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Transformarea excrementelor de animale in descendenti, proiectul care ar putea salva speciile pe cale de disparitie Transformarea excrementelor de animale in descendenti, proiectul care ar putea salva speciile pe cale de disparitie Cum se descurca multi romani cu salarii minime: Toata viata am invartit datorii si am albit la 30 de ani Cum se descurca multi romani cu salarii minime: "Toata viata am invartit datorii si am albit la 30 de ani" Romanca, despre sistemul de educatie din Austria: Profesorii n-au interesul ca tu sa termini liceul Romanca, despre sistemul de educatie din Austria: "Profesorii n-au interesul ca tu sa termini liceul" Motivul incredibil pentru care o familie de romani din Anglia a trebuit sa isi evacueze casa. Proprietarului nu i-a venit sa creada Motivul incredibil pentru care o familie de romani din Anglia a trebuit sa isi evacueze casa. Proprietarului nu i-a venit sa creada CEO-ul Google DeepMind: Inteligenta artificiala capabila sa egaleze sau sa depaseasca oamenii va aparea in urmatorii 5-10 ani CEO-ul Google DeepMind: Inteligenta artificiala capabila sa egaleze sau sa depaseasca oamenii va aparea in urmatorii 5-10 ani Cum sa indepartezi, fara prea mari batai de cap, etichetele de pe borcane Cum sa indepartezi, fara prea mari batai de cap, etichetele de pe borcane Donald Trump: Astept cu nerabdare convorbirea cu Vladimir Putin. Vom vedea daca putem lucra la un acord de pace Donald Trump: Astept cu nerabdare convorbirea cu Vladimir Putin. Vom vedea daca putem lucra la un acord de pace Primariile economisesc pana la 90% din costurile cu energia electrica prin panouri fotovoltaice. Cum vor folosi banii Primariile economisesc pana la 90% din costurile cu energia electrica prin panouri fotovoltaice. Cum vor folosi banii Cum sa ascuti foarfecele cu ajutorul foliei de aluminiu? Un truc simplu care te ajuta sa economisesti timp si bani! Cum sa ascuti foarfecele cu ajutorul foliei de aluminiu? Un truc simplu care te ajuta sa economisesti timp si bani! Inca un scandal la Casa Alba: Trump il expulzeaza pe ambasadorul Africii de Sud, dupa tensiuni diplomatice Inca un scandal la Casa Alba: Trump il expulzeaza pe ambasadorul Africii de Sud, dupa tensiuni diplomatice Armata israeliana a emis odine de evacuare pentru mai multe zone din Gaza Armata israeliana a emis odine de evacuare pentru mai multe zone din Gaza Dan Nica: Romania propune o bursa a energiei electrice si gazelor in Uniunea Europeana Dan Nica: "Romania propune o bursa a energiei electrice si gazelor in Uniunea Europeana" Faimoasa actrita care a dezvaluit ca nu bea apa niciodata: Cum de mai traiesc, nimeni nu stie Faimoasa actrita care a dezvaluit ca nu bea apa niciodata: "Cum de mai traiesc, nimeni nu stie" Singura tara din Europa cu un singur locuitor. Are doar 550 metri patrati Singura tara din Europa cu un singur locuitor. Are doar 550 metri patrati Puterea uimitoare a cojilor de oua. Un ingrasamant natural care iti va transforma gradina intr-un paradis Puterea uimitoare a cojilor de oua. Un ingrasamant natural care iti va transforma gradina intr-un paradis


Stiri locale

Ofcom IMPOSEs tougher rules on online platforms in the UK

publicat 2025-03-19 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Ofcom <span style='background:#EDF514'>IMPOSE</span>s tougher rules on online platforms in the UK From this week, technology companies operating social platforms in the UK are required to implement stricter measures to restrict illegal content, under a new online safety regime IMPOSEd by the regulator Ofcom. ...continuare.

Layoffs impacting climate research

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Layoffs impacting climate research NASA has announced the first wave of layoffs, including among its top scientists, following drastic funding cuts IMPOSEd by the Trump administration. Among those laid off is Katherine Calvin, a chief scientist and climate advisor known for her contributions to UN climate change reports. ...continuare.

Confronting customs duties

publicat 2025-03-05 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Confronting customs duties * Stock markets fall * Safe-haven currencies rise The new 25% tariffs IMPOSEd by US President Donald Trump on imports from Mexico and Canada took effect yesterday, along with a doubling of duties - to 20% - on Chinese products, generating new trade conflicts with the US and #39;s three largest trading partners, Reuters reports. ...continuare.

Ministry of Culture launches national inventory of movable cultural heritage

publicat 2025-02-21 00:00:43 (Bursa)
Ministry of Culture launches national inventory of movable cultural heritage Minister of Culture Natalia Intotero said that the organization of the exhibition 'Dacia! The Kingdom of Gold and Silver' at the Drents Museum in Assen, the Netherlands, was 'superficial' and that stricter rules will be IMPOSEd to protect national heritage, including a strict inventory. ...continuare.

Investors are ignoring Trump and #39;s measures for now, buying stocks

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
Investors are ignoring Trump and #39;s measures for now, buying stocks When US President Donald Trump was inaugurated and announced that he would IMPOSE new tariffs on imports from US geopolitical allies and rivals, the initial reaction of the stock market was cautious, but the mood of investors has changed as the administration and #39;s policies in the field become increasingly 'confused', with delays and cancellations, according to a Bloomberg analysis. ...continuare.

'Synodal reprimands' for clerics and monks involved in electoral campaigns

publicat 2025-02-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
'Synodal reprimands' for clerics and monks involved in electoral campaigns The Holy Synod of the Romanian Orthodox Church (BOR) approved, during a working session held under the presidency of Patriarch Daniel, a series of measures regarding the observance of canonical and statutory discipline among the clergy. Among these is the application of a 'written synodal reprimand' for those who have violated the rules IMPOSEd by the Church. ...continuare.

European carmakers and #39; shares plunge on Trump tariffs

publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:25 (Bursa)
European carmakers and #39; shares plunge on Trump tariffs The shares of Europe and #39;s biggest carmakers fell sharply yesterday in response to US President Donald Trump and #39;s announcement on Saturday that he would IMPOSE new tariffs on imports from China, Mexico and Canada. ...continuare.

NATO Treaty, the first obstacle in Calin Georgescu and #39;s foreign policy regarding Ukraine

publicat 2025-01-31 00:00:08 (Bursa)
NATO Treaty, the first obstacle in Calin Georgescu and #39;s foreign policy regarding Ukraine The NATO Treaty is the first obstacle in Calin Georgescu and #39;s foreign policy regarding Ukraine, which claims that, in the event of a peace IMPOSEd by Trump in the neighboring country, Romania could take advantage and request the return of former Romanian territories. ...continuare.

Neymar, blocked by salary cap

publicat 2025-01-13 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Neymar, blocked by salary cap Football millionaires are also running into problems because of...money. The American football club Inter Miami has explained that the transfer of Brazilian Neymar (Al Hilal) is almost impossible, and among the reasons is the salary cap IMPOSEd by Major League Soccer (MLS). ...continuare.

The Renaissance of Organic Communities

publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
The Renaissance of Organic Communities The Renaissance of organic communities refers to a return to the traditional structures of human communities, which are naturally organized without artificial constraints IMPOSEd by modern economic, ideological, or technological systems. This idea involves rebuilding social and economic relationships based on traditional values, interdependence, and solidarity. ...continuare.

South Korean stock market and currency hit by political situation in Seoul

publicat 2024-12-05 00:15:18 (Bursa)
South Korean stock market and currency hit by political situation in Seoul * Bank of Korea promises to support short-term liquidity and take measures to stabilize the foreign exchange market South Korean markets fell yesterday as pressure mounted on President Yoon Suk Yeol to resign after he IMPOSEd and then lifted martial law within hours. ...continuare.

BRICS Bridge: How Russia evades international sanctions

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
BRICS Bridge: How Russia evades international sanctions The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is considering the possibility of closing the mBridge pilot project, a cross-border payments platform that Russian President Vladimir Putin considers a solution to circumvent international sanctions IMPOSEd by the United States after the outbreak of the war in Ukraine and reduce dependence on the US dollar, according to an article published two days ago by Bloomberg. ...continuare.

UniCredit, in a new trial in Russia

publicat 2024-08-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
UniCredit SpA is facing a second dispute in Russia, related to the payment of guarantees that the Italian banking group could not honor due to Western sanctions IMPOSEd on Moscow after the invasion of Ukraine, according to the half-yearly report published by the financial institution, cited by Reuters. UniCredit controls Russia and #39;s 15th largest bank by assets and is involved in another court action over the payment of guarantees that its local... ...continuare.

Business Insider: Russia wants to use cryptocurrencies to maintain the country and #39;s international trade

publicat 2024-08-01 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The authorities in Moscow aim to launch the digital ruble in July next year Russia is stepping up measures to circumvent sanctions IMPOSEd after its invasion of Ukraine and is adopting new laws regulating cryptocurrencies, along with a plan to launch the digital ruble, measures aimed at maintaining the country and #39;s international trade, writes Business Insider. ...continuare.

Balancing market prices, totally out of control

publicat 2024-07-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Due to the existence of an oligopoly in the energy balancing market, which IMPOSEs ever higher prices, a significant part of the energy suppliers could close their doors in the next three months, if the Government, the Ministry of Energy or the regulatory authority - ANRE - they will not immediately take a series of measures aimed at mitigating the explosion of prices in this market, the representatives of the Association of Energy Suppliers in Romania... ...continuare.

Business Insider: 'Forex transactions in Russia have come to be done almost exclusively in yuan'

publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* US sanctions have forced Russia and #39;s main stock exchange to cut ties with the dollar and euro, according to Bloomberg Currency transactions in Russia have come to be done almost entirely in yuan, after sanctions IMPOSEd by the United States forced the country and #39;s main stock exchange to cut ties with the dollar and the euro, Business Insider writes, citing a Bloomberg report. ...continuare.

Marcel Bolos, agrees with the postponement of e-TVA until January 1, 2025

publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The deadlines set out in GEO 70/2024 regarding the implementation of the e-VAT mechanism could be postponed tomorrow by the Government until January 1, 2025, stated yesterday Marcel Bolos, the Minister of Finance, faced in recent days with the revolt of the business environment against the new obligations IMPOSEd on entrepreneurs. ...continuare.

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