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Ultimele clipe din viata fotbalistului Luca Manolache. In 7 luni, nu i s-a pus un diagnostic si era asigurat ca e pe drumul cel bun Ultimele clipe din viata fotbalistului Luca Manolache. In 7 luni, nu i s-a pus un diagnostic si era asigurat ca e pe drumul cel bun Zelenski, interviu la Fox News, dupa cearta din Biroul Oval. Ce raspunde cand e intrebat daca trebuie sa-i ceara scuze lui Trump Zelenski, interviu la Fox News, dupa cearta din Biroul Oval. Ce raspunde cand e intrebat daca trebuie sa-i ceara scuze lui Trump Trump a plecat de la Casa Alba. Primele declaratii, dupa scandalul cu Zelenski: Vrea sa se intoarca chiar acum, dar nu pot face asta Trump a plecat de la Casa Alba. Primele declaratii, dupa scandalul cu Zelenski: "Vrea sa se intoarca chiar acum, dar nu pot face asta" Premierul Italiei, Giorgia Meloni, cere convocarea de urgenta a unui summit european cu privire la Ucraina, dupa dialogul Trump - Zelenski Premierul Italiei, Giorgia Meloni, cere convocarea de urgenta a unui summit european cu privire la Ucraina, dupa dialogul Trump - Zelenski Viktor Orban se pozitioneaza contra curentului european, dupa intalnirea Trump - Zelenski. Astazi presedintele DonaldTrump a fost curajos, pentru pace Viktor Orban se pozitioneaza contra curentului european, dupa intalnirea Trump - Zelenski. "Astazi presedintele DonaldTrump a fost curajos, pentru pace" Dealerul Auto Cobalcescu a investit jumatate de milion de euro intr-un service cu interfata digitala pentru marca BMW Dealerul Auto Cobalcescu a investit jumatate de milion de euro intr-un service cu interfata digitala pentru marca BMW Reactia premierului Ciolacu, dupa ce motiunea de cenzura a picat: A fost o sarada politica Reactia premierului Ciolacu, dupa ce motiunea de cenzura a picat: A fost o sarada politica AI de noi, romanii care se lupta cu avalansa de postari online create cu Inteligenta Artificiala "AI de noi", romanii care se lupta cu avalansa de postari online create cu Inteligenta Artificiala Controversa tinutei lui Volodimir Zelenski. Presedintele ucrainean a fost intrebat de ce nu poarta costum Controversa tinutei lui Volodimir Zelenski. Presedintele ucrainean a fost intrebat de ce nu poarta costum Litoral 2025: Sejur de lux in Romania. Pret incredibil platit pentru o vacanta la mare Litoral 2025: Sejur de lux in Romania. Pret incredibil platit pentru o vacanta la mare Tiberiu Useriu, din nou la 6633 Arctic Ultra Tiberiu Useriu, din nou la 6633 Arctic Ultra Resturi de drone rusesti, descoperite pe teritoriul Romaniei. Echipele de specialisti incep cercetarile Resturi de drone rusesti, descoperite pe teritoriul Romaniei. Echipele de specialisti incep cercetarile Premierul italian Meloni solicita de urgenta un summit SUA-UE. Divizarea Occidentului ne face pe toti mai slabi si ii favorizeaza pe cei care ar dori sa vada declinul civilizatiei noastre Premierul italian Meloni solicita de urgenta un summit SUA-UE. "Divizarea Occidentului ne face pe toti mai slabi si ii favorizeaza pe cei care ar dori sa vada declinul civilizatiei noastre" Presa din Ucraina: Zelenski l-a injurat pe vicepresedintele JD Vance in duelul verbal Presa din Ucraina: Zelenski l-a injurat pe vicepresedintele JD Vance in duelul verbal Relatia lui Nicusor Dan cu coordonatorul lui de campaniei, un risc de securitate nationala. Caramitru: Matei Paun are afaceri cu Lukasenko Relatia lui Nicusor Dan cu coordonatorul lui de campaniei, "un risc de securitate nationala". Caramitru: Matei Paun are afaceri cu Lukasenko


Stiri locale

Explosion of insolvencies: 7,274 companies became insolvent last year

publicat 2025-02-27 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Explosion of insolvencies: 7,274 companies became insolvent last year *Insolvencies increased by 9.38% compared to 2023, with a major impact on large companies, according to the annual study conducted by Coface Romania *In the first eight months of last year, the number of insolvencies was 17.16% HIGHER than in the period January-August 2023 *According to Coface Romania representatives, the situation was caused by insolvencies in companies operating in the residential construction sector *As for companies whose turnover... ...continuare.

BNR revises inflation forecast upwards; general downward trend maintained throughout the year

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
BNR revises inflation forecast upwards; general downward trend maintained throughout the year * Isarescu: 'The fact that we have a HIGHER interest rate is related to internal political tensions' * 'It and #39;s really not the time to depreciate the exchange rate, because we have a lot of tensions' * 'A possible trade war will not only have an inflationary impact, but I think it will create a recession' * 'If the governing coalition did not approve the ordinance (austerity), the deficit would have gone towards 10% this year' ...continuare.

Microplastics in the Placenta Linked to Premature Birth

publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Microplastics in the Placenta Linked to Premature Birth A new study has found that microplastics and nanoplastics are present in significantly HIGHER amounts in the placentas of babies born prematurely compared to those born at term. ...continuare.

Universitatea din Oradea a fost recunoscuta la nivel global, in clasamentul Times HIGHER Education 2025, cu trei domenii de studiu

publicat 2025-01-23 18:15:33 (Libertatea)
Universitatea din Oradea a fost recunoscuta la nivel global, in clasamentul Times <span style='background:#EDF514'>HIGHER</span> Education 2025, cu trei domenii de studiu Universitatea din Oradea a reconfirmat in anul 2025 pozitia sa de institutie de referinta in peisajul educational din Romania. A fost inclusa in clasamentul international Times HIGHER Education, realizat pe domenii de studiu, relateaza InfoOradea.ro. In acest an, Universitatea din Oradea a inregistrat o performanta, fiind citata in clasament cu trei domenii de studiu, dupa […] ...continuare.

Restoration and conservation of the University Palace of Bucharest, an investment of 435 million lei

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
Restoration and conservation of the University Palace of Bucharest, an investment of 435 million lei One of the emblematic buildings of the capital is undergoing an extensive renovation process. The completion of the renovation of the first section of the University of Bucharest (UB) building, that of the Faculty of History, is planned for this summer, announced the rector of this HIGHER education institution, Marian Preda. ...continuare.

Mai multe universitati din Romania apar in cel mai nou clasament global Times HIGHER Education

publicat 2025-01-22 13:00:04 (Adevarul)
Mai multe universitati din Romania apar in cel mai nou clasament global Times <span style='background:#EDF514'>HIGHER</span> Education Universitatile din Romania si-au extins prezenta in cea mai recenta editie a clasamentului Times HIGHER Education, publicat miercuri, care analizeaza performantele pe domenii de studiu. Institutiile romanesti au inregistrat 63 de aparitii in cele 11 domenii evaluate. ...continuare.

Babes-Bolyai University, national leader in research competitions organized by UEFISCDI

publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Babes-Bolyai University, national leader in research competitions organized by UEFISCDI Babes-Bolyai University (UBB) in Cluj-Napoca announces that it begins 2025 as a national leader in research competitions organized by the Executive Unit for Financing HIGHER Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI). ...continuare.

Paris Olympics, 'medal' for environmental protection

publicat 2024-12-13 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Paris Olympics, 'medal' for environmental protection The Games have been over for months, but there is still good news coming out of Paris. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games have been halved compared to previous editions, despite the HIGHER-than-expected impact of air travel, according to figures released by organizers. ...continuare.

10 million euro projects for Ovidius University of Constanta

publicat 2024-12-11 00:15:07 (Bursa)
10 million euro projects for Ovidius University of Constanta Ovidius University of Constanta has won two projects worth a total of 10 million euros, financed through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), for the development of educational infrastructure, representatives of the HIGHER education institution informed. ...continuare.

Consultation: Methodology for allocating funds for state HIGHER education institutions

publicat 2024-12-05 00:15:18 (Bursa)
Consultation: Methodology for allocating funds for state <span style='background:#EDF514'>HIGHER</span> education institutions The Ministry of Education has launched for public consultation the draft order on the Methodology for allocating budgetary funds for basic and additional financing of state HIGHER education institutions in Romania in 2025. The methodology regulates the allocation of budgetary funds for the two main components of institutional financing. ...continuare.

Erasmus programme used by over 15 million people

publicat 2024-11-29 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Erasmus programme used by over 15 million people The Erasmus programme, which facilitates exchanges in HIGHER education, has helped around 15.1 million people gain experience abroad since the initiative was launched in 1987, the European Commission has announced. ...continuare.

Professional conversion programs for teachers, within universities

publicat 2024-11-28 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Professional conversion programs for teachers, within universities Accredited HIGHER education institutions may organize professional conversion programs for teachers in pre-university education based only on accredited bachelor and #39;s degree programs, states a project put out for public consultation by the Ministry of Education. ...continuare.

Interdisciplinary Science Rankings: UB, prima din Romania la cercetarea stiintifica interdisciplinara

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
Interdisciplinary Science Rankings: UB, prima din Romania la cercetarea stiintifica interdisciplinara Universitatea din Bucuresti (UB) este, potrivit primei editii a clasamentului Times HIGHER Education - Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025, pe locul 1 in Romania in ceea ce priveste cercetarea stiintifica interdisciplinara. Topul realizat de Times HIGHER Education, in parteneriat cu Schmidt Science Fellows, pozitioneaza Universitatea din Bucuresti in intervalul 301 - 350. ...continuare.

Interdisciplinary Science Rankings: UB, the first in Romania in interdisciplinary scientific research

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
Interdisciplinary Science Rankings: UB, the first in Romania in interdisciplinary scientific research The University of Bucharest (UB) is, according to the first edition of the Times HIGHER Education - Interdisciplinary Science Rankings 2025, ranked 1st in Romania in terms of interdisciplinary scientific research. ...continuare.

Universitatea din Bucuresti, prima universitate din Romania la cercetare stiintifica interdisciplinara

publicat 2024-11-21 20:45:26 (Puterea)
Universitatea din Bucuresti, prima universitate din Romania la cercetare stiintifica interdisciplinara Potrivit primei editii a topului realizat de Times HIGHER Education, in parteneriat cu Schmidt Science Fellows, Universitatea din Bucuresti se situeaza in intervalul 301 - 350. La acelasi nivel cu Universitatea din Bucuresti se situeaza, de exemplu, si Universitatea din Bordeaux (Franta), Universitatea din Burgos (Spania), dar si Universitatea din Benin (Nigeria) ori Universitatea Tammasat […]The post Universitatea din Bucuresti, prima... ...continuare.

HIGHER Education: Single National Reporting Platform

publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>HIGHER</span> Education: Single National Reporting Platform The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announced the creation of a single national reporting platform in HIGHER education, which will reduce the workload related to data reporting by universities. ...continuare.

University of Oradea, for the first time in the international Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects

publicat 2024-11-14 00:00:14 (Bursa)
University of Oradea, for the first time in the international Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects The Romanian university environment also has reasons to be proud. The University of Oradea is for the first time present in the international Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, the HIGHER education institution informed. ...continuare.

High-tech railway laboratory at Politehnica Bucharest

publicat 2024-11-06 00:00:17 (Bursa)
High-tech railway laboratory at Politehnica Bucharest Students from the Faculty of Transport within the Politehnica University of Bucharest will prepare for the railway infrastructure in the new laboratory set up by Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), part of the Grampet Group, a laboratory that was inaugurated yesterday by Mihnea Costoiu - the rector of the institution of HIGHER education and by Gruia Stoica - the president of Grampet Group. ...continuare.

Student scholarships increased

publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Student scholarships increased The Minister of Education, Ligia Deca, announces that she has approved the new order regarding student scholarships. According to the minister: 'Bigger scholarships for students! I have approved the new ministerial order regarding student scholarships. The minimum amount of the social scholarship is proposed annually by the National Commission for Financing HIGHER Education and must cover the minimum expenses of food and accommodation and #39; and #39;. ...continuare.

Tot mai multi elevi romani vor sa studieze in domeniul ospitalitatii in Elvetia, Franta sau Spania

publicat 2024-10-16 14:15:18 (Bursa)
Tot mai multi elevi romani vor sa studieze in domeniul ospitalitatii in Elvetia, Franta sau Spania In contextul in care tot mai multi elevi sunt atrasi de domeniul ospitalitatii in destinatii turistice ca Elvetia, Franta sau Spania, Youni organizeaza conferinta 'Romanian Youth Hospitality', care va gazdui reprezentanti ai celor mai bune universitati de ospitalitate din lume, precum Glion Institute of HIGHER Education si Les Roches Global Hospitality Education, ambele din Elvetia. ...continuare.

Topul celor mai bune universitati din lume. Institutiile de invatamant din Asia castiga teren

publicat 2024-10-14 20:45:08 (Jurnalul-National)
Topul celor mai bune universitati din lume. Institutiile de invatamant din Asia castiga teren SUA si Marea Britanie se afla pe primele locuri in topul celor mai bune universitati din lume. Insa continua avansul institutiilor asiatice de invatamant superior, pentru al doilea an consecutiv, potrivit Raportului 2025 Times HIGHER Education World University Rankings. ...continuare.

Times HIGHER Education 2025: Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie "Carol Davila" din Bucuresti ocupa primul loc intre cele 22 de universitati clasificate din Romania

publicat 2024-10-09 16:15:14 (Jurnalul-National)
Times <span style='background:#EDF514'>HIGHER</span> Education 2025: Universitatea de Medicina si Farmacie Carol Davila din Bucuresti ocupa primul loc intre cele 22 de universitati clasificate din Romania O noua recunoastere internationala a Universitatii de Medicina si Farmacie  "Carol Davila" din Bucuresti vine din partea prestigiosului clasament international Times HIGHER Education 2025 care plaseaza UMFCD pe primul loc intre cele 22 de universitati clasificate din Romania. ...continuare.

HIGHER education, forced to adapt to socio-economic needs

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>HIGHER</span> education, forced to adapt to socio-economic needs Universities will have to be much more strongly connected to the socio-economic environment, there is a need for dialogue with socio-economic partners to identify the needs of a real labor market that can generate the further development of Romania, said the vice-president of the Senate Sorin Cimpeanu. ...continuare.

QR code for graduation diplomas

publicat 2024-10-04 00:00:02 (Bursa)
QR code for graduation diplomas The graduation diplomas that will be issued to future graduates of HIGHER education will have a QR code as a distinctive element, based on which a database will be accessed that will show the entire academic course of the holder, declared the spokesperson of the Government, Mihai Constantin. ...continuare.

Balancing the energy market: the impact of volatile prices on bills

publicat 2024-09-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Balancing the energy market: the impact of volatile prices on bills *1890 lei/MW - the price in the balancing market *Daniel Burduhos: 'The respective price is more than 4 times HIGHER than the selling price we practice' *The suppliers claim that, due to the respective costs, they record monthly losses of 10-15% *Laurentiu Urluescu, president of AFEER: 'The legislator and the regulator have limited to 5% the costs with the imbalances that are recognized, although there are some costs that do not belong to the suppliers' ...continuare.

For shareholders will receive ten free titles for every one they own, next week

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
For shareholders will receive ten free titles for every one they own, next week * The company reported declining revenue and profit in the middle of the year * 'Business seasonality generates a HIGHER value of income in the second part of the year', according to the company ...continuare.

Theme camp for military students

publicat 2024-08-21 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Theme camp for military students Summer is the period of camps dedicated to students and pupils. Approximately 140 students from HIGHER education institutions with a military, police and intelligence profile in the country, who obtained outstanding results in the education process, are participating in this period in the 'Proud of Romanian Values' camp, organized in the Geoagiu Bai resort by the Ministry Family, Youth and Equal Opportunities. ...continuare.

Alro - HIGHER production and sales in the second quarter

publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The price of aluminum on the London Metal Exchange increased by 12% between April and June this year, compared to the second quarter of last year ...continuare.

Medicine, in great demand among high school graduates

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Competition for admission to HIGHER education is increasing in certain disciplines. ...continuare.

Balancing market prices, totally out of control

publicat 2024-07-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Due to the existence of an oligopoly in the energy balancing market, which imposes ever HIGHER prices, a significant part of the energy suppliers could close their doors in the next three months, if the Government, the Ministry of Energy or the regulatory authority - ANRE - they will not immediately take a series of measures aimed at mitigating the explosion of prices in this market, the representatives of the Association of Energy Suppliers in Romania... ...continuare.

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