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Marcel Ciolacu il ameninta cu demiterea pe Hurezeanu pentru comentariile cu Elon Musk: Va pleca acasa! Marcel Ciolacu il ameninta cu demiterea pe Hurezeanu pentru comentariile cu Elon Musk: Va pleca acasa! Ciolacu, suparat pe Hurezeanu: Il anunt ca face parte din Guvernul Romaniei. Va pleca acasa Ciolacu, suparat pe Hurezeanu: Il anunt ca face parte din Guvernul Romaniei. Va pleca acasa Au chemat 200 de migranti la teatru, iar acestia nu au mai plecat nici dupa 3 luni Au chemat 200 de migranti la teatru, iar acestia nu au mai plecat nici dupa 3 luni Un celebru teatru din Paris risca sa intre in faliment dupa ce 200 de migranti l-au ocupat abuziv. Stau acolo de 3 luni Un celebru teatru din Paris risca sa intre in faliment dupa ce 200 de migranti l-au ocupat abuziv. Stau acolo de 3 luni Simion, despre eventuala candidatura a lui Becali: Eu as prefera sa nu candideze Simion, despre eventuala candidatura a lui Becali: Eu as prefera sa nu candideze Business sportiv. ADVERTORIAL. Virgil Stanescu, cofondator Go Scholarship & CEO SportsHUB: Investitia in educatie si sport nu este doar o responsabilitate sociala, ci si o investitie pe termen lung in viitorul Romaniei. Sportivii de astazi sunt angajatii si liderii de maine. Sportul iti educa acele trasaturi de caracter pe care orice companie le cauta Business sportiv. ADVERTORIAL. Virgil Stanescu, cofondator Go Scholarship & CEO SportsHUB: Investitia in educatie si sport nu este doar o responsabilitate sociala, ci si o investitie pe termen lung in viitorul Romaniei. Sportivii de astazi sunt angajatii si liderii de maine. Sportul iti educa acele trasaturi de caracter pe care orice companie le cauta ALERTA Atac cibernetic major la Orange Romania. Sute de mii de adrese de e-mail au fost furate ALERTA Atac cibernetic major la Orange Romania. Sute de mii de adrese de e-mail au fost furate Papa Francisc se simte din ce in ce mai bine, insa ramane internat. Anuntul Vaticanului Papa Francisc se simte din ce in ce mai bine, insa ramane internat. Anuntul Vaticanului Cum ar putea inteligenta artificiala sa influenteze adoptarea saptamanii de lucru de 4 zile Cum ar putea inteligenta artificiala sa influenteze adoptarea saptamanii de lucru de 4 zile Bursa. Din 7 martie incep subscrierile pentru o noua emisiune de titluri de stat Fidelis: dobanzi de pana la 7,8% in lei si 6% in euro, usor sub emisiunea din februarie Bursa. Din 7 martie incep subscrierile pentru o noua emisiune de titluri de stat Fidelis: dobanzi de pana la 7,8% in lei si 6% in euro, usor sub emisiunea din februarie Greseli de gatit care transforma preparatele sanatoase in pericole pentru organism. Tu le faci? Greseli de gatit care transforma preparatele sanatoase in pericole pentru organism. Tu le faci? Horoscop chinezesc 2025 pentru Porc. Previziuni astrale: Anul marilor oportunitati, cheia succesului sta in atitudine Horoscop chinezesc 2025 pentru Porc. Previziuni astrale: "Anul marilor oportunitati, cheia succesului sta in atitudine" O aplicatie mobila de meditatie are mai mult de un milion de descarcari in 24 de ore, depasind ChatGPT O aplicatie mobila de meditatie are mai mult de un milion de descarcari in 24 de ore, depasind ChatGPT Premiera pe santierul autostrazii cu tuneluri: Lucrari 24 de ore din 24, sapte zile pe saptamana la noile galerii Premiera pe santierul autostrazii cu tuneluri: "Lucrari 24 de ore din 24, sapte zile pe saptamana la noile galerii" Nicusor Dan despre fratii Tate: O rusine si nu poate fi lasat sa treaca asa usor Nicusor Dan despre fratii Tate: O rusine si nu poate fi lasat sa treaca asa usor


Stiri locale

Germany and France warn Trump cannot use force to take over Greenland

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Germany and France warn Trump cannot use force to take over Greenland Donald Trump and #39;s territorial expansionist ambitions have been met with skepticism and derision on the international stage. Germany and France have issued strong warnings to US President-elect Donald Trump after he suggested he could use military force or economic tariffs to seize control of the Danish-administered terrITORY of Greenland. ...continuare.

The Parliament approved the training of the Ukrainian military on the terrITORY of Romania

publicat 2024-10-02 06:45:08 (Bursa)
The Parliament approved the training of the Ukrainian military on the terr<span style='background:#EDF514'>ITORY</span> of Romania Ukrainian Naval Forces personnel are set to be trained in our country, as a U.S. Navy special operations contingent will be pre-positioned at Mihail Kogalniceanu for the next two years. ...continuare.

Ukrainian blitz-krieg in southern Russia

publicat 2024-08-14 00:15:03 (Bursa)
Russian President Vladimir Putin and #39;s publicly expressed anger at Alexei Smirnov, the governor of the Kursk region, after the invasion of that area by the Ukrainian armed forces, is well-founded as long as the politruk from the south of the Russian Federation did not know exactly the terrITORY controlled by the enemies, stating that he would have been it is about 480 square kilometers ...continuare.

Tension is rising globally: NATO threatens Russia and China with its nuclear arsenal

publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Statements over the past two years by Russian President Vladimir Putin regarding the use of the nuclear arsenal as the last weapon to defend the terrITORY of the Russian Federation found their counterpart in yesterday and #39;s statement by Jens Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO, who said that there are discussions between the members military alliance about removing nuclear missiles from storage and deploying them in multiple locations to act... ...continuare.

Strict limits for Ukraine on the use of American weapons on the terrITORY of Russia

publicat 2024-06-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
President Joe Biden and #39;s decision to allow Ukrainian forces to use American weapons in the border areas with the Russian Federation, except for the use of ATACMS - long-range missiles, is only a facility given to Ukraine to strengthen its defense against initiated air raids daily from Russian terrITORY, raids that result in bombings that affect the infrastructure of the neighboring country and with victims among the civilian population, claim... ...continuare.

Business Insider: Germany has too many solar panels, sending energy prices into negative terrITORY

publicat 2024-05-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The country has more installed solar generation capacity than demand, according to SEB Research Sunny days in Germany mean dark clouds for the profitability of solar energy production, as the strong development of renewable sources in the country has brought too much production, writes Business Insider. ...continuare.

The first semester in numbers

publicat 2024-04-15 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* January 1st - Mandatory electronic invoicing comes into force for all transactions made between taxable persons established on the terrITORY of the country. The measure is applicable until December 31, 2026. ...continuare.

Project: Bucharest authorities will be able to intervene for the protection of Romanian citizens abroad

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Romanian citizens who are in danger outside the national terrITORY will benefit from the intervention of our country to ensure their protection, according to the draft law that will establish the National System for Integrated Management of Crisis Situations (SNMISC), a legislative initiative put into public debate by the Ministry National Defense. ...continuare.

Patriarch Kirill threatens the Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The February 29 decision of the Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church regarding the expansion of the canonical terrITORY in the Republic of Moldova and in the former Romanian territories that now belong to Ukraine, by strengthening the Metropolis of Bessarabia and by establishing the Romanian Orthodox Church in Ukraine, caused the displeasure of the Russian Patriarch Kirill , close to President Vladimir Putin. ...continuare.

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