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Voucherele de vacanta vin tarziu, la jumatate si cu o capcana penala. Pentru 640 de lei se poate face puscarie Voucherele de vacanta vin tarziu, la jumatate si cu o capcana penala. Pentru 640 de lei se poate face puscarie Puzzle-urile nedescifrate ale istoriei. Structurile enigmatice ale caror secrete nu au fost aflate nici pana astazi Puzzle-urile nedescifrate ale istoriei. Structurile enigmatice ale caror secrete nu au fost aflate nici pana astazi Zodiile care isi vor schimba viata dupa eclipsa de soare din 29 martie. In cazul lor, nimic nu va mai fi la fel Zodiile care isi vor schimba viata dupa eclipsa de soare din 29 martie. In cazul lor, nimic nu va mai fi la fel Aur curat. Lidia Fecioru dezvaluie planta minune: scade glicemia si te scapa de muste si tantari "Aur curat". Lidia Fecioru dezvaluie planta minune: scade glicemia si te scapa de muste si tantari Antonescu: As vrea sa intru in turul 2 cu Elena Lasconi. Mi s-ar parea o poveste frumoasa Antonescu: As vrea sa intru in turul 2 cu Elena Lasconi. Mi s-ar parea o poveste frumoasa Mesajului International pentru Ziua Mondiala a Teatrului 2025. Institutul International de Teatru ITI - Organizatia Mondiala pentru Artele Spectacolului Mesajului International pentru Ziua Mondiala a Teatrului 2025. Institutul International de Teatru ITI - Organizatia Mondiala pentru Artele Spectacolului Romanii platesc mai mult pentru alimente din import? Guvernul vrea reguli egale la raft Romanii platesc mai mult pentru alimente din import? Guvernul vrea reguli egale la raft Locul cu haine de lux contrafacute. Aici vin vedetele din Romania pentru a-si face cumparaturile. Louis Vuitton costa cat un sandvis Locul cu haine de lux contrafacute. "Aici vin vedetele din Romania pentru a-si face cumparaturile. Louis Vuitton costa cat un sandvis" Ce se ascunde in spatele pacii trumpiste? Istoric: Aici se afla cheia a tot ceea ce se intampla acum Ce se ascunde in spatele pacii trumpiste? Istoric: "Aici se afla cheia a tot ceea ce se intampla acum" Comisia Europeana indeamna cetatenii sa fie pregatiti cu provizii pentru 72 de ore in caz de urgenta Comisia Europeana indeamna cetatenii sa fie pregatiti cu provizii pentru 72 de ore in caz de urgenta 3 Zodii isi schimba destinul printr-o decizie curajoasa pe 27 martie 2025 3 Zodii isi schimba destinul printr-o decizie curajoasa pe 27 martie 2025 Producatorul chinez de automobile Chery va investi un miliard de dolari in Turcia Producatorul chinez de automobile Chery va investi un miliard de dolari in Turcia Bolojan merge, joi, la Paris, la Reuniunea sefilor de stat si de guvern ai Coalition of the willing Bolojan merge, joi, la Paris, la Reuniunea sefilor de stat si de guvern ai Coalition of the willing Europa invadata de turisti: Destinatiile supraevaluate si alternativele lor neexplorate Europa invadata de turisti: Destinatiile supraevaluate si alternativele lor neexplorate Ciolacu spune ca Iohannis nu l-a anuntat despre demisie: Am aflat de la televizor Ciolacu spune ca Iohannis nu l-a anuntat despre demisie: Am aflat de la televizor


Stiri locale

The month of political aberrations

publicat 2025-01-22 00:00:14 (Bursa)
The month of political aberrations Over 9.4 million citizens who went to the polls on November 24 had their options canceled by the Constitutional Court of Romania, which, after validating the first round of the presidential elections on DECEMBER 2, reversed its decision on December 6 and canceled the entire presidential election, at a time when the second round was underway at polling stations abroad. ...continuare.

Today is the last day investors can subscribe to Fidelis government bonds this year

publicat 2024-12-18 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Today is the last day investors can subscribe to Fidelis government bonds this year * The bonds will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange on DECEMBER 27th Investors who wish to subscribe to Fidelis government bonds can do so until today, at 1:00 p.m., according to information in the offer prospectus of the Ministry of Finance. ...continuare.

US Congress Report: US and China responsible for generating Covid pandemic

publicat 2024-12-05 00:15:18 (Bursa)
US Congress Report: US and China responsible for generating Covid pandemic The US and China are responsible for generating the Covid 19 pandemic, is the conclusion of the report approved by the Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic of the US House of Representatives, a document that was published on DECEMBER 2, 2024, according to the Epoch Times. ...continuare.

Opera brings the 'Magic of Fairy Tales' to the Capital for Christmas

publicat 2024-11-25 00:15:19 (Bursa)
Opera brings the 'Magic of Fairy Tales' to the Capital for Christmas The magic of Christmas is not missing from the National Opera this year either. The 'Magic of Fairy Tales' Christmas Fair will be open from DECEMBER 2 to 27, on the esplanade of the Bucharest National Opera. ...continuare.

Why oil has fallen to its lowest level in almost three years?

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Why oil has fallen to its lowest level in almost three years? * Trade Nation: 'Fundamentals should continue to influence prices, and supply remains abundant, while the outlook for demand growth is weak' Oil prices fell earlier this week to a level not seen since DECEMBER 2021 after Brent crude fell 8% last week, according to Business Insider. ...continuare.

Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session Amending the Fiscal Code, without introducing new fees and taxes and without increasing the existing ones, amending the single salary law in the budget system in order to fulfill the reform included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - necessary milestone for approving payment request number 4 -, amending the legislation regarding AMEPIP in order to make it comply with the provisions of corporate governance, represent only some of the main priorities of the last autumn session of... ...continuare.

A real tax reform or a new patch?

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Through the National Recovery and Resilience Program (PNRR), Romania has committed to carrying out tax reform in 2025. Until the elections for the Romanian Parliament in DECEMBER 2024, citizens would have the opportunity to participate in an in-depth debate on the proposed tax reform, based on the electoral programs of political parties. ...continuare.

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