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Cele mai citite stiri - 24h
Marturia unui supravietuitor al lagarului de la Auschwitz. Otto Fülop: "Drumul era plin de oameni impuscati, cu capetele facute praf"
Incepe dezbaterea bugetului de stat si al asigurarilor sociale pentru 2025
Parlamentul stabileste comisiile de control pentru SRI, SIE si revolutionari: proceduri si vot final
"Mars ma". De ce avem cei mai multi tineri barbati usor de manipulat si radicalizat: "Sunt peste tot si sunt foarte multi"
Horoscopul zilei de 2 februarie. O zodie e coplesita de emotii, iar alta este un stalp pentru prieteni
Fonduri nerambursabile de peste 2 miliarde de euro vor fi alocate firmelor in 2025. Lista programelor
Impresiile unui turist britanic despre cartierul Ferentari: "E cel mai periculos ghetou din Romania". Conationalii il contrazic
Incendiile din Los Angeles sunt complet sub control, dupa trei saptamani. La cat sunt evaluate pagubele provocate de flacari
Prof. Anca Tudorancea: "Trebuie ca oamenii sa stie mai multa istorie pentru a intelege care sunt pericolele discursurilor patriotarde"
China are de cel putin 7 ani un spion la Fed, banca centrala a SUA
Povestea calamarului urias, descoperit accidental in Oceanul Antarctic, care i-a uimit pe cercetatori cu noi date despre abisul marin
OpenAI a lansat noul sau model de "rationament", o3-mini
Catastrofa aeriana de la Urziceni, din 1977. Fenomenul "amurgului tarziu" a contribuit la tragedia soldata cu 29 de morti
Trump impune tarife vamale mari pentru Mexic, Canada si China
Scolile din insula Santorini au fost inchise din cauza unei "intense" activitati seismice in regiune
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Surse de stiri
Catalin Tolontan | Mediafax | Gazeta de agricultura | Ziarul Atac | ProTV | Cronica Romana | Hit | Antena3 | Madone | Ziarul Financiar | Romania TV | Click | Puterea | Curierul National | Gazeta Sporturilor | Ziare Mondene | Antena 1 | Money.ro | Dilema Veche | Libertatea | SmartNews | Go4IT | eInformatii | ComputerWorld Romania | Income Magazine | Jurnalul National | OnlineSport | Evenimentul Zilei | Capital | Bursa | Realitatea Romaneasca | Romania Libera | Gandul | CanCan | Chip | AgoraNews | Cotidianul | Adevarul | Realitatea TV | Pro Sport | Toate stirileStatele Unite devanseaza China si redevin cel mai mare partener comercial al Germaniei
publicat 2025-01-19 17:00:20 (Mediafax)
Importurile si exporturile totale din si catre SUA s-au ridicat la 255 miliarde de euro, cu aproximativ 8 miliarde de euro mai mult decat comertul cu China, potrivit unui studiu al GERMANY Trade & Invest (GTAI) consultat de agentia de presa dpa.
The CCR decision on the presidential elections - a dangerous precedent for European democracy
publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The decision of the Constitutional Court of Romania (CCR) by which the entire process regarding the presidential elections was annulled on December 6, 2024, represents a dangerous precedent for European democracy, if we take into account the statement made at the end of last week by former European Commissioner Thierry Breton, who stated that the situation of the annulment of the elections could be repeated in GERMANY, if the parliamentary elections of...
GERMANY and France warn Trump cannot use force to take over Greenland
publicat 2025-01-10 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Donald Trump and #39;s territorial expansionist ambitions have been met with skepticism and derision on the international stage. GERMANY and France have issued strong warnings to US President-elect Donald Trump after he suggested he could use military force or economic tariffs to seize control of the Danish-administered territory of Greenland.
Tradition and innovation, the foundations of the recovery of European industry
publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:23 (Bursa)
*The recovery of European industry requires funding amounting to 5% of the bloc and #39;s GDP, according to a BEC report *Common loans, a viable solution for financing industry, are rejected by some EU states, including GERMANY
Bundestag withdraws confidence in Chancellor Olaf Scholz; GERMANY prepares for early elections
publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
GERMANY will hold early parliamentary elections on February 23, 2025 after Chancellor Olaf Scholz lost the vote of confidence requested by the Bundestag yesterday.
Delivery Hero Middle East Unit Prepares for IPO of the Year in the Emirates
publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Talabat Holding, one of the largest food delivery companies in the Middle East, is set to raise about $2 billion in the United Arab Emirates and #39; largest initial public offering (IPO) this year after its parent, GERMANY-based Delivery Hero SE, priced the offering at the high end of its range on Friday, Reuters reported.
Political crisis in GERMANY: Olaf Scholz breaks the governing coalition because of Ukraine and asks for the support of the Bundestag
publicat 2024-11-08 00:00:13 (Bursa)
In a context of economic uncertainty and growing political tensions, the Chancellor of GERMANY, Olaf Scholz, made an unexpected move: the dismissal of the Minister of Finance, Christian Lindner, a decision that means the rupture of the governing coalition formed by the SPD (Social Democratic Party), the FDP ( Free Democratic Party) and the Greens, leading to a wave of political instability in one of Europe and #39;s strongest economies, according to...
Deschiderea expozitiei "Dissonance - Platform GERMANY #3", la Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei
publicat 2024-11-04 00:45:12 (Jurnalul-National)
Muzeul National de Arta al Romaniei in parteneriat cu Asociatia "Prietenii Muzeului National de Arta al Romaniei" prezinta in perioada 10 noiembrie 2024 - 23 februarie 2025 expozitia
VW: De ce se inchid uzinele si sunt dati afara angajatii?
publicat 2024-10-29 21:30:02 (Adevarul)
Nicio alta companie nu simbolizeaza mai bine miracolul economic german si reputatia globala a produselor "Made in GERMANY" ca Volkswagen, spune Marcel Fratzscher, presedintele Institutului pentru Cercetare Economica.
Europa: cum se folosesc politicienii si brandurile de eticheta "Made in" pentru a atrage investitii si clienti
publicat 2024-10-14 22:45:24 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Autor: Catalina Apostoiu Social-democratii cancelarului german Olaf Scholz, a carui popularitate se situeaza la un minim istoric inaintea alegerilor generale din 2025, propun introducerea unui bonus "Made in GERMANY" pentru a incuraja companiile straine sa produca in Germania, relateaza Euractiv.
Luxembourg - the country with the highest GDP per capita in 2024
publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Despite the fact that countries such as the US, China, India or GERMANY often dominate the economic rankings, the United States is the only economy in the Top 10 in terms of GDP per capita, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis based on data from the International Monetary Fund ( IMF).
Lumea si nici chiar companiile germane nu mai vor strunguri, freze si ferastraie circulare "Made in GERMANY"
publicat 2024-10-07 23:15:13 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Fabricile chinezesti livreaza masini-unelte aproape cat Germania, Japonia si SUA la un loc. Iar China a produs anul trecut pentru prima data mai multe masini-unelte decat cererea pentru ele. Pentru a vedea cat de rau ii este industriei germane trebuie mers in adancurile sale. Acolo pot fi gasiti producatorii de strunguri, de freze, de ferastraie cu banda sau circulare (masini-unelte in special) pentru prelucrarea metalului indispensabile fabricilor mari, santierelor, atelierelor si...
Kremlin Manipulates US Elections; the Russian operation, annihilated by American institutions
publicat 2024-09-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
*The US Department of Justice has seized 32 Internet domains used by Russia in a massive campaign to influence the 2024 presidential election and other countries, revealing the Kremlin and #39;s involvement in disseminating fake news *The Russia Today post and high-ranking Russian influencers such as Margarita Simonyan, orchestrated disinformation operations using advanced artificial intelligence techniques and fake websites *Russia managed to recruit American influencers without their...
TSMC has started construction of its first European plant in GERMANY
publicat 2024-08-21 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The world and #39;s largest semiconductor manufacturer, the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company Limited (TSMC) group, yesterday started construction work on its first plant in Europe, which will be located in eastern GERMANY, a strategic project aimed at repatriating part of the production of these components key on the old continent, according to AFP, informs Agerpres.
GERMANY tightens the tap on military aid to Ukraine
publicat 2024-08-20 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The current Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk area, to create a buffer zone according to President Volodymyr Zelensky, risks running out of military support at some point, as the government in Berlin has halved GERMANY and #39;s contribution to the authorities and #39; war effort from Kiev.
The German press claims: 'The Nord Stream pipelines were sabotaged by a group of divers of Ukrainian origin'
publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The German Federal Prosecutor and #39;s Office has issued an international arrest warrant for a Ukrainian suspect who, along with two other Ukrainian divers, blew up the two pipelines, according to German prosecutors * Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky denies any connection with the three bombers, although some American publications claim the opposite *The investigation carried out in GERMANY did not find any connection with the authorities in...
UBB became a partner of EIT Health
publicat 2024-07-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
UBB School of Health became a partner of EIT Health (based in Munich, GERMANY), part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology/EIT structure. According to the educational institution: 'Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB), through the UBB School of Health - UBBMed, has become a partner (Network Partner) of EIT Health (based in Munich, GERMANY), part of the structure of the European Institute...
The ceiling of the future underground station in Stuttgart - a masterpiece made with the support of the Zublin Innovation Center
publicat 2024-07-08 10:30:03 (Bursa)
Stuttgart 21 is the most modern railway project currently underway in GERMANY.
Industria din Germania nu da semne de redresare
publicat 2024-07-05 12:45:08 (Income-Magazine)
Comenzile pentru bunuri „Made in GERMANY” au scazut neasteptat in mai, fiind a cincea luna de declin consecutiv, ceea ce arata dificultatile cu care se confrunta cea mai mare economie europeana, transmit Bloomberg si DPA. Conform datelor publicate joi de Oficiul Federal de Statistica (Destatis), comenzile industriale au scazut in mai cu 1,6% fata de […]
EURO 2024: FRF collects 12,250,000 euros from UEFA
publicat 2024-07-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Romanian Football Federation (FRF) can consider participating in the European Championship in GERMANY a major success
EURO 2024: FRF collects 12,250,000 euros from UEFA
publicat 2024-07-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Romanian Football Federation (FRF) can consider participating in the European Championship in GERMANY a major success.
Marcus Ehrenberger, Strabag: 'If the construction sector does not move towards sustainability, we will have a big problem'
publicat 2024-07-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Given that Europe has only 9% of the necessary raw materials, sustainability is an essential condition for the construction sector, argue the specialists of the Strabag company who work in the Zublin Innovation Center in Stuttgart, GERMANY and who are looking for the best solutions in this regard and for for that company to become neutral in terms of carbon emissions by 2040.
Close, but very far
publicat 2024-07-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Eliminated from EURO 2024, the national team returns home riding a huge wave of sympathy. The tens of thousands of people present in GERMANY and the millions in the country showed that they have an immense desire to believe in something, to be happy, to be proud of their country.
Violent storms affected a good part of Europe
publicat 2024-07-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Europe was hit, especially in the central part, by a series of violent storms and torrential rains. They fell on Switzerland, France, GERMANY and Italy and resulted in at least 7 deaths, according to the first balance published by the local authorities.
Long live Romania!
publicat 2024-06-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The national team taught a football lesson in GERMANY, and the supporters offered a lesson in love. The 'weakest team' from the final tournament, according to the Ukrainians, achieved a victory to remember, both by the winners and the losers.
EURO 2024, we have someone to support!
publicat 2024-06-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
EURO 2024 is knocking on our door and it would be polite to open it. Tomorrow, the ball starts with a dance (GERMANY - Scotland) in which it is possible to lack fantasy, but we are sure that there will be no discount from the effort.
Small hopes!
publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The national team arrived in GERMANY for the final tournament of the European Championship. On this occasion, the last skeptic was convinced, Romania will play at EURO 2024.
Industria din Germania nu da semne de redresare
publicat 2024-06-06 13:45:07 (Income-Magazine)
Comenzile pentru bunuri ”Made in GERMANY” au scazut neasteptat in aprilie, fiind a patra luna de declin consecutiv, ceea ce arata dificultatile cu care se confrunta cea mai mare economie europeana, transmit Reuters si DPA. Conform datelor publicate joi de Oficiul Federal de Statistica (Destatis), comenzile industriale au scazut in aprilie cu 0,2% fata de luna […]
Walter Wolf, Schwarz Digits: "AI's rapid evolution will impact every part of digital transformation "
publicat 2024-05-31 14:15:19 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Autor: Publicitate At the forefront of GERMANY's digital revolution, Schwarz Digits, the IT, and digital division of Schwarz Group, ensures top-tier digital sovereignty and innovation across brands like Lidl, Kaufland, and more. Even before its inception, Schwarz Group was driving digital transformation, with Schwarz Digits emerging to meet the growing demand for its self-developed IT solutions. Recognizing the interest from external organizations wary...
European political parties hide the names of donors for 70% of the funding received
publicat 2024-05-31 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The political parties in the European Union received in the period 2019-2022 financial donations of 941 million euros, but for 664 million euros of that amount, the data regarding the sponsors is non-transparent, according to the final results of the international investigation, published yesterday by the website Follow the Money. The lack of transparency is greatest in powerful Western European countries such as GERMANY and France, with EU member...
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