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Un ruso-ucrainean a pornit un razboi pentru hrean intr-un sat din Vaslui: Mi-am luat amenda, dar el saracu' a stat 8 zile in spital Un ruso-ucrainean a pornit un razboi pentru hrean intr-un sat din Vaslui: "Mi-am luat amenda, dar el saracu' a stat 8 zile in spital" Care este cel mai mare dusman al parului sanatos. Nu este nici vopseaua, nici placa Care este cel mai mare dusman al parului sanatos. Nu este nici vopseaua, nici placa Alegeri parlamentare in Groenlanda. Independenta sau urmatoarea miza geopolitica a marilor puteri? Alegeri parlamentare in Groenlanda. Independenta sau urmatoarea miza geopolitica a marilor puteri? Cum ar putea astronautii sa faca rost mai usor de apa, pe Luna. Datele celui mai recent studiu al sondei Chandrayaan-3 Cum ar putea astronautii sa faca rost mai usor de apa, pe Luna. Datele celui mai recent studiu al sondei Chandrayaan-3 Noi studii arata de ce aspirina poate preveni metastazele. Descoperirea pune bazele unei noi terapii Noi studii arata de ce aspirina poate preveni metastazele. Descoperirea pune bazele unei noi terapii Loto 6/49 din 9 martie 2025. Report de peste 4,63 milioane de euro la 6/49, categoria I Loto 6/49 din 9 martie 2025. Report de peste 4,63 milioane de euro la 6/49, categoria I 3 zodii intra intr-o perioada magica a vietii lor 3 zodii intra intr-o perioada magica a vietii lor Candidatura lui Calin Georgescu la prezidentiale, discutata la BEC. Au fost depuse 1300 de contestatii Candidatura lui Calin Georgescu la prezidentiale, discutata la BEC. Au fost depuse 1300 de contestatii Canada isi schimba premierul in plin razboi comercial cu SUA. Cine este Mark Carney, favoritul pentru a-l inlocui pe Trudeau Canada isi schimba premierul in plin razboi comercial cu SUA. Cine este Mark Carney, favoritul pentru a-l inlocui pe Trudeau Locurile rupte din Paradis, aflate la 3 ore de zbor, unde romanii pot face baie in martie: Preturile sunt aici mai mici Locurile rupte din Paradis, aflate la 3 ore de zbor, unde romanii pot face baie in martie: "Preturile sunt aici mai mici" Costurile unei nunti in 2025. Oferte speciale pentru viitorii miri la Targul de Nunti de la Iasi Costurile unei nunti in 2025. Oferte speciale pentru viitorii miri la Targul de Nunti de la Iasi Tren atacat cu pietre in zona Chitila. Alstom retrage temporar 4 trenuri intre Brasov si Bucuresti Tren atacat cu pietre in zona Chitila. Alstom retrage temporar 4 trenuri intre Brasov si Bucuresti Orasul in care incepe distribuirea cartilor de identitate cu CIP. Precizarile MAI Orasul in care incepe distribuirea cartilor de identitate cu CIP. Precizarile MAI Luna in trigon cu Venus aduce valuri de fericire si speranta pentru 3 zodii pe 10 martie 2025 Luna in trigon cu Venus aduce valuri de fericire si speranta pentru 3 zodii pe 10 martie 2025 Detaliul neasteptat din copilaria Regelui Charles. Putini oameni din afara Marii Britanii stiu acest lucru Detaliul neasteptat din copilaria Regelui Charles. Putini oameni din afara Marii Britanii stiu acest lucru


Stiri locale

The 'President-elect' does not know the law

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
The 'President-elect' does not know the law Calin Georgescu, who is presented by Realitatea Plus as the 'president-elect', does not know the legislation of the country he wants to lead, more precisely, he does not know the PROVISIONs regarding the Constitutional Court of Romania. ...continuare.

Elections 2025: Reduction of the voting program in the diaspora causes dissatisfaction

publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Elections 2025: Reduction of the voting program in the diaspora causes dissatisfaction The PROVISIONs of the government ordinance approved on Thursday by the Government for the organization of the presidential elections to be held on May 4 and 18 have attracted criticism from both the opposition and civil society, which accuses the fact that the program established for Sunday will affect the right to vote of Romanian citizens abroad. ...continuare.

Tens of millions of euros for a controversial music contest

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Tens of millions of euros for a controversial music contest Eurovision, the highly controversial European music contest, continues to attract interest and consume a lot of money. Voters in the Swiss city of Basel have approved funding of almost 40 million euros to host the annual Eurovision 2025 television show in their city. PROVISIONal results of the vote show that 66.4% of voters in the northern Swiss city are in favor of using taxpayers and #39; money - 34.96 million Swiss francs (37.4 million euros) - to... ...continuare.

Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session Amending the Fiscal Code, without introducing new fees and taxes and without increasing the existing ones, amending the single salary law in the budget system in order to fulfill the reform included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - necessary milestone for approving payment request number 4 -, amending the legislation regarding AMEPIP in order to make it comply with the PROVISIONs of corporate governance, represent only some of the main... ...continuare.

'The demographic evolution increased the pressure on the public pension system'

publicat 2024-08-26 00:30:03 (Bursa)
'The demographic evolution increased the pressure on the public pension system' * (Interview with Stefan Daniel Armeanu, Vice President of the Financial Supervisory Authority, Private Pension System Sector) * 'ASF has started an analysis in order to complete the legal PROVISIONs so as to ensure the proper functioning and development of the occupational pension system in Romania' * 'An important aspect on which we must focus our attention in the coming period is the elaboration of the law on the payment of private pensions' ...continuare.

Marcel Bolos: 'The e-VAT measure was introduced in the interest of the Romanian state'

publicat 2024-06-26 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Minister of Finance, Marcel Bolos, responded, yesterday, to the criticisms from the business environment and from accountants regarding the PROVISIONs of GEO 70/2024 introducing the pre-completed Ro e-TVA return and stated that the measure has been taken in the interest of the Romanian state to collect the most important consumption tax from the state budget. ...continuare.

The law on the use of electronic signature has passed the Parliament

publicat 2024-06-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Yesterday, the Chamber of Deputies adopted, as a decision-making body, the draft law on the use of electronic signatures, time stamps and the PROVISION of trust services based on them. ...continuare.

BNR: 'The delays of the Central Counterparties project are not related to the authorities involved in the authorization process'

publicat 2024-06-10 03:00:57 (Bursa)
* Sources: 'ASF requested the re-examination of the entire file of CCP.RO' 'CCP.RO must conclude a contract for technology services that has two components - one for authorization-operationalization and another for development', say our sources * If by September 8 the management of CCP.RO does not complete the file necessary for the authorization of the Central Counterparty, ASF will have to reject the authorization request, as it appears from the ...continuare.

Furnizorul de solutii de securitate IT PROVISION Software a raportat pentru 2023 cel mai mare profit net din istorie: 18 mil. lei

publicat 2024-05-16 13:00:24 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Furnizorul de solutii de securitate IT <span style='background:#EDF514'>PROVISION</span> Software a raportat pentru 2023 cel mai mare profit net din istorie: 18 mil. lei PROVISION Software, cel mai mare distribuitor de solutii de securitate IT de pe piata locala, a raportat pentru 2023 cel mai mare profit net din istoria de 27 de ani a companiei, conform datelor de la Ministerul Finantelor. ...continuare.

Rosia Montana - miraculous win; air and maritime Schengen; Iohannis wants the head of NATO

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Political decision-makers in Bucharest continued in the last month of the first quarter of the current year to adopt decisions regarding the extension of some price capping measures and to dilute the PROVISIONs of Law 296/2023 and GEO 115/2023 regarding the reduction of expenses in the public sector, adopting several normative acts and memoranda through which salary increases operated and allowed new employment in the state. ...continuare.

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