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Orasul din Romania in care preturile apartamentelor au depasit 3.000 de euro pe metrul patrat Orasul din Romania in care preturile apartamentelor au depasit 3.000 de euro pe metrul patrat Singura tara din Europa care are granita terestra cu Africa. Multi romani nici n-au habar Singura tara din Europa care are granita terestra cu Africa. Multi romani nici n-au habar Te cunosc de undeva, sezonul 21, 8 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a patra gala. Cum s-au descurcat concurentii pe scena Te cunosc de undeva, sezonul 21, 8 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a patra gala. Cum s-au descurcat concurentii pe scena Noul tip de peste disponibil in comert care face concurenta somonului: gustos, plin de vitamine si mai accesibil ca pret Noul tip de peste disponibil in comert care face concurenta somonului: gustos, plin de vitamine si mai accesibil ca pret Ce a lasat in urma pandemia de COVID-19. Un scurt bilant dramatic al sechelelor fizice si psihice Ce a lasat in urma pandemia de COVID-19. Un scurt bilant dramatic al sechelelor fizice si psihice Nicusor Dan vrea o aparare mai tare pentru Romania cu ajutorul SUA si Europei Nicusor Dan vrea o aparare mai tare pentru Romania cu ajutorul SUA si Europei Epoca de aur nu se atinge fara durere? Bloomberg: Presedintele Donald Trump a facut campanie cu promisiunea de a vindeca ceea ce el spunea ca este o economie americana bolnava. La o luna de la inceperea celui de-al doilea mandat, el incepe sa sugereze ca tratamentul ar putea sa doara Epoca de aur nu se atinge fara durere? Bloomberg: Presedintele Donald Trump a facut campanie cu promisiunea de a vindeca ceea ce el spunea ca este o economie americana bolnava. La o luna de la inceperea celui de-al doilea mandat, el incepe sa sugereze ca tratamentul ar putea sa doara Horoscop duminica, 9 martie. Zodia care ar trebui sa evite promisiunile catre partener Horoscop duminica, 9 martie. Zodia care ar trebui sa evite promisiunile catre partener Un ruso-ucrainean a pornit un razboi pentru hrean intr-un sat din Vaslui: Mi-am luat amenda, dar el saracu' a stat 8 zile in spital Un ruso-ucrainean a pornit un razboi pentru hrean intr-un sat din Vaslui: "Mi-am luat amenda, dar el saracu' a stat 8 zile in spital" Ce mancau domnitorii romani in timpul postului? Multe preparate se consuma si in zilele noastre Ce mancau domnitorii romani in timpul postului? Multe preparate se consuma si in zilele noastre Makaveli, audiat in dosarul de santaj: Victoras Micula si legaturile cu campaniile electorale Makaveli, audiat in dosarul de santaj: Victoras Micula si legaturile cu campaniile electorale Ce inseamna regula celor 8 secunde. Managerul unui bordel european legal explica: Se refera la... Ce inseamna "regula celor 8 secunde". Managerul unui bordel european legal explica: "Se refera la..." Care este cel mai mare dusman al parului sanatos. Nu este nici vopseaua, nici placa Care este cel mai mare dusman al parului sanatos. Nu este nici vopseaua, nici placa Energie cosmica puternica: 2 zodii au noroc la bani pe 9 martie 2025 Energie cosmica puternica: 2 zodii au noroc la bani pe 9 martie 2025 Alegeri parlamentare in Groenlanda. Independenta sau urmatoarea miza geopolitica a marilor puteri? Alegeri parlamentare in Groenlanda. Independenta sau urmatoarea miza geopolitica a marilor puteri?


Stiri locale

Louvre Museum enriches its collection with 272 Eastern Christian icons

publicat 2025-02-28 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Louvre Museum enriches its collection with 272 Eastern Christian icons The Louvre Museum in Paris announced the acquisition of a private collection of 272 Eastern Christian icons, which will be exhibited in its new department dedicated to Byzantine Art and Christianity in the East, SCHEDULEd to open in 2027. ...continuare.

Traian Preoteasa blames ARF: 30 million lei missing from CFR Calatori and #39;s revenues

publicat 2025-02-05 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Traian Preoteasa blames ARF: 30 million lei missing from CFR Calatori and #39;s revenues The Railway Reform Authority (ARF) signed an addendum with Alstom last year, establishing a new delivery SCHEDULE for Coradia trains, which should have reached the state passenger rail operator as early as 2024, Traian Preoteasa, the general director of CFR Calatori, said recently in a press conference. ...continuare.

Traian Preoteasa blames ARF: 30 million lei missing from CFR Calatori and #39;s revenues

publicat 2025-02-05 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Traian Preoteasa blames ARF: 30 million lei missing from CFR Calatori and #39;s revenues The Railway Reform Authority (ARF) signed an addendum with Alstom last year, establishing a new delivery SCHEDULE for Coradia trains, which should have reached the state passenger rail operator as early as 2024, Traian Preoteasa, the general director of CFR Calatori, said recently in a press conference. ...continuare.

Ispace: A New Attempt After a Failure to Explore the Moon

publicat 2025-01-13 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Ispace: A New Attempt After a Failure to Explore the Moon Japanese aerospace startup ispace has announced the relaunch of its ambitions to reach the Moon with an unmanned mission SCHEDULEd for January 15, 2025. The announcement comes after a failed attempt in April 2023, when the company and #39;s first vehicle suffered a 'hard landing. ...continuare.

CCR: Presidential election SCHEDULE remains the same

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
CCR: Presidential election <span style='background:#EDF514'>SCHEDULE</span> remains the same Yesterday, the Constitutional Court rejected the appeal filed by MEP Cristian Terhes regarding the results recorded in the first round of the presidential elections and validated the results recorded on November 24, when 9.4 million citizens decided that the second round would pit independent Calin Georgescu against USR candidate Elena Lasconi. ...continuare.

EU General Court: Important hearing in the Pfizergate file

publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:22 (Bursa)
EU General Court: Important hearing in the Pfizergate file Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Commission, will be in the public eye again on Friday, November 15, through the hearing SCHEDULEd at 9:30 local time - Luxembourg time - by the Court of the European Union in a case regarding the purchase of vaccines against -Covid 19 pending before the respective court. ...continuare.

How Trump and #39;s victory would change the political scene in Romania

publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
How Trump and #39;s victory would change the political scene in Romania Donald Trump and #39;s victory in the US presidential elections could have a considerable impact on the political climate in Romania, especially in the context of the presidential and parliamentary elections SCHEDULEd for November 24 and December 1. ...continuare.

Presidential elections: Mircea Geoana and the shadows of the past

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Presidential elections: Mircea Geoana and the shadows of the past The former deputy general secretary of NATO, Mircea Geoana, aged 66, announced yesterday, through a video message posted on social networks, his candidacy, as an independent, in the presidential elections, the rounds of which are SCHEDULEd to take place on November 24 and December 8. ...continuare.

Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session Amending the Fiscal Code, without introducing new fees and taxes and without increasing the existing ones, amending the single salary law in the budget system in order to fulfill the reform included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - necessary milestone for approving payment request number 4 -, amending the legislation regarding AMEPIP in order to make it comply with the provisions of corporate governance, represent only some of the main priorities of the last autumn session of... ...continuare.

'Dor de Doina', at the Botanical Garden

publicat 2024-08-26 00:30:03 (Bursa)
'Dor de Doina', at the Botanical Garden Workshops, concerts and a painting exhibition dedicated to pupils and students will take place at the second edition of the 'Dor de Doina' event, SCHEDULEd to take place on September 7, at the 'Dimitrie Brandza' Botanical Garden in Bucharest. According to the organizers, the Frui Vita Association, 'Dor de Doina' aims to bring new generations closer to authentic values and to facilitate the relationship between culture and community. ...continuare.

Europe and #39;s air traffic nightmare

publicat 2024-07-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Air transport seems to face serious problems every summer season. The large number of flights SCHEDULEd during the summer, the lack of available slots and the unfavorable weather conditions caused by climate change lead to the cancellation or postponement of several flights and, implicitly, to the disruption of the passengers and #39; vacation or the journeys they have to make. ...continuare.

'Aerostar Bacau is a very important partner for Lockheed Martin'

publicat 2024-05-28 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* (Interview with Gregory Day, responsible for the development of the F-35 program in Canada and Europe and Monessa Balzhiser, Flight Ops Business Operations Manager and the first female F35 test pilot) *Lockheed Martin produces 146 F35 aircraft per year *Authorities from Bucharest have expressed their intention to purchase this fighter plane SCHEDULEd for 2030 *Monessa Balzhiser, F35 test pilot: 'From the pilots and #39; point of view, the... ...continuare.

Talented young people are expected at the National Cyber Security Championship

publicat 2024-03-01 00:00:05 (Bursa)
The National Cyber Security Championship - RoCSC2024, the fifth edition, will start this year with the selection stage, SCHEDULEd for March 8-10, after which the final of the competition will be organized, between May 22 and 25, according to the National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC). ...continuare.

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