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Calin Georgescu - blocked on the way to Cotroceni

publicat 2024-12-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Calin Georgescu - blocked on the way to Cotroceni The end of the calendar AUTUMn was marked by the presidential and parliamentary elections that took place on November 24 and December 1. ...continuare.

Greece, 'swept' by storms

publicat 2024-12-03 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Greece, 'swept' by storms Greece is not only struggling with fires, AUTUMn storms are just as dangerous. Two people have died on the Greek island of Limnos, in the Aegean Sea, due to the weather that is affecting a large part of the country and which has caused significant damage on the island of Rhodes, according to the authorities. ...continuare.

Let and #39;s win the election by tweaking the budget!

publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
Let and #39;s win the election by tweaking the budget! The preparation of the campaigns for the presidential and parliamentary elections that will take place on November 24, respectively December 1, led the Government to increase the amount of budget expenditures in the second month of AUTUMn in order to put an end to the protests of unions in several sectors of economic activity, allocating from the Reserve Fund additional amounts for each individual ministry, over and above the addition made through the... ...continuare.

Regula noua la rugby. Eliminarea de 20 de minute, aplicata in timpul meciurilor test din noiembrie

publicat 2024-10-18 17:15:24 (Mediafax)
Regula noua la rugby. Eliminarea de 20 de minute, aplicata in timpul meciurilor test din noiembrie Six Nations Rugby, care organizeaza meciurile test sub denumirea "AUTUMn Nations Series", a anuntat vineri ca noul sistem de cartonase rosii de 20 de minute va fi aplicat in noiembrie. ...continuare.

Big with the small, a possible key to success

publicat 2024-10-18 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Big with the small, a possible key to success The national football teams are enjoying a beautiful AUTUMn. The youth obtained the fourth qualification for the final tournament of the European Championship, and the team coached by Mircea Lucescu only won (Cyprus, Kosovo, Lithuania 2) in the four games played in the Nations League matches. ...continuare.

Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7%

publicat 2024-10-09 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Tax amnesty for bad payers, deficit of almost 7% The first month of AUTUMn brought a series of economic and financial challenges for our country, especially in the context of a growing budget deficit, high inflation and volatility of energy prices. However, the Ciolacu government continued to take contradictory measures regarding the state budget. ...continuare.

Incepe toamna astronomica. Astazi are loc echinoctiul de toamna. Cand trecem la ora de iarna in 2024

publicat 2024-09-22 08:15:11 (Mediafax)
Incepe toamna astronomica. Astazi are loc echinoctiul de toamna. Cand trecem la ora de iarna in 2024 Punctul echinoctiului de toamna, numit si "punct AUTUMnal", se afla pe sfera cereasca la intersectia eclipticii (ce reprezinta proiectia pe sfera cereasca a planului orbitei Pamantului) cu ecuatorul ceresc, pe care Soarele il traverseaza la aceasta data, trecand din emisfera nordica a sferei ceresti in cea sudica, potrivit Observatorului Astronomic "Amiral Vasile Urseanu". ...continuare.

Rasnov: international ski jumping competition in full AUTUMn

publicat 2024-09-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Rasnov: international ski jumping competition in full <span style='background:#EDF514'>AUTUM</span>n The best ski jumpers in the world will compete in Rasnov at the Summer World Cup - Ski Jumping Grand Prix. The competition will bring to the start 82 elite athletes from 15 countries such as China, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Ukraine, the United States, Austria, Finland, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Turkey and Romania. ...continuare.

German Fall School: Students Learn About Communism

publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
German Fall School: Students Learn About Communism The Polytechnic University of Timisoara (UPT) is hosting, these days, the first edition of the AUTUMn German School, an educational and cultural event focused on the theme of communism, intended for students from Romania, Serbia and Hungary, who will participate in various activities such as lectures, presentations , discussions, urban explorations and interactive workshops, all in German. ...continuare.

9 carti AUTUMnale

publicat 2024-09-17 06:45:09 (Jurnalul-National)
9 carti <span style='background:#EDF514'>AUTUM</span>nale Adunate in siajul bogatiilor nemasurate ale toamnei, va propun mai jos cateva noi si fascinante titluri. Trase-n glazura fictiunii, ori itite-n lume prin forcepsul stiintei, toate aceste carti merita atentia noastra. ...continuare.

Expozitia 'Akin Ekici: Colors of AUTUMn - Culori de Toamna'

publicat 2024-09-13 18:30:02 (Bursa)
Expozitia 'Akin Ekici: Colors of <span style='background:#EDF514'>AUTUM</span>n - Culori de Toamna' Ambasada Republicii Turcia in Romania, in parteneriat cu Centrul Cultural Mihai Eminescu din Bucuresti, anunta inaugurarea expozitiei de pictura contemporana AKIN EKICI: Colors of AUTUMn, in perioada 12 septembrie - 27 octombrie 2024, la Galeria Calderon - Calderon Art Studio (Str. Jean Louis Calderon nr. 39, sector 2, Bucuresti) ...continuare.

Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session

publicat 2024-09-02 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Amending the Fiscal Code, on the list of legislative priorities of the new parliamentary session Amending the Fiscal Code, without introducing new fees and taxes and without increasing the existing ones, amending the single salary law in the budget system in order to fulfill the reform included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan - necessary milestone for approving payment request number 4 -, amending the legislation regarding AMEPIP in order to make it comply with the provisions of corporate governance, represent only some of the main priorities of the last ...continuare.

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