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Cum a inchis politia ochii in cazul traficantilor care au adus tone de cocaina pe litoralul Marii Negre  Cum a inchis politia ochii in cazul traficantilor care au adus tone de cocaina pe litoralul Marii Negre  Un autobuz a luat foc in mers, in Bucuresti. In cateva minute s-a transformat intr-o ruina carbonizata. Ce au constatat pompierii Un autobuz a luat foc in mers, in Bucuresti. In cateva minute s-a transformat intr-o ruina carbonizata. Ce au constatat pompierii Nora lui Donald Trump, Lara Trump, va prezenta o emisiune de weekend la Fox News Nora lui Donald Trump, Lara Trump, va prezenta o emisiune de weekend la Fox News Compania aeriana HiSky va lansa din iunie zboruri charter din Brasov catre insula Creta. Aeroportul Brasov este singurul aeroport construit in Romania in ultimii 50 de ani. Terminalul de la Brasov a fost deschis in luna iunie 2023, dupa o investitie care s-a ridicat la 140 mil. euro, din care 120 mil. euro au venit de la bugetul local, iar 20 mil. euro de la bugetul national. Compania aeriana HiSky va lansa din iunie zboruri charter din Brasov catre insula Creta. Aeroportul Brasov este singurul aeroport construit in Romania in ultimii 50 de ani. Terminalul de la Brasov a fost deschis in luna iunie 2023, dupa o investitie care s-a ridicat la 140 mil. euro, din care 120 mil. euro au venit de la bugetul local, iar 20 mil. euro de la bugetul national. ZF Live. Cristina Bojica, Gruia Defaut si Asociatii: Modificari fiscale 2025: companiile cu afaceri de peste 50 mil. euro din domeniul petrol si gaze ar putea plati si impozitul minim pe cifra de afaceri impreuna cu impozitul specific domeniului ZF Live. Cristina Bojica, Gruia Defaut si Asociatii: Modificari fiscale 2025: companiile cu afaceri de peste 50 mil. euro din domeniul petrol si gaze ar putea plati si impozitul minim pe cifra de afaceri impreuna cu impozitul specific domeniului Angajatorii, obligati sa ia noi masuri antihartuire la munca Angajatorii, obligati sa ia noi masuri antihartuire la munca Incendiu violent intr-un bloc din Mangalia. Doi locatari au fost transportati la spital Incendiu violent intr-un bloc din Mangalia. Doi locatari au fost transportati la spital Moment istoric la Catedrala Patriarhala: au fost proclamati noii sfinti marturisitori Moment istoric la Catedrala Patriarhala: au fost proclamati noii sfinti marturisitori Conducatorul roman care a bagat spaima in turci. A fost tradat si a avut un sfarsit cumplit Conducatorul roman care a bagat spaima in turci. A fost tradat si a avut un sfarsit cumplit BRD SocGen reafirma responsabilitatea sa in creditarea si sustinerea economiei romanesti. Profit net de 1,52 miliarde lei, in 2024 BRD SocGen reafirma responsabilitatea sa in creditarea si sustinerea economiei romanesti. Profit net de 1,52 miliarde lei, in 2024 Estul Marii Mediterane devine un Eldorado pentru cautatorii de gaze naturale. Grecia, Ciprul, Turcia, Egiptul, Libanul si Israelul vor aceasta energie, care ar putea fi transformata in bani de corporatiile vestice, americane si din Qatar Estul Marii Mediterane devine un Eldorado pentru cautatorii de gaze naturale. Grecia, Ciprul, Turcia, Egiptul, Libanul si Israelul vor aceasta energie, care ar putea fi transformata in bani de corporatiile vestice, americane si din Qatar Laura Vicol a fost scoasa din arest si trasportata la spital Laura Vicol a fost scoasa din arest si trasportata la spital La doi ani dupa dezastrul provocat de cutremur, Turcia continua sa se reconstruiasca La doi ani dupa dezastrul provocat de cutremur, Turcia continua sa se reconstruiasca Impactul grav pe care l-ar putea avea asupra Romaniei concedierile spionilor americani de la CIA. Solutiile unui expert pentru SRI si SIE Impactul grav pe care l-ar putea avea asupra Romaniei concedierile spionilor americani de la CIA. Solutiile unui expert pentru SRI si SIE Freshful by eMAG a ajuns in 1 din 7 case din Bucuresti, in 2024. Tudor Mihailescu, general manager: Numarul de clienti a crescut semnificativ in 2024 Freshful by eMAG a ajuns in 1 din 7 case din Bucuresti, in 2024. Tudor Mihailescu, general manager: Numarul de clienti a crescut semnificativ in 2024


Stiri locale

Government establishes predictable MECHANISM for wage increases

publicat 2025-02-07 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Government establishes predictable <span style='background:#EDF514'>MECHANISM</span> for wage increases The government established in yesterday and #39;s meeting that the minimum gross basic wage in the country, guaranteed in payment, will be updated annually depending on the inflation rate and labor productivity. This measure aims to align the national wage policy with European standards and to provide a transparent and predictable MECHANISM for the evolution of the minimum wage. ...continuare.

School dropout, also combated with healthy meals

publicat 2025-01-30 00:00:12 (Bursa)
School dropout, also combated with healthy meals The Romanian Government has adopted the Decision on the establishment of the National Program 'Healthy Meal' in 2025, an initiative considered by the Minister of Education, Daniel David, a 'fundamental MECHANISM' for reducing school dropout. ...continuare.

ECA: The Next Generation EU MECHANISM messes up European finances

publicat 2024-10-10 08:00:03 (Bursa)
ECA: The Next Generation EU <span style='background:#EDF514'>MECHANISM</span> messes up European finances *According to the ECA audit of the EU budget last year, the additional costs for Next Generation EU loans will be between 17 and 27 billion euros *To finance this MECHANISM, the EU has borrowed 268.4 billion euros so far ...continuare.

Money for the green transition, embezzled by EU member states

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Money for the green transition, embezzled by EU member states *European Court of Auditors: 'Some measures, 'green and #39; on paper, are not so 'green and #39; in reality' *The European Court of Auditors found that reporting on climate-related expenditure and the green transition does not reflects the real costs and results *The European Commission and the EU member states overestimated by at least 34.5 billion euros the funds allocated through PNRRs to the green transition *For the green transition through PNRRs the European Commission allocated 275... ...continuare.

ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy

publicat 2024-09-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy *Only a third of the funds allocated through the Recovery and Resilience MECHANISM were used by the European states until the end of 2023 *Of that amount, only 50% entered the accounts of the final beneficiaries *ECA experts claim that there is a high risk that many of projects financed by the MRR are not completed according to planning *Romania, below the European average of 19% regarding the fulfillment of the reforms provided for in the PNRR ...continuare.

Marina americana este la un pas de reinarmarea navelor de razboi pe mare

publicat 2024-07-29 14:15:10 (Mediafax)
Marina americana este la un pas de reinarmarea navelor de razboi pe mare Saptamana trecuta, a avut loc prima demonstratie de succes a TRAM (Transferrable Rearming MECHANISM), desfasurata de catre Centrul de Razboi Naval la Suprafata, in Portul Hueneme, California. Sistemul testat va permite distrugatoarelor si crucisatoarelor fortelor navale americane sa reincarce cu rachete sistemele cu lansare verticala in timp ce se afla pe mare - o sarcina care acum poate fi desfasurata doar pe un doc. ...continuare.

Marcel Bolos, agrees with the postponement of e-TVA until January 1, 2025

publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The deadlines set out in GEO 70/2024 regarding the implementation of the e-VAT MECHANISM could be postponed tomorrow by the Government until January 1, 2025, stated yesterday Marcel Bolos, the Minister of Finance, faced in recent days with the revolt of the business environment against the new obligations imposed on entrepreneurs. ...continuare.

Correct functioning of prevention MECHANISMs - essential factor for preventing insolvency

publicat 2024-05-17 16:30:03 (Bursa)
Following the crises that followed from 2019 until now and the over-indebtedness of companies, individuals, but also of states, it is vital that the MECHANISMs to prevent insolvency or bankruptcy work correctly and an interpretation agreed by all insolvency practitioners and of courts of law in force, stated the participants at the 15th edition of the Business Law Conference, organized for two days (May 16-17, 2024) by the Faculty of Law of the... ...continuare.

ECOFIN: The implementation of the PNRR ends on December 31, 2026

publicat 2024-04-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Ministers of Economy and Finance from the EU member states refused last week during the ECOFIN Council meeting to extend beyond December 31, 2026 the implementation of the Recovery and Resilience MECHANISM of which the PNRR of our country is a part, announced in a post on the official page by Facebook, European deputy Corina Cretu, former European commissioner for regional policy. ...continuare.

Daniela Daraban: 'Energy efficiency is the best first fuel for development'

publicat 2024-04-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Energy efficiency is the best first 'fuel' for development that Romania has, said yesterday, Daniela Daraban, executive director of the Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE), on the occasion of the finalization conference of the 'Energy Efficiency in smart houses, smart buildings and smart networks', financed with 222,000 euros, of which 199,800 euros were received as a grant through Innovation Norway - the Norwegian financial ...continuare.

EC report: Reducing the vulnerability of tax revenues must be a priority of the government in Bucharest

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The European Commission requests the implementation of the fiscal-structural reforms assumed in the PNRR * European experts request the establishment of a MECHANISM for increasing the minimum wage * The banking sector - the best sector of activity in our country ...continuare.

INVESTORS' FORUM - 2024 The development of the stock market after the listing of Hidroelectrica- the main challenge of our capital market

publicat 2024-03-21 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Our capital market has known, in recent years and especially recently with the listing of Hidroelectrica, a series of transformations, including the increase in the number and diversification of the categories of issuers that call on market MECHANISMs for financing, the increase in the number of investors and somewhat more visibility, according to the opinions expressed during the conference 'Investor Forum - 2024: Challenges and opportunities of the... ...continuare.

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