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Cainii fara stapan din Sectorul 1 vor fi tratati gratuit la Casuta Veterinarului. Cum pot fi adoptati Cainii fara stapan din Sectorul 1 vor fi tratati gratuit la "Casuta Veterinarului". Cum pot fi adoptati Cum se descurca multi romani cu salarii minime: Toata viata am invartit datorii si am albit la 30 de ani Cum se descurca multi romani cu salarii minime: "Toata viata am invartit datorii si am albit la 30 de ani" Canada are mai multe sanse sa devina membru UE decat sa ajunga un stat american, conform unui fost comisar european Canada are mai multe sanse sa devina membru UE decat sa ajunga un stat american, conform unui fost comisar european Pana la ce data mai poti beneficia de reducerea de 10% la plata impozitului pe casa in 2025 Pana la ce data mai poti beneficia de reducerea de 10% la plata impozitului pe casa in 2025 Motivul incredibil pentru care o familie de romani din Anglia a trebuit sa isi evacueze casa. Proprietarului nu i-a venit sa creada Motivul incredibil pentru care o familie de romani din Anglia a trebuit sa isi evacueze casa. Proprietarului nu i-a venit sa creada Romanca, despre sistemul de educatie din Austria: Profesorii n-au interesul ca tu sa termini liceul Romanca, despre sistemul de educatie din Austria: "Profesorii n-au interesul ca tu sa termini liceul" Cum sa indepartezi, fara prea mari batai de cap, etichetele de pe borcane Cum sa indepartezi, fara prea mari batai de cap, etichetele de pe borcane Transformarea excrementelor de animale in descendenti, proiectul care ar putea salva speciile pe cale de disparitie Transformarea excrementelor de animale in descendenti, proiectul care ar putea salva speciile pe cale de disparitie Kelemen Hunor: Ca sa existe in continuare aceasta coalitie, trebuie sa castige Crin Antonescu. Trebuie sa fim constienti Kelemen Hunor: "Ca sa existe in continuare aceasta coalitie, trebuie sa castige Crin Antonescu. Trebuie sa fim constienti" CEO-ul Google DeepMind: Inteligenta artificiala capabila sa egaleze sau sa depaseasca oamenii va aparea in urmatorii 5-10 ani CEO-ul Google DeepMind: Inteligenta artificiala capabila sa egaleze sau sa depaseasca oamenii va aparea in urmatorii 5-10 ani George Simion: Eu n-am creat niciodata probleme in Republica Moldova George Simion: Eu n-am creat niciodata probleme in Republica Moldova Orange Romania este din nou tinta unui atac cibernetic. Hackerii ameninta ca vor publica datele daca operatorul nu negociaza cu ei Orange Romania este din nou tinta unui atac cibernetic. Hackerii ameninta ca vor publica datele daca operatorul nu negociaza cu ei Donald Trump: Astept cu nerabdare convorbirea cu Vladimir Putin. Vom vedea daca putem lucra la un acord de pace Donald Trump: Astept cu nerabdare convorbirea cu Vladimir Putin. Vom vedea daca putem lucra la un acord de pace Drama cu care se confrunta un tanar dupa ce a terminat facultatea in Romania: Inca cer bani de la parinti ca sa platesc chiria Drama cu care se confrunta un tanar dupa ce a terminat facultatea in Romania: "Inca cer bani de la parinti ca sa platesc chiria" Elon Musk impinge SpaceX in cea mai mare provocare de pana acum: trimiterea unui robot Tesla umanoid pe Marte Elon Musk impinge SpaceX in cea mai mare provocare de pana acum: trimiterea unui robot Tesla umanoid pe Marte


Stiri locale

Algorithmic trading and market analysis - major benefits of artificial antelligence for the crypto industry

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Algorithmic trading and market analysis - major benefits of artificial antelligence for the crypto industry * (Interview with Gracy Chen, CEO, Bitget) * 'Blockchain technology can help governments deliver more efficient services while protecting citizens and #39; data and mitigating corruption risks' * 'We will likely see the expansion of central bank digital currencies and smart contracts for loans and insurance in the COMING years' * 'Regardless of short-term fluctuations, I believe that both Bitcoin and Ethereum will remain cornerstones of the global... ...continuare.

Government maintains fiscal predictability: no progressive tax in the COMING years

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Government maintains fiscal predictability: no progressive tax in the <span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> years The progressive tax is not on the agenda of the current government, as long as one of the coalition partners considers the approach to the subject as a red line regarding its participation in the Executive, said Marius Alin Andries, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Finance, yesterday, at the annual tax conference organized by PwC Romania. ...continuare.

FIFA fails another transparency test

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
FIFA fails another transparency test An international trade union mission, present in Mexico to inspect working conditions on the construction sites of the upCOMING World Cup, was categorically denied access to the Estadio Azteca. ...continuare.

Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to be adopted in the COMING days

publicat 2025-03-12 13:00:30 (Mediafax)
Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to be adopted in the <span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> days MediafaxMEP Dan Nica announced that the European Steel Action Plan will be adopted in the COMING days by the European Commission. One of the main beneficiaries of the plan could be the Galati steel plant.Articolul Romanian MEP: European Steel Action Plan to be adopted in the COMING days apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

Jorg Kramer, Commerzbank: 'The exodus of German companies to other countries must be stopped'

publicat 2025-02-26 00:00:10 (Bursa)
Jorg Kramer, Commerzbank: 'The exodus of German companies to other countries must be stopped' The economic situation in Germany is beCOMING increasingly worrying, and the exodus of companies to other countries is an alarming phenomenon, says Jorg Kramer, chief economist of Commerzbank, in an article published on the website wallstreet-online.de, which quotes the dpa (Deutsche Presse-Agentur). ...continuare.

Turistii straini vin, dar mai putini. Strainii si-au facut mai putine vacante in Romania in 2024 fata de perioada de dinainte de pandemie. Turismul de inCOMING nu si-a revenit nici in alte tari din Europa

publicat 2025-02-20 18:31:03 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Turistii straini vin, dar mai putini. Strainii si-au facut mai putine vacante in Romania in 2024 fata de perioada de dinainte de pandemie. Turismul de in<span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> nu si-a revenit nici in alte tari din Europa Romania nu a reusit sa atinga ace­lasi nivel al turistilor straini din 2019 nici in 2024, insa nu este singura in aceasta situatie din Europa, potrivit datelor European Travel Commis­sion. Cehia, Estonia, Finlanda, Germania, Ungaria, Letonia, Lituania si Slovacia sunt tarile europene care nu au reusit sa aiba acelasi numar de turisti straini, astfel ca turismul de inCOMING inca nu si-a revenit. In 2024, in hotelurile si pen­­siunile locale au ajuns 2,3... ...continuare.

Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Ilie Bolojan assumed his duties as interim president Ilie Bolojan, former president of the Senate, assumed his duties as interim president yesterday after the Constitutional Court took note of Klaus Iohannis and #39; resignation on Tuesday. Before beCOMING interim president, Ilie Bolojan suspended himself from the PNL, where he held the position of president, a position that was temporarily transferred to Catalin Predoiu, with the unanimous agreement of the other liberal leaders. ...continuare.

Schengen atrage mai multi vizitatori in tara noastra

publicat 2025-02-06 08:30:13 (Jurnalul-National)
Schengen atrage mai multi vizitatori in tara noastra In ultimii 35 de ani, turismul de "inCOMING" - adica atragerea turistilor straini in Romania - a fost aproape abandonat. ...continuare.

The Future of the EU: Culture and democratic values - solutions for overCOMING current crises

publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:23 (Bursa)
The Future of the EU: Culture and democratic values - solutions for over<span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> current crises The current challenges facing the European Union will only be overcome if decision-makers in Brussels and citizens of the member states truly understand its cultural heritage, the interconnections between European nations and the democratic values that underpinned the establishment of this supra-state structure, said participants last Friday at the 'In the Heart of Europe' conference, organized in Bucharest by the International Pan-European Union, in collaboration with Pan-Europa Romania and... ...continuare.

Una dintre "perlele" turismului romanesc este la pamant. Care sunt solutiile sa salvam una dintre cele mai vanate destinatii din Romania

publicat 2025-01-19 08:30:20 (Mediafax)
Una dintre perlele turismului romanesc este la pamant. Care sunt solutiile sa salvam una dintre cele mai vanate destinatii din Romania Turismul de inCOMING este slab dezvoltat in Romania, iar pandemia a redus considerabil numarul stranilor ajunsi pe meleagurile romanesti. Din 2020, anul izbucnirii pandemiei, si pana in 2023, numarul strainilor a crescut, insa revenirea este in continuare lenta. In 2024, in Constanta, au ajuns 1,7 milioane de turisti staini, potrivit INS. Pe fondul acestor rezultate, Gheorghe Fodoreanu, expert in turism, este de parere ca litoralul romanesc nu se afla... ...continuare.

Concern: first human death from bird flu in the US

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Concern: first human death from bird flu in the US There are concerns COMING from the US. A tragic but not unexpected case has been reported in Louisiana, where the first death associated with the H5N1 virus in the United States has been confirmed by health authorities. The patient, a man over 65 years old with underlying health conditions, was infected after contact with poultry and wild birds. ...continuare.

Turismul de inCOMING este o resursa valoroasa pentru economia Romaniei si nu trebuie neglijat

publicat 2025-01-07 14:00:16 (Income-Magazine)
Turismul de in<span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> este o resursa valoroasa pentru economia Romaniei si nu trebuie neglijat Aderarea totala a Romaniei la spatiul Schengen deschide noi orizonturi pentru turismul de inCOMING si poate aduce venituri considerabile incepand cu primavara anului 2025, considera Gheorghe Fodoreanu, om de turism cu o experienta de 50 de ani in domeniu, fost presedinte al Asociatiei Nationale a Agentiilor de Turism (ANAT). „Turismul romanesc ar fi putut avea […] ...continuare.

FIHR atrage atentia asupra impactului „devastator” asupra industriei turismului al masurile propuse prin „Ordonanta trenulet”

publicat 2024-12-28 09:15:19 (Income-Magazine)
FIHR atrage atentia asupra impactului „devastator” asupra industriei turismului al masurile propuse prin „Ordonanta trenulet” Federatia Industriei Hoteliere din Romania (FIHR) lanseaza un apel urgent catre Guvernul Romaniei in ceea ce priveste impactul ‘devastator’ asupra industriei turismului pe care il vor avea masurile fiscale propuse prin ‘ordonanta trenulet’, fara a fi insotite de politici publice de compensare a impactului negativ si dezvoltare a turismului de inCOMING si sustinere a investitiilor […] ...continuare.

Met Office: One of the warmest years on record is COMING

publicat 2024-12-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Met Office: One of the warmest years on record is <span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> The year 2025 could become one of the three warmest years ever recorded globally, according to the British agency Met Office. ...continuare.

Warning about the traps related to attractive online job offers

publicat 2024-12-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Warning about the traps related to attractive online job offers The traps of the online environment are beCOMING more and more dangerous. The National Directorate of Cyber Security warns about SMS messages or messages received on various messaging applications (Whatsapp) that offer 'online jobs' with the aim of collecting sensitive data from users. ...continuare.

Paris Olympics, 'medal' for environmental protection

publicat 2024-12-13 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Paris Olympics, 'medal' for environmental protection The Games have been over for months, but there is still good news COMING out of Paris. Greenhouse gas emissions associated with the Paris 2024 Olympic Games have been halved compared to previous editions, despite the higher-than-expected impact of air travel, according to figures released by organizers. ...continuare.

Education: Better Math Results

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Education: Better Math Results Good news is COMING from the education sector. Romanian students and #39; math results are improving, said Education Minister Ligia Deca, after the launch of the results of the international study on the competencies of 4th and 8th grade students in math and science - TIMSS 2023. ...continuare.

Political crisis in South Korea: martial law rejected by Parliament, uncertain prospects for President Yoon Suk Yeol

publicat 2024-12-05 00:15:18 (Bursa)
Political crisis in South Korea: martial law rejected by Parliament, uncertain prospects for President Yoon Suk Yeol The martial law, decreed two days ago by Yoon Suk Yeol, the President of South Korea, as a necessary measure in light of the nuclear threats COMING from the political regime in Pyongyang, which allegedly had supporters in Seoul, has proven, according to the South Korean, Chinese and Japanese media, to be a desperate act on the part of the head of state, who in recent months has dropped to 20% in the top of the citizens and #39; trust in opinion polls. ...continuare.

Droughts are beCOMING the norm

publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Droughts are be<span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> the norm Water shortages or excesses are causing major problems for people. Record-breaking global droughts are beCOMING 'the new norm' forcing world leaders to 'radically rethink' how they manage them, the UN warned, publishing a global atlas of the scourge on the first day of a global summit to combat desertification. ...continuare.

Wall Street strategists: Trump and #39;s tax cuts will boost stocks

publicat 2024-11-21 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Wall Street strategists: Trump and #39;s tax cuts will boost stocks The tax cuts proposed by inCOMING U.S. President Donald Trump are set to boost stock prices for years to come, Business Insider reports. ...continuare.

ZF Investiti in Romania! Un proiect ZF & CEC Bank. Ioana Burcea, Paralela 45: Evenimentele organizate la Bucuresti si businessurile de familie din turism si HoReCa atrag tot mai multi turitti straini, care vor ceva diferit

publicat 2024-11-04 01:15:20 (Ziarul-Financiar)
ZF Investiti in Romania! Un proiect ZF & CEC Bank. Ioana Burcea, Paralela 45: Evenimentele organizate la Bucuresti si businessurile de familie din turism si HoReCa atrag tot mai multi turitti straini, care vor ceva diferit Activitatea de inCOMING a agentiei Paralela 45 este relansata in 2024 si se concentreaza pe oferirea de experiente de neuitat stra­inilor despre Romania, de la eveni­mente organizate in premiera cu turisti straini la programe personalizate pe dorintele lor. ...continuare.

Climate Change Accelerating Destructive 'DANA' Phenomena

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Climate Change Accelerating Destructive 'DANA' Phenomena Natural disasters are increasing at an alarming rate, much to people and #39;s concern. The catastrophic floods that killed at least 72 people in Spain were caused by a destructive weather system in which cold and warm air meet to produce heavy rain clouds, a pattern that risks beCOMING more frequent as climate change continues. ...continuare.

Free, competitive market - essential condition for economic growth

publicat 2024-10-31 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Free, competitive market - essential condition for economic growth The free market, without government restrictions, and governed by the rules of fair competition, is the essential condition for the economic growth of our country in the COMING years, stated the participants at the conference 'Competition in key sectors - 2024,' organized yesterday by the Competition Council, at the Central Library Carol I University, from Bucharest. ...continuare.

Record Greenhouse Gas Concentrations

publicat 2024-10-30 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Record Greenhouse Gas Concentrations In 2023, greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere reached new records, a phenomenon that, according to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), will lead to inevitable increases in global temperatures in the COMING years. ...continuare.

Banks on Wall Street warn: The performance of American shares will fall sharply

publicat 2024-10-29 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Banks on Wall Street warn: The performance of American shares will fall sharply * JPMorgan: 'Equity valuations are moving back toward the mean over time, which should translate into lower returns in the COMING years' * Goldman Sachs: 'The golden decade of US stock market returns is over' * Ed Yardeni: 'US stocks are poised for a strong boom, thanks to increased productivity' ...continuare.

Formatia Scorpions anunta un concert-festival cu ocazia celei de-a 60-a aniversari

publicat 2024-10-26 20:30:19 (Jurnalul-National)
Formatia Scorpions anunta un concert-festival cu ocazia celei de-a 60-a aniversari Formatia rock germana Scorpions va marca cea de-a 60-a aniversare cu un concert intitulat "COMING Home", la 5 iulie anul viitor, pe Heinz von Heiden Arena din Hanovra, orasul in care a fost infiintata, transmite vineri agentia DPA. ...continuare.

JPMorgan: The geopolitical situation will be felt in the price of oil, in the COMING period

publicat 2024-10-18 00:00:07 (Bursa)
JPMorgan: The geopolitical situation will be felt in the price of oil, in the <span style='background:#EDF514'>COMING</span> period * The average price of Brent crude oil - estimated at 80 dollars/barrel, at the end of the year ...continuare.

UN warning: Extreme droughts and floods, signals of climate change

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
UN warning: Extreme droughts and floods, signals of climate change The intense droughts and extreme floods that are beCOMING more and more frequent around the globe are a 'prelude' to future developments in the context of climate change, the United Nations (UN) warned in a recent report, sent by AFP. ...continuare.

Ungurii din Harghita invata romaneste, de dragul turismului

publicat 2024-10-04 08:30:09 (Jurnalul-National)
Ungurii din Harghita invata romaneste, de dragul turismului Judetul Harghita a fost, pana in 2020, unul dintre putinele locuri din Romania in care s-a facut cu precadere inCOMING - hotelierii s-au bazat pe turistii straini care ne-au vizitat tara. Pandemia a distrus turismul, in primul an, ajutoare de la guvern nu au venit, iar turistii straini au reinceput sa vina in 2021. Din 2022 se astepta o crestere spectaculoasa a numarului de vizitatori, in special din Germania, Suedia, Franta si Israel, insa dupa 24... ...continuare.

The Difference Between General Artificial Intelligence and Generative Artificial Intelligence: What You Need to Know (II)

publicat 2024-09-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The Difference Between General Artificial Intelligence and Generative Artificial Intelligence: What You Need to Know (II) In an era of rapid digital transformation, terms from the field of artificial intelligence are beCOMING increasingly common around us. However, confusion between the concepts of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI) and Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) can lead to significant misunderstandings both among the general public and in professional settings. ...continuare.

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