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Romsilva acorda angajatilor 17 sporuri. Exista un spor de izolare, dar si unul de stres pentru sefi Romsilva acorda angajatilor 17 sporuri. Exista un spor de izolare, dar si unul de stres pentru sefi Piata globala a terapiilor cu celule stem va atinge 4,5 miliarde de dolari pana in 2027 Piata globala a terapiilor cu celule stem va atinge 4,5 miliarde de dolari pana in 2027 PIB-ul Romaniei s-a majorat cu peste 40% in ultimii cinci ani, dar nu se vede si in buzunarul romanilor PIB-ul Romaniei s-a majorat cu peste 40% in ultimii cinci ani, dar nu se vede si in buzunarul romanilor Mircea Fechet: Nu se mai fura lemn asa cum se fura odata!. Padurile vor fi pazite cu drone Mircea Fechet: "Nu se mai fura lemn asa cum se fura odata!". Padurile vor fi pazite cu drone Rotatia cadrelor la Guvern. Secretarul de stat de la Ministerul Cercetarii, Inovarii si Digitalizarii, consilier la Cancelaria premierului Rotatia cadrelor la Guvern. Secretarul de stat de la Ministerul Cercetarii, Inovarii si Digitalizarii, consilier la Cancelaria premierului Presedintele Camerei Deputatilor propune sanctionarea celor care lipsesc de la sedinte cu 5% din indemnizatie pentru fiecare zi de absenta Presedintele Camerei Deputatilor propune sanctionarea celor care lipsesc de la sedinte cu 5% din indemnizatie pentru fiecare zi de absenta Summitul de la Bruxelles: Europa sub asediu – intre ciocanul lui Putin si nicovala lui Trump Summitul de la Bruxelles: Europa sub asediu – intre ciocanul lui Putin si nicovala lui Trump Simularea examenului de Evaluare Nationala, in linie dreapta. Cum trebuie procedat cu elevii care nu vor sa participe Simularea examenului de Evaluare Nationala, in linie dreapta. Cum trebuie procedat cu elevii care nu vor sa participe Investitii de 1,4 mld. lei prin INVESTALIM: 12 companii urmeaza sa primeasca finantare pentru a face fabrici de alimente. Cine sunt ele? Investitii de 1,4 mld. lei prin INVESTALIM: 12 companii urmeaza sa primeasca finantare pentru a face fabrici de alimente. Cine sunt ele? Crin Antonescu raspunde clar: Nu, nu ma retrag! Spune ca-si doreste ca Georgescu sa fie lasat sa candideze (VIDEO) Crin Antonescu raspunde clar: "Nu, nu ma retrag!" Spune ca-si doreste ca Georgescu sa fie lasat sa candideze (VIDEO) Aerul din orasele mari este mai toxic ca niciodata Aerul din orasele mari este mai toxic ca niciodata Cand vom trece la cartile de identitate cu cip. Ministerul de Interne a stabilit calendarul Cand vom trece la cartile de identitate cu cip. Ministerul de Interne a stabilit calendarul Reactia lui Catalin Scarlatescu dupa ce Doina Teodoru a spus ca nu se casatoresc anul acesta. Nu stiu, sa vedem, nu acceleram niciodata Reactia lui Catalin Scarlatescu dupa ce Doina Teodoru a spus ca nu se casatoresc anul acesta. "Nu stiu, sa vedem, nu acceleram niciodata" Analiza Le Monde: Marine Le Pen se distanteaza timid de Donald Trump. Schimbare de ton fata de administratia SUA Analiza Le Monde: Marine Le Pen se distanteaza timid de Donald Trump. Schimbare de ton fata de administratia SUA Eroare tragica in Coreea de Sud: un avion a aruncat opt bombe peste un sat Eroare tragica in Coreea de Sud: un avion a aruncat opt bombe peste un sat


Stiri locale

Donald Trump boasts that he is stronger than George Washington

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
Donald Trump boasts that he is stronger than George Washington Donald Trump began the first part of his speech to Congress by committing a sacrilege: he demoted the first AmeriCAN PRESIDENT in history, George Washington, to second place. Who is in first place? Of course, Donald Trump, who brought back to the world the cruel reality of the cult of personality. ...continuare.

Dollar dynamics under the terms of AmeriCAN PRESIDENTs

publicat 2025-02-17 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Dollar dynamics under the terms of Ameri<span style='background:#EDF514'>CAN PRESIDENT</span>s Since Republican Donald Trump was inaugurated as US President in January 2025, the US dollar has been very sensitive to the US administration and #39;s announcements regarding tariffs, given its role in global trade and confidence in the economy. ...continuare.

Strengthening the strategic partnership - the main message sent by political leaders from Bucharest to Donald Trump

publicat 2024-11-07 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Strengthening the strategic partnership - the main message sent by political leaders from Bucharest to Donald Trump Following the victory of Donald Trump in the presidential elections in the United States, political leaders in Romania emphasized in their congratulatory messages sent to the future AmeriCAN PRESIDENT the importance of continuing the strategic partnership between the two countries. In the message posted on the X network, President Klaus Iohannis said: 'Romania is a strong and committed strategic ally of the USA. Through our joint efforts, we will bring... ...continuare.

'The winner of the debate between the two U.S. presidential candidates, in the eyes of the american press'

publicat 2024-09-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
'The winner of the debate between the two U.S. presidential candidates, in the eyes of the american press' * 'Some journalists accused the moderators of being biased in favor of Harris' Kamala Harris dominated last night and #39;s debate with Donald Trump, in the race for the AmeriCAN PRESIDENTial elections in November, the US media say in unison, but part of it, which in recent years has had a benevolent attitude towards by the former president from the White House claims that the current vice president needs to thank the ABC News moderators who were... ...continuare.

Failed assassination attempt on Donald Trump. The Republican candidate moves into poll-position for the November election

publicat 2024-07-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Donald Trump, who is waiting for the Republican Convention today or tomorrow to designate him as the party and #39;s candidate for the AmeriCAN PRESIDENTial elections that will take place in November, was shot. He was the target of an assassination set up by a so-called lone wolf, that is, a person who acts alone and who is very difficult to detect beforehand by Secret Service agents. Thomas ...continuare.

Iohannis and #39; candidacy for the headship of NATO failed in Washington

publicat 2024-05-09 10:15:03 (Bursa)
Klaus Iohannis was woken up to reality by AmeriCAN PRESIDENT Joe Biden, who did not give him any sign of US support for the candidacy for the position of NATO Secretary General, rather he would have asked him to think about supporting Ukraine by ceding one of the Patriot systems that our country acquired from the American side and which are in the process of operationalization. ...continuare.

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