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GUN MEDIA: Retailers SHEIN, TEMU, Ali Express Change the Game of Online Commerce

publicat 2024-03-22 09:45:06 (Bursa)
In the local ecommerce market, tension is increasing from year to year. 2024 brings challenges that only adaptable and innovative brands can overcome, say representatives of GUN MEDIA agency, with 11 years of experience in digital marketing. As online competition grows and audience volume remains the same, if not decreasing, with users and #39; attention divided among social media platforms, costs are rising. The budgets thrown into the market by major... ...continuare.

GUN MEDIA: Retailerii SHEIN, TEMU, Ali Express schimba jocul comertului online

publicat 2024-03-22 09:15:05 (Bursa)
Pe piata de ecommerce locala, tensiunea creste de la an la an. 2024 aduce provocari pe care doar brandurile adaptabile si inovatoare le pot depasi, afirma reprezentatii agentiei GUN MEDIA, cu 11 ani de experienta in digital marketing. ...continuare.

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