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USR will not support the AUR motion against Ciolacu Government

publicat 2025-02-25 13:30:43 (Ziarul-Financiar)
USR will not support the AUR motion against Ciolacu Government The leader of the USR group in the Chamber of Deputies, Ionut Mosteanu, announces that his party will not sign and will not vote for the motion of no CONFIDENCE initiated by AUR against the Government led by Marcel Ciolacu. ...continuare.

Directorii generali sunt optimisti in privinta perspectivelor de crestere in 2025

publicat 2025-02-18 10:45:20 (Bursa)
Directorii generali sunt optimisti in privinta perspectivelor de crestere in 2025 Directorii generali (CEO) din lume se declara optimisti in privinta cresterii in 2025, in pofida complexelor provocari geopolitice si macroeconomice, a rezultat din studiul EY-Parthenon CEO Outlook Survey: Global CONFIDENCE Index, care a sondat 1.200 de lideri de companii din toata lumea, pe baza a 15 indicatori care formeaza 'Indicele de incredere'. Cele mai recente date ale cercetarii au fost inregistrate ulterior alegerilor din 2024 din SUA si ofera... ...continuare.

Dollar dynamics under the terms of American presidents

publicat 2025-02-17 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Dollar dynamics under the terms of American presidents Since Republican Donald Trump was inaugurated as US President in January 2025, the US dollar has been very sensitive to the US administration and #39;s announcements regarding tariffs, given its role in global trade and CONFIDENCE in the economy. ...continuare.

How political instability influenced BVB stocks

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
How political instability influenced BVB stocks * Dragos Mesaros, Goldring: 'Until July, we had an uninterrupted year-long growth on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, so it was normal for a decline to occur' * Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'We expected the elections to have an impact on the stock market, but not to such an extent; there were a few surprises that caused high market volatility' * Florian Munteanu, investment consultant: 'The Romanian market is very cheap; I think the valuation difference reflects the market structure and the lack... ...continuare.

Bundestag withdraws CONFIDENCE in Chancellor Olaf Scholz; Germany prepares for early elections

publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Bundestag withdraws <span style='background:#EDF514'>CONFIDENCE</span> in Chancellor Olaf Scholz; Germany prepares for early elections Germany will hold early parliamentary elections on February 23, 2025 after Chancellor Olaf Scholz lost the vote of CONFIDENCE requested by the Bundestag yesterday. ...continuare.

Japan, the country with the highest government debt to GDP

publicat 2024-11-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Japan, the country with the highest government debt to GDP The public debt/GDP ratio is a key indicator of a country and #39;s financial health, providing insight into a government and #39;s ability to manage its debt, while also shaping the flexibility of fiscal policy and playing a crucial role in influencing investor CONFIDENCE, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

US Congress Report: $1 Billion failure of Covid propaganda

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
US Congress Report: $1 Billion failure of Covid propaganda A recent report by the House of Representatives in the US Congress (ed. - the House of Representatives is led by the Republican Party, whose candidate in the US presidential elections on November 5 is Donald Trump) shows that the Biden administration spent almost a billion dollars to spread misinformation through the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about Covid vaccines, the effectiveness of masks and other protective measures, lies that have eroded public ...continuare.

The presidential campaign has begun, Ciolacu is the favorite in the polls

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The presidential campaign has begun, Ciolacu is the favorite in the polls The campaign for the presidential elections - whose first round of voting will take place on November 24 - started yesterday and will end on November 23, at 7:00 a.m., during which the 14 candidates will try to convince citizens with the right to vote to give them CONFIDENCE for a mandate in Cotroceni. ...continuare.

EY lanseaza manifestul pentru stimularea competitivitatii UE

publicat 2024-09-26 19:45:17 (Bursa)
EY lanseaza manifestul pentru stimularea competitivitatii UE EY lanseaza documentul care reprezinta viziunea sa cu privire la competitivitatea europeana, un plan de referinta care sa ajute decidentii politici sa impulsioneze progresul Uniunii Europene in urmatorii cinci ani si sa stimuleze cresterea economica - Shaping Europe and #39;s Future with CONFIDENCE: EY Vision for 2024-2029 ...continuare.

What was the significance of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump?

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
What was the significance of the debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump? * NASDAQ penalizes Trump The televised debate between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump had a negative impact on investor CONFIDENCE in the shares of Trump Media and Technology Group Corp (NASDAQ: DJT), according to a report from Investing.com, which stated yesterday that in the pre-market opening of NASDAQ, their value had dropped by 16.5%. ...continuare.

Aurel Cazacu: 'Russia is not fighting Ukraine, but NATO and the USA'

publicat 2024-08-29 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Aurel Cazacu: 'Russia is not fighting Ukraine, but NATO and the USA' Recent statements by the Russian Foreign Minister threatening the USA with a new world war aim to strengthen the CONFIDENCE of the Russian population and soldiers, according to military expert Aurel Cazacu. ...continuare.

Americans and #39; investments in listed shares, close to a record

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Americans and #39; investments in listed shares, close to a record The share of financial assets invested by Americans (households and non-profit entities) in listed stocks is approaching record levels, just above the peak recorded in 2021, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which points out that investor CONFIDENCE, a strong (US) economy and the superior historical performance of the last decades encourages this type of investment. ...continuare.

Studiu Delloitte: Firmele de administrare a activelor sunt optimiste privind evolutiile economice

publicat 2024-08-13 07:00:11 (Puterea)
Studiu Delloitte: Firmele de administrare a activelor sunt optimiste privind evolutiile economice Firmele de private equity din Europa Centrala sunt increzatoare in proportie covarsitoare (84%) ca 2024 va fi un an bun pentru investitii, conform celei mai recente editii a studiului Deloitte CE Private Equity CONFIDENCE Survey, in contextul in care optimismul privind evolutiile economice continua sa creasca, 31% dintre respondenti asteptandu-se la imbunatatirea conditiilor, iar 59% […]The post Studiu Delloitte: Firmele de administrare a... ...continuare.

2024 este bun pentru investitii, in contextul cresterii lichiditatii si al optimismului privind economia

publicat 2024-08-12 17:00:02 (Adevarul)
2024 este bun pentru investitii, in contextul cresterii lichiditatii si al optimismului privind economia Firmele de private equity din Europa Centrala sunt increzatoare (84%) ca 2024 va fi un an bun pentru investitii, potrivit studiului Deloitte CE Private Equity CONFIDENCE Survey. ...continuare.

Studiu Deloitte: 2024 este un an bun pentru investitii, potrivit firmelor de capital privat din Europa Centrala, in contextul cresterii lichiditatii si al optimismului privind evolutiile economice

publicat 2024-08-12 11:15:16 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Studiu Deloitte: 2024 este un an bun pentru investitii, potrivit firmelor de capital privat din Europa Centrala, in contextul cresterii lichiditatii si al optimismului privind evolutiile economice Autor: Roxana Rosu Firmele de private equity din Europa Centrala sunt increzatoare in proportie covarsitoare (84%) ca 2024 va fi un an bun pentru investitii, in contextul in care optimismul privind evolutiile economice continua sa creasca, conform celei mai recente editii a studiului Deloitte CE Private Equity CONFIDENCE Survey. ...continuare.

Deloitte: companiile imobiliare din Europa Centrala se asteapta la o crestere a investitiilor si la imbunatatirea activitatii

publicat 2024-04-24 19:45:07 (Income-Magazine)
Deloitte: companiile imobiliare din Europa Centrala se asteapta la o crestere a investitiilor si la imbunatatirea activitatii Jumatate dintre companiile imobiliare din Europa Centrala (49%) estimeaza ca investitiile in domeniu vor creste in acest an si doar 19% se asteapta la o scadere (fata de 51% in 2023), pe fondul imbunatatirii perceptiei cu privire la potentialul de crestere din aceasta piata, potrivit studiului Deloitte Real Estate CONFIDENCE Survey for Central Europe 2024. […] ...continuare.

Studiu Deloitte: companiile imobiliare din Europa Centrala se asteapta la o crestere a investitiilor si la imbunatatirea activitatii pe piata in acest an

publicat 2024-04-24 18:00:03 (Bursa)
Jumatate dintre companiile imobiliare din Europa Centrala (49%) estimeaza ca investitiile in domeniu vor creste in acest an si doar 19% se asteapta la o scadere (fata de 51% in 2023), pe fondul imbunatatirii perceptiei cu privire la potentialul de crestere din aceasta piata, potrivit studiului Deloitte Real Estate CONFIDENCE Survey for Central Europe 2024. De altfel, 40% din participantii la studiu anticipeaza o crestere a activitatii pe piata in acest... ...continuare.

CNBC: The wealth of America and #39;s richest has hit a new record, thanks to a rally in the stock market

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Wealth of the richest 1% of Americans rose to $44.6 trillion, according to the Fed * Mark Zandi, Moody and #39;s Analytics: 'The wealth effect from rising stock prices strongly boosts consumer CONFIDENCE, spending and broader economic growth' * The S and P index is up about 10% this year ...continuare.

Nava lovita de racheta in Marea Rosie. Echipajul a abandonat vaporul

publicat 2024-03-06 19:15:12 (Mediafax)
Nava lovita de racheta in Marea Rosie. Echipajul a abandonat vaporul True CONFIDENCE este detinuta de compania True CONFIDENCE Shipping SA, care este inregistrata la o adresa din Liberia. Nava este operata de Third January Maritime Ltd in Grecia si nu are nicio legatura actuala cu nicio entitate din SUA, potrivit purtatorului de cuvant al proprietarilor. ...continuare.

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