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Ultimele clipe din viata fotbalistului Luca Manolache. In 7 luni, nu i s-a pus un diagnostic si era asigurat ca e pe drumul cel bun Ultimele clipe din viata fotbalistului Luca Manolache. In 7 luni, nu i s-a pus un diagnostic si era asigurat ca e pe drumul cel bun Controversa tinutei lui Volodimir Zelenski. Presedintele ucrainean a fost intrebat de ce nu poarta costum Controversa tinutei lui Volodimir Zelenski. Presedintele ucrainean a fost intrebat de ce nu poarta costum AI de noi, romanii care se lupta cu avalansa de postari online create cu Inteligenta Artificiala "AI de noi", romanii care se lupta cu avalansa de postari online create cu Inteligenta Artificiala Premierul Italiei, Giorgia Meloni, cere convocarea de urgenta a unui summit european cu privire la Ucraina, dupa dialogul Trump - Zelenski Premierul Italiei, Giorgia Meloni, cere convocarea de urgenta a unui summit european cu privire la Ucraina, dupa dialogul Trump - Zelenski Cea mai norocoasa zi a lunii martie 2025 pentru fiecare zodie Cea mai norocoasa zi a lunii martie 2025 pentru fiecare zodie Trump a plecat de la Casa Alba. Primele declaratii, dupa scandalul cu Zelenski: Vrea sa se intoarca chiar acum, dar nu pot face asta Trump a plecat de la Casa Alba. Primele declaratii, dupa scandalul cu Zelenski: "Vrea sa se intoarca chiar acum, dar nu pot face asta" Viktor Orban se pozitioneaza contra curentului european, dupa intalnirea Trump - Zelenski. Astazi presedintele DonaldTrump a fost curajos, pentru pace Viktor Orban se pozitioneaza contra curentului european, dupa intalnirea Trump - Zelenski. "Astazi presedintele DonaldTrump a fost curajos, pentru pace" Zelenski, interviu la Fox News, dupa cearta din Biroul Oval. Ce raspunde cand e intrebat daca trebuie sa-i ceara scuze lui Trump Zelenski, interviu la Fox News, dupa cearta din Biroul Oval. Ce raspunde cand e intrebat daca trebuie sa-i ceara scuze lui Trump Dealerul Auto Cobalcescu a investit jumatate de milion de euro intr-un service cu interfata digitala pentru marca BMW Dealerul Auto Cobalcescu a investit jumatate de milion de euro intr-un service cu interfata digitala pentru marca BMW Litoral 2025: Sejur de lux in Romania. Pret incredibil platit pentru o vacanta la mare Litoral 2025: Sejur de lux in Romania. Pret incredibil platit pentru o vacanta la mare Tiberiu Useriu, din nou la 6633 Arctic Ultra Tiberiu Useriu, din nou la 6633 Arctic Ultra Resturi de drone rusesti, descoperite pe teritoriul Romaniei. Echipele de specialisti incep cercetarile Resturi de drone rusesti, descoperite pe teritoriul Romaniei. Echipele de specialisti incep cercetarile Presa din Ucraina: Zelenski l-a injurat pe vicepresedintele JD Vance in duelul verbal Presa din Ucraina: Zelenski l-a injurat pe vicepresedintele JD Vance in duelul verbal Premierul italian Meloni solicita de urgenta un summit SUA-UE. Divizarea Occidentului ne face pe toti mai slabi si ii favorizeaza pe cei care ar dori sa vada declinul civilizatiei noastre Premierul italian Meloni solicita de urgenta un summit SUA-UE. "Divizarea Occidentului ne face pe toti mai slabi si ii favorizeaza pe cei care ar dori sa vada declinul civilizatiei noastre" Relatia lui Nicusor Dan cu coordonatorul lui de campaniei, un risc de securitate nationala. Caramitru: Matei Paun are afaceri cu Lukasenko Relatia lui Nicusor Dan cu coordonatorul lui de campaniei, "un risc de securitate nationala". Caramitru: Matei Paun are afaceri cu Lukasenko


Stiri locale

CCR: Violation of electoral law and ILLEGAL financing, the causes of the annulment of the presidential elections

publicat 2024-12-09 00:00:08 (Bursa)
CCR: Violation of electoral law and <span style='background:#EDF514'>ILLEGAL</span> financing, the causes of the annulment of the presidential elections The violation of electoral law and the ILLEGAL financing that Calin Georgescu benefited from in the electoral campaign are the reasons why the Constitutional Court of Romania decided by Decision no. 32 of December 6 to annul the presidential elections and restart the entire electoral process from scratch. ...continuare.

Duplicity: Romania is in no hurry to apply EU sanctions against Russia

publicat 2024-10-16 12:00:02 (Bursa)
Duplicity: Romania is in no hurry to apply EU sanctions against Russia More than 30 months after the aggression ILLEGALly launched by the Russian Federation in Ukraine, the Government and the Parliament in Bucharest still do not have the necessary legislation - with a small exception regarding the powers of the Ministry of Finance and ANAF - to implement the 14 sanctions packages adopted by The European Union to the Kremlin. In other words, the representatives of our country voted with both hands in Brussels for the 14... ...continuare.

A year of war in the Middle East

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
A year of war in the Middle East The Middle East has been in a fever of war for a year after Hamas terrorists decided to ILLEGALly enter Israel, kill the young, old and children and take several hundred people hostage, mostly civilians, to achieve their political goals . ...continuare.

B9 Defense Ministers demand a NATO response to the ILLEGAL overflight of Russian drones

publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
B9 Defense Ministers demand a NATO response to the <span style='background:#EDF514'>ILLEGAL</span> overflight of Russian drones The Ministers of Defense from the member states of the Bucharest Format 9 (B9) request NATO to react robustly regarding the ILLEGAL overflight of the Eastern Flank of the alliance by Russian drones, said Angel Tilvar, the Minister of National Defense, after the meeting with his counterparts that took place yesterday at the Parliament Palace. ...continuare.

The Guardian: British authorities - powerless against ILLEGAL mining business

publicat 2024-09-13 07:45:02 (Bursa)
The Guardian: British authorities - powerless against <span style='background:#EDF514'>ILLEGAL</span> mining business The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) and the British judiciary are protecting the ILLEGAL businesses of oligarchs from the former Soviet states in Asia who run the company Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation (ENRC), this is the conclusion of an investigation published yesterday by The Guardian newspaper, in which it is stated that the respective oligarchs allegedly bribed senior political officials in London to escape the charges they were facing. ...continuare.

The University of Bucharest notified the protesters to leave the ILLEGALly occupied space

publicat 2024-06-21 00:00:02 (Bursa)
After a long silence, the University of Bucharest decided to react to a matter that concerned it directly. The University of Bucharest has notified the protesters to leave the protestors have notified the protesters to leave the space located in Panduri Road that they have been occupying in the campus for several weeks. ...continuare.

ILLEGAL substance used to treat post-traumatic stress

publicat 2024-06-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Drugs are being tested more and more often by specialists for treatment schemes in certain conditions. ...continuare.

Sorin Grindeanu accuses WeBuild of blackmail

publicat 2024-06-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Sorin Grindeanu, the Minister of Transport and Infrastructure, accuses the Italian company WeBuild (formerly Astaldi), which built the bridge over the Danube in Braila, of ILLEGALly using the non-payment of a debt of 230 million lei by CNAIR to keep the road that connects - over the railway - the Braila Belt to the suspension bridge over the Danube and the road to Jijila. ...continuare.

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