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Trucul japonez pentru uscatul rufelor acasa: fara umiditate si fara uscator Trucul japonez pentru uscatul rufelor acasa: fara umiditate si fara uscator Vremea se inrautateste de joi noapte. A fost emis cod rosu de viscol puternic si ninsori abundente Vremea se inrautateste de joi noapte. A fost emis cod rosu de viscol puternic si ninsori abundente Partidul Recorder. Partidul Nordis. Marele secret: de fapt, nimeni nu vrea sa schimbe nimic Partidul Recorder. Partidul Nordis. Marele secret: de fapt, nimeni nu vrea sa schimbe nimic Americanii care vor sa fuga de Trump si-au gasit refugiu in Sardinia. Orasul in care o casa costa 1 euro Americanii care vor sa fuga de Trump si-au gasit refugiu in Sardinia. Orasul in care o casa costa 1 euro ZF Investiti in Romania! Un proiect ZF si CEC Bank. Compania Datacor a instalat 20 MW de fotovoltaice pentru clienti industriali in 2024 si vede potential de crestere in contextul reliberalizarii pietei de energie din 2025 ZF Investiti in Romania! Un proiect ZF si CEC Bank. Compania Datacor a instalat 20 MW de fotovoltaice pentru clienti industriali in 2024 si vede potential de crestere in contextul reliberalizarii pietei de energie din 2025 4 Zodii sunt binecuvantate de divinitate pe 22 Noiembrie 2024 4 Zodii sunt binecuvantate de divinitate pe 22 Noiembrie 2024 Interzis pe retelele sociale, pana la varsta de 16 ani Interzis pe retelele sociale, pana la varsta de 16 ani Cladirea din Romania, construita in 1704, unde se afla cel mai inalt turn din tara. A ars in 1739 Cladirea din Romania, construita in 1704, unde se afla cel mai inalt turn din tara. A ars in 1739 Mandat de arestare a premierului Israelului, emis de Curtea Penala Internationala Mandat de arestare a premierului Israelului, emis de Curtea Penala Internationala Premiera in batalia pentru Cotroceni. Sociolog din Elvetia: Candidatii celor doua mari forte politice nu au mai fost in aceasta situatie Premiera in batalia pentru Cotroceni. Sociolog din Elvetia: "Candidatii celor doua mari forte politice nu au mai fost in aceasta situatie" Cresc impozitele pe venituri din activitati independente in 2025. Cand se declara si cum se raporteaza Cresc impozitele pe venituri din activitati independente in 2025. Cand se declara si cum se raporteaza Aderarea Romaniei la Schengen terestru: Intalnire, vineri, intre Romania, Austria si Bulgaria Aderarea Romaniei la Schengen terestru: Intalnire, vineri, intre Romania, Austria si Bulgaria Destinatia turistica de vis din nordul Moldovei. Peisajele impresionante care inconjoara o perla ecleziastica vizitata si de Alexandru Ioan Cuza Destinatia turistica de vis din nordul Moldovei. Peisajele impresionante care inconjoara o perla ecleziastica vizitata si de Alexandru Ioan Cuza Nou sondaj inainte de alegerile prezidentiale. Nicolae Ciuca recupereaza, surpriza pentru intrarea in turul 2 Nou sondaj inainte de alegerile prezidentiale. Nicolae Ciuca recupereaza, surpriza pentru intrarea in turul 2 Viata amoroasa a unui cuplu a fost distrusa de dependenta de filme XXX a sotului: Filme ingrozitoare, perverse, care implicau ranirea oamenilor... Viata amoroasa a unui cuplu a fost distrusa de dependenta de filme XXX a sotului: "Filme ingrozitoare, perverse, care implicau ranirea oamenilor..."


Stiri locale

TradeVille: 2Performant Network si-a majorat pierderile

publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
TradeVille: 2Performant Network si-a majorat pierderile 2Performant a raportat mixt pentru primele noua luni ale anului 2024, aratand o crestere atat a veniturilor, cat si a pierderii nete. Compania a fost afectata de factori externi de pe piata, dar si de tranzactia de preluare a ProfitSHARE, conform unui raport elaborat de Departamentul de Analiza al TradeVille. ...continuare.

Apple renunta discret la castile de realitate virtuala Vision Pro din cauza vanzarilor slabe. Dispozitivul emblematic va fi scos din productie, apare o versiune ieftina

publicat 2024-11-15 15:45:29 (Libertatea)
Apple renunta discret la castile de realitate virtuala Vision Pro din cauza vanzarilor slabe. Dispozitivul emblematic va fi scos din productie, apare o versiune ieftina Apple se retrage tactic si discret din realitatea augmentata si virtuala, reducand productia castii Vision Pro de 3.500 de dolari, scrie Daily Mail. Un angajat al producatorului chinez LuxSHARE – care are contract pentru asamblarea Vision Pro – a dezvaluit ca gigantul tehnologic a informat compania ca este posibil ca fabricarea produsului sa se „opreasca” […] ...continuare.

Zentiva starts the procedure for the withdrawal of minority SHAREholders from the company

publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Zentiva starts the procedure for the withdrawal of minority <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARE</span>holders from the company * The drug manufacturer delists from the BVB The Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) gave the green light to the approach of the Czechs from Zentiva Grup regarding the withdrawal of the minority SHAREholders from Zentiva SA, according to a report of the market supervisor published yesterday on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Adio, bagaje pierdute: iOS 18.2 vine cu o functie utila pentru utilizatorii AirTag

publicat 2024-11-12 14:30:24 (Go4IT)
Adio, bagaje pierdute: iOS 18.2 vine cu o functie utila pentru utilizatorii AirTag Pierderea bagajelor este unul dintre cele mai stresante momente pentru pasageri. Apple vine cu o solutie care promite sa schimbe modul in care le recuperam. Compania americana a anuntat lansarea unei functii numite SHARE Item […]Articolul Adio, bagaje pierdute: iOS 18.2 vine cu o functie utila pentru utilizatorii AirTag apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

Unda verde pentru reclamele la medicamente, pe TikTok si Facebook, dar fara "Like" si "SHARE"

publicat 2024-11-11 08:45:12 (Jurnalul-National)
Unda verde pentru reclamele la medicamente, pe TikTok si Facebook, dar fara Like si <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARE</span> In contextul in care utilizarea internetului si a retelelor sociale in viata cotidiana a crescut exponential, in ultimii ani, Ministerul Sanatatii vrea sa schimbe regulile in ceea ce priveste publicitatea la medicamentele care se elibereaza fara prescriptie medicala (OTC), singurele medicamente carora li se poate face reclama in Romania. Concret, medicamentele OTC vor putea fi promovate si pe retelele sociale, aplicatiile mobile si alte platforme online, potrivit unui proiect de ordin de... ...continuare.

Goldring sees the OMV Petrom SHARE in the range of 0.78 - 0.82 lei, above the market price

publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Goldring sees the OMV Petrom <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARE</span> in the range of 0.78 - 0.82 lei, above the market price * The Analysis Department of the brokerage house estimates that the oil and gas producer will achieve a net profit of five billion lei, this year, slightly above the company and #39;s budgeted level * To estimate the SHARE price target range, Goldring uses the discounted cash flow method and the market multiples method ...continuare.

Criza locuintelor in San Francisco. 300 de oameni se bat pe 17 paturi la 700 de dolari pe luna

publicat 2024-11-01 08:15:27 (Mediafax)
Criza locuintelor in San Francisco. 300 de oameni se bat pe 17 paturi la 700 de dolari pe luna Compania Brownstone SHAREd Housing a transformat o fosta banca intr-un fel de dormitor comun high-tech, oferind "capsule de dormit". Fiecare "capsula" este echipata cu o saltea dubla, perdele pentru intimitate, lumini interioare si porturi pentru incarcarea dispozitivelor electronice, potrivit The Guardian. ...continuare.

Apathy at the BSE before the elections: what do brokers expect?

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Apathy at the BSE before the elections: what do brokers expect? * Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'Poor liquidity has an effect on SHARE prices' * Dragos Mesaros, Goldring: 'Large deficits can raise concerns about how they will be covered' * Alin Brendea, Prime Transaction: 'Statistics show that the first year after the elections tends to be really positive on our stock market' ...continuare.

Florian Neagu, BNR: 'All successful companies in Romania had a partner behind them to finance them'

publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Florian Neagu, BNR: 'All successful companies in Romania had a partner behind them to finance them' * 'Of the more than 800,000 companies active in our country, almost 260,000 have negative capital' * 'Many of the companies with negative equity make profits; SHAREholders prefer to distribute profits in the form of dividends rather than to consolidate their entity' ...continuare.

Banks on Wall Street warn: The performance of American SHAREs will fall sharply

publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Banks on Wall Street warn: The performance of American <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARE</span>s will fall sharply * JPMorgan: 'Equity valuations are moving back toward the mean over time, which should translate into lower returns in the coming years' * Goldman Sachs: 'The golden decade of US stock market returns is over' * Ed Yardeni: 'US stocks are poised for a strong boom, thanks to increased productivity' ...continuare.

Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 1.7683 lei for DN Agrar SHAREs, above the market price

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 1.7683 lei for DN Agrar <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARE</span>s, above the market price * 'In the second semester, the impact of weather conditions on the group and #39;s agricultural production will have to be monitored', say the brokerage house and #39;s analysts * For valuation, Prime uses a combination of the market multiples method and the future cash flow method ...continuare.

Firebyte Games wants to change the management structure of the company

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Firebyte Games wants to change the management structure of the company * The SHAREholders are convened at the end of November for the revocation of the board members and the election of a sole administrator * The company and #39;s SHARE price has only gone down since listing in April 2021 ...continuare.

Stocks listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange are performing despite the war in the region

publicat 2024-10-24 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Stocks listed on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange are performing despite the war in the region * Tel Aviv Stock Exchange 35 index up 26% since conflict broke out SHAREs on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange, Israel and #39;s only stock exchange, have risen steadily since the start of the conflict with Hamas, which has now expanded on several fronts, despite the country and #39;s downgrade, growing deficit and persistent inflation. ...continuare.

Morgan Stanley: Dollar strengthening - the main risk for US stocks

publicat 2024-10-21 12:00:17 (Bursa)
Morgan Stanley: Dollar strengthening - the main risk for US stocks *The S and P 500 is in a two-year bull market, going from all-time high to all-time high The strengthening of the dollar may threaten the growth of the American stock market, believes Mike Wilson, the chief strategist for SHAREs listed in the United States of Morgan Stanley, writes Business Insider. ...continuare.

Zentiva - ready to leave BVB

publicat 2024-10-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Zentiva - ready to leave BVB * The majority SHAREholder ended up owning 96% of the Bucharest-based drug manufacturer, following the conclusion of a takeover offer Zentiva Grup bought almost 320,000 SHAREs of Zentiva SA, in the public offering held between September 25 and October 8, reaching a 96.02% ownership of the medicine manufacturer from Bucharest, according to a report by BRD-Groupe Societe Generale, the intermediary operation,... ...continuare.

Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies

publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies The dependence of our country on energy imports, in certain periods, and the need for capitalization of companies in the energy sector, so that they can increase the energy production capacity at national level, are the reasons why the Ministry of Energy launched, last Thursday, in the debate publishes a draft emergency ordinance aimed at amending the legislation in such a way that the state can directly acquire SHAREs issued by strategic companies in... ...continuare.

Sources: Hyundai Motor India and #39;s IPO to be launched next week

publicat 2024-10-10 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Sources: Hyundai Motor India and #39;s IPO to be launched next week The initial public offering (IPO) of Hyundai Motor India Ltd., the Indian subsidiary of South Korean automaker Hyundai Motor Co., will open for subscriptions next week and will likely be priced between 1,865 and 1,960 rupees ($22-$23) per SHARE, sources cited by Reuters said. ...continuare.

A fund controlled by Iulian Circiumaru lent Holde Agri Invest 1.5 million lei

publicat 2024-10-10 00:00:02 (Bursa)
A fund controlled by Iulian Circiumaru lent Holde Agri Invest 1.5 million lei * Iulian Circiumaru is a SHAREholder and president of the company * Holde and #39;s CEO was recently replaced ...continuare.

BVB indices did not have the strength to connect to the growth of international markets

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
BVB indices did not have the strength to connect to the growth of international markets *Down almost 3% for BET, which faces the most severe correction in two years *The titles Antibiotice and Premier Energy entered the BET, instead of the SHAREs Conpet and the Bucharest Stock Exchange *FP SHAREholders rejected Finance and #39;s request regarding the preservation of the fund and #39;s patrimony and the prohibition of redemptions of own securities ...continuare.

FP starts the administrator selection procedure

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
FP starts the administrator selection procedure * The fund manager should focus on investing in domestic entities, including state-owned enterprises, according to a selection criterion * FP SHAREholders recently extended Franklin Templeton and #39;s trusteeship until March 2026, but rejected Finance and #39;s request to preserve the fund and #39;s current assets ...continuare.

Tokyo Metro aims to raise up to $2.4 billion in Japan and #39;s biggest IPO since 2018

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tokyo Metro aims to raise up to $2.4 billion in Japan and #39;s biggest IPO since 2018 Tokyo Metro set a price range of 1,100 to 1,200 yen/SHARE for its initial public offering (IPO) yesterday, according to documents filed with the capital market regulator, Reuters reports. ...continuare.

Botoghina si Drejan revin cu etapa #2 din Liga Campionilor si te premiaza! EURO GSP pune la bataie mingea "Sampion Lig"

publicat 2024-10-01 17:00:07 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Botoghina si Drejan revin cu etapa #2 din Liga Campionilor si te premiaza! EURO GSP pune la bataie mingea Sampion Lig Alberto Botoghina si Narcis Drejan, jurnalistii GSP.ro, revin cu o noua editie spectaculoasa EURO GSP, marti, 1 octombrie, ora 21:45.Cei doi vor comenta meciurile din etapa a doua a Ligii Campionilor si vor premia cel mai bun comentariu. Cel mai creativ urmaritor de pe YouTube sau Facebook va castiga o minge "Sampion Lig".Nu rata rubricile "Sampionul zilei" si "Pacaliciul zilei", dar ramai pana la final pentru rubrica "Like and SHARE". ... ...continuare.

Aplicatia de socializare Livin’ – my Status live: investitie de 70.000 euro intr-o noua modalitate de a te conecta in siguranta cu prietenii si oameni noi

publicat 2024-09-27 11:45:09 (Income-Magazine)
Aplicatia de socializare Livin’ – my Status live:  investitie de 70.000 euro intr-o noua modalitate de a te conecta in siguranta cu prietenii si oameni noi O noua aplicatie de socializare a fost lansata de curand. Sub sloganul "Live. SHARE. Connect.", Livin’ – my Status live este o platforma inovatoare de socializare destinata celor care doresc sa impartaseasca momentele din viata lor si sa descopere noi prieteni. Aplicatia pune accent pe interactiunile autentice si ofera o experienta complet fara reclame. Investitia […] ...continuare.

Investors are flocking to sell FP SHAREs in the offering

publicat 2024-09-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Investors are flocking to sell FP <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHARE</span>s in the offering * The market operation ends today at 12:00 Investors are flocking to sell SHAREs in Fondul Proprietatea and #39;s offer made by administrator Franklin Templeton, according to data available on the platform of a brokerage house. ...continuare.

Istvan Sarkany, candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee: 'The state seems to want to block the listing of companies from the fund and #39;s portfolio'

publicat 2024-09-16 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Istvan Sarkany, candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee: 'The state seems to want to block the listing of companies from the fund and #39;s portfolio' * 'We must find solutions that bring value to all SHAREholders of Fondul Proprietatea' * 'We want to see a clear FP management strategy; at the moment everything is a nebula' Fondului Proprietatea must have a clear management strategy that will benefit all SHAREholders, says Istvan Sarkany, investor and candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee in the September 27 elections. ...continuare.

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