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Cele mai recente stiri
14:45 Primarul din Sinaia, Vlad Oprea, a fost plasat sub control judiciar pe cautiune de 600.000 de lei
Cele mai citite stiri - 24h
Premierul Robert Fico ii acuza pe ucraineni ca participa la proteste impotriva sa. "Nu inteleg de ce ar trebui sa critice guvernul slovac"
Zodiile care au parte de norocul vietii lor in urmatoarele 2 luni. Trag lozul castigator si vor fi pe culmile succesului. Nicicand nu le-a mers mai bine!
Motivul neasteptat pentru care mortii sunt ingropati la doi metri sub pamant! Cand a aparut aceasta regula
Cum au ajuns sa se propage teoriile conspiratiei despre furtul tezaurului dacic din Olanda. Expert: "Comunicarea rationala pica in fata elementului emotional"
Cel mai rapid pianist din lume! Are doar 18 ani
Razboi comercial in toata regula. Trump impune tarife si interdictii Columbiei. Bogota riposteaza cu 50% tarif pe tot ce e american. Presedintele Columbiei: "Rasturnati-ma, dle Trump"
Rutele maritime ale viitorului: Trump vrea sa asigure suprematia SUA in fata Chinei
Crin Antonescu: Cea mai mare amenintare pentru Romania este Calin Georgescu
Bill Gates: "Divortul este cel mai mare regret al vietii mele!"
Fundatia Regala Margareta a Romaniei aniverseaza 35 de ani implicare sociala continua
Trump a suspendat sanctiunile drastice impuse Columbiei, dupa ce Bogota a acceptat repatrierea imigrantilor ilegali din SUA
Sa nu ne trezim ca trebuie sa facem cheta pe Tik Tok ca sa facem rost de bani
Panduru e contrariat de penalty-ul dictat in UTA - FCSB: "Gata, cu asta schimbi regulile jocului! Nu mai poti baga alunecare in careu"
Disponibilizari si in firmele private, nu doar la stat. Studiu facut in peste 130 de companii
Criza locuintelor ii impinge pe romani sa faca tot mai multe compromisuri
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Surse de stiri
SmartNews | Cotidianul | Money.ro | ProTV | Cronica Romana | Capital | Jurnalul National | Click | Ziarul Atac | Hit | AgoraNews | ComputerWorld Romania | Ziare Mondene | Adevarul | Madone | eInformatii | Dilema Veche | Bursa | Realitatea TV | Puterea | Chip | Ziarul Financiar | Romania TV | Mediafax | Gazeta de agricultura | Romania Libera | Pro Sport | Gandul | Antena 1 | Evenimentul Zilei | Income Magazine | Catalin Tolontan | CanCan | Gazeta Sporturilor | OnlineSport | Antena3 | Go4IT | Realitatea Romaneasca | Libertatea | Curierul National | Toate stirileChris Brown, rapperul devenit celebru dupa ce a batut-o pe Rihanna, acuza un "documentar defaimator" si cere o suma colosala
publicat 2025-01-24 15:15:21 (Click)
Cantaretul Chris Brown a intentat un proces impotriva Warner Bros, Discovery si a altor companii pentru realizarea unui "documentar defaimator", dupa cum a anuntat pe contul sau de Instagram. Documentarul "Chris Brown: A HISTORY of Violence", difuzat in 27 octombrie 2024
Restoration and conservation of the University Palace of Bucharest, an investment of 435 million lei
publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
One of the emblematic buildings of the capital is undergoing an extensive renovation process. The completion of the renovation of the first section of the University of Bucharest (UB) building, that of the Faculty of HISTORY, is planned for this summer, announced the rector of this higher education institution, Marian Preda.
HISTORY of Communism to be studied by all high school students
publicat 2024-12-18 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Knowing the past is fundamental for building the future. The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, declared that all high school students will take the subject 'HISTORY of Communism in Romania and #39;, a subject dedicated to grades 12 and 13 in evening and part-time education.
Filmele de odinioara revin la Nostalgia TV. "Dallas", "Caracatita" si "Sclava Isaura" revin in casele romanilor
publicat 2024-12-17 16:01:06 (Money.ro)
Filmele de odinioara revin la Nostalgia TV! Marile succese de televiziune ale anilor '80 si '90, care au tinut milioane de telespectatori romani in fata micilor ecrane, revin de astazi in grila noului post Nostalgia TV. Parte a grupului Clever Media (Prima TV), Nostalgia TV inlocuieste fostul post Prima HISTORY, care a avut o prezenta […]Articolul Filmele de odinioara revin la Nostalgia TV. "Dallas", "Caracatita" si "Sclava Isaura" revin in...
US stock market beats expectations; what and #39;s next?
publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
* Carson Group: 'HISTORY suggests bull market likely to continue next year, with stocks set to outperform their annual average'
* Deutsche Bank: 'S and P 500 to deliver attractive double-digit returns in 2025, even if it doesn and #39;t repeat this year and #39;s stellar performance'
* Sanctuary Wealth: 'We expect corporate profits to continue to grow in 2025, so we don and #39;t think valuations will hold back stock price appreciation'
Noua actualizare Spotify permite utilizatorilor sa salveze istoricul de ascultare timp de 90 de zile
publicat 2024-11-26 07:30:19 (Mediafax)
Platforma spune ca acest lucru va fi util cand vine vorba de "reluarea unui podcast pus pe pauza, gasirea muzicii ascultate saptamana trecuta sau, in sfarsit, redarea acelui album sau audiobook salvat". Aceasta pagina inlocuieste sectiunea "Listening HISTORY" si va functiona atat pentru utilizatorii care folosesc un abonament gratuit, cat si pentru cei Premium.
CORRESPONDENCE FROM NEW YORK The Message of the American Elections
publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
The 2024 American elections mark a turning point in the HISTORY of the United States.
October 2024, the wettest month in Spanish HISTORY
publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:25 (Bursa)
Records related to temperatures, rainfall, winds, fall one after another. October 2024 was the wettest ever recorded in Spain, announced the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), which mentions a record of rainfall recorded in one hour during deadly weather in the Valencia region, informs AFP.
Trump and Bitcoin: An Alliance That Promises New Records for Cryptocurrency
publicat 2024-11-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
* Yesterday, Bitcoin reached $80,000 for the first time in HISTORY
* Ned Davis Research: 'The price is rising on the optimism brought by Trump and #39;s victory and we see it moving forward without much resistance'
* Donald Trump: 'My administration and #39;s policy will be for the US to keep 100% of the amount of Bitcoin that the government owns or will acquire'
The US stock market usually rises after elections; will HISTORY repeat itself?
publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
* UBS: 'US listed stocks should be supported by economic growth, lower interest rates and structural support provided by artificial intelligence'
* Berenberg: 'Trump and #39;s return to the White House means an uncertain trade policy and geopolitics, with negative implications for the growth of the European economy and business'
Increased security at voting centers
publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
After one of the most violent campaigns in the HISTORY of the United States of America, the 50 states have strengthened security at voting centers to ensure that elections are held safely and that the physical integrity of election officials and voters is protected in the event of violent episodes, writes EFE.
The third year of a presidential term brought the best performance for the S and P 500
publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
In US HISTORY, the third year of a presidential term has been the most favorable for the US stock market, which may be due to policies adopted in those years to stimulate the economy ahead of the next election, according to an analysis visualcapitalist.com, based on PinPoint Macro Analytics data.
Adoption Fair at the 'Grigore Antipa' Museum
publicat 2024-10-24 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Animal lovers have a meeting point in the Capital this weekend. The 'Grigore Antipa' National Museum of Natural HISTORY together with the TNR Association are organizing, on Saturday, Black Cat Day.
ICI Bucuresti si AGERPRES au lansat proiectul "Agerpres Daily News | Hold HISTORY"
publicat 2024-10-21 15:45:19 (Antena3)
ICI Bucuresti si Agentia Nationala de Presa AGERPRES, cu sprijinul Ministerului Cercetarii, Inovarii si Digitalizarii, lanseaza luni proiectul "Agerpres Daily News | Hold HISTORY", care are scopul de a...
Cazul Northvolt sau cum se configureaza un dezastru de 15 mld. dolari in productia de baterii, cel mai mare vis european din domeniu
publicat 2024-10-08 00:15:15 (Ziarul-Financiar)
"Make oil HISTORY (Fa din petrol istorie - n. red.)", scrie mare pe site-ul Northvolt, fabrica de baterii litiu-ion deschisa in 2021 in micutul orasel suedez Skelleftea, aproape de Cercul Polar.
Synod of the Catholic Church: Discussions on highly controversial topics
publicat 2024-10-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Pope Francis opened the Catholic Church and #39;s Synod of Bishops with a powerful message to the 368 voting participants, including cardinals, bishops and, for the first time in the HISTORY of the Catholic Church, women and lay people.
Pollution, inspiration for works of art
publicat 2024-09-30 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Pollution can have its charm, that and #39;s what great artists claim, who managed to immortalize it in famous paintings. Claude Monet, one of the greatest masters of Impressionism, was captivated by London and its famous 'fog', a combination of industrial pollution and humidity that created a mysterious and unique light. For the first time in HISTORY, his paintings depicting the British Parliament and the River Thames are being exhibited in London, as...
'Acta Moldaviae Meridionalis' brings together over 100 specialists from the country and abroad
publicat 2024-09-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
HISTORY is not only a glimpse into the past but can also decipher the future.
Record number of 'freshman' students for UMFST
publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
In the fall, the crops are gathered and the students are counted. The rector of the University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Sciences and Technology 'George Emil Palade' from Targu Mures, Leonard Azamfirei, declared during the opening ceremony of the academic year, that the institution achieved a record, by entering the first year of the largest number of students from UMFST HISTORY, approximately 4,000.
Razvan Pasol, Patria Asset Management: 'We must have a very good allocation of savings by asset class'
publicat 2024-09-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'HISTORY has shown that over longer periods of time, all declines in the stock markets have been recovered and overcome'
* 'In Romania we have the problem of deficit; we will probably see the bill next year'
What impact might Fed policy easing have on the US stock market?
publicat 2024-08-27 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Craig Fehr, Edward Jones Investments: 'HISTORY is on investors and #39; side on post-rate-cut equity market returns'
* Economist Mohamed El-Erian: 'The markets are gloomy, at least for now, remarks imported from Powell and #39;s speech'
* Garry Evans, BCA Research: 'The idea that we will have a soft landing of the economy is very well rooted; we don and #39;t believe that'
Premiere: Tesla overtaken by BMW on the EU electric car market
publicat 2024-08-26 00:30:03 (Bursa)
The German car manufacturer BMW sold more electric vehicles in the European Union for the first time in HISTORY than the American rival Tesla, and this happened in July 2024, when the German manufacturer managed to increase its deliveries in a market which, overall, it has slowed, according to Bloomberg.
The data analyzed by the consulting firm Jato Dynamics show that, in July 2024, sales of all-electric BMW cars in the EU block increased by almost a...
The great pandemics - humanity and #39;s vulnerability to infectious diseases
publicat 2024-08-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Freedom was wider before the COVID-19 pandemic, and now we hardly remember that until the year 2020 we lived completely differently. Moreover, epidemics had a profound impact on the HISTORY of humanity, shaping the course of civilizations and influencing social, economic and political dynamics.
"Ascunzatorile Dictatorilor", la HISTORY Channel: de la Casa Poporului la buncarul atomic al lui Stalin
publicat 2024-08-13 15:00:01 (Adevarul)
HISTORY Channel transmite in premiera seria documentara de sase episoade intitulata "Ascunzatorile Dictatorilor", in care un episod este dedicat dictatorului Nicolae Ceausescu.
Greece: The two warmest summer months in the HISTORY of measurements
publicat 2024-08-07 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tourists from all over the world faced very high temperatures this summer during their holidays in one of the most popular European holiday destinations.
Micro-exhibition: 'The paper lion: the notes of the Ministry of Finance'
publicat 2024-08-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Finance has an interesting HISTORY and it deserves to be known to the general public.
Nasdaq - close to a crash?
publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* HISTORY shows that market gains driven by just a few stocks tend to be followed by crashes, according to a Societe Generale strategist
Exhibition for the 'Golden Generation' at the HISTORY Museum in Sibiu
publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The 'Golden Generation' has a new moment in which it is honored.
21st Century – The Century of Spirituality – A Glimpse into the MyAngels Social Platform
publicat 2024-06-21 10:15:09 (Money.ro)
The digital era we are living in has brought the world to the most sophisticated stage of fragmentation. For the first time in HISTORY, people as social animals are joining communities independent of their national, political, cultural, or religious origins. The natural human need to connect, share moments, and information is growing without limits on […]Articolul 21st Century – The Century of Spirituality – A Glimpse into the MyAngels...
Rare fossils, discovered in play
publicat 2024-06-06 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Rare fossils of a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex have been excavated in the swamplands of North Dakota - a discovery worthy of attention for the scientific knowledge it could provide about the life and HISTORY of this famous dinosaur species and for children and #39;s stories who discovered them.
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