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DN Agrar estimates increasing revenues and profits for this year

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:28 (Bursa)
DN Agrar estimates increasing revenues and profits for this year Livestock farm operator DN Agrar has budgeted operating income of 312.6 million lei for this year, 18% higher than last year, while the estimated net profit is 38.8 million lei, up 22% compared to 2024, according to the issuer and #39;s reports published on the Bucharest Stock ExCHANGe (BVB) website. ...continuare.

Star Residence Invest wants to pay dividends with a yield of over 10%

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:28 (Bursa)
Star Residence Invest wants to pay dividends with a yield of over 10% * The company is in the process of liquidating its assets, as it does not record income from renting the properties it owns * The issuer has the stock exCHANGe symbol REIT, although in Romania there is still no law regulating Real Estate Investment ...continuare.

Transelectrica wants to distribute a quarter of last year and #39;s profit as dividends

publicat 2025-03-28 00:00:19 (Bursa)
Transelectrica wants to distribute a quarter of last year and #39;s profit as dividends * Net yield of 4.5% The Transelectrica board convened shareholders for the balance sheet meeting on April 29, with the proposal that from last year and #39;s profit of 585.9 million lei, the amount of 155.4 million lei be allocated as dividends, according to the electricity transporter and #39;s report published yesterday on the Bucharest Stock ExCHANGe (BVB) website. ...continuare.

Trump isi continua avantul in crypto si vrea sa-si lanseze ETF-uri. Compania presedintelui american a ajuns la un acord cu Crypto.com

publicat 2025-03-25 12:16:05 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Trump isi continua avantul in crypto si vrea sa-si lanseze ETF-uri. Compania presedintelui american a ajuns la un acord cu Crypto.com Autor: Alex Ciutacu Compania Trump Media, controlata de presedintele american Donald Trump, a ajuns la un acord cu platforma globala de tranzactionare pentru criptomonede Crypto.com pentru a lansa o serie de ETF-uri (ExCHANGe Traded Funds), adica fonduri tranzactionabile, potrivit CNBC. ...continuare.

Producatorul auto chinez CHANGan incepe anul acesta vanzarile de vehicule electrice pe 10 piete din Europa

publicat 2025-03-24 09:30:25 (Income-Magazine)
Producatorul auto chinez <span style='background:#EDF514'>CHANG</span>an incepe anul acesta vanzarile de vehicule electrice pe 10 piete din Europa Grupul chinez CHANGan Automobile intentioneaza sa intre anul acesta pe 10 piete din Europa, cu vehicule electrice locale (EV), devenind cel mai recent producator auto asiatic care concureaza pe teritoriul unor firme auto importante, cum ar fi Volkswagen si Stellantis, transmite Reuters. Compania a prezentat vineri in Germania SUV-ul electric Deepal S07, primul sau model […] ...continuare.

Producatorul auto chinez CHANGan incepe anul acesta vanzarile de vehicule electrice pe 10 piete din Europa

publicat 2025-03-22 13:30:14 (Bursa)
Producatorul auto chinez <span style='background:#EDF514'>CHANG</span>an incepe anul acesta vanzarile de vehicule electrice pe 10 piete din Europa Grupul chinez CHANGan Automobile intentioneaza sa intre anul acesta pe 10 piete din Europa, cu vehicule electrice locale (EV), devenind cel mai recent producator auto asiatic care concureaza pe teritoriul unor firme auto importante, cum ar fi Volkswagen si Stellantis. ...continuare.

CORRESPONDENCE FROM MELBOURNE (AUSTRALIA) Romania: A potential investment hub in Central Europe

publicat 2025-03-20 00:00:14 (Bursa)
CORRESPONDENCE FROM MELBOURNE (AUSTRALIA) Romania: A potential investment hub in Central Europe In a rapidly CHANGing European economic landscape that demands adaptation to new global realities, Romania possesses all the attributes to become a major investment hub in Central and Eastern Europe. ...continuare.

Top 10 destinatii de vacanta accesibile in 2025

publicat 2025-03-18 18:30:35 (Libertatea)
Top 10 destinatii de vacanta accesibile in 2025 In 2025, cei care isi doresc sa isi maximizeze bugetul de vacanta vor avea la dispozitie o serie de destinatii atractive si accesibile, potrivit unui nou studiu realizat de Mintel si euroCHANGe. Expertiza lor s-a concentrat pe analiza costurilor biletelor de avion, ale ofertelor all-inclusive si ale bauturilor, pentru a identifica cele mai avantajoase locatii […] ...continuare.

Cercetatorii chinezi, descoperiri importante despre solul selenar: Fata intunecata a Lunii a fost odata un vast ocean de magma

publicat 2025-03-18 16:45:20 (Antena3)
Cercetatorii chinezi, descoperiri importante despre solul selenar: Fata intunecata a Lunii a fost odata un vast ocean de magma Descoperiri recente realizate pe mostrele de sol selenar colectate in cadrul misiunii chineze CHANG'e 6 ofera importante informatii cu privire la istoria Lunii, in special a fetei sale intunecate, unde se afla... ...continuare.

ETF-ul care urmareste indicele principal al pietei de capital din Slovenia, lansat la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti

publicat 2025-03-18 15:00:27 (Bursa)
ETF-ul care urmareste indicele principal al pietei de capital din Slovenia, lansat la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti InterCapital Asset Management (ICAM), cel mai mare manager independent de investitii din Croatia, listeaza astazi, la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti (BVB), un nou ETF (ExCHANGe Traded Fund) care urmareste indicele principal al pietei de capital din Slovenia, ...continuare.

Din 18 martie investitorii de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti pot investi in premiera intr-un ETF cu actiuni straine: cele din Slovenia, piata care in ultimii cinci ani a urcat cu 210%. Fondul, adus de croatii de la Intercapital

publicat 2025-03-18 14:30:52 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Din 18 martie investitorii de la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti pot investi in premiera intr-un ETF cu actiuni straine: cele din Slovenia, piata care in ultimii cinci ani a urcat cu 210%. Fondul, adus de croatii de la Intercapital sursa foto: prezentare Intercapital InterCapital Asset Management cel mai mare manager independent de investitii din Croatia, cu active de 650 de milioane de euro, a adus un nou produs pe 18 martie la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti, respectiv un exCHANGe traded fund (ETF) care urmareste indicele principal al pietei de capital din Slovenia. ...continuare.

Modular and Scalable Design: The Secret to Tesla and #39;s Factory Flexibility

publicat 2025-03-18 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Modular and Scalable Design: The Secret to Tesla and #39;s Factory Flexibility This material provides a more detailed explanation of the modular and scalable design, which allows Tesla to remain flexible, reduce costs, and respond quickly to market CHANGes. ...continuare.

airBaltic Letonia isi pregateste listarea la Londra, in trimestrul al doilea

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
airBaltic Letonia isi pregateste listarea la Londra, in trimestrul al doilea Compania aeriana airBaltic din Riga, Letonia, este asteptata sa isi lanseze oferta publica initiala (IPO) in al doilea trimestru al anului curent si a ales in acest sens Bursa de Valori din Londra (London Stock ExCHANGe), spun surse citate de Bloomberg, potrivit ch-aviation.com ...continuare.

airBaltic Latvia prepares for London listing in second quarter

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
airBaltic Latvia prepares for London listing in second quarter Riga-based airline airBaltic, based in Latvia, is expected to launch its initial public offering (IPO) in the second quarter of this year and has chosen the London Stock ExCHANGe for this purpose, sources quoted by Bloomberg say, according to ch-aviation.com. ...continuare.

Alarming Study: U.S. Bird Populations in Dramatic Decline

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Alarming Study: U.S. Bird Populations in Dramatic Decline A new report on bird populations in the United States reports an alarming decline, with 112 species at a 'tipping point' due to habitat loss and climate CHANGe. Of those, 42 species are experiencing sharp declines, raising alarm bells in the scientific community. ...continuare.

The Ministry of Finance Raised 2.3 Billion Lei Through the Fidelis Offering, Less Than the Previous Offering

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
The Ministry of Finance Raised 2.3 Billion Lei Through the Fidelis Offering, Less Than the Previous Offering * The Bonds Will Be Listed on the Bucharest Stock ExCHANGe on March 20 The Ministry of Finance has raised 2.25 billion lei from investors through the latest issuance of Fidelis government bonds, below the record set by the first offering of this year, which amounted to 4.3 billion lei, according to our calculations based on data from a brokerage firm. ...continuare.

Bogdan Dragoi loses the lawsuit with ASF over the failure to report exceeding the 5% threshold at BVB

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Bogdan Dragoi loses the lawsuit with ASF over the failure to report exceeding the 5% threshold at BVB * The holdings of the former SIF Banat-Crisana and SIF Muntenia exceeded the 5% threshold of the stock exCHANGe operator in the spring of 2020, but this was reported only in 2022 * The management of SIF Banat-Crisana claimed that it did not consider acting in concert with SIF Muntenia regarding BVB, a claim rejected by ASF * The newspaper BURSA publicly flagged the situation since February 2022 ...continuare.

Layoffs impacting climate research

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Layoffs impacting climate research NASA has announced the first wave of layoffs, including among its top scientists, following drastic funding cuts imposed by the Trump administration. Among those laid off is Katherine Calvin, a chief scientist and climate advisor known for her contributions to UN climate CHANGe reports. ...continuare.

De martea viitoare se listeaza la Bursa de Valori un nou ETF, InterCapital SBITOP TR, care urmareste indicele pietei de capital din Slovenia, cu un randament de 42% anul trecut

publicat 2025-03-13 17:01:05 (Ziarul-Financiar)
De martea viitoare se listeaza la Bursa de Valori un nou ETF, InterCapital SBITOP TR, care urmareste indicele pietei de capital din Slovenia, cu un randament de 42% anul trecut Autor: Eduard Ivanovici InterCapital Asset Management, manager independent de investitii din Croatia, cu active de 550 milioane de euro sub administrare, va lista la Bursa de Valori Bucuresti un nou ETF (exCHANGe traded fund/fond tranzactionat la bursa) in data de marti, 18 martie, conform unui comunicat de presa. ...continuare.

Innovation in climate education, teachers from seven countries meet in Targu Mures

publicat 2025-03-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Innovation in climate education, teachers from seven countries meet in Targu Mures Over 40 teachers from seven countries are participating this week in an educational innovation workshop focused on the study of climate CHANGe, held in Targu Mures. The event takes place within the ASSET (Assistance for Skilled Environmental Teaching) project and is organized under the aegis of the ERASMUS+ program. ...continuare.

Methane and #39;s Unexpected Impact on Ozone Layer Recovery

publicat 2025-03-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Methane and #39;s Unexpected Impact on Ozone Layer Recovery A team of scientists in China has found that an increase in methane emissions could have a surprising positive effect on future ozone layer recovery. The finding, which could influence government policies on climate CHANGe, was recently published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences by researchers at Beijing Normal University. ...continuare.

Methane and #39;s Unexpected Impact on Ozone Layer Recovery

publicat 2025-03-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Methane and #39;s Unexpected Impact on Ozone Layer Recovery A team of scientists in China has found that an increase in methane emissions could have a surprising positive effect on future ozone layer recovery. The finding, which could influence government policies on climate CHANGe, was recently published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences by researchers at Beijing Normal University. ...continuare.

Major CHANGes to CFR trains on the Brasov route

publicat 2025-03-12 13:00:30 (Mediafax)
Major <span style='background:#EDF514'>CHANG</span>es to CFR trains on the Brasov route MediafaxMajor works on the railway between Brasov and Harman disrupt rail traffic in April.Articolul Major CHANGes to CFR trains on the Brasov route apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

France - climate CHANGe adaptation plan

publicat 2025-03-12 00:00:16 (Bursa)
France - climate <span style='background:#EDF514'>CHANG</span>e adaptation plan The French government has launched its third national climate CHANGe adaptation plan, a long-awaited project that has already been considered insufficient by certain experts and environmental organizations. ...continuare.

Companies don and #39;t want to list on the stock exCHANGe even if they are paid

publicat 2025-03-12 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Companies don and #39;t want to list on the stock ex<span style='background:#EDF514'>CHANG</span>e even if they are paid * Three companies signed financing contracts in the first round of the call for projects, but none were listed; of the three registered now, one was rejected * Broker: 'A company does not list just for a few tens or hundreds of thousands of euros' * Attracting a strategic shareholder, expanding through acquisitions and distributing shares to employees - the main reasons why a company wants to list, according to the broker * 'The program would have been much more useful if, in addition to... ...continuare.

Paramilitary group accused of treason, a centenarian general in the middle of the plot

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Paramilitary group accused of treason, a centenarian general in the middle of the plot CHANGing the country and #39;s name, flag and anthem, adopting a new constitution, these are some of the objectives of an organization that has come under the authorities and #39; sights (Mateescu Stefan, Sofran Radu Pompiliu, Dinu Adrian Robertin, Lupu Raul-Mihail, Atitene Georgica Cristian si Semeniuc Marius). ...continuare.

Cum a reusit un informator CIA sa impiedice Taiwanul sa dezvolte arme nucleare

publicat 2025-03-05 18:15:09 (Adevarul)
Cum a reusit un informator CIA sa impiedice Taiwanul sa dezvolte arme nucleare Decizia lui CHANG de a lucra cu CIA a ramas controversata in Taiwan, care in anii care au urmat si-a continuat expansiunea industriala si economica masiva, devenind o democratie deplina in anii 1990. ...continuare.

Alerta DNSC: Amenintari avansate asupra portofelelor digitale

publicat 2025-03-05 11:30:36 (Income-Magazine)
Alerta DNSC: Amenintari avansate asupra portofelelor digitale Portofelele digitale si patformele de exCHANGe au devenit tinte tot mai frecvente ale atacatorilor, care dezvolta malware sofisticat pentru a fura chei private, tranzactii si autentificari, avertizeaza Directoratul National de Securitate Cibernetica (DNSC). ‘In ultimele luni, cercetatorii in securitate cibernetica au observat o crestere semnificativa a amenintarilor cibernetice care vizeaza portofelele digitale si platformele de […] ...continuare.

The power of justice in democracy: the Calin Georgescu case and the accusations of 'judiocracy'

publicat 2025-03-05 00:00:09 (Bursa)
The power of justice in democracy: the Calin Georgescu case and the accusations of 'judiocracy' Calin Georgescu, indicted for six crimes, the most important of which is instigation of actions aimed at CHANGing the constitutional order - a case handled by the Prosecutor General and #39;s Office - has launched serious accusations against the Romanian judiciary, considering that he is facing a political trial, accusations for which the Superior Council of Magistracy has not expressed any public position, in the sense of showing that they affect the... ...continuare.

DNSC avertizeaza: Atacuri avansate vizeaza portofelele digitale si platformele cripto

publicat 2025-03-04 20:00:27 (Bursa)
DNSC avertizeaza: Atacuri avansate vizeaza portofelele digitale si platformele cripto Directoratul National de Securitate Cibernetica (DNSC) trage un semnal de alarma privind intensificarea atacurilor cibernetice asupra portofelelor digitale si platformelor de exCHANGe cripto, atacatorii utilizand malware din ce in ce mai sofisticat pentru a fura chei private, tranzactii si date de autentificare, potrivit Agerpres. ...continuare.

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