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Alarm bell: World and #39;s largest iceberg loses massive chunk

publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:25 (Bursa)
Alarm bell: World and #39;s largest iceberg loses massive chunk For the first time, a massive chunk, almost the size of Paris, has broken off the world and #39;s largest iceberg, A23a, according to satELLITE images analyzed by experts. ...continuare.

Aflati ce functii Pixel nu sunt disponibile in Romania cu acest nou instrument

publicat 2024-08-26 16:45:09 (Go4IT)
Aflati ce functii Pixel nu sunt disponibile in Romania cu acest nou instrument Telefoanele Google Pixel au devenit renumite pentru functiile lor precum Assistant voice typing si Hold for Me. Odata cu lansarea seriei Pixel 9, lista s-a extins cu Pixel Studio si SatELLITE SOS. Cu toate acestea, […]Articolul Aflati ce functii Pixel nu sunt disponibile in Romania cu acest nou instrument apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

Agricultural subsidy fraud prevented by satELLITE monitoring

publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Agricultural subsidy fraud prevented by sat<span style='background:#EDF514'>ELLITE</span> monitoring *APIA discovered last year 453 farmers who intended to defraud agricultural subsidies *The largest non-compliant land surface, paid by the subsidy applicant, was a meadow of 6206.75 hectares *According to the PIF report of the European Commission, in in 2023, Romanian farmers defrauded 6,022,099 euros, from the funds allocated for agriculture ...continuare.

Hundreds of satELLITEs at risk from a Chinese missile

publicat 2024-08-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Space is no longer safe at all since it became very 'crowded' with satELLITEs, rockets and other more or less flying objects. A ...continuare.

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