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Legaturi intunecate: Cum poate Geoana sa submineze credibilitatea NATO?

publicat 2024-10-04 23:15:10 (Puterea)
Legaturi intunecate: Cum poate Geoana sa submineze credibilitatea NATO? Fostul secretar general adjunct al NATO, Mircea Geoana, se afla in centrul unei controverse semnificative, alimentata de o investigatie a organizatiei internationale de presa The Organized Crime and CORRUPTION Reporting Project (OCCRP). Aceasta a scos la iveala informatii alarmante referitoare la Rares Manescu, un important coordonator al campaniei sale pentru presedintia Romaniei. Conform anchetei, Manescu […]The post Legaturi intunecate: Cum... ...continuare.

Mircea Geoana: Strategul controverselor si aparatorul adevarului distorsionat

publicat 2024-10-04 16:30:12 (Puterea)
Mircea Geoana: Strategul controverselor si aparatorul adevarului distorsionat Mircea Geoana, candidat independent la alegerile prezidentiale, se afla in centrul unei furtuni de acuzatii si controverse care ii contesta credibilitatea. Un raport realizat de reteaua Organized Crime and CORRUPTION Reporting Project (OCCRP), nominalizata la Premiul Nobel pentru Pace in 2023, a scos la iveala legaturi ingrijoratoare intre Rares Manescu, fostul coordonator al campaniei lui […]The post Mircea Geoana: Strategul controverselor si... ...continuare.

Opozantul lui Putin, despre legatura dintre Geoana si Kremlin: Alegatorii romani ar trebui sa aiba in vedere acest lucru

publicat 2024-10-02 13:30:04 (Antena3)
Opozantul lui Putin, despre legatura dintre Geoana si Kremlin: Alegatorii romani ar trebui sa aiba in vedere acest lucru Opozantul rus Mihail Hodorkovski a reactionat, marti, intr-un mesaj publicat pe reteaua sociala X, la investigatia internationala, publicata de jurnalistii retelei The Organised Crime and CORRUPTION Reporting ... ...continuare.

GRECO passed our grade: satisfactory report on the rule of law

publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
With 8 out of 13 recommendations satisfactorily met, the Group of States against CORRUPTION (GRECO) believes that our country is on the right track regarding the rule of law, according to the report published yesterday, but adopted in the plenary on June 21, 2024. The five recommendations that do not are still completed refer to the conflict of interests among parliamentarians and the lack of transparency of the legislative process. ...continuare.

Anti-CORRUPTION prosecutors want income like their colleagues from the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office

publicat 2024-06-26 00:00:02 (Bursa)
*43 DNA prosecutors, including Mihaela Moraru Iorga, the prosecutor investigating the Coldea case, sued the institution demanding higher salaries *Although they have monthly incomes of 5,000 euros, they want to be paid 8,000 euros each , i.e. the salary level of colleagues seconded to the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office ...continuare.

The Italian government wants to monitor football and basketball finances

publicat 2024-05-08 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Famous for its CORRUPTION scandals, Italian football is rebelling against excessive oversight. ...continuare.

Co-ownership and concertation in the case of Comvex - ignored by ASF, DNA and DIICOT

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The co-ownership within the matrimonial regime of assets and, implicitly, the concertation of the wives of Dan Dragoi and Viorel Panait with them in the case of the takeover of Comvex SA by diluting the participations of the other shareholders were not topics of interest for the Financial Supervisory Authority, for the anti-CORRUPTION prosecutors, nor for the prosecutors DIICOT who investigated that case. ...continuare.

Inflation and CORRUPTION, fatal for Erdogan: Turkish opposition, detached victory in local elections

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
The Erdogan regime appears to be reeling after Sunday and #39;s local elections saw the Republican People and #39;s Party (CHP) win the vote in 36 of Turkey and #39;s 81 municipalities, which means it has reached 44.4% of the total voter choice, although according to the official Anadolu News agency, the opposition would have won the local elections with only 37.5% of the vote. ...continuare.

The case of Rosia Montana: Accusations of stock market manipulation

publicat 2024-03-11 00:15:03 (Bursa)
* Catalin Drula, USR: 'We will file a criminal complaint with the DNA for manipulating the capital market and undermining the national economy' * Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu: 'It seems to me that maybe we don and #39;t live in the same world! What scholarship?' * Lawyer Gheorghe Piperea: 'The DNA and DIICOT must see if the propaganda that was made on television does not take on forms of CORRUPTION' ...continuare.

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