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Taxes and fees are increasing in the Capital

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Taxes and fees are increasing in the Capital The General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest decided on Friday to increase local taxes by 10.4% (the inflation rate for 2023) and increase other taxes for the residents of the Capital. According to the new regulations, hybrid means of transport will BENEFIT from a 95% tax reduction. ...continuare.

Youni, care a dezvoltat o tehnologie AI pentru pregatirea elevilor si admiterea la universitati, lanseaza Youni BENEFITs care integreaza un pachet de servicii ce pot imbunatati oportunitatile educationale pentru copiii angajatilor

publicat 2024-12-16 13:00:38 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Youni, care a dezvoltat o tehnologie AI pentru pregatirea elevilor si admiterea la universitati, lanseaza Youni <span style='background:#EDF514'>BENEFIT</span>s care integreaza un pachet de servicii ce pot imbunatati oportunitatile educationale pentru copiii angajatilor Autor: Alexandra Cepareanu Start-up-ul local Youni, care a dezvoltat platforma Younichoice.com prin intermediul careia ajuta elevii sa-si gaseasca facultatea potrivita la nivel international, lanseaza Youni BENEFITs prin care doreste sa transforme modul in care companiile isi pot sprijini angajatii care sunt parinti, au transmis reprezentantii companiei printr-un comunicat. Andrei Nicolae si Stefan Tapescu, cofondatori ai Youni, au anuntat in cadrul... ...continuare.

Record funding for agriculture: euro3 billion allocated to farmers by the European Investment Bank

publicat 2024-12-11 00:15:07 (Bursa)
Record funding for agriculture: euro3 billion allocated to farmers by the European Investment Bank European entrepreneurs in agriculture, forestry and fisheries will BENEFIT from a total of euro3 billion in financing from the European Investment Bank (EIB), according to a press release published yesterday on the financial and banking institution and #39;s website. ...continuare.

F1 Champion, Community Service in Rwanda

publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
F1 Champion, Community Service in Rwanda Public statements do not always bring BENEFITs to those who make them. Drifts are most often sanctioned, including in the world of motor racing stars. ...continuare.

CCR: Violation of electoral law and illegal financing, the causes of the annulment of the presidential elections

publicat 2024-12-09 00:00:08 (Bursa)
CCR: Violation of electoral law and illegal financing, the causes of the annulment of the presidential elections The violation of electoral law and the illegal financing that Calin Georgescu BENEFITed from in the electoral campaign are the reasons why the Constitutional Court of Romania decided by Decision no. 32 of December 6 to annul the presidential elections and restart the entire electoral process from scratch. ...continuare.

Cum arata piata muncii din Transilvania: salariile au crescut cu 8% de la an la an. Cluj-Napoca are al doilea cel mai mare salariu din Romania, dupa Bucuresti. IT-istii din Cluj au cele mai mari salarii de pe piata locala

publicat 2024-11-13 16:15:34 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Cum arata piata muncii din Transilvania: salariile au crescut cu 8% de la an la an. Cluj-Napoca are al doilea cel mai mare salariu din Romania, dupa Bucuresti. IT-istii din Cluj au cele mai mari salarii de pe piata locala Alina Popescu, talent information solutions leader, Mercer Marsh BENEFITs: Cluj-Napoca este cel mai bine platit oras in IT din Romania, cu salarii care sunt cu 42% peste piata generala a salariilor din oras. ...continuare.

How does the war in the middle east BENEFIT our economy?

publicat 2024-10-24 00:00:12 (Bursa)
How does the war in the middle east <span style='background:#EDF514'>BENEFIT</span> our economy? In the context of the current economic and political tensions in Israel, generated in particular by the war with Hamas that began on October 7, 2023, the impact on Romania and #39;s economy is considerable, considering the close economic relations between the two countries. ...continuare.

Demi Moore, plina de stil si rafinament. Cum a aparut la un eveniment monden. GALERIE FOTO

publicat 2024-10-11 18:30:11 (ProTV)
Demi Moore, plina de stil si rafinament. Cum a aparut la un eveniment monden. GALERIE FOTO Dupa câteva saptamâni pline de promovare a noului ei film, The Substance, Demi Moore, în vârsta de 61 de ani, a participat la Ghetto Film School Fall BENEFIT pe 10 octombrie într-un alt look sic creat de colaboratorul ei de lunga durata Brad Goreski. ...continuare.

Salariile din Romania au crescut cu 7,5% in 2024 si ar putea creste cu 7% anul viitor. Cel mai mult au crescut salariile din energie, iar cel mai putin cele din IT. Asteptarile Mercer pentru cresterea salariilor din Romania pentru anul 2024 erau de 8,4%

publicat 2024-09-25 08:30:18 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Salariile din Romania au crescut cu 7,5% in 2024 si ar putea creste cu 7% anul viitor. Cel mai mult au crescut salariile din energie, iar cel mai putin cele din IT. Asteptarile Mercer pentru cresterea salariilor din Romania pentru anul 2024 erau de 8,4% Salariile din Romania au crescut cu 7,5% in 2024 fata de 2023, arata datele din studiul salarial realizat de Mercer Marsh BENEFITs. Anul viitor, salariile de pe piata locala ar putea urca cu 7%. ...continuare.

Strict regulation of the use of AI - priority for the BENEFIT of humanity

publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Strict regulation of the use of AI - priority for the <span style='background:#EDF514'>BENEFIT</span> of humanity The development of the IT and C sector, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) represents a huge challenge for the entire global economy, a challenge that must be carefully managed and strictly regulated in order not to allow any slippage from well-established ethical criteria, for not to endanger the safety of citizens and their lives. ...continuare.

Istvan Sarkany, candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee: 'The state seems to want to block the listing of companies from the fund and #39;s portfolio'

publicat 2024-09-16 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Istvan Sarkany, candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee: 'The state seems to want to block the listing of companies from the fund and #39;s portfolio' * 'We must find solutions that bring value to all shareholders of Fondul Proprietatea' * 'We want to see a clear FP management strategy; at the moment everything is a nebula' Fondului Proprietatea must have a clear management strategy that will BENEFIT all shareholders, says Istvan Sarkany, investor and candidate for a seat in the FP Representative Committee in the September 27 elections. ...continuare.

Tax amnesty - what measures did the Government approve yesterday for bad payers and how will correct taxpayers be rewarded

publicat 2024-09-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Tax amnesty - what measures did the Government approve yesterday for bad payers and how will correct taxpayers be rewarded *330,000 companies and 848,000 individuals will be able to BENEFIT from the partial tax amnesty, according to the information presented by Marcel Bolos, Minister of Finance *The total value of outstanding principal debts that should be collected at the state budget amounts to 60.1 billion lei ...continuare.

Laura Codruta Kovesi: 'VAT fraud was underestimated, often even tolerated'

publicat 2024-09-03 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Laura Codruta Kovesi: 'VAT fraud was underestimated, often even tolerated' VAT fraud was often underestimated, even tolerated by the authorities of the member states of the European Union, which was to the BENEFIT of criminal organizations and to the detriment of citizens, said Laura Codruta Kovesi, chief prosecutor of the European Public Prosecutor and #39;s Office, in the a lecture he gave yesterday, in front of the students and professors of the Faculty of Law of the Chisinau State University, on the occasion of the opening... ...continuare.

Digital skills hub, financed by PNRR

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Digital skills hub, financed by PNRR The 'Antim Ivireanul' County Library in Ramnicu Valcea will BENEFIT from an important investment worth approximately 600,000 lei, financed by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). ...continuare.

Studiu: Aproximativ 43% dintre multinationale acorda beneficii extrasalariale angajatilor

publicat 2024-08-02 15:00:11 (Money.ro)
Studiu: Aproximativ 43% dintre multinationale acorda beneficii extrasalariale angajatilor S-a facut un studiu. Aproximativ 43% dintre companiile multinationale acorda deja beneficii minime globale, iar dintre acestea aproape trei sferturi se concentreaza cu precadere pe patru tipuri de beneficii, conform studiului Aon 2024 Global BENEFITs Trends. Potrivit cercetarii, cele mai intalnite beneficii extrasalariale minime oferite in prezent sunt programele de asistenta medicala pentru angajati si […]Articolul Studiu: Aproximativ 43% dintre... ...continuare.

Jerusalem Post: Killing Haniyeh in Tehran - huge image BENEFIT for Benjamin Netanyahu

publicat 2024-08-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The main beneficiary of the killing in Tehran of the leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is Benjamin Netanyahu, argue journalists Amir Bohbot and Philissa Cramer in the analyzes prepared for the Israeli publication Jerusalem Post, after the event that took place on Wednesday morning and which generated statements about the escalation of the conflict in Middle east. ...continuare.

The government 'discovers' the usefulness of the energy production capacities in the band

publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The increase in energy production in the strip, regardless of the source, represents 'the discovery' of Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu and the members of the Energy Command in order to reduce blackouts and consumers to permanently BENEFIT from electricity at reasonable prices. ...continuare.

Alexandru Combei, BRD Asset Management: 'Hidroelectrica BENEFITed from a favorable hydrological context throughout 2023'

publicat 2024-07-12 00:00:09 (Bursa)
'Expectations regarding the implications of the Hidroelectrica listing were perhaps a bit higher' ...continuare.

Adrian Tanase, BVB: 'The dual listing of Electrica proved that the local market wins'

publicat 2024-06-27 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* 'We are looking with great interest at how you will use the capital market and how you will return the money from the market to your shareholders' The dual listing of the Electrica company demonstrated that the local market BENEFITs because, over time, liquidity has moved almost entirely to the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), said yesterday Adrian Tanase, the General Director of our capital market operator, with the occasion of the event that marked... ...continuare.

Studiu: Deteriorarea sanatatii mintale, cresterea costurilor medicale si lipsa talentelor sunt printre principalele riscuri care vor remodela piata muncii din Europa

publicat 2024-05-29 18:45:15 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Studiu: Deteriorarea sanatatii mintale, cresterea costurilor medicale si lipsa talentelor sunt printre principalele riscuri care vor remodela piata muncii din Europa Autor: Roxana Rosu Deteriorarea sanatatii mintale, cresterea costurilor medicale si lipsa talentelor sunt printre principalele riscuri legate de oameni cu care se confrunta companiile din Europa, ceea ce va determina remodelarea pietei muncii, pe masura ce organizatiile cauta solutii pentru a atrage, a retine talente cheie si pentru a crea locuri de munca cu un grad mai mare de rezilienta in viitor, arata o analiza realizata de compania de consultanta Mercer Marsh ...continuare.

Beneficiile din zona de wellbeing sunt prioritare in alegerea unui job pentru 6 angajati din 10

publicat 2024-05-29 10:00:08 (Income-Magazine)
Beneficiile din zona de wellbeing sunt prioritare in alegerea unui job pentru 6 angajati din 10 Angajatii romani sunt tot mai preocupati de zona de wellbeing, pentru 6 din 10 angajati astfel de beneficii fiind prioritare in alegerea unui job, potrivit studiului care analizeaza evolutia si tendintele actuale din industria beneficiilor extrasalariale din Romania. Editia din acest an a studiului BENEFIT a fost realizata de Edenred Romania in parteneriat cu Humanistic, […] ...continuare.

Magellan - the Confindustria project for training in the digital and technological field

publicat 2024-05-16 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Romanian women working in Italy will be able to BENEFIT together with their children from a project through which they will acquire digital skills, the students will specialize in new technologies based on artificial intelligence and innovation, a project that will take place through Confindustria and which was presented at the 15th edition of the Confindustria Romania Economic Forum, which took place in Bucharest, under the theme 'Beyond tomorrow,... ...continuare.

AISIF: Blue Capital, the largest real shareholder of Lion Capital, has ended up powerless in the hands of a management that exclusively pursues its own interests

publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* AISIF informs the new management of ASF to protect the rights of all investors in the capital market * Blue Capital is demanding that Lion Capital pay dividends and make buybacks for the BENEFIT of shareholders * The Pilon II pension funds have been running for several years from the shareholding of Lion Capital, SIF Muntenia and Infinity Capital Investment ...continuare.

Project: Bucharest authorities will be able to intervene for the protection of Romanian citizens abroad

publicat 2024-04-03 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Romanian citizens who are in danger outside the national territory will BENEFIT from the intervention of our country to ensure their protection, according to the draft law that will establish the National System for Integrated Management of Crisis Situations (SNMISC), a legislative initiative put into public debate by the Ministry National Defense. ...continuare.

Goldman Sachs: 'The raw materials sector will BENEFIT from the interest rate cut'

publicat 2024-03-27 00:00:10 (Bursa)
Commodity prices will rise this year as U.S. and European central banks cut interest rates, helping to support industrial and consumer demand, according to Goldman Sachs Group Inc. ...continuare.

Silvia Vlasceanu, HENRO: 'Energy export at low prices, achieved by those who have BENEFITed from green certificates'

publicat 2024-03-26 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Although our country is a net exporter of electricity, this export is done at low prices and that business does not represent an advantage either for the state or for the final consumers paying for green certificates, Silvia Vlasceanu, executive director of the Association of Producers of Electric Energy (HENRO). ...continuare.

Olympism, marginalized, Russians resort to questionable jokes

publicat 2024-03-25 11:15:05 (Bursa)
The Russians have found a new way to attract the attention of the leadership of the world Olympic forum, one that will not bring them much BENEFIT in terms of sports. ...continuare.

The law to reduce food waste, promulgated by President Iohannis

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Consumers will BENEFIT from reduced prices for food before the expiration date and non-governmental organizations will be able to more easily receive food that does not have a high degree of perishability, according to the law to reduce food waste, a normative act that was promulgated on Friday by President Klaus Iohannis. ...continuare.

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