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ZF Agropower. O veste buna. Centrul European de Agrometeorologie, primul de acest fel din lume, facut in Romania la cererea Organizatiei Mondiale de Meteorologie, isi incepe activitatea la mijlocul lui 2025 ZF Agropower. O veste buna. Centrul European de Agrometeorologie, primul de acest fel din lume, facut in Romania la cererea Organizatiei Mondiale de Meteorologie, isi incepe activitatea la mijlocul lui 2025 Zodii ce par urmarite de ghinion in luna aprilie. Vor avea parte de adevarate cumpene si momente dureroase Zodii ce par urmarite de ghinion in luna aprilie. Vor avea parte de adevarate cumpene si momente dureroase Confederatia Patronala Concordia si-a lansat raportul anual: Ne-am consolidat rolul de partener in dialogul dintre mediul politic si economia privata. Din 2024, Concordia a devenit membru deplin la BusinessEurope, una dintre cele mai importante asociatii de business din Europa Confederatia Patronala Concordia si-a lansat raportul anual: Ne-am consolidat rolul de partener in dialogul dintre mediul politic si economia privata. Din 2024, Concordia a devenit membru deplin la BusinessEurope, una dintre cele mai importante asociatii de business din Europa Afaceri de la Zero. Mihai Selariu, inginer de profesie, a pus bazele centrului de printare 3D Zala Medical din Cluj-Napoca dupa investitii de circa 600.000 de euro si vrea sa se extinda in Oradea si apoi pe pietele externe Afaceri de la Zero. Mihai Selariu, inginer de profesie, a pus bazele centrului de printare 3D Zala Medical din Cluj-Napoca dupa investitii de circa 600.000 de euro si vrea sa se extinda in Oradea si apoi pe pietele externe Functie noua pe Instagram! Nu te-ai fi asteptat la asta Functie noua pe Instagram! Nu te-ai fi asteptat la asta FC Barcelona, decimata in aparare pentru meciul reprogramat cu Osasuna FC Barcelona, decimata in aparare pentru meciul reprogramat cu Osasuna Secretul pentru cea mai gustoasa friptura de miel. Cu ce trebuie unsa carnea si cat trebuie tinuta la cuptor Secretul pentru cea mai gustoasa friptura de miel. Cu ce trebuie unsa carnea si cat trebuie tinuta la cuptor Trei adolescenti au incercat sa isi omoare mama dupa ce le-a taiat internetul Trei adolescenti au incercat sa isi omoare mama dupa ce le-a taiat internetul Primul film inspirat de cazul crimelor de la Caracal: Spunem ca purtam credinta in frunte, dar uitam sa iubim, uitam sa ajutam Primul film inspirat de cazul crimelor de la Caracal: "Spunem ca purtam credinta in frunte, dar uitam sa iubim, uitam sa ajutam" Stadiul autostrazii care leaga Transilvania de Moldova. Cea mai rapida ruta va fi prin Carpatii Orientali Stadiul autostrazii care leaga Transilvania de Moldova. Cea mai rapida ruta va fi prin Carpatii Orientali Studiu al Federatiei Patronale a Energiei si Deloitte: Un miliard de euro investiti in exploatarea de gaze onshore are un impact de 5,8 mld. euro in PIB. Investitia ar aduce in 10 ani 3 mld. euro in taxe la buget si securizeaza 44.000 de locuri de munca Studiu al Federatiei Patronale a Energiei si Deloitte: Un miliard de euro investiti in exploatarea de gaze onshore are un impact de 5,8 mld. euro in PIB. Investitia ar aduce in 10 ani 3 mld. euro in taxe la buget si securizeaza 44.000 de locuri de munca In ce tara poti angaja pe cineva sa-si ceara scuze in numele tau. Cat costa un astfel de serviciu? In ce tara poti angaja pe cineva sa-si ceara scuze in numele tau. Cat costa un astfel de serviciu? Portret de candidat. Cine este Daniel Funeriu, fostul ministru al Educatiei care vrea la Cotroceni Portret de candidat. Cine este Daniel Funeriu, fostul ministru al Educatiei care vrea la Cotroceni Casutele din lemn care au innebunit Internetul: De unde le putem cumpara, nu e pacat sa comand din Polonia? Casutele din lemn care au innebunit Internetul: "De unde le putem cumpara, nu e pacat sa comand din Polonia?" Ceragrim din Mures face o fabrica de procesare porc si vita in Ungheni, cu 6,3 mil. euro din Tranzitie Justa Ceragrim din Mures face o fabrica de procesare porc si vita in Ungheni, cu 6,3 mil. euro din Tranzitie Justa


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Putere, stil si atitudine - noul G-SHOCK CASIO inspirat de Barbie

publicat 2025-03-24 20:00:45 (Click)
Putere, stil si atitudine - noul G-SHOCK <span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> inspirat de Barbie Intr-o lume in care accesoriile nu mai sunt doar despre utilitate, ci despre identitate, alegerea unui ceas devine o declaratie personala. ...continuare.

CASIO lanseaza un nou ceas G-Shock: Caracteristici, pret si primele imagini

publicat 2025-02-28 17:15:31 (Go4IT)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> lanseaza un nou ceas G-Shock: Caracteristici, pret si primele imagini Pasionatii de ceasuri CASIO au un motiv de bucurie. Este vorba despre un nou model premium din linia G-Shock MR-G Frogman, iar primele imagini scurse online dezvaluie un look impunator, inspirat din echipamentele militare. Designul […]Articolul CASIO lanseaza un nou ceas G-Shock: Caracteristici, pret si primele imagini apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

(P) Ceasurile CASIO Vintage - stil retro care nu se demodeaza niciodata

publicat 2025-02-19 11:00:08 (Antena-1)
(P) Ceasurile <span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> Vintage - stil retro care nu se demodeaza niciodata Colectia de ceasuri CASIO Vintage a reusit sa traverseze deceniile fara a-si pierde farmecul, ramanand un simbol al stilului retro apreciat de generatii intregi. ...continuare.

CASIO extinde gama MTP-E735 cu 5 noi ceasuri clasice

publicat 2025-02-11 17:45:31 (Go4IT)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> extinde gama MTP-E735 cu 5 noi ceasuri clasice CASIO adauga cinci noi modele in seria MTP-E735, pastrand reteta care a facut brandul popular: design simplu, durabilitate si functionalitate fara complicatii inutile. Noile modele se remarca prin carcase din otel inoxidabil, rezistenta la apa […]Articolul CASIO extinde gama MTP-E735 cu 5 noi ceasuri clasice apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

Chiritoiu: 'The takeover of E.On Romania assets by the hungarian company MVM will end up on the table of the CSAT'

publicat 2025-02-07 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Chiritoiu: 'The takeover of E.On Romania assets by the hungarian company MVM will end up on the table of the CSAT' The transaction through which the Hungarian company MVM wants to take over the assets of E.On in our country will end up on the table of the Supreme Council for National Defense, said Bogdan Chiritoiu, president of the Competition Council, yesterday, on the ocCASIOn of the press conference he held to present the balance sheet for last year of the public institution he leads. ...continuare.

Un nou ceas CASIO din seria G-Shock, gata de debutul oficial

publicat 2025-01-28 17:30:26 (Go4IT)
Un nou ceas <span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> din seria G-Shock, gata de debutul oficial Celebrul brand japonez CASIO se pregateste sa lanseze in aceasta luna noul lor ceas MRG-B2100R-2AJR, o piesa care duce mai departe traditia seriei MR-G, considerata varful gamei G-Shock. Din imaginile publicate online, acest model impresioneaza […]Articolul Un nou ceas CASIO din seria G-Shock, gata de debutul oficial apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

Festivals and Christmas markets - the stars of Romanian tourism

publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
Festivals and Christmas markets - the stars of Romanian tourism Theater festivals, music festivals and Christmas markets are the events that managed to bring more foreign tourists to our country last year, even if for 2024 the average number of overnight stays per tourist is 2.2-2.3 days, which would place us at a business or weekend tourism, said yesterday, social-democrat senator Florin Jianu, former president of IMM Romania (ex-CNIPMMR), on the ocCASIOn of the launch of the White Paper on Tourism 2024 report. ...continuare.

BOR organizes several major events dedicated to the 'Centennial Year 2025'

publicat 2025-01-20 00:00:07 (Bursa)
BOR organizes several major events dedicated to the 'Centennial Year 2025' The Romanian Patriarchate is preparing several important events on the ocCASIOn of its 100th anniversary. ...continuare.

National Museum of Romanian Literature - events on National Culture Day

publicat 2025-01-14 00:00:12 (Bursa)
National Museum of Romanian Literature - events on National Culture Day Exhibitions, debates, evenings, dialogues with readers, theater performances and workshops on museum education, scenography, comics and alternative education through performing arts will be organized, from Wednesday to Sunday, by the National Museum of Romanian Literature, on the ocCASIOn of National Culture Day. ...continuare.

CASIO GW-5000HS: Doua ceasuri de colectie cu pret accesibil, lansare in ianuarie 2025

publicat 2024-12-17 17:00:24 (Go4IT)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> GW-5000HS: Doua ceasuri de colectie cu pret accesibil, lansare in ianuarie 2025 Lumea ceasurilor de colectie traieste un moment de efervescenta odata cu lansarea seriei CASIO GW-5000HS, o colectie care promite sa transforme perceptia asupra designului minimalist. Noua gama vine sa completeze paleta deja impresionanta a modelelor […]Articolul CASIO GW-5000HS: Doua ceasuri de colectie cu pret accesibil, lansare in ianuarie 2025 apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

Pope asks for France and #39;s most famous cathedral to be opened

publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Pope asks for France and #39;s most famous cathedral to be opened Cathedral or museum?, was one of the questions asked on the ocCASIOn of the reopening of the gates of Notre-Dame. Pope Francis called for a 'generous and free reception' of the expected visitors to Notre-Dame Cathedral, in the message read at the reopening of the monument. ...continuare.

Vesti bune pentru pasionatii de ceasuri digitale: CASIO readuce la viata un simbol al anilor ’80

publicat 2024-11-29 13:45:20 (Go4IT)
Vesti bune pentru pasionatii de ceasuri digitale: <span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> readuce la viata un simbol al anilor ’80 Popularul brand japonez CASIO nu se teme sa combine nostalgia cu inovatia. Noul G-Shock DW-500R este dovada perfecta a acestui lucru. Gandit ca o relansare fidela a ceasului de legenda G-Shock din anul 1983, acest […]Articolul Vesti bune pentru pasionatii de ceasuri digitale: CASIO readuce la viata un simbol al anilor ’80 apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

CASIO lanseaza un inel smart pentru aniversarea de 50 de ani a companiei

publicat 2024-11-18 11:30:11 (Go4IT)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> lanseaza un inel smart pentru aniversarea de 50 de ani a companiei CASIO marcheaza un moment istoric odata cu lansarea primului sau inel inteligent, denumit CRW-001-1JR. Acest eveniment nu este doar o simpla lansare de produs, ci reprezinta si o celebrare a 50 de ani de experienta […]Articolul CASIO lanseaza un inel smart pentru aniversarea de 50 de ani a companiei apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

CASIO G-Shock Full Metal 2100 ajunge in Europa cu doua modele noi de ceasuri

publicat 2024-10-30 15:00:23 (Go4IT)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span> G-Shock Full Metal 2100 ajunge in Europa cu doua modele noi de ceasuri Pasionatii de ceasuri premium din Europa au parte de vesti bune: celebra CASIO aduce pe piata batranului continent doua modele din seria G-Shock Full Metal 2100. Este vorba despre GM-B2100SD-1A si GM-B2100AD-5A. Ambele dispozitive sunt […]Articolul CASIO G-Shock Full Metal 2100 ajunge in Europa cu doua modele noi de ceasuri apare prima data in Go4IT. ...continuare.

Candidatul la functia de vicepresedinte al SUA, Tim Walz, joaca Crazy Taxi pe Twitch

publicat 2024-10-29 16:45:27 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Candidatul la functia de vicepresedinte al SUA, Tim Walz, joaca Crazy Taxi pe Twitch Candidatii la functia de vicepresedinte al SUA, Tim Walz, s-a distrat recent in timpul unui stream jucand unul dintre jocurile sale video preferate.E greu de imaginat o modalitate mai neconventionala de a atrage tinerii alegatori decat colaborarea cu Congresista Alexandria OCASIO-Cortez pe Twitch pentru cateva runde de Crazy Taxi - dar exact asta a facut saptamana aceasta candidatul democrat pentru functia de vicepresedinte, Tim Walz. ... ...continuare.

Alexandru Petrescu, ASF: 'State bonds - a basis for converting investors to other stock market instruments'

publicat 2024-10-18 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Alexandru Petrescu, ASF: 'State bonds - a basis for converting investors to other stock market instruments' State bonds are a basis for converting investors to other stock market instruments, said yesterday Alexandru Petrescu, President of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), on the ocCASIOn of the event that marked the listing of the last Fidelis issue at the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Laura Codruta Kovesi: 'VAT fraud was underestimated, often even tolerated'

publicat 2024-09-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Laura Codruta Kovesi: 'VAT fraud was underestimated, often even tolerated' VAT fraud was often underestimated, even tolerated by the authorities of the member states of the European Union, which was to the benefit of criminal organizations and to the detriment of citizens, said Laura Codruta Kovesi, chief prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office, in the a lecture he gave yesterday, in front of the students and professors of the Faculty of Law of the Chisinau State University, on the ocCASIOn of the opening... ...continuare.

"How many «ocCASIOns»?!" » A fost justificata rabufnirea lui Rednic? Am analizat raportul de meci: FCSB a scapat usor

publicat 2024-09-02 18:15:09 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
How many «oc<span style='background:#EDF514'>CASIO</span>ns»?! » A fost justificata rabufnirea lui Rednic? Am analizat raportul de meci: FCSB a scapat usor Dupa FCSB - UTA 2-0, Mircea Rednic si-a admonestat jucatorii, tipand la ei in spatele usilor inchise pentru ocaziile ratate pe "Arcul de Triumf". Statisticile ii dau dreptate "Puriului" sa fie iritat, pentru ca aradenii adunasera un xG de 0,75 pana ca gazdele sa deschida scorul! Practic, ros-albastrii se pot declara norocosi ca nu au primit gol in primul sfert de ora. ... ...continuare.

Alexandru Petrescu, ASF President: 'From the discussions with the Government, I understood that three state companies will be listed on the BSE'

publicat 2024-08-27 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Alexandru Petrescu, ASF President: 'From the discussions with the Government, I understood that three state companies will be listed on the BSE' * 'There is a financing program, worth 38.2 million euros, for listing companies on the stock exchange' Three state-owned energy and transport companies are to be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), according to the discussions held between the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF) and the Government, Alexandru Petrescu, the President of the ASF, said yesterday, on the ocCASIOn of the event that marked the listing of the last issue of Fidelis... ...continuare.

The Romanian Cultural Institute, multiple events on the ocCASIOn of the Olympic Games in Paris

publicat 2024-07-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
On the ocCASIOn of the 33rd edition of the Olympic Games, which will take place from July 26 to August 11, 2024 in Paris, the Romanian Cultural Institute in Paris is organizing a series of cultural events, together with the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee (COSR ), the Ministry of Culture, the Embassy of Romania in France, the Department for Romanians Everywhere, the Bucharest National Opera and Agerpres for the celebration of this important moment. ...continuare.

Alexandru Petrescu, ASF President: 'The Bucharest Stock Exchange is a good alternative for financing the Romanian economy'

publicat 2024-07-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'In the National Recovery and Resilience Plan we have funds dedicated to listing preparations' The listing of Hidroelectrica together with the issues of Fidelis state bonds have created an investment culture in our country and it is important for investors and entrepreneurs to understand that the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) represents a good alternative for financing the Romanian economy, Alexandru said on Friday Petrescu, President of the Financial Supervisory Authority (ASF), on the... ...continuare.

Radu Hanga, BVB President: 'Half of the increase in market capitalization comes from the listing of Hidroelectrica'

publicat 2024-07-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The total capitalization of our capital market had increased by 130 billion lei at the end of the first half of this year, compared to the capitalization at the end of the first half of last year, half of this increase coming from the listing of Hidroelectrica, said Radu Hanga, the President of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), on the ocCASIOn of the event that marked one year since the debut of the energy producer at the BVB. ...continuare.

Karoly Borbely, CEO, Hidroelectrica: 'I think the state must sell more of its holding in the company'

publicat 2024-07-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* 'With a 10-15% package, I think we can create a great excitement in the market next year' Hidroelectrica and #39;s listing was a historic success that must continue with a secondary public offering, through which the state will sell its holding in the company, said, on Friday, Karoly Borbely, CEO of Hidroelectrica, on the ocCASIOn of the event that marked one year of to the listing of the electricity producer and supplier on the Bucharest Stock... ...continuare.

Spitale de schimbat fetele infractorilor

publicat 2024-07-10 08:45:06 (Jurnalul-National)
Spitale de schimbat fetele infractorilor Autoritatile din Filipine au descoperit mai multe spitale care ofereau servicii de chirurgie plastica infractorilor. "In exterior arata ca niste clinici obisnuite, dar odata intrat te socheaza tehnologia de care dispun", a declarat pentru BBC John CASIO, purtatorul de cuvant al Comisiei Prezidentiale Anti-Crima Organizata. ...continuare.

ANPC has started the checks of economic agents on the coast

publicat 2024-07-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The checks carried out at economic agents on the coast this summer season will be under the light of advice and prevention, said Paul Anghel, the general director of the National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), on the ocCASIOn of the launch yesterday, in Mamaia, of the Coastal Command 2024, according to News.ro. ...continuare.

Adrian Tanase, BVB: 'The dual listing of Electrica proved that the local market wins'

publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* 'We are looking with great interest at how you will use the capital market and how you will return the money from the market to your shareholders' The dual listing of the Electrica company demonstrated that the local market benefits because, over time, liquidity has moved almost entirely to the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), said yesterday Adrian Tanase, the General Director of our capital market operator, with the ocCASIOn of the event that marked... ...continuare.

Small hopes!

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The national team arrived in Germany for the final tournament of the European Championship. On this ocCASIOn, the last skeptic was convinced, Romania will play at EURO 2024. ...continuare.

CORRESPONDENCE FROM BUDAPEST Alexandru Stanean, TeraPlast: 'We want to be leaders in any market; we didn and #39;t come to Hungary to pretend'

publicat 2024-05-29 00:30:03 (Bursa)
* 'The infrastructure in Hungary allows us to be efficient within a radius of two or three countries' TeraPlast aims to become the leader of the market for sewage pipes, water supply and gas supply in Hungary, where the construction materials manufacturer from Bistrita recently acquired the Wolfgang Freiler Group, according to the statements of Alexandru Stanean, the general director of the TeraPlast Group, made on the ocCASIOn of a conference in... ...continuare.

The Koreans from EOST want to build an assembly line in Romania

publicat 2024-05-23 00:00:03 (Bursa)
BSDA 2024 represented the ocCASIOn of a landing in Bucharest of Korean companies from the defense industry who want to collaborate with companies from our country to create assembly lines for military equipment that economic agents from the Far East produce in their own country and sell on the whole globe. ...continuare.

Daniela Daraban: 'Energy efficiency is the best first fuel for development'

publicat 2024-04-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Energy efficiency is the best first 'fuel' for development that Romania has, said yesterday, Daniela Daraban, executive director of the Federation of Associations of Energy Utility Companies (ACUE), on the ocCASIOn of the finalization conference of the 'Energy Efficiency in smart houses, smart buildings and smart networks', financed with 222,000 euros, of which 199,800 euros were received as a grant through Innovation Norway - the Norwegian financial... ...continuare.

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