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Stiri locale

Government maintains fiscal predictability: no progressive tax in the coming years

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Government maintains fiscal predictability: no progressive tax in the coming years The progressive tax is not on the agenda of the current government, as long as one of the coalitioN PARTNERs considers the approach to the subject as a red line regarding its participation in the Executive, said Marius Alin Andries, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, yesterday, at the annual tax conference organized by PwC Romania. ...continuare.

National Robotics Championship: 60 teams to compete in Pitesti

publicat 2025-03-12 00:00:16 (Bursa)
National Robotics Championship: 60 teams to compete in Pitesti This year and #39;s edition of the National Robotics Championship will take place in Pitesti, between March 14-16. The competition, now in its ninth season of FIRST Tech Challenge Romania, is organized by the Nation Through Education Association, iN PARTNERship with the Municipality of Pitesti and the Rotary Club of Pitesti. ...continuare.

Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation

publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation The rigid approach of tightening the fiscal environment is the worst option the Government can take at the moment, said yesterday the participants at the press conference 'What are we doing with the Romanian economy?', organized by the Association for Economic and Social Studies and Forecasts, iN PARTNERship with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) and the Romanian Employers and #39; Confederation. ...continuare.

Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation

publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Business warns: tax tightening leads to economic stagnation The rigid approach of tightening the fiscal environment is the worst option the Government can take at the moment, said yesterday the participants at the press conference 'What are we doing with the Romanian economy?', organized by the Association for Economic and Social Studies and Forecasts, iN PARTNERship with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) and the Romanian Employers and #39; Confederation. ...continuare.

PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES DEBATE Ludovic Orban took the breaking-news, Geoana - scalded by his 2009 visit to Moscow

publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES DEBATE Ludovic Orban took the breaking-news, Geoana - scalded by his 2009 visit to Moscow The long-announced debate of the candidates for the presidential elections on Sunday - the debate organized by the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj iN PARTNERship with Digi 24 was announced 45 days ago - turned out to be a fiasco, due to the lack of PSD and PNL candidates - Marcel Ciolacu and Nicolae Ciuca, but one in which Ludovic Orban took the breaking-news, and Mircea Geoana scalded again with his spring 2009 visit to Moscow. ...continuare.

A buzzing idea - the Sovereign Investment Fund

publicat 2024-09-23 00:30:03 (Bursa)
A buzzing idea - the Sovereign Investment Fund In an unstable economic context and marked by multiple challenges, the debate on the establishment of a Sovereign Investment Fund (SIF) was recently relaunched in the public space, a topic that will be extensively analyzed in an event organized today by the Association of Brokers in Romania, iN PARTNERship with SCA Piperea and Associates. ...continuare.

Noi tranzactii pe office: fratii Raj si Alok Gupta de la LondoN PARTNERs au cumparat birourile The Landmark intr-o tranzactie de 60-75 mil. euro

publicat 2024-07-12 13:00:39 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Noi tranzactii pe office: fratii Raj si Alok Gupta de la Londo<span style='background:#EDF514'>N PARTNER</span>s au cumparat birourile The Landmark intr-o tranzactie de 60-75 mil. euro Vectr Holdings, prin subsidiara sa Vectr Realty, a achizitionat 100% din acti­u­nile companiei care detine cladirea de bi­ro­uri The Landmark. Aceasta achizitie face parte din planurile de crestere ale Vectr Holdings in Romania. ...continuare.

Doua mine marine istorice, neutralizate in Marea Neagra. Au fost identificate pe timpul unor exercitii din 2023 

publicat 2024-06-12 23:00:09 (Libertatea)
Doua mine marine istorice, neutralizate in Marea Neagra. Au fost identificate pe timpul unor exercitii din 2023  Cele doua mine istorice marine, care se aflau la adancimi foarte mari si nu reprezentau pericole pentru navigatie, au fost neutralizate, miercuri, in Marea Neagra de catre specialistii Fortelor Navale Romane, relateaza News.ro. „Structurile participante la Exercitiul multinational «EurasiaN PARTNERship Mine Counter Measure Dive 24», organizat de Centrul de Scafandri, au executat miercuri, 12 iunie, […] ...continuare.

WH PARTNERS deschide primul birou din romania IN PARTENERIAT cu simion & partners

publicat 2024-05-22 16:06:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
WH PARTNERS deschide primul birou din romania IN PARTENERIAT cu simion & partners Cosmina Simion, Managing Partner WH SimioN PARTNERs WH Partners, una dintre cele mai importante firme de avocatura din Malta, anunta inaugurarea primului birou din Romania, ca urmare a aliantei strategice dintre WH Partners si SCA Simion & Asociatii. ...continuare.

Correct functioning of prevention mechanisms - essential factor for preventing insolvency

publicat 2024-05-17 16:30:03 (Bursa)
Following the crises that followed from 2019 until now and the over-indebtedness of companies, individuals, but also of states, it is vital that the mechanisms to prevent insolvency or bankruptcy work correctly and an interpretation agreed by all insolvency practitioners and of courts of law in force, stated the participants at the 15th edition of the Business Law Conference, organized for two days (May 16-17, 2024) by the Faculty of Law of the University of Bucharest, i...continuare.

Local literature, present at the Festival du Livre de Paris

publicat 2024-04-11 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Several domestic books have the opportunity to 'see' Paris. Romania will participate, from Friday to Sunday, in the Festival du Livre de Paris, a prestigious international event dedicated to books and literature, organized at the Grand Palais Ephemere and in several other emblematic spaces in Paris and iN PARTNER bookstores. ...continuare.

Bureaucracy, funding and labor shortages plague construction companies

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The construction sector is one of the main contributors to the creation of the Gross Domestic Product, but it is currently facing problems generated by the bureaucracy from the central and local public authorities, lending from the banking sector and the capital market, the reduction of some fiscal facilities and due to the lack of qualified labor force, stated yesterday, the participants of the conference Development - from planning to stability and sustainability, an event organized i...continuare.

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