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Mercedes de lux pentru Georgescu: Legatura cu Potra si finantarea ascunsa Mercedes de lux pentru Georgescu: Legatura cu Potra si finantarea ascunsa Horatiu Potra isi explica vizita in Rusia si legaturile cu Wagner: M-am dus sa vad daca au ceva cu mine Horatiu Potra isi explica vizita in Rusia si legaturile cu Wagner: "M-am dus sa vad daca au ceva cu mine" Horoscop 27 februarie 2025. Zi de foc pentru aceste zodii Horoscop 27 februarie 2025. Zi de foc pentru aceste zodii Bursa. Seceta si preturile mai mici la energie au diminuat rezultatele Hidroelectrica pe anul trecut. Cea mai mare companie de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti a raportat in asteptarile pietei: profit in scadere cu 35% si venituri cu 25% mai mici Bursa. Seceta si preturile mai mici la energie au diminuat rezultatele Hidroelectrica pe anul trecut. Cea mai mare companie de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti a raportat in asteptarile pietei: profit in scadere cu 35% si venituri cu 25% mai mici Proteste in SUA fata de reducerile de personal din sectorul public conduse de Musk. Este o miscare populara Proteste in SUA fata de reducerile de personal din sectorul public conduse de Musk. "Este o miscare populara" Ce spune Ministerul Public cu privire la dosarul lui Calin Georgescu Ce spune Ministerul Public cu privire la dosarul lui Calin Georgescu AI, incotro? Cum vede unul dintre cei mai mari specialisti ai Microsoft pe zona de AI utlizarea inteligentei artificiale in viitor AI, incotro? Cum vede unul dintre cei mai mari specialisti ai Microsoft pe zona de AI utlizarea inteligentei artificiale in viitor La Institutul Ana Aslan: investigatii de laborator compensate, chiar la final de luna La Institutul "Ana Aslan": investigatii de laborator compensate, chiar la final de luna Horoscop joi, 27 februarie. Un nativ sare in ajutorul tuturor, dar isi neglijeaza problemele personale Horoscop joi, 27 februarie. Un nativ sare in ajutorul tuturor, dar isi neglijeaza problemele personale Opt moduri de a slabi rapid si sanatos, cu efort minim, recomandate de un expert Opt moduri de a slabi rapid si sanatos, cu efort minim, recomandate de un expert David Beckham, despre viata cu Victoria: Ii dau batai de cap. Ce se intampla intre cei doi? David Beckham, despre viata cu Victoria: "Ii dau batai de cap". Ce se intampla intre cei doi? Michelle Trachtenberg, actrita din Gossip Girl si Buffy, a murit la 39 de ani Michelle Trachtenberg, actrita din Gossip Girl si Buffy, a murit la 39 de ani Revolutia educationala in Romania: Trecem de la mituri la realitati moderne Revolutia educationala in Romania: Trecem de la mituri la realitati moderne Noua taxa auto pentru poluare: Majoritatea soferilor din Romania vor plati un impozit cel putin triplu Noua taxa auto pentru poluare: Majoritatea soferilor din Romania vor plati un impozit cel putin triplu Ucraina si SUA, acord pentru resurse naturale in contextul razboiului. Ce prevede intelegerea si detaliile cheie care raman neclare Ucraina si SUA, acord pentru resurse naturale in contextul razboiului. Ce prevede intelegerea si detaliile cheie care raman neclare


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Jesse Eisenberg, care l-a interpretat pe Zuckerberg in "The SOCIAL NETWORK", spune ca miliardarul este "obsedat de putere"

publicat 2025-02-07 09:30:33 (ProTV)
Jesse Eisenberg, care l-a interpretat pe Zuckerberg in The <span style='background:#EDF514'>SOCIAL NETWORK</span>, spune ca miliardarul este obsedat de putere Mark Zuckerberg, miliardarul american din spatele Meta (Facebook, Instagram), a trecut de la un "simt al dreptatii" la o "obsesie a puterii".    ...continuare.

Actorul care l-a jucat pe Zuckerberg in The SOCIAL NETWORK spune ca nu vrea sa fie asociat cu el

publicat 2025-02-04 18:30:26 (Mediafax)
Actorul care l-a jucat pe Zuckerberg in The <span style='background:#EDF514'>SOCIAL NETWORK</span> spune ca nu vrea sa fie asociat cu el "Tipul asta (...) face lucruri care sunt problematice, eliminand verificarea faptelor. [Exista] probleme de siguranta. Face ca oamenii care sunt deja amenintati in lume sa fie si mai amenintati", a spus el. ...continuare.

Gheorghe Piperea at the ECR conference: 'European bureaucracy fights for freedom by killing it digitally'

publicat 2025-01-31 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Gheorghe Piperea at the ECR conference: 'European bureaucracy fights for freedom by killing it digitally' The interventions of European officials and civil servants in Brussels to censor the online environment, including content on SOCIAL NETWORKs, were harshly criticized by MEP Gheorghe Piperea at the second edition of the 'Make Europe Great Again' International Conference, organized the other day in the capital of the European Union by the European Conservatives and Reformists Group (ECR) in collaboration with the AUR Party. ...continuare.

Actorul Jesse Eisenberg, avertizat sa nu se intalneasca cu Mark Zuckerberg

publicat 2025-01-29 09:30:26 (Mediafax)
Actorul Jesse Eisenberg, avertizat sa nu se intalneasca cu Mark Zuckerberg Jesse Eisenberg a declarat recent ca a vrut sa il intalneasca pe Mark Zuckerberg inainte de a-l interpreta in filmul The SOCIAL NETWORK (2010), insa producatorii si avocatii Sony i-au interzis acest lucru. ...continuare.

Fake news in the hydrotechnical field: the ministers of Energy and Environment have notified DIICOT

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Fake news in the hydrotechnical field: the ministers of Energy and Environment have notified DIICOT Mircea Fechet - Minister of Environment, Water and Forests - and Sebastian Burduja - Minister of Energy have notified the Directorate for the Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism (DIICOT) against individuals who intentionally disseminated false information, through online media channels and SOCIAL NETWORKs, regarding the alleged demolition of dams in Romania, according to a press release published yesterday on the websites of the two ministries. ...continuare.

SOCIAL NETWORKs, perceived, at the state level, as threats

publicat 2024-11-08 00:00:13 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>SOCIAL NETWORK</span>s, perceived, at the state level, as threats SOCIAL NETWORKs are no longer seen as a simple and innocent place for recreation, as was the case over a decade ago. ...continuare.

The Council of Europe will hear WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tomorrow

publicat 2024-09-30 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Council of Europe will hear WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange tomorrow WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is expected in Strasbourg tomorrow 'to testify before the Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe', according to an announcement published last week by WikiLeaks on a SOCIAL NETWORK, an announcement cited by France Soir publication. ...continuare.

Accusations of questionable governance against Ursula von der Leyen

publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Accusations of questionable governance against Ursula von der Leyen Thierry Breton will no longer occupy a position of European Commissioner in the structure of the new Commission, after Ursula von der Leyen asked Emmanuel Macron to replace the representative of France in the Community Executive. Under these conditions, Breton announced yesterday on the X SOCIAL NETWORK that he is resigning as European Commissioner and published the resignation submitted to President Von der Leyen, whom he accuses of 'questionable... ...continuare.

Presidential elections: Mircea Geoana and the shadows of the past

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Presidential elections: Mircea Geoana and the shadows of the past The former deputy general secretary of NATO, Mircea Geoana, aged 66, announced yesterday, through a video message posted on SOCIAL NETWORKs, his candidacy, as an independent, in the presidential elections, the rounds of which are scheduled to take place on November 24 and December 8. ...continuare.

The EU is preparing a fine of 12 billion for a SOCIAL NETWORK

publicat 2024-07-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The European Union opened the way for severe financial sanctions against Meta, ruling that the SOCIAL NETWORK does not comply with European rules regarding the use of personal data for personalized advertising. ...continuare.

MyAngels A New Visual Identity in Spiritual Social Media

publicat 2024-06-20 14:45:13 (Money.ro)
MyAngels A New Visual Identity in Spiritual Social Media In today’s digital age, fragmentation is at its peak. For the first time, people are joining communities independent of their national, political, cultural, or religious backgrounds. SOCIAL NETWORKs like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, MyAngels, and LinkedIn are global communities reflecting humanity’s major developmental trends. On the summer solstice, MyAngels, the world’s only spiritual social media platform, […]Articolul... ...continuare.

Romanian Creative Week: One million people interacted with the 200 events

publicat 2024-05-29 00:30:03 (Bursa)
Over a million people interacted with the 200 events of the Romanian Creative Week (RCW) 2024, at this year and #39;s edition, held in Iasi. According to the RCW organizers, there were also over 20 million other interactions of the public on the event and #39;s accounts on SOCIAL NETWORKs, being a spectacular increase of approximately 25% compared to the previous edition. ...continuare.

Autorul filmului „The SOCIAL NETWORK” pregateste un nou film cu implicatii explozive

publicat 2024-04-27 21:15:10 (Puterea)
Autorul filmului „The <span style='background:#EDF514'>SOCIAL NETWORK</span>” pregateste un nou film cu implicatii explozive Aaron Sorkin, scenaristul premiat cu Oscar pentru „The SOCIAL NETWORK”, pregateste un nou film. Noua productie va explora responsabilitatea Facebook in atacul asupra Capitoliului din Statele Unite, de la 6 ianuarie 2021, a declarat  autorul. In filmul sau, The SOCIAL NETWORK (Reteaua sociala), din 2010, Aaron Sorkin a descris primii ani ai Facebook, oferind un […]The post Autorul filmului... ...continuare.

THE MAN RUINS THE PLACE Brad Pitt from the town hall

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
The general public from almost all of Europe, but especially from our country, was shaken by a roar of laughter after the televisions, press agencies, online and offline publications, as well as journalists on SOCIAL NETWORKs reported the story in detail of the love of a Romanian woman who reached the senior category with her life. ...continuare.

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