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Calin Georgescu pierde la CEDO / Curtea i-a respins cererea de suspendare a deciziei CCR privind anularea alegerilor prezidentiale Calin Georgescu pierde la CEDO / Curtea i-a respins cererea de suspendare a deciziei CCR privind anularea alegerilor prezidentiale Gheorghe Flutur a demisionat de la conducerea PNL Suceava, dupa 24 de ani Gheorghe Flutur a demisionat de la conducerea PNL Suceava, dupa 24 de ani Power Couple Romania sezon 2, 21 ianuarie 2025. Concurentele au trecut prin foc si apa ca sa isi salveze partenerii! Ce s-a aflat Power Couple Romania sezon 2, 21 ianuarie 2025. Concurentele au trecut prin foc si apa ca sa isi salveze partenerii! Ce s-a aflat Marturisirea neasteptata facuta de Stefan Banica jr: Este cea mai mare pacaleala pe care mi-am luat-o vreodata la X Factor Marturisirea neasteptata facuta de Stefan Banica jr: "Este cea mai mare pacaleala pe care mi-am luat-o vreodata la X Factor" Opozitia il acuza pe premierul Robert Fico ca pregateste iesirea tarii din UE Opozitia il acuza pe premierul Robert Fico ca pregateste iesirea tarii din UE OpenAI si SoftBank lanseaza in SUA Stargate, un proiect de infrastructura pentru inteligenta artificiala de 100 mld. dolari, suma putand ajunge pana la 500 mld. dolari in urmatorii patru ani. Presedintele Donald Trump: Aceast proiect monumental este o declaratie rasunatoare de incredere in potentialul Americii sub un nou presedinte OpenAI si SoftBank lanseaza in SUA Stargate, un proiect de infrastructura pentru inteligenta artificiala de 100 mld. dolari, suma putand ajunge pana la 500 mld. dolari in urmatorii patru ani. Presedintele Donald Trump: Aceast proiect monumental este o declaratie rasunatoare de incredere in potentialul Americii sub un nou presedinte Olaf Scholz face apel la calm dupa investirea lui Donald Trump Olaf Scholz face apel la calm dupa investirea lui Donald Trump Morun de 888 kg? Internautii se cearta pe o imagine chipurile de la 1890 Morun de 888 kg? Internautii se cearta pe o imagine chipurile de la 1890 Criza energetica in Transnistria: Chisinaul a accesat Mecanismul de protectie civila al UE Criza energetica in Transnistria: Chisinaul a accesat Mecanismul de protectie civila al UE Calin Georgescu a pierdut la CEDO in dosarul alegerilor prezidentiale anulate de CCR Calin Georgescu a pierdut la CEDO in dosarul alegerilor prezidentiale anulate de CCR Care era numele real al lui Iisus Hristos? Motivul neasteptat pentru care acesta a fost modificat Care era numele real al lui Iisus Hristos? Motivul neasteptat pentru care acesta a fost modificat Melania Trump s-a pregatit asiduu pentru Casa Alba, in ultimele doua luni Melania Trump s-a pregatit asiduu pentru Casa Alba, in ultimele doua luni ZF Live. Ce spune presedintele Asociatiei Oamenilor de Afaceri Romani despre schema de ajutor de stat pentru industrie: ministerul trebuie sa continue schema de ajutor de stat. Teama noastra este ca nu se vor mai aloca banii, pentru a face economie la buget ZF Live. Ce spune presedintele Asociatiei Oamenilor de Afaceri Romani despre schema de ajutor de stat pentru industrie: ministerul trebuie sa continue schema de ajutor de stat. Teama noastra este ca nu se vor mai aloca banii, pentru a face economie la buget Kelemen Hunor are incredere in Antonescu: Are prima sansa sa intre in turul al doilea Kelemen Hunor are incredere in Antonescu: Are prima sansa sa intre in turul al doilea Seful Binance: Piata criptomonedelor ar putea atinge un nou maxim istoric in 2025 Seful Binance: Piata criptomonedelor ar putea atinge un nou maxim istoric in 2025


Stiri locale

Students criticize the government program

publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Students criticize the government program Students entered 2025 with a sharper critical spirit than THE ONE manifested in the recent period. The National Alliance of Student Organizations of Romania (ANOSR) criticizes the Government Program for the period 2024-2028, adopted by the Romanian Government, stating 'with disappointment' that only a fifth of the students and #39; proposals were integrated at least in a partial form, at least at thematic level, within it. ...continuare.

Pro-European messages versus sovereignist rhetoric

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Pro-European messages versus sovereignist rhetoric Most political leaders in our country sent, after exercising their right to vote, pro-European messages, with the exception of George Simion, the leader of AUR, and Calin Georgescu, who until today at 5 pm when the Constitutional Court of Romania is due to rule, is THE ONE in first place after the first round of the presidential elections, the two continuing the sovereignist rhetoric displayed so far. ...continuare.

The Sovereign Investment Fund proposed by the Simion Plan, difficult to implement in the current economic conditions

publicat 2024-09-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Sovereign Investment Fund proposed by the Simion Plan, difficult to implement in the current economic conditions *Simion and #39;s plan provides for the establishment of a Sovereign Investment Fund on the model of THE ONE existing in Norway *FSI proposed by Simion will not hold shares in state energy companies, but will be fed with 50% of the dividends granted and with royalties and other taxes of exploitation *Romanian citizens could become shareholders of this fund and would have the right of pre-emption for the sale of shares in state companies *Experts believe... ...continuare.

Fostul star din Premier League, concediat pentru ca le trimitea "mesaje nepotrivite" colegelor sale » Lupta sa-si salveze casnicia de 13 ani

publicat 2024-08-25 14:15:05 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Fostul star din Premier League, concediat pentru ca le trimitea mesaje nepotrivite colegelor sale » Lupta sa-si salveze casnicia de 13 ani Dupa ce Kyle Walker (34 de ani), fundasul dreapta de la Manchester City, a fost dat afara din casa de sotie, inca un star e in centrul unui scandal de proportii in Anglia.Este vorba despre Jermaine Jenas (41 de ani), fost jucator la Tottenham, Nottingham Forest, Newcastle si QPR, care pana in prezent, era prezentator la emisiunea THE ONE Show la BBC si de asemenea, specialist care analiza meciurile din Premier League la acelasi post. ... ...continuare.

Marcel Ciolacu: 'Payment request number 3 will be approved only partially, due to the non-fulfillment of some benchmarks set out in the PNRR'

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Marcel Ciolacu: 'Payment request number 3 will be approved only partially, due to the non-fulfillment of some benchmarks set out in the PNRR' *Among the unfulfilled milestones is THE ONE regarding the non-finalization of the operationalization of AMEPIP management and non-compliance with corporate governance at the state energy companies *The Head of Government said that the respective milestone will be fulfilled in 6-8 months, because the current legislation must be changed *Until then, a a significant part of the 2.1 billion euros requested through payment request number 3 will be blocked... ...continuare.

Southgate cel mare, langa Ramsey si Clough

publicat 2024-07-11 11:45:08 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Southgate cel mare, langa Ramsey si Clough Fanii Angliei de astazi nu au nicio curiozitate in ceea ce-i priveste pe selectionerii care n-au obtinut nimic cu reprezentativa Three Lions, la un mic studiu ar afla ca Southgate e unul dintre cei mai mari antrenori pe care i-a dat AngliaSouthgate you're THE ONE, o adaptare a piesei Whole Again, i-au cantat fetele de la Atomic Kitten, live, lui Gareth Southgate, inainte de Euro 2020, disputat in 2021, un refren care rasuna pe stadioanele din Germania,... ...continuare.

BURSA newspaper launched an exceptional book - 'The Kingdom of God on Earth', by MAKE

publicat 2024-05-31 00:00:03 (Bursa)
'The Kingdom of God on Earth', written by Make, was successfully launched at Bookfest and represents the third book written and published in the last eight years by the general director of BURSA Newspaper. In 2016, the book 'The solution to the crisis' was published, which concludes that we are at the end of the road in the evolutionary branch that human society took in the century of Shakespeare and that the solution to the crisis consists in the revelation of the desirable society, with... ...continuare.

"THE ONE, The Funk"

publicat 2024-04-01 20:30:05 (Adevarul)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>THE ONE</span>, The Funk La inceput a fost suspiciunea. La fel ca toate numele care provoaca noutate, cuvantul "funk" nu suna bine. Dar la vremea lor, cuvinte precum jazz, blues, swing sau rock'n'roll sunau la fel de dubios. Asta a fost atunci. ...continuare.

Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'The energy sector is THE ONE from which investors receive the highest dividends'

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'OMV Petrom has a declared dividend policy, which I think all companies on the BVB Main Market should have' The energy sector is one of the most important on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), a characteristic that is given, first of all, by the fact that it is the sector from which investors receive the highest dividends, says Marcel Murgoci, director of operations of Estinvest brokerage company. ...continuare.

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