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Analfabetismul functional se raspandeste ca un virus. Secretul prin care tinerii ar putea fi convinsi sa citeasca mai mult Analfabetismul functional se raspandeste ca un virus. Secretul prin care tinerii ar putea fi convinsi sa citeasca mai mult Provocarile orasenilor care au visat sa traiasca la tara, in case batranesti: Invidia in zona rurala, un lucru garantat Provocarile orasenilor care au visat sa traiasca la tara, in case batranesti: "Invidia in zona rurala, un lucru garantat" Tren atacat cu pietre in zona Chitila. Alstom retrage temporar 4 trenuri intre Brasov si Bucuresti Tren atacat cu pietre in zona Chitila. Alstom retrage temporar 4 trenuri intre Brasov si Bucuresti Antena 3 CNN condamna actele de violenta impotriva jurnalistilor de la protestul sustinatorilor lui Calin Georgescu Antena 3 CNN condamna actele de violenta impotriva jurnalistilor de la protestul sustinatorilor lui Calin Georgescu Oana Zavoranu, live din mijlocul protestatarilor pro-Georgescu. Atac la Tudor Chirila, Mihai Gadea, Digi 24 si Antena 3 Oana Zavoranu, live din mijlocul protestatarilor pro-Georgescu. Atac la Tudor Chirila, Mihai Gadea, Digi 24 si Antena 3 Detaliul neasteptat din copilaria Regelui Charles. Putini oameni din afara Marii Britanii stiu acest lucru Detaliul neasteptat din copilaria Regelui Charles. Putini oameni din afara Marii Britanii stiu acest lucru Locurile rupte din Paradis, aflate la 3 ore de zbor, unde romanii pot face baie in martie: Preturile sunt aici mai mici Locurile rupte din Paradis, aflate la 3 ore de zbor, unde romanii pot face baie in martie: "Preturile sunt aici mai mici" Creatopy, start-up AI cu origini in Romania, si-a recrutat un nou CEO in New York: Tammy Nam, fost COO & CMO la PicsArt si CEO la platforma de streaming Viki. Fostul CEO Dan Oros preia un rol consultativ. Start-up-ul raporteaza o crestere de 400% a veniturilor Creatopy, start-up AI cu origini in Romania, si-a recrutat un nou CEO in New York: Tammy Nam, fost COO & CMO la PicsArt si CEO la platforma de streaming Viki. Fostul CEO Dan Oros preia un rol consultativ. Start-up-ul raporteaza o crestere de 400% a veniturilor 2025 nu va fi America First. Investitorii estimeaza impactul negativ al politicilor lui Trump 2025 nu va fi "America First". Investitorii estimeaza impactul negativ al politicilor lui Trump Alimentul minune care scade riscul de depresie cu 20%. Consumat zilnic poate reduce inflamatia Alimentul minune care scade riscul de depresie cu 20%. Consumat zilnic poate reduce inflamatia Luna in trigon cu Venus aduce valuri de fericire si speranta pentru 3 zodii pe 10 martie 2025 Luna in trigon cu Venus aduce valuri de fericire si speranta pentru 3 zodii pe 10 martie 2025 Trei metode eficiente pentru a adormi rapid, indiferent ca e zi sau noapte, fara somnifere. Solutii pe termen lung Trei metode eficiente pentru a adormi rapid, indiferent ca e zi sau noapte, fara somnifere. Solutii pe termen lung Claudiu Tarziu: Poate ca, daca i-o va cere partidul, George Simion va candida. S-a intalnit cu Georgescu, au discutat toate variantele Claudiu Tarziu: Poate ca, daca i-o va cere partidul, George Simion va candida. S-a intalnit cu Georgescu, au discutat toate variantele Romania, intre cel mai bun an economic din istorie, cel mai ridicat nivel financiar pentru romani si valul suveranist, Calin Georgescu, fratii Tate, mercenari cu furci, topoare si arme Romania, intre cel mai bun an economic din istorie, cel mai ridicat nivel financiar pentru romani si valul suveranist, Calin Georgescu, fratii Tate, mercenari cu furci, topoare si arme Planul unor spioni rusi de a folosi o armata de mercenari pentru a controla migratia in Europa Planul unor spioni rusi de a folosi o armata de mercenari pentru a controla migratia in Europa


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Beijing tests world and #39;s fastest train

publicat 2025-03-10 00:00:20 (Bursa)
Beijing tests world and #39;s fastest train Prototypes of the world and #39;s fastest high-speed train, the CR450, with a test speed of up to 450 km/h and an operational speed of 400 km/h, are CURRENTLY undergoing testing on the Beijing Ring Road for future commercial service. The new trains made their debut in Beijing on December 30, 2024. ...continuare.

Polish Official: Europe incapable of securing a demarcation line between Russia and Ukraine

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
Polish Official: Europe incapable of securing a demarcation line between Russia and Ukraine The European Union is CURRENTLY unable to provide peacekeeping forces in the event of the creation of a demarcation line between Ukraine and Russia after the cessation of hostilities, a plan that has been advanced in recent days by officials within the Trump Administration, retired General Dariusz Lukowski, head of Poland and #39;s National Security Bureau, said in an interview with Radio Zet. ...continuare.

The fate of Ukraine, discussed in Paris and Riyadh; What European leaders established

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
The fate of Ukraine, discussed in Paris and Riyadh; What European leaders established The great powers are CURRENTLY negotiating the fate of the conflict between the Russian Federation and Ukraine, negotiations to which officials from Bucharest were not invited to participate, although Foreign Minister Emil Hurezeanu claims that we will participate in the next meetings at the European level. ...continuare.

Kommersant: Intense activity at the Moscow Stock Exchange hides an economic failure

publicat 2025-02-06 00:30:24 (Bursa)
Kommersant: Intense activity at the Moscow Stock Exchange hides an economic failure The Russian capital market is CURRENTLY relying on the launch of IPOs of state-owned companies, a development model that is not sustainable for the Moscow Stock Exchange, according to a comprehensive analysis published by the Kommersant daily under the signature of Vitali Gaidaev. ...continuare.

New 'specials' in the budgetary system

publicat 2025-01-30 00:00:12 (Bursa)
New 'specials' in the budgetary system According to a draft emergency ordinance CURRENTLY in decisional transparency on the website of the Ministry of Finance, the Government wants to exempt 32 people from the budgetary system, civil servants, from the stability austerity measures for the year 2025. ...continuare.

CCP.RO Bucharest resumes the Central Counterparty authorization process; what does Adrian Tanase say?

publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
CCP.RO Bucharest resumes the Central Counterparty authorization process; what does Adrian Tanase say? * 'Our goal is to respect the business plan approved by the shareholders' * 'Under the current circumstances, there is no need for a new capital increase for CCP.RO Bucharest' * 'A very large part of the documentation CURRENTLY established will also be recognized within the new application that will be initiated' ...continuare.

Scandal at Transelectrica: union representation or personal interest?

publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Scandal at Transelectrica: union representation or personal interest? Transelectrica employees are CURRENTLY waiting for the initialing of the new collective labor agreement (CCM) at the company level for the next two years, with the hope that they will round off their salary income, given the consistent annual profit of the company with majority state capital, a listed company at the Bucharest Stock Exchange, according to sources within the company ...continuare.

Academician: 'We have reached a revaluation of culture from a political perspective'

publicat 2024-11-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Academician: 'We have reached a revaluation of culture from a political perspective' Academician Mircea Martin, professor emeritus at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Bucharest, drew attention to the fact that formulas belonging to the ideology of woke or cancel culture (it is a modern form of ostracism, which involves the expulsion of someone from social or professional circles - online on social media, in the real world, or both), manifested primarily on the campuses of major American universities, 'are CURRENTLY... ...continuare.

UBS: Systemically important banks have sufficient capital

publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
UBS: Systemically important banks have sufficient capital Banks deemed too big to fail are sufficiently capitalized, Swiss banking group UBS AG CEO Colm Kelleher said, as his bank seeks to avoid regulations CURRENTLY taking shape in Switzerland that would could affect business, reports Reuters, according to Agerpres. ...continuare.

Low-cost flights to New York, negotiated by Israel and #39;s high-tech industry with airlines

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Low-cost flights to New York, negotiated by Israel and #39;s high-tech industry with airlines Affected by the shortage of direct flights between Tel Aviv and New York and the increased prices of tickets issued by airlines, companies in the high-tech sector in Israel are CURRENTLY negotiating with three air transport operators to launch more seasonal flights to New York, for the period January-March 2025, according to an article published by the Calcalist website. ...continuare.

Daniel Giurea, ARIES: 'Digital nomads work not only for companies in Israel, but also for other IT companies in the world'

publicat 2024-09-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Daniel Giurea, ARIES: 'Digital nomads work not only for companies in Israel, but also for other IT companies in the world' There is CURRENTLY no IT workforce exodus from Romania to Israel, but we have digital nomads who work from our country for companies from other countries of the world, including those from the Holy Land, Daniel Giurea, the president, told us of the Timisoara branch of the Romanian Electronic and Software Industry Association, general manager of the Dapredi Soft Systems company. ...continuare.

The 'Rabla for tractors' program could be launched by the end of September

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The 'Rabla for tractors' program could be launched by the end of September The application for the 'Rabla for tractors' program should be operational during September, after the guide CURRENTLY under public debate will be approved, said on Friday, in a press conference, Laurentiu Neculaescu, the president of the Administration of the Fund for Medium (AFM). ...continuare.

Chinese startup WeRide postpones US IPO

publicat 2024-08-26 00:30:03 (Bursa)
Chinese startup WeRide postpones US IPO China and #39;s self-driving technology developer WeRide has postponed its initial public offering (IPO) that was aiming to raise about $440 million at a market capitalization of $5.7 billion, axios reports. com, citing Bloomberg. The decision is important for the market as it would have been the first significant US IPO in the past month, and there is CURRENTLY no listing on the calendar after Labor Day (September 2). The decision announced last week... ...continuare.

The minutes of Fed meeting indicate, as likely, the interest rate cut in September

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The minutes of Fed meeting indicate, as likely, the interest rate cut in September * The key interest rate is CURRENTLY in the range of 5.25%-5.5%, the highest level in the last 23 years An interest rate cut in the United States in September is increasingly likely, according to the minutes of the last monetary policy meeting of Federal Reserve officials in July, writes CNBC. ...continuare.

Installment shopping is back

publicat 2024-08-21 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Installment shopping is back The percentage of installment purchases will continue to grow in the next year to around 20%, from over 15% CURRENTLY, this evolution reflecting a major change in consumer behavior, according to data from a company in the e-commerce industry. ...continuare.

Green energy projects, blocked by the interpretation of the law on the ANRE - Transelectrica route

publicat 2024-08-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Two projects for the realization of green energy production capacities, from renewable sources, are CURRENTLY blocked on the route of the National Energy Regulatory Authority (ANRE)-Transelectrica due to the interpretation of the texts of the incident normative acts by the officials of the two institutions, but also because of some political interests as revealed to us by sources within the only electricity transmission operator in our country. ...continuare.

The ceiling of the future underground station in Stuttgart - a masterpiece made with the support of the Zublin Innovation Center

publicat 2024-07-08 10:30:03 (Bursa)
Stuttgart 21 is the most modern railway project CURRENTLY underway in Germany. ...continuare.

Tech IPOs fell sharply after 2021 and #39;s record high

publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
US tech giants have enjoyed a wave of success in the US stock market, driving much of the rise in the S and P 500 index since the outbreak of the pandemic (in 2020) to date. Five of the companies CURRENTLY referred to as the 'Magnificent Seven' (Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, Alphabet, Nvidia, Meta and Tesla) are giants in the technology space, with market capitalizations that rival the size of the US GDP. ...continuare.

Fundstrat: Labor shortage will cause tech stocks to skyrocket

publicat 2024-05-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The weight of the technology sector will reach 50% of the S and P 500, believes Tom Lee, strategist of Fundstrat A global labor shortage of about 80 million people by the end of 2030 will cause tech stocks to skyrocket, says Tom Lee, head of research at market strategy and analysis firm Fundstrat, according to Business Insider . Lee expects the technology sector and #39;s share of the S and P 500 to rise to 50%, from about 30% CURRENTLY. ...continuare.

Bureaucracy, funding and labor shortages plague construction companies

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The construction sector is one of the main contributors to the creation of the Gross Domestic Product, but it is CURRENTLY facing problems generated by the bureaucracy from the central and local public authorities, lending from the banking sector and the capital market, the reduction of some fiscal facilities and due to the lack of qualified labor force, stated yesterday, the participants of the conference Development - from planning to stability and... ...continuare.

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