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Education Minister: National Exam Mock Tests Must Offer Real Benefit to Students

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:28 (Bursa)
Education Minister: National Exam Mock Tests Must Offer Real Benefit to Students National exam mock tests must not remain just statistical data, but must actively contribute to the educational process, said Education and Research Minister Daniel David. The official stressed that students must see a concrete gain from participating IN THEse mock tests. ...continuare.

Technology Revolution: Researchers Develop Silicon-Free Transistor

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:28 (Bursa)
Technology Revolution: Researchers Develop Silicon-Free Transistor A team of researchers from Peking University has announced a revolutionary discovery IN THE field of semiconductors: a new type of transistor that does not use silicon, with the potential to significantly increase processor performance and reduce energy consumption. ...continuare.

Scientific breakthrough: first pig liver transplant to human

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:28 (Bursa)
Scientific breakthrough: first pig liver transplant to human A pig liver has been transplanted into a human patient for the first time, Chinese researchers from Xi and #39;an University announced. This medical achievement represents a revolutionary experiment IN THE field of xenotransplantation, but it does not yet have immediate clinical applicability. ...continuare.

Star Residence Invest wants to pay dividends with a yield of over 10%

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:28 (Bursa)
Star Residence Invest wants to pay dividends with a yield of over 10% * The company is IN THE process of liquidating its assets, as it does not record income from renting the properties it owns * The issuer has the stock exchange symbol REIT, although in Romania there is still no law regulating Real Estate Investment ...continuare.

Manufacturing, technology and finance created the most billionaires IN THE past decade

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:27 (Bursa)
Manufacturing, technology and finance created the most billionaires <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> past decade From media and entertainment to fashion, thousands of business people have joined the billionaire club IN THE past decade, but some industries have been much wealthier than others, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. It highlights the industries that created the most billionaires globally from 2014 to 2024, according to figures from Knight Frank and #39;s Wealth Report 2025. ...continuare.

Occasional tensions, solid partnership; What do Romanian-American relations look like IN THE new geopolitical reality?

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Occasional tensions, solid partnership; What do Romanian-American relations look like <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> new geopolitical reality? The recent decision of the Trump Administration to indefinitely suspend the Visa Waiver program for Romania and a series of articles published by American media close to the Republican camp have raised fears among some leaders of political parties in our country that the US has put the strategic partnership concluded with our country on standby. ...continuare.

"Briliantul" dezvaluie IN THE Telegraph marea greseala a carierei: "Puteam lua usor Balonul de Aur"

publicat 2025-03-27 15:45:37 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Briliantul dezvaluie <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> Telegraph marea greseala a carierei: Puteam lua usor Balonul de Aur Adrian Mutu le-a marturisit reporterilor de la The Telegraph ca drogurile au fost marea greseala a carierei sale: "Eram singur si trist. Dar depresia nu justifica actiunile mele din perioada Chelsea".Nu e un capitol din cariera care sa-i faca cinste, dar Adrian Mutu n-a avut nicio problema sa-l readuca in discutie intr-un interviu acordat cotidianului The Telegraph. ... ...continuare.

PoliChemistryFEST 2025: Innovation IN THE Chemistry of the Future

publicat 2025-03-26 00:01:21 (Bursa)
PoliChemistryFEST 2025: Innovation <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> Chemistry of the Future The fourth edition of PoliChemistryFEST, an event dedicated to innovations and new trends IN THE fields of chemistry, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, pharmaceutical industry and nanosciences, will take place on Friday and Saturday on the campus of the National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest. ...continuare.

Minister: A collective labor agreement in culture, a necessity

publicat 2025-03-26 00:01:15 (Bursa)
Minister: A collective labor agreement in culture, a necessity The Minister of Culture, Natalia Intotero, stressed the importance of recognizing the work of those who work IN THE cultural field and announced that negotiations for a sectoral collective labor agreement are underway. 'People of culture bring added value to each country. Therefore, I believe that for Romania, too, all those who work IN THE cultural field must benefit from salaries in accordance with the activity... ...continuare.

EduLib Library, expanded for Romanian students IN THE diaspora

publicat 2025-03-26 00:01:10 (Bursa)
EduLib Library, expanded for Romanian students <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> diaspora The Ministry of Education and Research (MEC) announced the opening of the EduLib Library to Romanian schools in communities abroad, with the objective of promoting the Romanian language and education IN THE mother tongue. ...continuare.

Sergey Lavrov: 'Without the guarantees demanded by Russia, Ukraine and #39;s maritime trade remains blocked'

publicat 2025-03-26 00:00:48 (Bursa)
Sergey Lavrov: 'Without the guarantees demanded by Russia, Ukraine and #39;s maritime trade remains blocked' Russian representatives asked their American counterparts during negotiations held in Riyadh on Monday for clear guarantees so that the Kremlin authorities would allow the resumption of commercial traffic IN THE Black Sea to and from Ukraine, Sergey Lavrov, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, said yesterday in an interview with the television station Pervii Kanal (Channel 1). ...continuare.

Student feedback, a right that is rarely exercised

publicat 2025-03-26 00:00:40 (Bursa)
Student feedback, a right that is rarely exercised A study conducted by Save the Children Romania shows that over half of Romanian students do not provide feedback to teachers, although this is provided for IN THE Student Statute. The main reasons are the lack of confidence that their opinion will count and the fear that they could be sanctioned with lower grades. ...continuare.

Tree Census, with Drones and Lasers

publicat 2025-03-25 00:01:04 (Bursa)
Tree Census, with Drones and Lasers A new study published IN THE journal Science Bulletin estimates that there are 142.6 billion trees in China, which means about 100 trees for every inhabitant. However, the researchers warn that the real number may be underestimated due to technological limitations used to count them. ...continuare.

Eroare colosala a administratiei Trump care a dezvaluit planuri de razboi unui jurnalist american: "Am primit informatii detaliate despre tinte si momentul operatiunii"

publicat 2025-03-24 22:15:44 (Libertatea)
Eroare colosala a administratiei Trump care a dezvaluit planuri de razboi unui jurnalist american: Am primit informatii detaliate despre tinte si momentul operatiunii Un incident neobisnuit a expus planuri militare secrete ale guvernului SUA unui jurnalist american. Jeffrey Goldberg, redactorul-sef al revistei The Atlantic, sustine ca a fost adaugat din greseala intr-un grup de chat criptat al oficialilor guvernamentali, unde se discutau operatiuni militare sensibile. Potrivit relatarii lui Goldberg IN THE Atlantic, la mijlocul lunii martie el s-a […] ...continuare.

Sase trucuri simple care te pot face sa adormi mai usor: "Procesul de relaxare nu este ceva ce faci cu cinci minute inainte sa te bagi in pat"

publicat 2025-03-24 19:46:21 (Libertatea)
Sase trucuri simple care te pot face sa adormi mai usor: Procesul de relaxare nu este ceva ce faci cu cinci minute inainte sa te bagi in pat Somnul de calitate este esential pentru sanatate si longevitate, dar multi adulti se confrunta cu probleme de somn odata cu inaintarea in varsta. Un articol recent dIN THE Telegraph exploreaza experienta personala a unei jurnaliste care a trecut de la a fi un om care doarme bine la a lupta cu insomnia. De la un […] ...continuare.

Cazurile de Parkinson s-ar putea dubla la nivel mondial pana in 2050

publicat 2025-03-22 21:31:40 (Jurnalul-National)
Cazurile de Parkinson s-ar putea dubla la nivel mondial pana in 2050 Numarul persoanelor cu boala Parkinson s-ar putea dubla pana in 2050, afectand 25 de milioane de persoane la nivel global, arata datele unui nou studiu publicat IN THE BMJ. ...continuare.

Ce este "Rumble IN THE Jungle", lupta dintre Muhammad Ali si George Foreman care a schimbat istoria boxului | VIDEO

publicat 2025-03-22 08:30:12 (Libertatea)
Ce este Rumble <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> Jungle, lupta dintre Muhammad Ali si George Foreman care a schimbat istoria boxului | VIDEO Lumea boxului a pierdut vineri, 21 martie, una dintre figurile sale legendare. George Foreman, fost campion mondial si omul care a impartit ringul cu Muhammad Ali intr-una dintre cele mai memorabile lupte din istorie, „Rumble IN THE Jungle”. Muhammad Ali fata in fata cu George Freeman in „Rumble IN THE Jungle” Pe 30 octombrie 1974, […] ...continuare.

Legenda boxului George Foreman, care a luptat cu Muhammad Ali in "Rumble IN THE Jungle", a murit la 76 de ani

publicat 2025-03-22 07:45:17 (Libertatea)
Legenda boxului George Foreman, care a luptat cu Muhammad Ali in Rumble <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> Jungle, a murit la 76 de ani George Foreman, dublu campion mondial la categoria grea si medaliat olimpic cu aur, cunoscut pentru celebra sa lupta „Rumble IN THE Jungle” impotriva lui Muhammad Ali, a murit vineri la varsta de 76 de ani, potrivit unei postari oficiale pe retelele sociale. George Foreman a murit la 76 de ani „Inimile noastre sunt frante. Cu […] ...continuare.

Legenda boxului George Foreman, care a luptat cu Muhammad Ali in "Rumble IN THE Jungle", a murit la 76 de ani

publicat 2025-03-22 07:15:16 (Libertatea)
Legenda boxului George Foreman, care a luptat cu Muhammad Ali in Rumble <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> Jungle, a murit la 76 de ani George Foreman, dublu campion mondial la categoria grea si medaliat olimpic cu aur, cunoscut pentru celebra sa lupta „Rumble IN THE Jungle” impotriva lui Muhammad Ali, a murit vineri la varsta de 76 de ani, potrivit unei postari oficiale pe retelele sociale. George Foreman a murit la 76 de ani „Inimile noastre sunt frante. Cu […] ...continuare.

Reactia lui Trump, dupa dezvaluiri privind oferta secreta pe care o pregateste Regele Charles: "Il iubesc"

publicat 2025-03-21 21:00:02 (Adevarul)
Reactia lui Trump, dupa dezvaluiri privind oferta secreta pe care o pregateste Regele Charles: Il iubesc "Il iubesc pe Regele Charles", a scris Trump intr-o postare pe platforma sa Truth Social, distribuind un articol dIN THE Sun ce dezvaluie o presupusa "oferta secreta" pe care Regele Charles al Marii Britanii doreste sa o faca presedintelui american cu ocazia vizitei de stat a acestuia. ...continuare.

Studiu: Cazurile de Parkinson s-ar putea dubla la nivel mondial pana in 2050

publicat 2025-03-21 20:00:25 (Mediafax)
Studiu: Cazurile de Parkinson s-ar putea dubla la nivel mondial pana in 2050 MediafaxNumarul persoanelor cu boala Parkinson s-ar putea dubla pana in 2050, afectand 25 de milioane de persoane la nivel global, arata datele unui nou studiu publicat IN THE BMJ.Articolul Studiu: Cazurile de Parkinson s-ar putea dubla la nivel mondial pana in 2050 apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

Trump neaga zvonurile despre intalnirea lui Musk cu oficiali de la Pentagon

publicat 2025-03-21 16:00:24 (Bursa)
Trump neaga zvonurile despre intalnirea lui Musk cu oficiali de la Pentagon Presedintele american Donald Trump a declarat ca Elon Musk nu va merge la Pentagon pentru a fi informat despre un posibil razboi cu China, contrar unor informatii aparute in presa americana, inclusiv IN THE New York Times, potrivit AFP, care afirma urmatoarele. ...continuare.

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania’s first opponent IN THE campaign for the road to the World Cup

publicat 2025-03-21 13:00:31 (Mediafax)
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania’s first opponent <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> campaign for the road to the World Cup MediafaxThe Romanian national team meets Bosnia and Herzegovina on Friday evening, the first opponent on the road to the 2026 World Cup. The match is scheduled for 9:45 p.m. at the National Arena.Articolul Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania’s first opponent IN THE campaign for the road to the World Cup apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

The greenhouse with exotic plants in Galati will have an elevator that will go up 20 meters

publicat 2025-03-21 13:00:31 (Mediafax)
The greenhouse with exotic plants in Galati will have an elevator that will go up 20 meters MediafaxThe new greenhouse with exotic plants IN THE city of Galati will have an elevator that will go up 20 meters. Thus, tourists will be able to admire the palm trees IN THE greenhouse from a great height, as well as the Danube and the Dobrogea Mountains.The entire greenhouse costs over 3 million euros.Articolul The greenhouse with exotic plants in Galati will have an elevator that will go up 20 meters apare... ...continuare.

A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air Quality Plan IN THE Capital

publicat 2025-03-21 13:00:31 (Mediafax)
A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air Quality Plan <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> Capital MediafaxA partnership formed by two companies will create the new Integrated Air Quality Plan (PICA), announced Mayor General Nicusor Dan on Friday.Articolul A partnership of two companies will create the new Integrated Air Quality Plan IN THE Capital apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

Romania’s position IN THE context of peace negotiations in Ukraine, on the CSAT agenda for March 28

publicat 2025-03-21 13:00:31 (Mediafax)
Romania’s position <span style='background:#EDF514'>IN THE</span> context of peace negotiations in Ukraine, on the CSAT agenda for March 28 MediafaxThe interim President of Romania, Ilie Bolojan, has convened the meeting of the Supreme National Defense Council for Friday, March 28, at the Cotroceni Palace. Romania's position IN THE context of peace Nnegotiations in Ukraine is on the agenda of the meeting.Articolul Romania’s position IN THE context of peace negotiations in Ukraine, on the CSAT agenda for March 28 apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

Theodor Stolojan: '70% of Europeans and #39; savings are still held in banks'

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Theodor Stolojan: '70% of Europeans and #39; savings are still held in banks' Former Prime Minister Theodor Stolojan claims that the strategy presented by the European Commission is a step IN THE right direction and that the starting point was Marios Draghi and #39;s report on competitiveness and Enrico Letta and #39;s report on how to further develop the European single market. ...continuare.

The battle for Cotroceni: Who are the 11 candidates who want to become president?

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The battle for Cotroceni: Who are the 11 candidates who want to become president? Eleven candidates will be on the ballots on May 4, IN THE first round of the presidential elections, after the Constitutional Court ruled on all the appeals received and after Anamaria Gavrila, the president of the Young People and #39;s Party, withdrew from the race so that the votes of citizens with sovereignist sympathies would not be divided between her and George Simion, the president of the Alliance for the Unity of Romanians. ...continuare.

Gheorghe Piperea: 'Banks will run out of deposits'

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Gheorghe Piperea: 'Banks will run out of deposits' Regarding the strategy proposed by the European Commission for the Economic and Investment Union, MEP Gheorghe Piperea (ECR/AUR) told us: 'The thing about 'investment' in venture capital, that is, financial poker, is of a 'rare beauty' as a public policy. Bonus: banks will run out of deposits and will compete with funds (shadow banking) to convince people to keep their money in banks. Plus, they will also enter the 'investment' arena: they will be able to place money ...continuare.

Viktor Orban refuses to sign EU support for Ukraine

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Viktor Orban refuses to sign EU support for Ukraine European Union (EU) leaders, gathered yesterday at a summit held in Brussels, reaffirmed their commitment to supporting Ukraine IN THE war with Russia, with the exception of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who refused to sign the document, an official Europeana, quoted by Pravda, reported. ...continuare.

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