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Japan, the country with the highest government debt to GDP

publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Japan, the country with the highest government debt to GDP The public debt/GDP ratio is a key indicator of a country and #39;s financial health, providing insight into a government and #39;s ability to manage its debt, while also SHAPING the flexibility of fiscal policy and playing a crucial role in influencing investor confidence, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

BRCC Healthcare Forward 2024: SHAPING Tomorrow and #39;s Solutions

publicat 2024-10-25 10:15:19 (Bursa)
BRCC Healthcare Forward 2024: <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHAPING</span> Tomorrow and #39;s Solutions The British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) organized the 3rd Edition of the Healthcare Forward - SHAPING Tomorrow and #39;s Solutions conference, that took place this week on October 22nd, 2024, at the JW Marriott Bucharest. ...continuare.

BRCC Healthcare Forward 2024: SHAPING Tomorrow and #39;s Solutions

publicat 2024-10-17 15:15:18 (Bursa)
BRCC Healthcare Forward 2024: <span style='background:#EDF514'>SHAPING</span> Tomorrow and #39;s Solutions The British-Romanian Chamber of Commerce (BRCC) is proud to announce the 3rd Edition of the Healthcare Forward - SHAPING Tomorrow and #39;s Solutions event, set to take place on October 22nd, 2024, at the JW Marriott Bucharest, beginning at 9:30 AM ...continuare.

EY lanseaza manifestul pentru stimularea competitivitatii UE

publicat 2024-09-26 19:45:17 (Bursa)
EY lanseaza manifestul pentru stimularea competitivitatii UE EY lanseaza documentul care reprezinta viziunea sa cu privire la competitivitatea europeana, un plan de referinta care sa ajute decidentii politici sa impulsioneze progresul Uniunii Europene in urmatorii cinci ani si sa stimuleze cresterea economica - SHAPING Europe and #39;s Future with confidence: EY Vision for 2024-2029 ...continuare.

The great pandemics - humanity and #39;s vulnerability to infectious diseases

publicat 2024-08-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Freedom was wider before the COVID-19 pandemic, and now we hardly remember that until the year 2020 we lived completely differently. Moreover, epidemics had a profound impact on the history of humanity, SHAPING the course of civilizations and influencing social, economic and political dynamics. ...continuare.

The hurricane season is SHAPING up to be an unprecedented one

publicat 2024-05-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Extreme natural phenomena multiply and increase in intensity. ...continuare.

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