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Zodiile aparate de Divinitate care vor avea parte de bucurii in perioada 5 - 9 martie. Obstacolele dispar miraculos din calea acestor nativi Zodiile aparate de Divinitate care vor avea parte de bucurii in perioada 5 - 9 martie. Obstacolele dispar miraculos din calea acestor nativi Metoda prin care poti elimina stresul, dezvaluita de pshioterapeutul Oana Nicolau. Gestul simplu pe care trebuie sa-l faci zilnic Metoda prin care poti elimina stresul, dezvaluita de pshioterapeutul Oana Nicolau. Gestul simplu pe care trebuie sa-l faci zilnic ZF Live. Gelu Sulugiuc, fost jurnalist de business la Reuters si Bloomberg. Romania s-a dezvoltat enorm si se vede foarte clar cat de mult am beneficiat de intrarea in Uniunea Europeana ZF Live. Gelu Sulugiuc, fost jurnalist de business la Reuters si Bloomberg. Romania s-a dezvoltat enorm si se vede foarte clar cat de mult am beneficiat de intrarea in Uniunea Europeana Bursa de la Bucuresti coboara luni cu 0,3% pe fondul unor scaderi de 6,3% la TTS, 3,6% la Electrica si 2,3% la Transgaz. Cresteri pentru cele mai mari companii Bursa de la Bucuresti coboara luni cu 0,3% pe fondul unor scaderi de 6,3% la TTS, 3,6% la Electrica si 2,3% la Transgaz. Cresteri pentru cele mai mari companii Traian Basescu: Fara sprijinul SUA, Ucraina va capitula. Si asta cand vor rusii. Problema e ca urmam noi Traian Basescu: Fara sprijinul SUA, Ucraina va capitula. Si asta cand vor rusii. Problema e ca urmam noi Fondul de investitii Vertical Group, cu Iulian Circiumaru cel mai mare actionar, depaseste o detinere de 5% din Agroserv Mariuta, compania din spatele brandului Laptaria cu Caimac. Investitie de 3,1 mil. lei Fondul de investitii Vertical Group, cu Iulian Circiumaru cel mai mare actionar, depaseste o detinere de 5% din Agroserv Mariuta, compania din spatele brandului Laptaria cu Caimac. Investitie de 3,1 mil. lei Planta medicinala care regenereaza pielea si combate bacteria ce provoaca acneea rapid Planta medicinala care regenereaza pielea si combate bacteria ce provoaca acneea rapid Trump anunta ca tarifele vamale pentru Canada si Mexic vor intra in vigoare de marti. Cum raspund cele doua state Trump anunta ca tarifele vamale pentru Canada si Mexic vor intra in vigoare de marti. Cum raspund cele doua state Pe 4 martie, crestinii ortodocsi il praznuiesc pe Sfantul Gherasim de la Iordan. Rugaciunea pe care trebuie sa o spui, in aceasta zi, ca sa scapi de griji si de boli Pe 4 martie, crestinii ortodocsi il praznuiesc pe Sfantul Gherasim de la Iordan. Rugaciunea pe care trebuie sa o spui, in aceasta zi, ca sa scapi de griji si de boli Deloitte M&A 2025. Fondurile de pensii trebuie sa se implice mai mult in industria de private equity pentru a combate presiunea pusa de imbatranirea populatiei Deloitte M&A 2025. Fondurile de pensii trebuie sa se implice mai mult in industria de private equity pentru a combate presiunea pusa de imbatranirea populatiei O reteta dulce pentru succes. Cum a ajuns Mixue Ice Cream cel mai mare lant de fast-food din lume O reteta dulce pentru succes. Cum a ajuns Mixue Ice Cream cel mai mare lant de fast-food din lume Romanii nu sunt doar analfabeti functional, ci si stiintific: Un teren fertil pentru teoria conspiratiei Romanii nu sunt doar analfabeti functional, ci si stiintific: "Un teren fertil pentru teoria conspiratiei" Google lanseaza SpeciesNet, inteligenta artificiala pentru identificarea faunei salbatice Google lanseaza SpeciesNet, inteligenta artificiala pentru identificarea faunei salbatice Trump creste la 20% taxele vamale la produsele chinezesti Trump creste la 20% taxele vamale la produsele chinezesti Ancheta Reuters: Mai multi experti rusi in rachete s-au deplasat in Iran pe fondul tensiunilor cu Israelul Ancheta Reuters: Mai multi experti rusi in rachete s-au deplasat in Iran pe fondul tensiunilor cu Israelul


Stiri locale

UnCERTAIN tourist season - Santorini island faces tens of thousands of earthquakes in 2025

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:29 (Bursa)
Un<span style='background:#EDF514'>CERTAIN</span> tourist season - Santorini island faces tens of thousands of earthquakes in 2025 Santorini, one of the world and #39;s most popular tourist destinations, is experiencing unusually intense seismic activity. ...continuare.

Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts?

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
Gold has a strong start of the year; what are the big investment banks and #39; forecasts? * Goldman Sachs: 'If unCERTAINty remains high, gold prices could reach $3,300 an ounce by year-end' * Morgan Stanley: 'We are alert to any slowdown in demand from central banks, which may arise in the event of a possible peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine' * StoneX: 'The continued unCERTAINty over Trump and #39;s trade tariff policy is having a disproportionate and distorting effect on gold prices' * UBS... ...continuare.

India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds Global initial public offering (IPO) markets remained relatively healthy in 2024 despite economic unCERTAINties and geopolitical challenges, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which notes that overall positive investor sentiment was boosted by momentum in stock markets, interest rate cuts and technological advances. All of these were benefits for newly listed companies. ...continuare.

ArcelorMittal wants to move some activities from Europe to India

publicat 2025-02-12 00:00:15 (Bursa)
ArcelorMittal wants to move some activities from Europe to India Steel group ArcelorMittal, also present on the Romanian market, announced yesterday that it intends to move CERTAIN support services activities from Europe to India, according to AFP. ...continuare.

Debt, deficit, political instability: Fitch revises Romania and #39;s outlook to negative

publicat 2025-02-03 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Debt, deficit, political instability: Fitch revises Romania and #39;s outlook to negative The second half of 2024 represented a critical turning point for Romania and #39;s economy and political stability. In an attempt to counter the ever-expanding budget deficit and ensure macroeconomic balance, the government implemented a series of measures that, instead of stabilizing public finances, generated a climate of unCERTAINty and tension both economically and politically. ...continuare.

BVB indices - hit by the unCERTAINty brought by the electoral period

publicat 2025-01-27 00:00:19 (Bursa)
BVB indices - hit by the un<span style='background:#EDF514'>CERTAIN</span>ty brought by the electoral period * Decreases for seventeen of the twenty stocks in BET The evolution of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) was massively influenced, in the last quarter of last year, by the electoral period that culminated in the scandal of the presidential elections canceled following the decision of the Constitutional Court, the election being resumed this spring. ...continuare.

Unpublished: Maha Kumbh Mela, the largest religious gathering in the world

publicat 2025-01-23 00:00:21 (Bursa)
Unpublished: Maha Kumbh Mela, the largest religious gathering in the world Large religious gatherings are still very popular in CERTAIN regions of the globe. India has kicked off one of the grandest religious events on the planet - Maha Kumbh Mela or the Great Pitcher Festival, a sacred Hindu celebration that brings together millions of believers in the city of Prayagraj, in the state of Uttar Pradesh. ...continuare.

BVB in 2025: between political unCERTAINties and budget deficit pressure

publicat 2025-01-15 00:00:14 (Bursa)
BVB in 2025: between political un<span style='background:#EDF514'>CERTAIN</span>ties and budget deficit pressure * Florian Munteanu, investment consultant: 'Stopping the elections may have very big implications, which have not been felt so far' * Adrian Mitroi, CFA: 'The country and #39;s recent policy cannot help but be seriously seen in the economy, which is on a downward acceleration trend' * Marcel Murgoci, Estinvest: 'Dividend distributions of state-owned companies will depend on its willingness to understand and agree with the investment needs of companies' * Marius Pandele, Prime Transaction:... ...continuare.

Investors have flocked to gold this year; what are the prospects for the precious metal in 2025?

publicat 2024-12-20 00:00:22 (Bursa)
Investors have flocked to gold this year; what are the prospects for the precious metal in 2025? * Heraeus Precious Metals: 'With Trump and #39;s return to the US presidency, there is likely to be more unCERTAINty around trade and tariffs, which should also support the price of gold' * Goldman Sachs: 'If the Fed were to cut interest rates by just 25 basis points (next year), we estimate that the price of gold would rise to $2,890/ounce by the end of 2025' * Konstantin Oldenburger, CMC Markets: 'Gold ETFs have seen consistent inflows since... ...continuare.

Ministry of Energy: We are facing an acute energy crisis

publicat 2024-12-09 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Ministry of Energy: We are facing an acute energy crisis Our country is facing an acute crisis in the energy sector, marked by the inability to ensure the necessary domestic consumption of electricity, a situation that endangers the stability of the National Power System (SEN) and increases dependence on imports, which, at CERTAIN times, reach alarming levels, show the employees of the Ministry of Energy in the Substantiation Note of a draft Government Decision on the Mintia Power Plant, posted in... ...continuare.

Political crisis in South Korea: martial law rejected by Parliament, unCERTAIN prospects for President Yoon Suk Yeol

publicat 2024-12-05 00:15:18 (Bursa)
Political crisis in South Korea: martial law rejected by Parliament, un<span style='background:#EDF514'>CERTAIN</span> prospects for President Yoon Suk Yeol The martial law, decreed two days ago by Yoon Suk Yeol, the President of South Korea, as a necessary measure in light of the nuclear threats coming from the political regime in Pyongyang, which allegedly had supporters in Seoul, has proven, according to the South Korean, Chinese and Japanese media, to be a desperate act on the part of the head of state, who in recent months has dropped to 20% in the top of the citizens and #39; trust in opinion polls. ...continuare.

Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral ships

publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Escalating tension in the Black Sea: Russia threatens NATO with measures against non-littoral ships Although the Western media and CERTAIN experts have suggested that Ukraine, with the support of Western weaponry, has significantly undermined the capabilities of the Black Sea Fleet, Nikolai Patrushev, president of the Maritime College of the Russian Federation, claims, in an interview published by Kommersant daily, that the fleet that is perfectly functional and ready to respond to any challenges or threats in this strategic area. ...continuare.

Copernicus: 2024 to be warmest year on record

publicat 2024-11-11 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Copernicus: 2024 to be warmest year on record The world is warming and almost everyone is feeling it. 2024 will almost CERTAINly be the warmest year on record, the European Union and #39;s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said on Thursday. ...continuare.

Political crisis in Germany: Olaf Scholz breaks the governing coalition because of Ukraine and asks for the support of the Bundestag

publicat 2024-11-08 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Political crisis in Germany: Olaf Scholz breaks the governing coalition because of Ukraine and asks for the support of the Bundestag In a context of economic unCERTAINty and growing political tensions, the Chancellor of Germany, Olaf Scholz, made an unexpected move: the dismissal of the Minister of Finance, Christian Lindner, a decision that means the rupture of the governing coalition formed by the SPD (Social Democratic Party), the FDP ( Free Democratic Party) and the Greens, leading to a wave of political instability in one of Europe and #39;s strongest economies, according to... ...continuare.

The US stock market usually rises after elections; will history repeat itself?

publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
The US stock market usually rises after elections; will history repeat itself? * UBS: 'US listed stocks should be supported by economic growth, lower interest rates and structural support provided by artificial intelligence' * Berenberg: 'Trump and #39;s return to the White House means an unCERTAIN trade policy and geopolitics, with negative implications for the growth of the European economy and business' ...continuare.

Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies

publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Government blocks hostile takeovers of energy companies The dependence of our country on energy imports, in CERTAIN periods, and the need for capitalization of companies in the energy sector, so that they can increase the energy production capacity at national level, are the reasons why the Ministry of Energy launched, last Thursday, in the debate publishes a draft emergency ordinance aimed at amending the legislation in such a way that the state can directly acquire shares issued by strategic companies in... ...continuare.

Claudia Catalina Sava, ASF: 'Establishing a sovereign fund would demonstrate that Romania has reached a CERTAIN level of strategic maturity'

publicat 2024-09-24 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Claudia Catalina Sava, ASF: 'Establishing a sovereign fund would demonstrate that Romania has reached a <span style='background:#EDF514'>CERTAIN</span> level of strategic maturity' * 'Even if a sovereign wealth fund is a pool of assets, which leads it to the idea of an investment fund, it is not regulated' * 'There is quite a lot of reluctance, including at the European level, in relation to the way in which some funds, and implicitly the states that established them, own strategic industries in other countries' ...continuare.

Artificially created diseases; examples (II)

publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Artificially created diseases; examples (II) With the development of Artificial Intelligence and its widespread use, the pharma industry is at a crossroads where it will have to decide how it will conduct research-innovation-development in this sector of activity, if AI is to take over an important part of pharmaceutical R and D or if AI will only assist specialist staff in CERTAIN segments of drug and vaccine innovation for future diseases. ...continuare.

Nicoleta Pauliuc: 'The penetration of a Russian drone into the airspace can be considered a vulnerability'

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Nicoleta Pauliuc: 'The penetration of a Russian drone into the airspace can be considered a vulnerability' The penetration of a Russian drone over a CERTAIN period of time and over a distance of tens of kilometers represents a vulnerability, said yesterday, Nicoleta Pauliuc, the president of the Defense, Public Order and National Security Committee in the Senate, following the discussions that its members - had with the representatives of the Ministry of National Defense in order to change the incident legislation that would allow the Romanian Air Force and... ...continuare.

Corina Vasile, ANIS: 'The IT workforce is one of the most mobile'

publicat 2024-09-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Corina Vasile, ANIS: 'The IT workforce is one of the most mobile' The labor market specialized in IT has moderated in the last 12 months, even if there is still a shortage for CERTAIN specializations, Corina Vasile, executive director of the Software and Services Industry Employers and #39; Association (ANIS), told us. ...continuare.

Isarescu: 'Our monetary policy remains, to a large extent, restrictive'

publicat 2024-08-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'The inflation forecast does not look bad, but two words abound in the BNR press release - risks and unCERTAINties' ...continuare.

Political movements before the PSD Congress

publicat 2024-08-12 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The leaders of the Social Democratic Party have already begun to announce their desire to occupy CERTAIN positions in the future leadership team of the political formation that will be elected at the Congress that would take place on August 24. ...continuare.

Medicine, in great demand among high school graduates

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Competition for admission to higher education is increasing in CERTAIN disciplines. ...continuare.

The reinstatement of Ursula von der Leyen, unCERTAIN after a decision of the EU Court

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The reinstatement of Ursula von der Leyen as President of the European Commission, which would take place today in the European Parliament, is unCERTAIN after the decision of the Court of the European Union yesterday regarding the transparency of the documents that formed the basis of the conclusion of the European agreement for the purchase of vaccines against -Covid and related contracts. ...continuare.

Dan Popovici, OTP Asset Management: 'The success of the Hidroelectrica offer led to an increase in the notoriety of the exchange among the public'

publicat 2024-07-12 00:00:09 (Bursa)
* 'The generous dividend policy - an important element in the positive evolution of the company and #39;s shares' * 'The potential fiscal adjustment may cause a change in trend for the Romanian stock market, for a CERTAIN period of time' ...continuare.

Report: Economic unCERTAINty and geopolitical tensions are driving HNWIs away from China

publicat 2024-06-28 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* UAE continues to attract the most millionaires * At the opposite pole, China and the UK are losing the most high net worth individuals (HNWIs) ...continuare.

Dangers to human health: tobacco, ultra-processed foods, fossil fuels, alcohol

publicat 2024-06-14 00:00:02 (Bursa)
There are CERTAIN things heavily promoted on various channels that are very harmful to people and #39;s health. ...continuare.

Negotiations for the center coalition necessary to reinstate Ursula von der Leyen

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Ursula von der Leyen has a good chance of getting the 361 votes needed in the European Parliament, to renew her mandate as president of the European Commission, if the European People and #39;s Party will not conclude any agreement, any alliance with the far-right parties that entered in the legislative forum of the EU, not even with the political formation whose leader is Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and which von der Leyen said shares CERTAIN... ...continuare.

Illegal substance used to treat post-traumatic stress

publicat 2024-06-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Drugs are being tested more and more often by specialists for treatment schemes in CERTAIN conditions. ...continuare.

PNRR implementation, delayed by 18 months

publicat 2024-05-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
The National Recovery and Resilience Plan is not a failure, but its implementation has been delayed for a year and a half (18 months) due to the indecision of the governing coalition in Bucharest, PNL-PSD, which has not implemented CERTAIN reforms, among which is the abandonment of special pensions and the taxation of micro-enterprises, said four of the five candidates for the European Parliament elections on June 9, in a debate they participated in on... ...continuare.

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