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Bursa de la Bucuresti, in dialog cu studentii. Cat de mare este deschiderea tinerilor pentru investitiile la bursa si ce vor sa stie Bursa de la Bucuresti, in dialog cu studentii. Cat de mare este deschiderea tinerilor pentru investitiile la bursa si ce vor sa stie Liverpool - PSG, retur de foc pe Anfield: arbitreaza Istvan Kovacs » Echipe probabile + cote Liverpool - PSG, retur de foc pe Anfield: arbitreaza Istvan Kovacs » Echipe probabile + cote Calin Georgescu afla azi daca poate candida sau nu la alegerile prezidentiale Calin Georgescu afla azi daca poate candida sau nu la alegerile prezidentiale Legea privind pensiile militare de stat, in atentia CCR. Sesizarea facuta de Avocatul Poporului Legea privind pensiile militare de stat, in atentia CCR. Sesizarea facuta de Avocatul Poporului Accident infiorator in Mamaia. O masina cu 5 persoane s-a rupt in dupa ce a lovit un stalp. Avea 170, pe putin Accident infiorator in Mamaia. O masina cu 5 persoane s-a rupt in dupa ce a lovit un stalp. "Avea 170, pe putin" Carlos Alcaraz, zambete pe teren la Indian Wells datorita unor fani inventivi: La final am facut un selfie cu ei, cred ca merita Carlos Alcaraz, zambete pe teren la Indian Wells datorita unor fani inventivi: "La final am facut un selfie cu ei, cred ca merita" Sefii de stat-major din Europa, la Paris pentru a discuta garantiile de securitate pentru Ucraina Sefii de stat-major din Europa, la Paris pentru a discuta garantiile de securitate pentru Ucraina Ce a spus unul dintre protestatarii violenti, dupa ce a fost retinut pentru distrugere Ce a spus unul dintre protestatarii violenti, dupa ce a fost retinut pentru distrugere Director BNR: Un sfert din populatie merge cel putin 5 km pentru a gasi un bancomat Director BNR: Un sfert din populatie merge cel putin 5 km pentru a gasi un bancomat Socul trait de Florin Prunea cand sa intre in hotel cu noua lui cucerire: Bai baieti, ia uitati-va la marul lui Adam! Socul trait de Florin Prunea cand sa intre in hotel cu noua lui cucerire: "Bai baieti, ia uitati-va la marul lui Adam!" Cel mai mare lot de debutanti din Formula 1 din ultimii ani: cine ia locul campionilor Cel mai mare lot de debutanti din Formula 1 din ultimii ani: cine ia locul campionilor Atac masiv asupra Moscovei. Dronele ucrainene au provocat haos in Rusia, inaintea negocierilor de pace din Arabia Saudita Atac "masiv" asupra Moscovei. Dronele ucrainene au provocat haos in Rusia, inaintea negocierilor de pace din Arabia Saudita Accident grav in Constanta. Un mort si patru raniti, dupa ce un autoturism s-a izbit de un indicator rutier Accident grav in Constanta. Un mort si patru raniti, dupa ce un autoturism s-a izbit de un indicator rutier Un test nou prezice efectul secundar periculos al imunoterapiei pentru cancer Un test nou prezice efectul secundar periculos al imunoterapiei pentru cancer Bursa. Actiunile Impact au crescut cu 22% in ultima saptamana. De ce? Bursa. Actiunile Impact au crescut cu 22% in ultima saptamana. De ce?


Stiri locale

Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi offers 231 study programs

publicat 2025-02-05 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi offers 231 study programs The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi (UAIC) announced that at its 15 faculties, candidates have 231 study programs AVAILable, of which 98 are bachelor and #39;s and 133 are master and #39;s. ...continuare.

Economic Studies: 12,000 Places for Bachelor and #39;s, Master and #39;s and Doctorate

publicat 2025-01-30 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Economic Studies: 12,000 Places for Bachelor and #39;s, Master and #39;s and Doctorate The Academy of Economic Studies (ASE) in Bucharest announced the tuition offer for the 2025-2026 academic year, making AVAILable over 12,000 places for bachelor and #39;s, master and #39;s and doctoral programs. ...continuare.

"Sorry, TikTok isn't AVAILable right now". Mesajul aparut pe telefoanele a milioane de americani

publicat 2025-01-19 08:30:14 (Click)
Sorry, TikTok isn't <span style='background:#EDF514'>AVAIL</span>able right now. Mesajul aparut pe telefoanele a milioane de americani TikTok a devenit offline in SUA, cu cateva ore inainte de termenul limita de duminica, intrerupand accesul la zeci de milioane de utilizatori. Anterior, Curtea Suprema a confirmat o lege care interzicea efectiv ...continuare.

National Support Program for the Correct Use of the Romanian Language

publicat 2024-12-23 00:30:23 (Bursa)
National Support Program for the Correct Use of the Romanian Language The Ministry of Education will carry out the 'National Support Program for the Correct Use of the Romanian Language' within which the new 'Orthographic, Orthoepic, Morphological and Punctuation Guide', recently launched by the 'Iorgu Iordan - Alexandru Rosetti' Institute of Linguistics, will be made AVAILable to schools. ...continuare.

Metropolitan Life pension fund is AVAILable for 5% of antibiotics

publicat 2024-11-27 00:30:23 (Bursa)
Metropolitan Life pension fund is <span style='background:#EDF514'>AVAIL</span>able for 5% of antibiotics * Metropolitan has accumulated 4.7% of the medically produced medicines The administrator of Metropolitan Life announced that the mandatory private pension fund had reached a 5.18% holding in Antibiotice Iasi at the end of last week, which means that Metropolitan bought shares in the drug manufacturer from Infinity Capital Investments, as reported by the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Global Wealth Distribution: US Home to Most Dollar Millionaires

publicat 2024-11-19 00:00:10 (Bursa)
Global Wealth Distribution: US Home to Most Dollar Millionaires The distribution of personal wealth varies significantly across the world and #39;s regions, reflecting economic disparities driven by differences in development, resource AVAILability and access to finance, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

MAI post-secondary schools: 2880 places AVAILable

publicat 2024-09-27 00:00:05 (Bursa)
MAI post-secondary schools: 2880 places <span style='background:#EDF514'>AVAIL</span>able Young people who want to become policemen, gendarmes, firefighters or border policemen can sign up, until October 6, for the admission contest in the post-secondary schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, October - December session, with 2,880 places AVAILable. ...continuare.

Investors are flocking to sell FP shares in the offering

publicat 2024-09-25 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Investors are flocking to sell FP shares in the offering * The market operation ends today at 12:00 Investors are flocking to sell shares in Fondul Proprietatea and #39;s offer made by administrator Franklin Templeton, according to data AVAILable on the platform of a brokerage house. ...continuare.

Rediscovering heritage: Night of Museums in the Villages

publicat 2024-08-30 00:30:02 (Bursa)
Rediscovering heritage: Night of Museums in the Villages The Night of Museums in the Villages will take place on Saturday, August 31, in more than 128 localities, from 31 counties of Romania. Unique in Europe, the project organized and carried out by the National Network of Museums highlights the Romanian rural cultural heritage, by bringing together, presenting and promoting more than 136 museum objectives, educational and cultural events and programs from Romania, AVAILable free of charge to visitors from... ...continuare.

New financial instruments for financing military expenditure

publicat 2024-08-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)
In the context of the increase in defense spending at the European level and the need to quickly equip the Romanian armed forces with the latest equipment and technology, compatible with those of NATO allies, in order to ensure the stability of the defense of the Eastern Flank, the Ministry of Finance wants to diversify the instruments of financing so that the Government and state-owned companies can access the specific funds made AVAILable by other... ...continuare.

Financing of 110,000,000 lei for the restoration of historical monuments

publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The restoration of historical monuments represents a direct support for ...public memory. The Minister of Culture, Raluca Turcan, announced the launch of a new financing subprogram for the restoration of historical monuments, the amount AVAILable being 110,000,000 lei. According to the minister: 'With great joy we continue the series of funding calls, as we announced at the beginning of this year, by launching a new funding subprogram for the... ...continuare.

Medical caravans for socially vulnerable communities

publicat 2024-07-22 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Save the Children Romania organization announces that it has made AVAILable to the Caravana cu Medici Association three mobile medical units worth 300,000 euros, equipped with equipment. So far, caravans have been organized in 13 socially vulnerable communities, ensuring access to medical services for 1,570 adults and children. ...continuare.

Education tenure - high competition for AVAILable positions

publicat 2024-07-18 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The teaching job is still an attractive one. The proof is also the competition from the tenure exam. ...continuare.

Europe and #39;s air traffic nightmare

publicat 2024-07-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Air transport seems to face serious problems every summer season. The large number of flights scheduled during the summer, the lack of AVAILable slots and the unfavorable weather conditions caused by climate change lead to the cancellation or postponement of several flights and, implicitly, to the disruption of the passengers and #39; vacation or the journeys they have to make. ...continuare.

CORRESPONDENCE FROM TIRANA Albania - Skenderbeg and #39;s land, caressed by the Adriatic

publicat 2024-06-26 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Albania represents one of the new tourist destinations for Romanians, especially since the WizzAir company made AVAILable the direct route Otopeni-Tirana. ...continuare.

Raiffeisen customers in Russia will no longer be able to make payments in dollars from June 10

publicat 2024-05-30 00:15:02 (Bursa)
* Western banks face 'significant difficulties' in the exit process from Russia The Russian subsidiary of the Austrian banking group Raiffeisen Bank International announced on Wednesday that payments initiated in dollars will no longer be AVAILable starting from June 10, the reason being the change in the requirements of correspondent banks, reports Reuters, according to Agerpres. ...continuare.

Costuri tot mai mari si fiabilitate tot mai scazuta pentru avioanele F-35

publicat 2024-04-17 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Un nou raport al Biroului Responsabilitatii Guvernamentale din Statele Unite (Government Accountability Office, GAO), publicat sub titlul 'F-35 Sustainment: Costs Continue to Rise While Planned Use and AVAILability Have Decreased', arata ca fortele aeriene din alianta NATO se vor confrunta cu probleme majore intr-un cadru de securitate tot mai volatil si mai fragil. ...continuare.

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