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Bursa de la Bucuresti, in dialog cu studentii. Cat de mare este deschiderea tinerilor pentru investitiile la bursa si ce vor sa stie Bursa de la Bucuresti, in dialog cu studentii. Cat de mare este deschiderea tinerilor pentru investitiile la bursa si ce vor sa stie Liverpool - PSG, retur de foc pe Anfield: arbitreaza Istvan Kovacs » Echipe probabile + cote Liverpool - PSG, retur de foc pe Anfield: arbitreaza Istvan Kovacs » Echipe probabile + cote Calin Georgescu afla azi daca poate candida sau nu la alegerile prezidentiale Calin Georgescu afla azi daca poate candida sau nu la alegerile prezidentiale Legea privind pensiile militare de stat, in atentia CCR. Sesizarea facuta de Avocatul Poporului Legea privind pensiile militare de stat, in atentia CCR. Sesizarea facuta de Avocatul Poporului Accident infiorator in Mamaia. O masina cu 5 persoane s-a rupt in dupa ce a lovit un stalp. Avea 170, pe putin Accident infiorator in Mamaia. O masina cu 5 persoane s-a rupt in dupa ce a lovit un stalp. "Avea 170, pe putin" Carlos Alcaraz, zambete pe teren la Indian Wells datorita unor fani inventivi: La final am facut un selfie cu ei, cred ca merita Carlos Alcaraz, zambete pe teren la Indian Wells datorita unor fani inventivi: "La final am facut un selfie cu ei, cred ca merita" Sefii de stat-major din Europa, la Paris pentru a discuta garantiile de securitate pentru Ucraina Sefii de stat-major din Europa, la Paris pentru a discuta garantiile de securitate pentru Ucraina Ce a spus unul dintre protestatarii violenti, dupa ce a fost retinut pentru distrugere Ce a spus unul dintre protestatarii violenti, dupa ce a fost retinut pentru distrugere Director BNR: Un sfert din populatie merge cel putin 5 km pentru a gasi un bancomat Director BNR: Un sfert din populatie merge cel putin 5 km pentru a gasi un bancomat Socul trait de Florin Prunea cand sa intre in hotel cu noua lui cucerire: Bai baieti, ia uitati-va la marul lui Adam! Socul trait de Florin Prunea cand sa intre in hotel cu noua lui cucerire: "Bai baieti, ia uitati-va la marul lui Adam!" Cel mai mare lot de debutanti din Formula 1 din ultimii ani: cine ia locul campionilor Cel mai mare lot de debutanti din Formula 1 din ultimii ani: cine ia locul campionilor Atac masiv asupra Moscovei. Dronele ucrainene au provocat haos in Rusia, inaintea negocierilor de pace din Arabia Saudita Atac "masiv" asupra Moscovei. Dronele ucrainene au provocat haos in Rusia, inaintea negocierilor de pace din Arabia Saudita Accident grav in Constanta. Un mort si patru raniti, dupa ce un autoturism s-a izbit de un indicator rutier Accident grav in Constanta. Un mort si patru raniti, dupa ce un autoturism s-a izbit de un indicator rutier Un test nou prezice efectul secundar periculos al imunoterapiei pentru cancer Un test nou prezice efectul secundar periculos al imunoterapiei pentru cancer Bursa. Actiunile Impact au crescut cu 22% in ultima saptamana. De ce? Bursa. Actiunile Impact au crescut cu 22% in ultima saptamana. De ce?


Stiri locale

InternationalFEST 2025, a festival dedicated to engineering STUDIES in foreign languages

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
InternationalFEST 2025, a festival dedicated to engineering <span style='background:#EDF514'>STUDIES</span> in foreign languages The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest, through the Faculty of Engineering in Foreign Languages, is organizing, on March 5-6, the first edition of InternationalFEST 2025. ...continuare.

Irina Patrahau, The Hague Centre for Strategic STUDIES: Nu avem nevoie de capacitate de prelucrare pentru materii prime in toate tarile, sa facem acelasi lucru doar de dragul de a avea independenta nationala. De aceea este important sa colaboram in Europa, dar si sa investim in tot lantul valoric

publicat 2025-02-28 16:15:50 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Irina Patrahau, The Hague Centre for Strategic <span style='background:#EDF514'>STUDIES</span>: Nu avem nevoie de capacitate de prelucrare pentru materii prime in toate tarile, sa facem acelasi lucru doar de dragul de a avea independenta nationala. De aceea este important sa colaboram in Europa, dar si sa investim in tot lantul valoric Autor: Mircea Nica Nu avem nevoie de capacitate de prelucrare pentru materii prime in toate tarile, sa facem acelasi lucru doar de dragul de a avea independenta nationala. De aceea este important sa colaboram in Europa, dar si sa investim in tot lantul valoric, a spus Irina Patrahau, Strategic Analyst Raw Materials, The Hague Centre for Strategic STUDIES, in cadrul ZF Power Summit 2025, in cea de-a treia zi. ...continuare.

Asteroidul 2024 YR4 nu va lovi Pamantul, spune NASA

publicat 2025-02-25 13:15:27 (Mediafax)
Asteroidul 2024 YR4 nu va lovi Pamantul, spune NASA Asteroidul 2024 YR4, care este aproape de marimea unui teren de fotbal, are acum aproximativ 0,004% sanse sa loveasca Pamantul in aproximativ opt ani, conform celor mai recente calcule ale agentiei spatiale. Center for Near-Earth Object STUDIES estimase anterior o sansa de 3% ca asteroidul sa loveasca planeta noastra, inainte de a reduce sansele la 0,28%, saptamana trecuta. ...continuare.

Encouraging STUDIES: personalized vaccine against kidney cancer

publicat 2025-02-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Encouraging <span style='background:#EDF514'>STUDIES</span>: personalized vaccine against kidney cancer A personalized vaccine against advanced kidney cancer has shown encouraging results in a clinical trial, with all nine patients included generating an anticancer immune response after the first dose. The research, conducted at the Dana-Farber Institute in the US, was recently published in the journal Nature. ...continuare.

Economic STUDIES: 12,000 Places for Bachelor and #39;s, Master and #39;s and Doctorate

publicat 2025-01-30 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Economic <span style='background:#EDF514'>STUDIES</span>: 12,000 Places for Bachelor and #39;s, Master and #39;s and Doctorate The Academy of Economic STUDIES (ASE) in Bucharest announced the tuition offer for the 2025-2026 academic year, making available over 12,000 places for bachelor and #39;s, master and #39;s and doctoral programs. ...continuare.

Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation

publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation The rigid approach of tightening the fiscal environment is the worst option the Government can take at the moment, said yesterday the participants at the press conference 'What are we doing with the Romanian economy?', organized by the Association for Economic and Social STUDIES and Forecasts, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) and the Romanian Employers and #39; Confederation. ...continuare.

Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation

publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation The rigid approach of tightening the fiscal environment is the worst option the Government can take at the moment, said yesterday the participants at the press conference 'What are we doing with the Romanian economy?', organized by the Association for Economic and Social STUDIES and Forecasts, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) and the Romanian Employers and #39; Confederation. ...continuare.

Groundbreaking Archaeological Discoveries in Turkiye in 2024

publicat 2025-01-13 11:15:15 (Bursa)
Groundbreaking Archaeological Discoveries in Turkiye in 2024 Turkiye, which has recently made a splash in archaeological circles worldwide with groundbreaking discoveries, continues to unveil significant findings through year-round excavations, revealing traces of life from thousands of years ago. The number of archaeological STUDIES in the country, which first increased to 720 in 2023, has already risen to 765 in 2024, with plans to reach 800 by 2026. Dubbed the Golden Age of Archaeology, 2024 has also been... ...continuare.

Education: 'Two-in-one' order published in the Official Gazette

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Education: 'Two-in-one' order published in the Official Gazette Students in a hurry to finish their STUDIES faster have good news. The Order of the Minister of Education approving the methodology for promoting two years of STUDIES in one school year in pre-university education has been published in the Official Gazette. ...continuare.

Education, approved methodology for the 'two in one' system

publicat 2024-12-20 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Education, approved methodology for the 'two in one' system The Social Dialogue Commission of the Ministry of Education has approved the methodology for promoting two years of STUDIES in one school year in pre-university education. ...continuare.

Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects: ASE, 1st place in the country in the field of Economics

publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects: ASE, 1st place in the country in the field of Economics ASE ranks 301-400th globally and 1st place in the country in the field of Economics in the prestigious Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, edition 2024. The Academy of Economic STUDIES in Bucharest re-entered this year in the international ranking, which included over 1900 universities from 96 countries, within 55 fields of study. ...continuare.

Dual education, an extra chance at employment

publicat 2024-09-30 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Dual education, an extra chance at employment Students who participate in dual education have a greater chance of employment after completing their STUDIES than those who do not choose this system, but for its development, public policies are needed at the Government level to encourage the development of the private sector, said Iulian Cristache, expert in educational policies. ...continuare.

The Academy of Economic STUDIES in Bucharest, stormed by freshmen

publicat 2024-09-27 00:00:05 (Bursa)
The Academy of Economic <span style='background:#EDF514'>STUDIES</span> in Bucharest, stormed by freshmen The Academy of Economic STUDIES in Bucharest begins the academic year 2024-2025 with a number of over 10,500 freshmen in the undergraduate, master and #39;s and doctoral university programs. ...continuare.

Financial Times: Prigojin a folosit doua celebre banci occidentale pentru a plati trupele Wagner

publicat 2024-09-25 07:15:15 (Mediafax)
Financial Times: Prigojin a folosit doua celebre banci occidentale pentru a plati trupele Wagner Documente obtinute de Center for Advanced Defense STUDIES (C4ADS), un think-tank american, au aratat ca o companie sudaneza detinuta de Prigojin a cumparat echipament industrial din China, platile fiind procesate de mari banci vestice. ...continuare.

Young people are exploring new destinations and fields of study abroad

publicat 2024-09-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Young people are exploring new destinations and fields of study abroad In recent years, young people from our country have begun to expand their options for international STUDIES to new European and even global destinations. ...continuare.

Putin alcool in fiecare zi prelungeste cu adevarat viata? Un studiu lamureste situatia

publicat 2024-08-29 07:15:10 (Mediafax)
Putin alcool in fiecare zi prelungeste cu adevarat viata? Un studiu lamureste situatia O analiza a peste 100 de studii publicate in Journal of STUDIES on Alcohol and Drugs (JSAD) evidentiaza faptul ca lucrarile stiintifice care laudau beneficiile pentru sanatate ale alcoolului erau de o credibilitate indoielnica si adesea finantate de producatorii de bauturi alcoolice. ...continuare.

Misterul din spatele tablitelor babiloniene vechi de 4.000 de ani, care preziceau catastrofe, a fost rezolvat

publicat 2024-08-17 08:00:10 (Puterea)
Misterul din spatele tablitelor babiloniene vechi de 4.000 de ani, care preziceau catastrofe, a fost rezolvat O predictie de rau augur spune ca eclipsa de Luna de dimineata inseamna "sfarsitul unei dinastii". Arheologii au decodificat cu ajutorul inteligentei artificiale scrierea veche de 4.000 de ani pe tablite cuneiforme babiloniene antice, care preziceau pieirea, care au ramas netraduse de peste un secol, scrie Independent. Textul proaspat descifrat, publicat in Journal of Cuneiform STUDIES , […]The post Misterul din spatele tablitelor babiloniene... ...continuare.

Feasibility STUDIES for a high-speed railway between Bucharest and Budapest

publicat 2024-07-29 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Bucharest and Budapest would be connected by a high-speed railway, and the governments of Romania and Hungary will start feasibility STUDIES in this regard, said Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu, after the informal meeting he had on Friday in the Capital with his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban. ...continuare.

(P) Concurs pentru absolventii de liceu: locul 1 o bursa integrala de studii in valoare totala de 27.000 Euro

publicat 2024-07-08 11:15:11 (ProTV)
(P) Concurs pentru absolventii de liceu: locul 1 o bursa integrala de studii in valoare totala de 27.000 Euro Universitatea Româno-Americana, în parteneriat cu CITY College, University of York Europe Campus, ofera 3 burse de studiu la programul de licenta cu dubla diploma Business STUDIES (Marketing)*, care va începe în aceasta toamna! ...continuare.

Ungaria a devenit prima destinatie a investitiilor chineze din Europa

publicat 2024-06-10 03:00:57 (Bursa)
Un raport recent de la Rhodium Group si Mercator Institute for China STUDIES (MERICS) arata ca Ungaria a devenit principala destinatie europeana a investitiilor directe din China in 2023. Valoarea acestora a depasit valoarea cumulata a investitiilor realizate de companiile chineze in primele trei economii europene (Big 3), respectiv Germania, Franta si Marea Britanie (vezi graficul). ...continuare.

Scientists confirm long hot summer,

publicat 2024-05-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Meteorologists are rolling out information related to new and new records, and the STUDIES are not encouraging at all. ...continuare.

5 moduri de a creste un copil fericit

publicat 2024-03-14 22:00:07 (Jurnalul-National)
5 moduri de a creste un copil fericit Cand au fost intrebati care au crezut ca sunt cele mai fericite momente impreuna, parintii si copiii lor au primit adesea raspunsuri diferite. Parintii de obicei supraestimeaza sau subestimeaza cat de fericiti sunt copiii lor, potrivit unui studiu publicat in Journal of Happiness STUDIES. ...continuare.

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