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15:30 Economistul Andrei Radulescu: BNR va reduce dobanda cu cel putin 1,5 puncte procentuale in 2025
Cele mai citite stiri - 24h
ZF Investiti in Romania! Un proiect ZF si CEC Bank. Compania Datacor a instalat 20 MW de fotovoltaice pentru clienti industriali in 2024 si vede potential de crestere in contextul reliberalizarii pietei de energie din 2025
4 Zodii sunt binecuvantate de divinitate pe 22 Noiembrie 2024
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Cladirea din Romania, construita in 1704, unde se afla cel mai inalt turn din tara. A ars in 1739
Premiera in batalia pentru Cotroceni. Sociolog din Elvetia: "Candidatii celor doua mari forte politice nu au mai fost in aceasta situatie"
Mandat de arestare a premierului Israelului, emis de Curtea Penala Internationala
Cresc impozitele pe venituri din activitati independente in 2025. Cand se declara si cum se raporteaza
Transformarea surprinzatoare a unui gigant din industria floristica: “Ambalaje flori online” devine afo.ro
Aderarea Romaniei la Schengen terestru: Intalnire, vineri, intre Romania, Austria si Bulgaria
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Cod rosu si portocaliu de viscol in cea mai mare parte a tarii. Rafale de vant vor fi de peste 120 km/h
Destinatia turistica de vis din nordul Moldovei. Peisajele impresionante care inconjoara o perla ecleziastica vizitata si de Alexandru Ioan Cuza
Viata amoroasa a unui cuplu a fost distrusa de dependenta de filme XXX a sotului: "Filme ingrozitoare, perverse, care implicau ranirea oamenilor..."
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Bugetul alegerilor prezidentiale 2024. Cati bani se cheltuiesc pentru cele doua tururi de scrutin
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Hit | OnlineSport | Evenimentul Zilei | Bursa | Curierul National | Libertatea | Dilema Veche | Romania TV | Catalin Tolontan | Capital | Antena3 | eInformatii | Ziarul Atac | Go4IT | Realitatea Romaneasca | Madone | Ziarul Financiar | Romania Libera | Income Magazine | Ziare Mondene | Money.ro | Cotidianul | ProTV | Pro Sport | Antena 1 | Gazeta de agricultura | Click | Gandul | Realitatea TV | CanCan | SmartNews | Puterea | Chip | Mediafax | Jurnalul National | Adevarul | ComputerWorld Romania | AgoraNews | Gazeta Sporturilor | Cronica Romana | Toate stirileWall Street strategists: Trump and #39;s tax cuts will boost stocks
publicat 2024-11-21 00:00:22 (Bursa)
The tax cuts proposed by incoming U.S. PRESIDENT Donald Trump are set to boost stock prices for years to come, Business Insider reports.
International recognition in the field of cybersecurity
publicat 2024-11-21 00:00:22 (Bursa)
The competence of Romanian specialists in cybersecurity is recognized and appreciated, and Romania holds a special position in this field, claims the PRESIDENT of the Romanian Association for Information Security Assurance (ARASEC), Ioan Bacivarov.
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES DEBATE Ludovic Orban took the breaking-news, Geoana - scalded by his 2009 visit to Moscow
publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The long-announced debate of the candidates for the PRESIDENTial elections on Sunday - the debate organized by the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj in partnership with Digi 24 was announced 45 days ago - turned out to be a fiasco, due to the lack of PSD and PNL candidates - Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciuca, but one in which Ludovic Orban took the breaking-news, and Mircea Geoana scalded again with his spring 2009 visit to Moscow.
The CJEU and the Pfizergate scandal: missing or deleted SMS?
publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Last Friday and #39;s hearing that took place at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in the case of Pfizergate regarding the exchange of messages between Ursula von der Leyen, the PRESIDENT of the European Commission, and Albert Bourla - CEO of the Pfizer company, during the period when the officials of in Brussels, they were negotiating the contract for the purchase of anti-Covid vaccines, it ended without the supreme court of the EU bloc...
Daniel David, elected PRESIDENT of the Danube Rectors and #39; Conference
publicat 2024-11-19 00:00:10 (Bursa)
The Rector of the ''Babes-Bolyai and #39; and #39; University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca, prof. dr. psych. Daniel David, was elected PRESIDENT of the Danube Rectors and #39; Conference (DRC).
Former PRESIDENTs and #39; Houses, Subject of Electoral Campaign
publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The houses where former PRESIDENTs of Romania live are mentioned rhythmically in the public space, especially in electoral campaigns. There is a lot of talk about this case, but little is done.
The electoral campaign, agitated by the 'Russian agent' case
publicat 2024-11-14 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The 'Russian agent' case has seriously stirred up the waters in the local electoral campaign. George Simion, a candidate in the PRESIDENTial elections, fell into the middle.
Roxana Minzatu passes the specialized commissions and awaits the vote of the European Parliament
publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Roxana Minzatu, our country and #39;s proposal for the position of European Commissioner, successfully passed her hearing yesterday by the members of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Internal Affairs (LIBE), Labor Force and Social Affairs (EMPL), Culture and Education (CULT) commissions ), and for Women and #39;s Rights and Equal Opportunities (FEMME) to hold the position of Vice-PRESIDENT of the European Commission for People, Skills and Vocational...
Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral ships
publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Although the Western media and certain experts have suggested that Ukraine, with the support of Western weaponry, has significantly undermined the capabilities of the Black Sea Fleet, Nikolai Patrushev, PRESIDENT of the Maritime College of the Russian Federation, claims, in an interview published by Kommersant daily, that the fleet that is perfectly functional and ready to respond to any challenges or threats in this strategic area.
Trump and #39;s voters elected him to change the economic situation
publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:25 (Bursa)
'It and #39;s about the economy, stupid,' the slogan coined by political strategist James Carville during Bill Clinton and #39;s successful 1992 PRESIDENTial campaign, still rings true more than 30 years later, according to a statista.com analysis that notes that this slogan pretty well reflects why Democrat Kamala Harris lost the recent US PRESIDENTial election.
EU General Court: Important hearing in the Pfizergate file
publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Ursula von der Leyen, the PRESIDENT of the European Commission, will be in the public eye again on Friday, November 15, through the hearing scheduled at 9:30 local time - Luxembourg time - by the Court of the European Union in a case regarding the purchase of vaccines against -Covid 19 pending before the respective court.
Deforestation rate falls
publicat 2024-11-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Good news travels as fast as bad. The rate of deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon fell by 30.6% in one year, between August 2023 and July 2024, a development presented as a success for PRESIDENT Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, who promised to fight resolutely against the phenomenon.
Trump and #39;s plan for peace in Ukraine: demilitarized zone and postponement of NATO membership
publicat 2024-11-08 00:00:13 (Bursa)
The advisers of Donald Trump, the PRESIDENT-elect of the USA after the election of November 5, revealed to the American publication The Wall Street Journal, the plan of the future PRESIDENTial Administration from the White House for the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine.
Kostas Salvaras a fost numit Area Vice PRESIDENT South-East Europe Cluster in cadrul Philip Morris International
publicat 2024-11-07 19:45:19 (Antena3)
Incepand cu 1 septembrie 2024, Philip Morris International (PMI) l-a numit pe Kostas Salvaras in functia de Area Vice PRESIDENT South-East Europe Cluster. El il inlocuieste pe Christos Harpantidis, care a preluat...
Kostas Salvaras a fost numit Area Vice PRESIDENT South-East Europe Cluster in cadrul Philip Morris International
publicat 2024-11-07 18:15:03 (Adevarul)
Incepand cu 1 septembrie 2024, Philip Morris International (PMI) l-a numit pe Kostas Salvaras in functia de Area Vice PRESIDENT South-East Europe Cluster.
A murit cantareata Tyka Nelson, sora lui Prince. Avea 64 de ani
publicat 2024-11-07 17:45:02 (Adevarul)
Cantareata americana Tyka Nelson, sora lui Prince, a murit luni la Robbinsdale, Minnesota, a declarat fiul ei, PRESIDENT Nelson, pentru The Associated Press. Ea avea 64 de ani.
Numiri noi in conducerea Philip Morris International
publicat 2024-11-07 15:00:18 (Bursa)
Philip Morris International (PMI) anunta numirea lui Kostas Salvaras in functia de Area Vice PRESIDENT South-East Europe Cluster. El il inlocuieste pe Christos Harpantidis, care a preluat functia de Senior Vice PRESIDENT of External Affairs.
Trump and #39;s victory: European and American markets rise, Asian markets fall
publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
* Bitcoin, at record level
European stock markets rose yesterday, mostly, in the conditions in which Republican Donald Trump will return to the White House, following his victory in the US PRESIDENTial elections.
Trump and #39;s victory: reactions from Europe, Asia and the Middle East
publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Political leaders around the world reacted quickly to Donald Trump and #39;s victory in the US PRESIDENTial election, with reactions varying significantly according to political orientations and national interests specific to each country.
Strengthening the strategic partnership - the main message sent by political leaders from Bucharest to Donald Trump
publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Following the victory of Donald Trump in the PRESIDENTial elections in the United States, political leaders in Romania emphasized in their congratulatory messages sent to the future American PRESIDENT the importance of continuing the strategic partnership between the two countries. In the message posted on the X network, PRESIDENT Klaus Iohannis said: 'Romania is a strong...
How Trump and #39;s victory would change the political scene in Romania
publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Donald Trump and #39;s victory in the US PRESIDENTial elections could have a considerable impact on the political climate in Romania, especially in the context of the PRESIDENTial and parliamentary elections scheduled for November 24 and December 1.
Dan Popa, manager de vanzari pentru Europa de Sud-Est, Veeam: Un business care nu are rezilienta cibernetica, care nu mai are acces la date, reprezinta practic o lume scufundata in intuneric. Daca vreti, este ca un restaurant fara mancare sau un service auto fara piese de schimb
publicat 2024-11-06 00:15:19 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Mena Migally, regional vice PRESIDENT, EMEA East in cadrul Veeam: "In trecut, multi clienti ne spuneau ca din moment ce nu au avut inca probleme, nu intentioneaza sa investeasca in aceasta directie imediat. Insa, acest lucru este ca si cum ai dori sa-ti cumperi o polita de asigurare auto dupa ce ai avut deja un accident. Acum vor sa stie ca datele lor sunt in siguranta si daca se intampla ceva sa stie ca pot fi rezilienti" Catalina Niculita, systems...
American officials, prepared to combat disinformation
publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
American officials are expecting a wave of misinformation and contestations in connection with the PRESIDENTial elections held yesterday in the US, according to NBC News, which also shows that dozens of lawsuits have been opened in recent days - many of them frivolous - and that various domestic and foreign influencers they spread false accounts of election fraud, while Trump claimed the election would be rigged to his detriment.
The FBI, at the center of fake news related to the initiation of investigations into election fraud
publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
FBI officials warned yesterday that several videos, which they attribute to a Russian propaganda operation, contain false information, in which they say that the institution has opened several investigations into fraud in the US PRESIDENTial election, NBC News said, citing a statement from presser.
Celebrity hippo 'predicted and #39; Trump victory
publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Social media star pygmy hippo Moo Deng 'predicted and #39; Donald Trump would win the US PRESIDENTial election.
High-tech railway laboratory at Politehnica Bucharest
publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Students from the Faculty of Transport within the Politehnica University of Bucharest will prepare for the railway infrastructure in the new laboratory set up by Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), part of the Grampet Group, a laboratory that was inaugurated yesterday by Mihnea Costoiu - the rector of the institution of higher education and by Gruia Stoica - the PRESIDENT of Grampet Group.
Top ten electoral priorities for Trump and Harris
publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The 2024 US PRESIDENTial election is defined by two diametrically opposed visions, represented by Republican candidate Donald Trump and incumbent vice PRESIDENT, Democrat Kamala Harris. Each proposes contrasting solutions to the challenges facing the US, from the economy and immigration to education and social reform.
Kamala Harris or Donald Trump - who will lead the US in the next four years?
publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)
*More than 239 million American citizens choose their PRESIDENT today *Voting for the PRESIDENT is exercised indirectly, through the representatives (electors) of each American state *Polls conducted in recent days show equality between the two candidates regarding the citizens and #39; voting preferences *To win the PRESIDENTial, a minimum of 270 voters are needed out of...
Let and #39;s win the election by tweaking the budget!
publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
The preparation of the campaigns for the PRESIDENTial and parliamentary elections that will take place on November 24, respectively December 1, led the Government to increase the amount of budget expenditures in the second month of autumn in order to put an end to the protests of unions in several sectors of economic activity, allocating from the Reserve Fund additional amounts for each individual ministry, over and above the addition made through the...
The PRESIDENT of the Academy spoke about models for transforming agriculture
publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
Good examples are not always followed, which is precisely why it is necessary to popularize them. The PRESIDENT of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, highlighted the importance of creating the Royal Domains, true 'model centers for transforming agriculture into a great stimulus for economic growth'.
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