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Cele mai recente stiri
20:45 Muzee din Herson, jefuite de rusi. Ucrainenii spun ca este cel mai mare furt din ultimele 8 decenii
20:45 Femeia care refuza relatiile intime nu este "de vina" in cazul unui divort in Franta, potrivit CEDO
20:31 Schimbari majore pe piata muncii: Patronii, obligati de UE sa iti comunice salariile colegilor
20:31 Ponta, despre posibila sa candidatura: Nu candidez contra cuiva, o sa iau decizia si o sa anunt
Cele mai citite stiri - 24h
Burduja: "Oamenii au dat un vot de blam pentru Calin Georgescu. E un impostor". Ce spune despre campania PNL care l-ar fi favorizat
Donald Trump il ameninta pe Vladimir Putin cu noi sanctiuni impotriva Rusiei daca razboiul din Ucraina nu se incheie. "Calea usoara sau cea grea"
Elon Musk recunoaste ca a platit alti gameri pentru a-si creste scorul in jocul video Diablo IV
Editia 23 ianuarie 2025 epaper
Cum se face ingrasamantul natural din doua ingrediente. Secretul care iti asigura o recolta bogata la primavara
Primarul din Sinaia, denuntat la DNA de seful Nordis. Ar fi primit peste 200.000 de euro pentru a elibera mai multe avize SURSE
Surse: Vlad Oprea, primarul din Sinaia, acuzat de luare de mita de la seful Nordis, care l-a denuntat
Iranul amana aplicarea legii stricte privind codul vestimentar pentru femei
Procurorul din "Dosarul Revolutiei", dezvaluiri despre Mineriada din '90: "Natiunea noastra a fost traumatizata ireparabil"
Atac masiv cu rachete al fortelor ruse asupra orasului Zaporojie: un mort si cel putin 25 de raniti
EXCLUSIV ZF: Miscarea blitz cu titlurile Fidelis prin care Ministerul Finantelor vrea sa faca rost de bani
Elon Musk pune sub semnul intrebarii finantarea proiectului Stargate pentru inteligenta artificiala
Calitatea aerului scade la cote alarmante in Bucuresti si Ilfov: "Gradul de poluare s-a dublat"
Pastele si cartofii reincalziti previn cancerul de colon. Specialist: "Amidonul rezistent protejeaza celulele intestinale"
Dupa un an si doua luni, marinarul roman rapit de rebelii Houthi in Yemen a fost eliberat
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Surse de stiri
Mediafax | Pro Sport | ComputerWorld Romania | Cotidianul | Antena 1 | Madone | Realitatea TV | Money.ro | ProTV | CanCan | Gazeta de agricultura | Gandul | eInformatii | Romania Libera | Ziarul Atac | Gazeta Sporturilor | Realitatea Romaneasca | AgoraNews | Go4IT | Curierul National | Jurnalul National | Ziarul Financiar | Click | Dilema Veche | Romania TV | Puterea | Antena3 | Ziare Mondene | Adevarul | Libertatea | Chip | Cronica Romana | Capital | SmartNews | OnlineSport | Income Magazine | Catalin Tolontan | Bursa | Evenimentul Zilei | Hit | Toate stirileWEF: Accelerarea tranzitiei la Inteligenta Artificiala (AI) este detrminanta: Poate fi un plan pentru mediul de afaceri si guverne
publicat 2025-01-23 10:15:56 (Puterea)
La Forumul Economic Mondial (WEF), care se desfasoara la Davos, a fost lansata o noua serie de rapoarte ,,Industries IN THE Intelligent Age", care ofera informatii aplicabile privind adoptarea responsabila si la scara larga a Inteligentei Artificiale (AI), in sectoare critice. Factori fundamentali puternici si colaborarea intre industrii sunt esentiali pentru implementarea eficienta a AI, […]The post WEF: Accelerarea tranzitiei la Inteligenta...
Ilie Bolojan decides to fire 178 Senate employees
publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
The President of the Senate, Ilie Bolojan, announced yesterday a broad institutional reform plan that will reduce the total number of positions IN THE Senate from 796 to 618, involving the firing of 178 employees.
Unpublished: Maha Kumbh Mela, the largest religious gathering IN THE world
publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
Large religious gatherings are still very popular in certain regions of the globe. India has kicked off one of the grandest religious events on the planet - Maha Kumbh Mela or the Great Pitcher Festival, a sacred Hindu celebration that brings together millions of believers IN THE city of Prayagraj, IN THE state of Uttar Pradesh.
Ambitii geopolitice in Arctica: Cine ar castiga in cazul unui conflict in regiune?
publicat 2025-01-22 19:30:29 (Puterea)
Flota rusa domina apele inghetate din Arctica, in timp ce Donald Trump sustine planuri ambitioase pentru Groenlanda fara o capacitate navala reala. Rusia, pariind pe resursele naturale si pe rutele de transport emergente din regiunea polara, si-a consolidat pozitia strategica in Arctica. O analiza a expertului militar David Axe, publicata IN THE Telegraph, subliniaza ca […]The post Ambitii geopolitice in Arctica: Cine ar castiga in cazul unui...
Peste doua treimi dintre companiile globale cresc investitiile in Gen AI
publicat 2025-01-22 11:30:30 (Income-Magazine)
Gradul de adoptie a inteligentei artificiale generative (Gen AI) a ajuns intr-o faza-cheie, iar sapte din zece participanti (67%) la cea mai recenta editie a studiului Deloitte ‘The State of Generative AI IN THE Enterprise: Now decide next’ au sustinut ca organizatiile lor cresc investitiile in aceasta tehnologie. Potrivit cercetarii, publicate marti, cresterea eficientei si […]
Moody and #39;s maintains Transelectrica IN THE 'Investment-Grade' category with a 'stable' outlook
publicat 2025-01-22 00:00:14 (Bursa)
* Last month, Fitch revised the rating outlook of Nuclearelectrica and Romgaz from 'stable' to 'negative', maintaining them IN THE 'Investment- Grade' category
Generali and BPCE lay the foundations for an asset management giant
publicat 2025-01-22 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Italian insurer Generali and French insurer BPCE signed a memorandum of understanding on Tuesday to combine their asset management operations, a first step towards creating Europe and #39;s largest player IN THE sector by revenue, Reuters reported.
Missed target IN THE 'battle' with global warming
publicat 2025-01-22 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The missing of some climate change targets is confirmed by several institutions. Global average temperatures have exceeded the internationally agreed 1.5 degrees Celsius target IN THE past two years, an EU monitor said, with the Earth recording its warmest year on record in 2024, while natural disasters have increased in frequency and intensity around the world, France24 reports.
Political developments brought volatility to the BVB in December
publicat 2025-01-22 00:00:14 (Bursa)
* The government adopted the ordinance that provides for the increase IN THE tax on dividends
* Fitch revised our country and #39;s outlook to negative
* The finance sector attracted 2.6 billion lei through the last Fidelis government bond offering last year
Deloitte: Sapte din zece lideri globali sustin ca organizatiile lor cresc investitiile in inteligenta artificiala generativa. "Companiile care vor sa exploateze Gen AI la adevaratul sau potential au nevoie sa-si imbunatateasca ariile de colectare si gestionare a datelor"
publicat 2025-01-21 16:15:46 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Autor: Roxana Rosu Gradul de adoptie a inteligentei artificiale generative (Gen AI) a ajuns intr-o faza cheie, sapte din zece participanti (67%) la cea mai recenta editie a studiului Deloitte "The State of Generative AI IN THE Enterprise: Now decide next" sustinand ca organizatiile lor cresc investitiile in aceasta tehnologie datorita avantajelor sale considerabile.
Deloitte: Sapte din zece lideri globali sustin ca organizatiile lor cresc investitiile in inteligenta artificiala generativa
publicat 2025-01-21 13:15:19 (Bursa)
Gradul de adoptie a inteligentei artificiale generative (Gen AI) a ajuns intr-o faza cheie, sapte din zece participanti (67%) la cea mai recenta editie a studiului Deloitte 'The State of Generative AI IN THE Enterprise: Now decide next' sustinand ca organizatiile lor cresc investitiile in aceasta tehnologie datorita avantajelor sale considerabile. Cresterea eficientei si a productivitatii este cel mai frecvent beneficiu obtinut prin initiativele Gen AI...
Un bodyguard adevarat: Kevin Costner o regretata si acum pe Whitney Houston
publicat 2025-01-20 10:45:32 (Jurnalul-National)
Kevin Costner, care a implinit recent 70 de ani, i-a adus un omagiu lui Whitney Houston, partenera sa dIN THE Bodyguard, informeaza Deadline.
'Mocanitele', controlled by AFER
publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
'Mocanitele' (smalls tourist trains IN THE mountain area) come under the control of the Romanian Railway Authority (AFER), according to Law 5/2025 promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis, which will lead to problems IN THE verification process, according to an article published on Friday by clubferoviar.ro.
Elections 2025: Reduction of the voting program IN THE diaspora causes dissatisfaction
publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The provisions of the government ordinance approved on Thursday by the Government for the organization of the presidential elections to be held on May 4 and 18 have attracted criticism from both the opposition and civil society, which accuses the fact that the program established for Sunday will affect the right to vote of Romanian citizens abroad.
Saudi Aramco, Apple and Berkshire Hathaway - the most profitable companies IN THE world
publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
From Big Tech to energy giants, a select group of corporate titans continue to dominate the global financial landscape, generating profits that exceed the GDPs of some countries, shows an analysis by visualcapitalist.com, based on figures published by Fortune.
Culture: Negotiations between unions and authorities
publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Cultural workers are increasingly expressing their dissatisfaction. Last week, the Minister of Culture, Natalia Intotero, had a meeting with representatives of the unions IN THE field, stating that she asked for concrete proposals to be made in order to ''be able to build viable solutions together and #39; and #39;.
Education: No fees and financial contributions to school competitions
publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The Ministry of Education and Research has approved the list of international, national and regional competitions, organized in Romania IN THE 2024 - 2025 school year, respectively the list of international, national, regional and inter-county extracurricular education projects.
Doctrina Monroe 2.0. Intoarcerea la dominarea celor mici de catre cei mari. "Intram intr-o noua era a cuceririi"
publicat 2025-01-19 20:45:02 (Adevarul)
Dupa cel de-al Doilea Razboi Mondial, natiunile s-au angajat sa creeze o lume mai egala si mai respectuoasa fata de lege. Acum, Rusia, China si SUA se intorc la un model mai vechi, in care tarile puternice isi impun vointa, scrie Iaroslav Trofimov, IN THE Wall Street Journal.
The wave of anti-Semitism is what allows Calin Georgescu to run for president
publicat 2025-01-17 00:00:12 (Bursa)
While pro-European parties are trying their best to block Calin Georgescu from running IN THE presidential elections, citing reasons for which they have no evidence or have evidence that they have not yet presented, journalists avoid talking about one obvious thing: Calin Georgescu should not have been allowed to run if state institutions had applied the legislation on combating the promotion of the Legionary Movement, fascism and anti-Semitism and had...
Cum arata si cu ce se ocupa Cabiria Morgenstern, fiica cea mare a actritei Maia Morgenstern
publicat 2025-01-16 11:45:25 (Click)
Pe celebra actrita Maia Morgenstern o cunoaste o tara intreaga, insa putini sunt cei care o stiu si pe fiica cea mare a artistei. Cabiria are 26 de ani, ii calca pe urme mamei sale, a absolvit cu 10 pe linie Facultatea de Teatru din Cluj Napoca si are un master IN THEatre/Theatre Arts Management la
Sebastian Stan are sanse mari la un nou trofeu. A fost nominalizat la premiile BAFTA pentru rolul din "The Apprentice"
publicat 2025-01-16 11:30:51 (ProTV)
Sebastian Stan are sanse mari sa-si mai adauge un trofeu la colectie. Actorul nascut în România a fost nominalizat la premiile Bafta pentru rolul dIN THE Apprentice, unde îl joaca pe Donald Trump în tinerete.
Immunity - Donald Trump and #39;s shield from justice
publicat 2025-01-16 00:00:18 (Bursa)
The failed uprising of Donald Trump supporters, which took place on January 6, 2021, at the Capitol, haunts President-elect Trump, even though the US Supreme Court justices ruled in June 2024 that he enjoys immunity from any criminal prosecution for his involvement IN THE events of that day and the preceding days.
2024 - a remarkable year for Bitcoin and gold
publicat 2025-01-16 00:00:18 (Bursa)
For several asset classes, 2024 was a remarkable year: Bitcoin rose to historical highs, gold recorded its best performance IN THE last 14 years, and the US dollar rose due to the evolution of the US economy, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com, which notes that the S and P 500 stock index had, in 2023 and 2024, the best two-year evolution IN THE last 25 years.
Insect life, studied by an academic alliance
publicat 2025-01-16 00:00:18 (Bursa)
The University of Oradea, as a member of the EU GREEN academic alliance, is part of a unique project dedicated to insect life IN THE natural environment, in cities and on campuses, called 'Insectopia and #39;.
Trade Unionists: 'Without culture, there is no future'
publicat 2025-01-16 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Culture Day was also marked with a protest by workers IN THE field, not just with festive events. Trade unionists from Cartel Alfa reported that the protest organized on Culture Day by employees of museums, libraries and other cultural institutions 'represents a necessary and legitimate approach'.
BVB in 2025: between political uncertainties and budget deficit pressure
publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
* Florian Munteanu, investment consultant: 'Stopping the elections may have very big implications, which have not been felt so far'
* Adrian Mitroi, CFA: 'The country and #39;s recent policy cannot help but be seriously seen IN THE economy, which is on a downward acceleration trend'
* Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'Dividend distributions of state-owned companies will depend on its willingness to understand and agree with the investment needs of companies'...
Free tutoring program for college admission, 2025 edition
publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The wise student prepares IN THE winter for summer admission, anyway, carts and sleighs are no longer in fashion.
Innovative Therapy to Combat Blood Cancer
publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
A groundbreaking study recently published IN THE New England Journal of Medicine has shown that a combination of two existing biologic drugs can stop the progression of multiple myeloma, a serious type of blood cancer.
India and the Middle East - the new hotspots IN THE IPO market
publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Initial public offerings (IPOs) in dollars and Indian rupees in 2024 accounted for 56% of primary equity issuances, highlighting the growing importance of the Indian capital markets, alongside traditional US venues, shows an analysis by globaltrading.net.
Students criticize the government program
publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Students entered 2025 with a sharper critical spirit than the one manifested IN THE recent period. The National Alliance of Student Organizations of Romania (ANOSR) criticizes the Government Program for the period 2024-2028, adopted by the Romanian Government, stating 'with disappointment' that only a fifth of the students and #39; proposals were integrated at least in a partial form, at least at thematic level, within it.
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