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ZF IT Generation. Start-up Update. Alice Ionescu, fondator, DoctorBusiness.ro - solutie software pentru analiza businessului: Am ajuns la peste 2.000 de utilizatori care si-au vazut radiografia completa a afacerilor lor. Antreprenorii vor sa inteleaga intr-un limbaj noncontabilicesc ce merge si ce nu merge bine in companie ZF IT Generation. Start-up Update. Alice Ionescu, fondator, DoctorBusiness.ro - solutie software pentru analiza businessului: Am ajuns la peste 2.000 de utilizatori care si-au vazut radiografia completa a afacerilor lor. Antreprenorii vor sa inteleaga intr-un limbaj noncontabilicesc ce merge si ce nu merge bine in companie Iarna isi face simtita prezenta in Romania. Zona in care stratul de zapada a atins deja 10 centimetri. Pana cand va ninge Iarna isi face simtita prezenta in Romania. Zona in care stratul de zapada a atins deja 10 centimetri. Pana cand va ninge Cum va gestiona Romania mai eficient situatiile de urgenta, de genul inundatiilor de la Galati: mecanismul RRO, pe intelesul tuturor DOCUMENT Cum va gestiona Romania mai eficient situatiile de urgenta, de genul inundatiilor de la Galati: mecanismul RRO, pe intelesul tuturor DOCUMENT Vremea se inrautateste de joi noapte. A fost emis cod rosu de viscol puternic si ninsori abundente Vremea se inrautateste de joi noapte. A fost emis cod rosu de viscol puternic si ninsori abundente Partidul Recorder. Partidul Nordis. Marele secret: de fapt, nimeni nu vrea sa schimbe nimic Partidul Recorder. Partidul Nordis. Marele secret: de fapt, nimeni nu vrea sa schimbe nimic Trucul japonez pentru uscatul rufelor acasa: fara umiditate si fara uscator Trucul japonez pentru uscatul rufelor acasa: fara umiditate si fara uscator Ninge viscolit la munte! Utilajele de deszapezire au intrat in actiune pe DN 7A, in judetul Valcea (VIDEO) Ninge viscolit la munte! Utilajele de deszapezire au intrat in actiune pe DN 7A, in judetul Valcea (VIDEO) Americanii care vor sa fuga de Trump si-au gasit refugiu in Sardinia. Orasul in care o casa costa 1 euro Americanii care vor sa fuga de Trump si-au gasit refugiu in Sardinia. Orasul in care o casa costa 1 euro Bursa. Polonezii de la Ipopema evalueaza dezvoltatorul imobiliar Impact mai sus cu 59% Bursa. Polonezii de la Ipopema evalueaza dezvoltatorul imobiliar Impact mai sus cu 59% Centrele medicale de permanenta degreveaza Urgentele. In 10 luni, la Galati au fost consultati la centre 58.000 de pacienti Centrele medicale de permanenta degreveaza "Urgentele". In 10 luni, la Galati au fost consultati la centre 58.000 de pacienti Oficiile postale se vor transforma in magazine. Toate solutiile concrete de salvare a Postei Romane au fost ignorate de conducere Oficiile postale se vor transforma in magazine. Toate solutiile concrete de salvare a Postei Romane au fost ignorate de conducere Un microbuz s-a rasturnat in Constanta. Sunt 7 victime! Un microbuz s-a rasturnat in Constanta. Sunt 7 victime! Guvernul stabileste strategia industriala pentru urmatorii sase ani. Ce obiective va avea Romania Guvernul stabileste strategia industriala pentru urmatorii sase ani. Ce obiective va avea Romania CNBC: Ford anunta concedieri masive in Europa CNBC: Ford anunta concedieri masive in Europa Iarna face primele victime! Circulatia pe DN1 este blocata total de un TIR, iar in Vrancea a avut loc un carambol intre 4 masini Iarna face primele victime! Circulatia pe DN1 este blocata total de un TIR, iar in Vrancea a avut loc un carambol intre 4 masini


Stiri locale

Minute of silence

publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Minute of silence Spain has been hit by a terrible tragedy, hundreds of people have died as a result of catastrophic FLOODs, and the whole world has reacted. Including the world of sports. ...continuare.

Climate Change Accelerating Destructive 'DANA' Phenomena

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Climate Change Accelerating Destructive 'DANA' Phenomena Natural disasters are increasing at an alarming rate, much to people and #39;s concern. The catastrophic FLOODs that killed at least 72 people in Spain were caused by a destructive weather system in which cold and warm air meet to produce heavy rain clouds, a pattern that risks becoming more frequent as climate change continues. ...continuare.

UN warning: Extreme droughts and FLOODs, signals of climate change

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
UN warning: Extreme droughts and <span style='background:#EDF514'>FLOOD</span>s, signals of climate change The intense droughts and extreme FLOODs that are becoming more and more frequent around the globe are a 'prelude' to future developments in the context of climate change, the United Nations (UN) warned in a recent report, sent by AFP. ...continuare.

FLOOD in America and Asia, consistent rains in Europe!

publicat 2024-10-01 07:00:03 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>FLOOD</span> in America and Asia, consistent rains in Europe! The rains covered the entire globe. From the US to Nepal and from Mexico to Romania, water creates problems, big or small. ...continuare.

Climate change increases the risk of devastating FLOODs

publicat 2024-09-27 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Climate change increases the risk of devastating <span style='background:#EDF514'>FLOOD</span>s Climate change has doubled the risk of torrential rains like those that recently caused devastating FLOODs in Central Europe, according to a report published Wednesday by the World Weather Attribution (WWA) group. ...continuare.

Amazonia, hit by the worst drought on record

publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Amazonia, hit by the worst drought on record The Amazon is suffering from drought at a time when Europe is being wracked by FLOODs. ...continuare.

Storm Boris, Typhoon Yagi and the devastating impact of the FLOODs

publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Storm Boris, Typhoon Yagi and the devastating impact of the <span style='background:#EDF514'>FLOOD</span>s The world is under the sign of FLOODs. Trouble flows from Europe to Asia. Storm Boris brought chaos and suffering to Central and Eastern Europe, leaving behind huge casualties and property damage. ...continuare.

Torrential rain and FLOODing in Europe and Asia

publicat 2024-06-26 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Rain and FLOODs wreak havoc in Europe and Asia. Wild nature creates big problems. ...continuare.

Heavy rains cause problems from China to Ecuador

publicat 2024-06-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Heavy rainfall and FLOODing have caused severe damage in southern China, causing landslides and making roads impassable. ...continuare.

The world, 'FLOODed' with plastic waste

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* OECD: Annual global production of plastic waste has doubled in two decades In just two decades, the annual global production of plastic waste has doubled, from 180 million tons to more than 350 million tons, according to the Global Plastics Outlook report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), cited by Statista . ...continuare.

S and P 500 - cea mai mare scadere din ultima jumatate de an; se vad urmele ursului?

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* John FLOOD, Goldman Sachs: 'Exista inca suficiente rezerve de lichiditate pe care investitorii sa le plaseze in actiuni' * Tom Lee, Fundstrat: 'Piata nu are nevoie de reduceri ale dobanzilor din partea Fed pentru a se descurca bine' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'Pietele and #171;bear and #187; tind sa apara cand economia se afla sau intra intr-o recesiune; in clipa de fata nu vedem aceste conditii' * Tesla, Meta (Facebook), Alphabet... ...continuare.

S and P 500 has biggest decline in half a year; can you see the bear tracks?

publicat 2024-04-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* John FLOOD, Goldman Sachs: 'There is still enough liquidity for investors to put into stocks' * Tom Lee, Fundstrat: 'The market doesn and #39;t need Fed rate cuts to do well' * Mona Mahajan, Edward Jones Investments: 'Bear markets tend to occur when the economy is in or entering a recession; at the moment we do not see these conditions' * Tesla, Meta (Facebook), Alphabet (Google) and Microsoft are 'magnificent' that will announce their first quarter... ...continuare.

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