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Perchezitii de amploare, inclusiv la sediul CFR Calatori. 35 de persoane audiate intr-un dosar de frauda si delapidare Perchezitii de amploare, inclusiv la sediul CFR Calatori. 35 de persoane audiate intr-un dosar de frauda si delapidare Cercetatorii trag un semnal de alarma. Microplasticele pot face bacteriile si mai rezistente la antibiotice Cercetatorii trag un semnal de alarma. Microplasticele pot face bacteriile si mai rezistente la antibiotice ZF Agropower. O veste buna. Centrul European de Agrometeorologie, primul de acest fel din lume, facut in Romania la cererea Organizatiei Mondiale de Meteorologie, isi incepe activitatea la mijlocul lui 2025 ZF Agropower. O veste buna. Centrul European de Agrometeorologie, primul de acest fel din lume, facut in Romania la cererea Organizatiei Mondiale de Meteorologie, isi incepe activitatea la mijlocul lui 2025 Afaceri de la Zero. Mihai Selariu, inginer de profesie, a pus bazele centrului de printare 3D Zala Medical din Cluj-Napoca dupa investitii de circa 600.000 de euro si vrea sa se extinda in Oradea si apoi pe pietele externe Afaceri de la Zero. Mihai Selariu, inginer de profesie, a pus bazele centrului de printare 3D Zala Medical din Cluj-Napoca dupa investitii de circa 600.000 de euro si vrea sa se extinda in Oradea si apoi pe pietele externe Confederatia Patronala Concordia si-a lansat raportul anual: Ne-am consolidat rolul de partener in dialogul dintre mediul politic si economia privata. Din 2024, Concordia a devenit membru deplin la BusinessEurope, una dintre cele mai importante asociatii de business din Europa Confederatia Patronala Concordia si-a lansat raportul anual: Ne-am consolidat rolul de partener in dialogul dintre mediul politic si economia privata. Din 2024, Concordia a devenit membru deplin la BusinessEurope, una dintre cele mai importante asociatii de business din Europa Fox News prezinta cifre controversate despre un val de imigranti din Romania care ar intra in SUA prin frontiera canadiana Fox News prezinta cifre controversate despre "un val de imigranti din Romania" care ar intra in SUA prin frontiera canadiana Zodii ce par urmarite de ghinion in luna aprilie. Vor avea parte de adevarate cumpene si momente dureroase Zodii ce par urmarite de ghinion in luna aprilie. Vor avea parte de adevarate cumpene si momente dureroase Ciolacu a trimis Corpul de Control la ministerele din subordine: Cine nu a inteles o sa aiba o surpriza Incendiu de proportii in Bucuresti. Cinci masini au fost distruse de flacari pe Calea Mosilor | VIDEO Incendiu de proportii in Bucuresti. Cinci masini au fost distruse de flacari pe Calea Mosilor | VIDEO Ce inseamna daca e soare si frumos afara de Buna Vestire. Traditii, superstitii si obiceiuri in aceasta zi Ce inseamna daca e soare si frumos afara de Buna Vestire. Traditii, superstitii si obiceiuri in aceasta zi Functie noua pe Instagram! Nu te-ai fi asteptat la asta Functie noua pe Instagram! Nu te-ai fi asteptat la asta Calin Georgescu strica petrecerea data de Simion de ziua lui. La eveniment nu vor participa domnul Georgescu si nici sotia Calin Georgescu strica petrecerea data de Simion de ziua lui. "La eveniment nu vor participa domnul Georgescu si nici sotia" FC Barcelona, decimata in aparare pentru meciul reprogramat cu Osasuna FC Barcelona, decimata in aparare pentru meciul reprogramat cu Osasuna Trei adolescenti au incercat sa isi omoare mama dupa ce le-a taiat internetul Trei adolescenti au incercat sa isi omoare mama dupa ce le-a taiat internetul Secretul pentru cea mai gustoasa friptura de miel. Cu ce trebuie unsa carnea si cat trebuie tinuta la cuptor Secretul pentru cea mai gustoasa friptura de miel. Cu ce trebuie unsa carnea si cat trebuie tinuta la cuptor


Stiri locale

Trump isi continua avantul in crypto si vrea sa-si lanseze ETF-uri. Compania presedintelui american a ajuns la un acord cu Crypto.com

publicat 2025-03-25 12:16:05 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Trump isi continua avantul in crypto si vrea sa-si lanseze ETF-uri. Compania presedintelui american a ajuns la un acord cu Crypto.com Autor: Alex Ciutacu Compania Trump Media, controlata de presedintele american Donald Trump, a ajuns la un acord cu platforma globala de tranzactionare pentru criptomonede Crypto.com pentru a lansa o serie de ETF-uri (Exchange Traded FUNDS), adica fonduri tranzactionabile, potrivit CNBC. ...continuare.

Gheorghe Piperea: 'Banks will run out of deposits'

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Gheorghe Piperea: 'Banks will run out of deposits' Regarding the strategy proposed by the European Commission for the Economic and Investment Union, MEP Gheorghe Piperea (ECR/AUR) told us: 'The thing about 'investment' in venture capital, that is, financial poker, is of a 'rare beauty' as a public policy. Bonus: banks will run out of deposits and will compete with FUNDS (shadow banking) to convince people to keep their money in banks. Plus, they will also enter the 'investment' arena: they will be able... ...continuare.

Cea mai atractiva companie de pe piata masinilor electrice, in opinia fondurilor de investitii speculative

publicat 2025-03-11 16:00:42 (Puterea)
Cea mai atractiva companie de pe piata masinilor electrice, in opinia fondurilor de investitii speculative Actiunile gigantul auto nipon Toyota Motor Corporation se situeaza printre cele mai subevaluate actiuni din domeniul masinilor electrice, potrivit fondurilor de invetitii speculative (hedge FUNDS), recomandarea lor fiind de cumparare, scrie Insider Monkey. Toyota Motor Corporation (simbol bursier la Bursa din New York NYSE: TM) este un producator mondial de automobile, care opereaza prin segmentele […]The post Cea mai atractiva companie de pe... ...continuare.

UBB, national leader in attracting research FUNDS

publicat 2025-03-06 00:01:06 (Bursa)
UBB, national leader in attracting research <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca (UBB) reconfirms its leading position in the field of academic research in Romania, ranking first at national level among universities in terms of attracting FUNDS through the Horizon Europe program. ...continuare.

Prefab - declining business, growing profit

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:29 (Bursa)
Prefab - declining business, growing profit * 'Although investments from European FUNDS are vital for the Romanian economy, their absorption is below the optimal level', according to the company * 'Implementing the PNRR and absorbing European FUNDS should be a major objective for Romania', claims the Prefab management ...continuare.

Ursula von der Leyen: We are mobilizing euro200 billion for the development of artificial intelligence

publicat 2025-02-12 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Ursula von der Leyen: We are mobilizing euro200 billion for the development of artificial intelligence Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, announced yesterday, at the Artificial Intelligence Action Summit in Paris, the launch of InvestAI, an initiative designed to mobilize euro200 billion of public and private FUNDS for investment in artificial intelligence (AI). ...continuare.

European FUNDS: project for the training and development of professional skills

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
European <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span>: project for the training and development of professional skills The Valahia University of Targoviste announces the implementation of a project with European FUNDS for the training and development of professional skills required on the labor market, with students being able to participate in workplace learning programs through internships. ...continuare.

5 to go majority stake taken over by two investment FUNDS

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
5 to go majority stake taken over by two investment <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> * The coffee chain has concluded a strategic partnership with Invenio Partners and Accession Capital Partners, accelerating its regional expansion 5 to go, the largest coffee chain in Eastern Europe and the most accessed franchise in Romania, marks an important stage in its evolution, ten years after its launch, concluding a strategic partnership with the private equity fund Invenio Partners and the growth capital fund Accession Capital Partners (ACP). ...continuare.

Consultation: Methodology for allocating FUNDS for state higher education institutions

publicat 2024-12-05 00:15:18 (Bursa)
Consultation: Methodology for allocating <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> for state higher education institutions The Ministry of Education has launched for public consultation the draft order on the Methodology for allocating budgetary FUNDS for basic and additional financing of state higher education institutions in Romania in 2025. The methodology regulates the allocation of budgetary FUNDS for the two main components of institutional financing. ...continuare.

Norofert wants to raise 15 million lei through a bond offering starting today

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Norofert wants to raise 15 million lei through a bond offering starting today * The bonds have a five-year maturity and an interest rate of 10% per annum * The FUNDS raised will be used for investments, supporting current activity and repaying bonds due in 2025 Organic agricultural input producer and agricultural biotechnology provider Norofert is looking to sell bonds worth up to 15 million lei in a public offering starting today, the company reported to the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

CEC Bank finalizeaza cu succes o emisiune de obligatiuni pe pietele externe

publicat 2024-12-01 08:45:34 (Puterea)
CEC Bank finalizeaza cu succes o emisiune de obligatiuni pe pietele externe CEC Bank a finalizat o emisiune de obligatiuni in valoare de 300 de milioane de euro, pe pietele externe, reprezentand Titluri Eligibile Senior Nepreferentiale, potrivit unui comunicat facut public de banca de economii. Obligatiunile sunt destinate incadrarii ca instrumente eligibile pentru cerintele MREL (Minim Requirements for Own FUNDS and Eligible Liabilities). Fitch Ratings a atribuit […]The post CEC Bank finalizeaza cu succes o emisiune de... ...continuare.

"Cel mai scump accident din istorie": Patru bolizi de lux – un McLaren, doua Ferrari si un Bentley – avariati pe o sosea din Austria

publicat 2024-11-27 18:15:26 (Puterea)
Cel mai scump accident din istorie: Patru bolizi de lux – un McLaren, doua Ferrari si un Bentley – avariati pe o sosea din Austria Un accident spectaculos si extrem de costisitor a avut loc pe o sosea montana din orasul austriac PFUNDS. Patru masini super sport de lux - un Ferrari 812 Superfast, un LaFerrari, un McLaren Elva si un Bentley Continental GTC - s-au ciocnit intr-un carambol care a implicat daune estimate la peste 7 milioane de euro, […]The post "Cel mai scump accident din istorie": Patru bolizi de lux – un McLaren, doua Ferrari si un Bentley – avariati... ...continuare.

Cel mai scump accident din toate timpurile, pe o sosea montana din Austria: "Masini de 7 milioane de euro, pagube de 1,8 milioane de euro"

publicat 2024-11-26 12:45:23 (Libertatea)
Cel mai scump accident din toate timpurile, pe o sosea montana din Austria: Masini de 7 milioane de euro, pagube de 1,8 milioane de euro Accidentul, care a avut loc pe 10 noiembrie la PFUNDS, landul austriac Tirol, pe un drum montan, la doar 5 kilometri de granita cu Elvetia, este considerat drept „cel mai scump accident din toate timpurile”, fiind implicate masini care costa . Mai multe masini de lux au fost avariate in accident, unele grav, reslateaza Blick. […] ...continuare.

Octavian Oprea, candidat PNL Bucuresti pentru Camera Deputatilor: Sunt convins ca tinerii pot aduce politica mai aproape de oameni

publicat 2024-11-20 23:15:32 (Ziarul-Atac)
Octavian Oprea, candidat PNL Bucuresti pentru Camera Deputatilor: Sunt convins ca tinerii pot aduce politica mai aproape de oameni Am 33 de ani, mi-am petrecut cea mai mare parte din viata in Sectorul 6 si sunt proFUNDSource ...continuare.

Razvan Popescu, CEO of Romgaz: 'The FUNDS raised through the bond issue will support the company and #39;s entire investment plan'

publicat 2024-11-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Razvan Popescu, CEO of Romgaz: 'The <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> raised through the bond issue will support the company and #39;s entire investment plan' * The British from Man GNG - the largest investor in bonds issued by the natural gas producer * Romgaz bonds worth 500 million euros were listed yesterday on the BVB ...continuare.

Which BSE titles did Pilon II FUNDS trade in the third quarter?

publicat 2024-11-14 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Which BSE titles did Pilon II <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> trade in the third quarter? * Aripi, Metropolitan Life and the fund managed by BCR Pensii liquidated their holdings in Fondul Proprietatea * Arobs Transilvania Software - the new name from the Pilon II portfolios * Six of the seven mandatory private pension FUNDS invested 413 million lei in bonds issued by Romgaz ...continuare.

Digitalization of public administration debated at the Summit of Mayors

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Digitalization of public administration debated at the Summit of Mayors Digitalization of public administration, implementation of smart city solutions, how to access European FUNDS and training needs in local public administration were debated in Targu Mures, during the first Summit of Mayors in Romania. ...continuare.

Political interference in energy endangers 500 million euros from the PNRR

publicat 2024-10-11 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Political interference in energy endangers 500 million euros from the PNRR Our country risks losing one billion euros from the FUNDS allocated through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), a loss of which half - 500 million euros - would be caused by political interference in the appointment of the management of some state energy companies, management made up of from incompatible people, state government sources cited by G4Media and Hotnews. ...continuare.

Claudia Catalina Sava, ASF: 'Establishing a sovereign fund would demonstrate that Romania has reached a certain level of strategic maturity'

publicat 2024-09-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Claudia Catalina Sava, ASF: 'Establishing a sovereign fund would demonstrate that Romania has reached a certain level of strategic maturity' * 'Even if a sovereign wealth fund is a pool of assets, which leads it to the idea of an investment fund, it is not regulated' * 'There is quite a lot of reluctance, including at the European level, in relation to the way in which some FUNDS, and implicitly the states that established them, own strategic industries in other countries' ...continuare.

Gheorghe Piperea, MEP: 'The sovereign fund should focus on supporting Romanian capital'

publicat 2024-09-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Gheorghe Piperea, MEP: 'The sovereign fund should focus on supporting Romanian capital' * 'Sovereign investment FUNDS are, among other things, real shields at the strategic, economic and national level' The sovereign investment fund should focus on supporting the Romanian capital, emphasized the MEP and university professor Dr. Gheorghe Piperea. ...continuare.

Nicu Stefanuta: 'The modernization of the railway, held back by the lack of will and political vision'

publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Nicu Stefanuta: 'The modernization of the railway, held back by the lack of will and political vision' The modernization of the railway infrastructure in our country is slow, because the political will and vision are lacking, although we have allocated the necessary European FUNDS, said yesterday, Nicu Stefanuta, vice-president of the European Parliament, according to a press release sent to the Redaction. ...continuare.

Money for the green transition, embezzled by EU member states

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Money for the green transition, embezzled by EU member states *European Court of Auditors: 'Some measures, 'green and #39; on paper, are not so 'green and #39; in reality' *The European Court of Auditors found that reporting on climate-related expenditure and the green transition does not reflects the real costs and results *The European Commission and the EU member states overestimated by at least 34.5 billion euros the FUNDS allocated through PNRRs to the green transition *For the green transition through PNRRs... ...continuare.

ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy

publicat 2024-09-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
ECA report: Money from PNRRs has a very hard time reaching the real economy *Only a third of the FUNDS allocated through the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism were used by the European states until the end of 2023 *Of that amount, only 50% entered the accounts of the final beneficiaries *ECA experts claim that there is a high risk that many of projects financed by the MRR are not completed according to planning *Romania, below the European average of 19% regarding the fulfillment of the reforms provided for in the PNRR ...continuare.

The defense industry - on the radar of some venture capital FUNDS in our country

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The defense industry - on the radar of some venture capital <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> in our country * McKinsey has identified three distinct waves of defense technology start-ups over the past 20 years The managers of some venture capital FUNDS in our country follow the defense industry to identify investment opportunities in start-ups in the sector or have made investments in technologies that, although not developed for military security purposes, can be used in this field. ...continuare.

The armaments industry - the new attraction for companies and investment FUNDS

publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
The armaments industry - the new attraction for companies and investment <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> * The Arms Race Hampered by the Financial Situation of State-Owned Companies in Our Defense Industry ...continuare.

European FUNDS of 2.2 billion euros for education

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
European <span style='background:#EDF514'>FUNDS</span> of 2.2 billion euros for education Local education receives a new 'injection' with optimism in the form of European FUNDS. ...continuare.

European FUNDS of 2.2 billion euros for education

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Local education receives a new 'injection' with optimism in the form of European FUNDS. ...continuare.

Agricultural subsidy fraud prevented by satellite monitoring

publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Agricultural subsidy fraud prevented by satellite monitoring *APIA discovered last year 453 farmers who intended to defraud agricultural subsidies *The largest non-compliant land surface, paid by the subsidy applicant, was a meadow of 6206.75 hectares *According to the PIF report of the European Commission, in in 2023, Romanian farmers defrauded 6,022,099 euros, from the FUNDS allocated for agriculture ...continuare.

New financial instruments for financing military expenditure

publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
In the context of the increase in defense spending at the European level and the need to quickly equip the Romanian armed forces with the latest equipment and technology, compatible with those of NATO allies, in order to ensure the stability of the defense of the Eastern Flank, the Ministry of Finance wants to diversify the instruments of financing so that the Government and state-owned companies can access the specific FUNDS made available by other... ...continuare.

Analiza InterCapital: BlackRock isi lichideaza ETF-ul axat pe pietele de frontiera din cauza dificultatilor de lichiditate, generand un impact de 40 mil. dolari pe Bursa de Valori Bucuresti. Ce urmeaza?

publicat 2024-08-13 15:30:23 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Analiza InterCapital: BlackRock isi lichideaza ETF-ul axat pe pietele de frontiera din cauza dificultatilor de lichiditate, generand un impact de 40 mil. dolari pe Bursa de Valori Bucuresti. Ce urmeaza? La jumatatea lunii iunie 2024, BlackRock - cel mai mare administrator de active din lume - a anuntat ca va lichida cateva dintre ETF-urile (exchange traded FUNDS/fonduri tranzactionate la bursa) sale, inclusiv ETF-urile de pe pietele de frontiera, invocand lichiditatea insuficienta pentru a urmari indicele cu active semnificative in mod adecvat. ...continuare.

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