funds have been running for several years from the shareholding of Lion Capital, SIF Muntenia and Infinity Capital Investment
Reper brings to the table of the Venice Commission the ordinance regarding the consolidation of elections
publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Reper representatives notified the European Commission, the Venice Commission and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights within the OSCE about the Government and #39;s change in the electoral legislation, by emergency ordinance, three months before the European and local elections, with the aim of eliminates, in practice, THE RIGht of the newly established parties to have representatives in the polling stations, announced, yesterday, on...
Democracy, closely related to education
publicat 2024-03-05 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The connection between education and the conscious exercise of THE RIGht to vote is a very close one.
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universitatea transilvania din brasov
the rig
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camere de filmat
pe national arena
un tata
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ziarul libertatea
ramona badescu
sorin campeanu
luiz estevao
dama de companie
jean de la craiova
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