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Un nou record de interventii in istoria Salvamont Romania. 187 de apeluri in ultimele 24 de ore Un nou record de interventii in istoria Salvamont Romania. 187 de apeluri in ultimele 24 de ore Premierul Robert Fico ii acuza pe ucraineni ca participa la proteste impotriva sa. Nu inteleg de ce ar trebui sa critice guvernul slovac Premierul Robert Fico ii acuza pe ucraineni ca participa la proteste impotriva sa. "Nu inteleg de ce ar trebui sa critice guvernul slovac" Dan Sucu pregateste marea lovitura la Genoa. Negocieri cu impresarii lui Ianis Hagi pentru un transfer de urgenta Dan Sucu pregateste marea lovitura la Genoa. Negocieri cu impresarii lui Ianis Hagi pentru un transfer de urgenta De ce refuza Oana Roman sa se spele pe fata cu apa de la chiuveta. Prin ce metoda isi curata tenul de fapt De ce refuza Oana Roman sa se spele pe fata cu apa de la chiuveta. Prin ce metoda isi curata tenul de fapt Horoscopul saptamanal 27 ianuarie - 2 februarie 2025. Ce ti-au pregatit astrele pentru saptamana viitoare Horoscopul saptamanal 27 ianuarie - 2 februarie 2025. Ce ti-au pregatit astrele pentru saptamana viitoare Zodia care va avea parte de mari incercari in 2025. Universul le va testa la maximum limitele celor nascuti in aceasta zodie Zodia care va avea parte de mari incercari in 2025. Universul le va testa la maximum limitele celor nascuti in aceasta zodie Motivul neasteptat pentru care mortii sunt ingropati la doi metri sub pamant! Cand a aparut aceasta regula Motivul neasteptat pentru care mortii sunt ingropati la doi metri sub pamant! Cand a aparut aceasta regula Razboi comercial in toata regula. Trump impune tarife si interdictii Columbiei. Bogota riposteaza cu 50% tarif pe tot ce e american. Presedintele Columbiei: Rasturnati-ma, dle Trump Razboi comercial in toata regula. Trump impune tarife si interdictii Columbiei. Bogota riposteaza cu 50% tarif pe tot ce e american. Presedintele Columbiei: "Rasturnati-ma, dle Trump" Rutele maritime ale viitorului: Trump vrea sa asigure suprematia SUA in fata Chinei Rutele maritime ale viitorului: Trump vrea sa asigure suprematia SUA in fata Chinei Erzurum, rivalul surpriza al Alpilor. Gazda turceasca a Campionatului Mondial de Snowboard Erzurum, rivalul surpriza al Alpilor. Gazda turceasca a Campionatului Mondial de Snowboard De ce politicienii de azi nu mai poarta barba De ce politicienii de azi nu mai poarta barba Primele simptome ale expunerii la poluare. Vlad Ciurea: Apar acele boli groaznice Primele simptome ale expunerii la poluare. Vlad Ciurea: "Apar acele boli groaznice" Cum au ajuns sa se propage teoriile conspiratiei despre furtul tezaurului dacic din Olanda. Expert: Comunicarea rationala pica in fata elementului emotional Cum au ajuns sa se propage teoriile conspiratiei despre furtul tezaurului dacic din Olanda. Expert: "Comunicarea rationala pica in fata elementului emotional" Fundatia Regala Margareta a Romaniei aniverseaza 35 de ani implicare sociala continua Fundatia Regala Margareta a Romaniei aniverseaza 35 de ani implicare sociala continua Cel mai rapid pianist din lume! Are doar 18 ani Cel mai rapid pianist din lume! Are doar 18 ani


Stiri locale

Meta Estate Trust buys back its preferred shares

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Meta Estate Trust buys back its preferred shares * The transaction will be followed by a conversion into ordinary shares, through a capital increase Meta Estate Trust, a holding company operating in the real estate sector, has sent the repurchase agreements to the holders of preferred shares by e-mail, according to the repurchase plan approved in the meeting at the end of last year, according to a report by the ISSUEr published on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Fourth quarter in numbers

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Fourth quarter in numbers * October 4 - The Ministry of Finance launches the first ISSUE of Samurai bonds totaling 33 billion yen, with firm purchase orders from investors amounting to 34.1 billion yen. ...continuare.

Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of companies going public The Bank of Russia proposes to increase transparency of public stock offerings, and to make this possible, it is necessary to change the content of information disclosed by ISSUErs and adapt it to the needs of retail investors, whose role has increased on the Russian capital market, as follows from the regulator and #39;s report submitted for public consultation, oreanda-news.com reports. ...continuare.

Probleme pe WhatsApp. Microfonul anumitor utilizatori Android se dezactiveaza in timpul apelurilor

publicat 2025-01-14 11:15:29 (Mediafax)
Probleme pe WhatsApp. Microfonul anumitor utilizatori Android se dezactiveaza in timpul apelurilor Problema a fost semnalata initial pe forumuri precum Reddit si TechISSUEsToday, indicand ca afecteaza o gama larga de dispozitive Android, indiferent de brand. ...continuare.

Germany and France warn Trump cannot use force to take over Greenland

publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Germany and France warn Trump cannot use force to take over Greenland Donald Trump and #39;s territorial expansionist ambitions have been met with skepticism and derision on the international stage. Germany and France have ISSUEd strong warnings to US President-elect Donald Trump after he suggested he could use military force or economic tariffs to seize control of the Danish-administered territory of Greenland. ...continuare.

Lovitura pentru una dintre perlele statului roman! Fitch a revizuit perspectiva ratingului la "negativa"

publicat 2024-12-24 14:45:26 (Puterea)
Lovitura pentru una dintre perlele statului roman! Fitch a revizuit perspectiva ratingului la negativa Fitch a revizuit perspectiva rating-ului Romgaz de la 'stabila' la 'negativa', confirmand totodata rating-ul 'BBB-' pentru Datoria pe Termen Lung a Emitentului ("Long-term ISSUEr Default Rating" – IDR). Decizia reflecta legatura directa cu revizuirea perspectivei rating-ului suveran al Romaniei din 17 decembrie 2024, care a fost schimbata din 'stabila' in 'negativa'. Potrivit Fitch, pozitia dominanta […]The post Lovitura pentru una dintre... ...continuare.

Fitch a revizuit perspectiva ratingului acordat Romgaz de la 'stabila and #39; la 'negativa and #39;

publicat 2024-12-24 13:30:17 (Bursa)
Fitch a revizuit perspectiva ratingului acordat Romgaz de la 'stabila and #39; la 'negativa and #39; Producatorul de gaze Romgaz anunta ca Agentia de rating Fitch Ratings Limited a revizuit perspectiva ratingului acordat companiei de la 'stabila and #39; la 'negativa and #39; si a confirmat rating-ul 'BBB-' pentru Datoria pe Termen Lung a Emitentului ('Long-term ISSUEr Default Rating' - IDR) ...continuare.

Inox Magurele enters into preventive composition procedure

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:22 (Bursa)
Inox Magurele enters into preventive composition procedure * The company did not pay the last coupon and principal of a one million euro bond ISSUE listed on the BVB The Ilfov Court has ordered the opening of the preventive composition procedure for the company Inox Magurele, according to a report by the ISSUEr published on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Fitch revizuieste perspectiva ratingului Nuclearelectrica la negativa, mentinand ratingul IDR

publicat 2024-12-20 18:30:18 (Bursa)
Fitch revizuieste perspectiva ratingului Nuclearelectrica la negativa, mentinand ratingul IDR Agentia Fitch a revizuit perspectiva ratingului Societatii Nationale Nuclearelectrica de la stabila la negativa, mentinand insa ratingul IDR (Long-Term ISSUEr Default Rating) la and #39;BBB- and #39;. Anuntul a fost facut vineri, printr-un raport transmis Bursei de Valori Bucuresti. ...continuare.

Bursa. Dupa decizia de a revizui perspectiva ratingului de tara, Fitch a revizuit si perspectiva ratingului Nuclearelectrica de la Stabila la Negativa

publicat 2024-12-20 17:16:12 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Bursa. Dupa decizia de a revizui perspectiva ratingului de tara, Fitch a revizuit si perspectiva ratingului Nuclearelectrica de la Stabila la Negativa Autor: Tibi Oprea Producatorul de energie nucleara Nuclearelectrica (simbol bursier SNN) a anuntat vineri la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti ca agentia de rating Fitch a revizuit perspectiva ratingului companiei de la Stabila la Negativa, confirmand in acelasi timp ratingul IDR (Long-Term ISSUEr Default Rating) la 'BBB-'. ...continuare.

UN: Crises are interconnected

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
UN: Crises are interconnected Trouble never comes alone, not even in climate ISSUEs. The ways in which people consume and feed themselves are causing 'interconnected' crises that affect biodiversity, climate and health, threatening the survival of essential ecosystems such as coral reefs, experts from around the world warned Tuesday in a landmark report. ...continuare.

What dividends does Prime Transaction estimate for BVB companies next year?

publicat 2024-12-13 00:00:15 (Bursa)
What dividends does Prime Transaction estimate for BVB companies next year? * 'Surprises may arise from both larger ISSUErs, mainly state-owned, and smaller ones, some of which have a predisposition towards additional dividend distributions' * 'Given the precarious situation of public finances after the 2024 election year, the possibility of additional distributions to state-owned companies is greater than in the past' * 'The rulers have refined new methods to extract money from the companies they control, mainly through... ...continuare.

Council of University Ethics and Management: Harassment in 22 Universities

publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Council of University Ethics and Management: Harassment in 22 Universities The veil is slowly being lifted from an ISSUE that has been intensely discussed, but is always in a gray day. ...continuare.

Criminal cases for multiple voting, false identity and breaking seals

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Criminal cases for multiple voting, false identity and breaking seals Electoral incidents were not absent from this election, despite the measures taken by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which mobilized 45,500 police officers, gendarmes, firefighters, border guards and workers from other structures nationwide, of which 20,800 ensured the protection of polling stations, according to press releases ISSUEd yesterday by the public institution. ...continuare.

Grup Serban Holding - profit up 48% in the first nine months of the year

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Grup Serban Holding - profit up 48% in the first nine months of the year * Nicolae Serban, CEO: 'GSH focused less on increasing turnover and more on optimizing margins' Grup Serban Holding (GSH), a company active in several areas of agriculture, obtained in the first nine months of the year a consolidated net profit of 18.4 million lei, 48% more than in the same period last year, while operating income amounted to 437.6 million lei, up 3%, according to the ISSUEr and #39;s report published on Friday on the website of the... ...continuare.

The Supreme Council for the Defense of the Country: TikTok influenced the Romanian presidential elections

publicat 2024-11-28 18:30:27 (Mediafax)
The Supreme Council for the Defense of the Country: TikTok influenced the Romanian presidential elections The Supreme Council for the Defense of the Country has no powers related to the conduct of the electoral process, but if there are elements with an impact on national security, these ISSUEs should be analyzed at a CSAT meeting. ...continuare.

iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year * The company is focusing on expanding its network of electric vehicle charging stations, according to the ISSUEr and #39;s report Online retailer and manufacturer of mobile phones, gadgets and accessories iHunt Technology (HUNT) achieved a net turnover of 31.1 million lei in the first nine months of the year, 4% above that of the same period last year, while net profit amounted to 0.46 million lei, compared to a loss in the first three quarters of... ...continuare.

Razvan Popescu, CEO of Romgaz: 'The funds raised through the bond ISSUE will support the company and #39;s entire investment plan'

publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Razvan Popescu, CEO of Romgaz: 'The funds raised through the bond <span style='background:#EDF514'>ISSUE</span> will support the company and #39;s entire investment plan' * The British from Man GNG - the largest investor in bonds ISSUEd by the natural gas producer * Romgaz bonds worth 500 million euros were listed yesterday on the BVB ...continuare.

Which BSE titles did Pilon II funds trade in the third quarter?

publicat 2024-11-14 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Which BSE titles did Pilon II funds trade in the third quarter? * Aripi, Metropolitan Life and the fund managed by BCR Pensii liquidated their holdings in Fondul Proprietatea * Arobs Transilvania Software - the new name from the Pilon II portfolios * Six of the seven mandatory private pension funds invested 413 million lei in bonds ISSUEd by Romgaz ...continuare.

BVB - revenues and profit down, in the first nine months of the year

publicat 2024-11-08 00:00:13 (Bursa)
BVB - revenues and profit down, in the first nine months of the year * Last year, the Hidroelectrica offer took place, which massively raised the financial indicators of our capital market operator The Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), the operator of our capital market, achieved a consolidated net profit of 10.4 million lei in the first nine months of the year, 52% below that of the same period last year, while operating revenues were 57.3 million lei, down 4%, according to the ISSUEr and #39;s report published yesterday... ...continuare.

Orsova Naval Shipyard concluded two contracts of 8.6 million euros, for the delivery of two ships in the Netherlands

publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Orsova Naval Shipyard concluded two contracts of 8.6 million euros, for the delivery of two ships in the Netherlands * This year the company concluded four more contracts, for the construction of four ships worth 14 million euros The Orsova Shipyard (SNO) concluded two contracts for the construction and delivery of two river vessels to the Dutch company Rensen-Driessen Shipbuilding, worth 8.58 million euros, according to a report of the ISSUEr published on Friday on the Stock Exchange website of Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Romradiatoare Brasov is making a loss, after the first nine months of the year

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Romradiatoare Brasov is making a loss, after the first nine months of the year * Mircea Lucescu, the national football coach of our country, owns 16% of the company based in Brasov Romradiatore Brasov (RRD), a company controlled by Transilvania Investments (TRANSI) in which the coach of the Romanian football team, Mircea Lucescu, has a 16.5% stake, reported for the first nine months of the year, total revenues of 20.2 million lei, 12% below those of the same period last year, and a loss of 0.01 million lei, compared to a profit of 0.8 million lei at the end of September... ...continuare.

Low-cost flights to New York, negotiated by Israel and #39;s high-tech industry with airlines

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Low-cost flights to New York, negotiated by Israel and #39;s high-tech industry with airlines Affected by the shortage of direct flights between Tel Aviv and New York and the increased prices of tickets ISSUEd by airlines, companies in the high-tech sector in Israel are currently negotiating with three air transport operators to launch more seasonal flights to New York, for the period January-March 2025, according to an article published by the Calcalist website. ...continuare.

Rastolita hydroelectric plant, close to completion: environmental agreement approved for the continuation of the works

publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Rastolita hydroelectric plant, close to completion: environmental agreement approved for the continuation of the works The project regarding the completion of the construction works of the Rastolita hydropower plant obtained the environmental approval from the Mures Environmental Protection Agency (APM) yesterday, according to a press release ISSUEd by ANPM. ...continuare.

The BSE and #39;s upward trend stalled

publicat 2024-10-21 12:00:17 (Bursa)
The BSE and #39;s upward trend stalled * New all-time highs for Dow Jones and S and P 500 * Finances raised over one billion euros from the public, through two ISSUEs of Fidelis government bonds ...continuare.

Alexandru Petrescu, ASF: 'State bonds - a basis for converting investors to other stock market instruments'

publicat 2024-10-18 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Alexandru Petrescu, ASF: 'State bonds - a basis for converting investors to other stock market instruments' State bonds are a basis for converting investors to other stock market instruments, said yesterday Alexandru Petrescu, President of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), on the occasion of the event that marked the listing of the last Fidelis ISSUE at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Warning: Increases the risk of social engineering cyber attacks

publicat 2024-10-16 12:00:02 (Bursa)
Warning: Increases the risk of social engineering cyber attacks The National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC) has ISSUEd a new warning, stressing the importance of vigilance against urgent requests or requests for disclosure of sensitive data, which are increasingly common in the context of cyber attacks. ...continuare.

The cost of living scares more than climate change

publicat 2024-10-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The cost of living scares more than climate change Daily expenses scare Romanians more than environmental ISSUEs. According to a new report entitled 'State of the Climate - Romania 2024', only 4% of Romanians consider climate change to be the most important ISSUE of our time, compared to 62% of respondents who are concerned about the rising cost of living and inflation. ...continuare.

Record subscriptions in the latest ISSUE of Fidelis government bonds

publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Record subscriptions in the latest <span style='background:#EDF514'>ISSUE</span> of Fidelis government bonds * The value of the purchase orders launched by the investor amounted to almost 3.5 billion lei, above the August record of 3.2 billion lei * The titles will be listed on the BVB on October 17 ...continuare.

Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies

publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies The dependence of our country on energy imports, in certain periods, and the need for capitalization of companies in the energy sector, so that they can increase the energy production capacity at national level, are the reasons why the Ministry of Energy launched, last Thursday, in the debate publishes a draft emergency ordinance aimed at amending the legislation in such a way that the state can directly acquire shares ISSUEd by strategic companies in... ...continuare.

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