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Nicusor Dan spune cine crede ca va ajunge in turul 2 al prezidentialelor, acum ca Georgescu nu poate candida Nicusor Dan spune cine crede ca va ajunge in turul 2 al prezidentialelor, acum ca Georgescu nu poate candida Realitatea crunta din mediul rural si din cartierele marginase ale Bucurestiului: Sunt tinere care n-au folosit niciodata un absorbant Realitatea crunta din mediul rural si din cartierele marginase ale Bucurestiului: "Sunt tinere care n-au folosit niciodata un absorbant" Te Cunosc de Undeva, sezonul 21, 15 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a cincea gala. S-au acordat doua bonusuri: Stati putin! Te Cunosc de Undeva, sezonul 21, 15 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a cincea gala. S-au acordat doua bonusuri: "Stati putin!" Frica de dentist persista, in ciuda promisiunilor de tratament fara durere. Cum putem trece peste teama Frica de dentist persista, in ciuda promisiunilor de tratament "fara durere". Cum putem trece peste teama Copacul pe care nu trebuie sa il plantezi in gradina ta Copacul pe care nu trebuie sa il plantezi in gradina ta Protestele uriase din Belgrad, sustinute de Novak Djokovic si de alti sportivi de renume ai Serbiei: Vrem o tara care functioneaza Protestele uriase din Belgrad, sustinute de Novak Djokovic si de alti sportivi de renume ai Serbiei: "Vrem o tara care functioneaza" Planta care inlocuieste sarea in mancaruri. Are o multime de beneficii asupra organismului si ofera un gust unic preparatelor Planta care inlocuieste sarea in mancaruri. Are o multime de beneficii asupra organismului si ofera un gust unic preparatelor Ce se intampla cand renunti la zahar timp de o luna. Descoperiri surprinzatoare si sfaturile specialistilor Ce se intampla cand renunti la zahar timp de o luna. Descoperiri surprinzatoare si sfaturile specialistilor Casa Alba retrage nominalizarea lui Adam Boehler ca emisar special pentru ostatici Casa Alba retrage nominalizarea lui Adam Boehler ca emisar special pentru ostatici 16 martie: 68 de ani de la moartea marelui sculptor roman Constantin Brancusi. Cine a fost muza imortalizata in Domnisoara Pogany 16 martie: 68 de ani de la moartea marelui sculptor roman Constantin Brancusi. Cine a fost muza imortalizata in "Domnisoara Pogany" Cele mai titrate locuri de aventura din Romania. Un parc de agrement cu un obiectiv unicat in Europa de Est, printre finalisti Cele mai titrate locuri de aventura din Romania. Un parc de agrement cu un obiectiv unicat in Europa de Est, printre finalisti Nicusor Dan: Evident ca mi-ar placea ca Elena Lasconi sa se retraga si USR sa ma sustina Nicusor Dan: "Evident ca mi-ar placea ca Elena Lasconi sa se retraga si USR sa ma sustina" Femeile pe piata muncii: salarii mai mici, prejudecati si obstacole in functiile de conducere Femeile pe piata muncii: salarii mai mici, prejudecati si obstacole in functiile de conducere Nicusor Dan ar milita pentru netrimiterea trupelor de mentinere a pacii in Ucraina Nicusor Dan ar milita pentru netrimiterea trupelor de mentinere a pacii in Ucraina Virusul care pune probleme tot mai mari in Romania. Aparent banal, poate fi un cosmar pentru copii si batrani Virusul care pune probleme tot mai mari in Romania. Aparent banal, poate fi un cosmar pentru copii si batrani


Stiri locale

2024 - a remarkable year for Bitcoin and gold

publicat 2025-01-16 00:00:18 (Bursa)
2024 - a remarkable year for Bitcoin and gold For several asset classes, 2024 was a remarkable year: Bitcoin rose to historical hIGHS, gold recorded its best performance in the last 14 years, and the US dollar rose due to the evolution of the US economy, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com, which notes that the S and P 500 stock index had, in 2023 and 2024, the best two-year evolution in the last 25 years. ...continuare.

Free tutoring program for college admission, 2025 edition

publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Free tutoring program for college admission, 2025 edition The wise student prepares in the winter for summer admission, anyway, carts and sleIGHS are no longer in fashion. ...continuare.

The BSE and #39;s upward trend stalled

publicat 2024-10-21 12:00:17 (Bursa)
The BSE and #39;s upward trend stalled * New all-time hIGHS for Dow Jones and S and P 500 * Finances raised over one billion euros from the public, through two issues of Fidelis government bonds ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: How can we buy stocks at lows and sell near hIGHS?

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Prime Transaction: How can we buy stocks at lows and sell near h<span style='background:#EDF514'>IGHS</span>? *'The strategy tries to be one step ahead of the market in terms of selecting companies that will soon return to the attention of investors and liquidating those that have reached maximum values' *'At the opposite pole, it identifies companies that may have exhausted much of their growth potential' *The strategy is suitable for semi-active investors, according to Prime ...continuare.

US stock market gropes new hIGHS; does it still have growth fuel?

publicat 2024-10-08 00:00:04 (Bursa)
US stock market gropes new h<span style='background:#EDF514'>IGHS</span>; does it still have growth fuel? * Ned Davis Research: 'Bull markets don and #39;t die of old age' * Jack Ablin, Cresset Capital: 'Investors anticipate fairly solid profits and dividend growth' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'In the weeks following the presidential election, the stock market tends to recover, regardless of the party in the White House' ...continuare.

Real estate transactions of 491 million euros in the first half of 2024

publicat 2024-07-12 00:00:09 (Bursa)
The first semester of 2024 ended with real estate transactions of 419 million euros in Romania, more than twice as much as in the same period last year (when the total value of transactions in the first six months was 167 million euros), and the construction sector has reached historic hIGHS, stimulated by massive investments from EU funds and a very active private market, Colliers company experts said yesterday, during a press conference where they... ...continuare.

S and P 500 Marks New All-Time HIGHS; Wall Street analysts see a downturn on the horizon

publicat 2024-07-01 03:15:03 (Bursa)
* Stifel: 'Extremely high valuations are about to collide with an image of the weakened economy, which can bring losses to investors' * UBS: 'Bubbles tend to appear when stock returns have been very high relative to bond returns, and investors extrapolate historical returns as predictive of future returns' ...continuare.

Croatian demining systems on the Ukrainian front

publicat 2024-05-23 00:00:03 (Bursa)
One of the exhibitors at BSDA 2024 is the Croatian company DOK-ING which specializes in the manufacture of demining systems. In the exhibition, visitors can admire the MV10 system, intended for anti-tank demining, a system that weIGHS almost 21 tons, is operated remotely and has an autonomy of 1.5 kilometers, equipment that is used on the front in Ukraine. ...continuare.

Macquarie: 'It will be difficult to keep crude oil prices above $90 a barrel'

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Crude oil futures fell in foreign markets yesterday as lingering US inflation dampened interest rate cut optimism. However, stock market quotes are holding close to six-month hIGHS as investors consider a potential attack on Israel by Iran, according to Reuters. ...continuare.

Personal Finances, a Major Source of Stress

publicat 2024-04-05 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The concern for tomorrow weIGHS heavily on most inhabitants of this planet. ...continuare.

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