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Nicusor Dan spune cine crede ca va ajunge in turul 2 al prezidentialelor, acum ca Georgescu nu poate candida Nicusor Dan spune cine crede ca va ajunge in turul 2 al prezidentialelor, acum ca Georgescu nu poate candida Realitatea crunta din mediul rural si din cartierele marginase ale Bucurestiului: Sunt tinere care n-au folosit niciodata un absorbant Realitatea crunta din mediul rural si din cartierele marginase ale Bucurestiului: "Sunt tinere care n-au folosit niciodata un absorbant" Frica de dentist persista, in ciuda promisiunilor de tratament fara durere. Cum putem trece peste teama Frica de dentist persista, in ciuda promisiunilor de tratament "fara durere". Cum putem trece peste teama Te Cunosc de Undeva, sezonul 21, 15 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a cincea gala. S-au acordat doua bonusuri: Stati putin! Te Cunosc de Undeva, sezonul 21, 15 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a cincea gala. S-au acordat doua bonusuri: "Stati putin!" Copacul pe care nu trebuie sa il plantezi in gradina ta Copacul pe care nu trebuie sa il plantezi in gradina ta Protestele uriase din Belgrad, sustinute de Novak Djokovic si de alti sportivi de renume ai Serbiei: Vrem o tara care functioneaza Protestele uriase din Belgrad, sustinute de Novak Djokovic si de alti sportivi de renume ai Serbiei: "Vrem o tara care functioneaza" Planta care inlocuieste sarea in mancaruri. Are o multime de beneficii asupra organismului si ofera un gust unic preparatelor Planta care inlocuieste sarea in mancaruri. Are o multime de beneficii asupra organismului si ofera un gust unic preparatelor Ce se intampla cand renunti la zahar timp de o luna. Descoperiri surprinzatoare si sfaturile specialistilor Ce se intampla cand renunti la zahar timp de o luna. Descoperiri surprinzatoare si sfaturile specialistilor Casa Alba retrage nominalizarea lui Adam Boehler ca emisar special pentru ostatici Casa Alba retrage nominalizarea lui Adam Boehler ca emisar special pentru ostatici 16 martie: 68 de ani de la moartea marelui sculptor roman Constantin Brancusi. Cine a fost muza imortalizata in Domnisoara Pogany 16 martie: 68 de ani de la moartea marelui sculptor roman Constantin Brancusi. Cine a fost muza imortalizata in "Domnisoara Pogany" Cele mai titrate locuri de aventura din Romania. Un parc de agrement cu un obiectiv unicat in Europa de Est, printre finalisti Cele mai titrate locuri de aventura din Romania. Un parc de agrement cu un obiectiv unicat in Europa de Est, printre finalisti Nicusor Dan: Evident ca mi-ar placea ca Elena Lasconi sa se retraga si USR sa ma sustina Nicusor Dan: "Evident ca mi-ar placea ca Elena Lasconi sa se retraga si USR sa ma sustina" Femeile pe piata muncii: salarii mai mici, prejudecati si obstacole in functiile de conducere Femeile pe piata muncii: salarii mai mici, prejudecati si obstacole in functiile de conducere Nicusor Dan ar milita pentru netrimiterea trupelor de mentinere a pacii in Ucraina Nicusor Dan ar milita pentru netrimiterea trupelor de mentinere a pacii in Ucraina Virusul care pune probleme tot mai mari in Romania. Aparent banal, poate fi un cosmar pentru copii si batrani Virusul care pune probleme tot mai mari in Romania. Aparent banal, poate fi un cosmar pentru copii si batrani


Stiri locale

Playing with Mr. Georgescu

publicat 2025-02-18 00:00:25 (Bursa)
Playing with Mr. Georgescu I was quietly watching the snow falling over Bucharest from the window when suddenly Mr. Calin Georgescu started talking very loudly a few steps away from me. I suddenly stood up and put my hand to my heart, like great ATHLETES when they listen to the anthem or like ordinary people when something 'stabs' them in the chest. ...continuare.

Rasnov: international ski jumping competition in full autumn

publicat 2024-09-20 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Rasnov: international ski jumping competition in full autumn The best ski jumpers in the world will compete in Rasnov at the Summer World Cup - Ski Jumping Grand Prix. The competition will bring to the start 82 elite ATHLETES from 15 countries such as China, France, Italy, Japan, Norway, Poland, Slovenia, Ukraine, the United States, Austria, Finland, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Turkey and Romania. ...continuare.

The Paralympic Games: the ATHLETES and #39; Village, stormed by ATHLETES

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
The Paralympic Games: the <span style='background:#EDF514'>ATHLETES</span> and #39; Village, stormed by <span style='background:#EDF514'>ATHLETES</span> The 'fever' of the debut also included the ATHLETES who will participate in the Paralympic Games. The Sports Village, located north of Paris, came back to life with the arrival of the first ATHLETES who will participate in the Paralympic Games, which will take place from August 28 to September 8. This competition is a tremendous opportunity for ATHLETES to prove that they... ...continuare.

Scholarships for student ATHLETES will not be affected by the changes to the Framework Methodology

publicat 2024-08-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Scholarships for student <span style='background:#EDF514'>ATHLETES</span> will not be affected by the changes to the Framework Methodology The changes made to the Framework Methodology for awarding school scholarships, valid in the 2024-2025 school year, do not affect the sports students who are potential beneficiaries thereof, the Ministry of Education said. ...continuare.

Our ATHLETES covered themselves in glory at the Paris Olympics

publicat 2024-08-12 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The energy system - melted by the heat wave * In July, the BNR reduced the monetary policy interest rate from 7% to 6.75%; last week, the key interest rate underwent a further reduction of 0.25% ...continuare.

JO: China counterattacks, demands anti-doping controls for Americans

publicat 2024-08-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Pointed at from many directions, on grounds of sports performance and doping, China has reminded itself that the most effective defense is attack. China and #39;s anti-doping agency (CHINA) has asked the International Testing Agency (ITA) to step up testing of ATHLETES in the United States after American sprinter Erriyon Knighton tested positive for the banned substance trenbolone. ...continuare.

JO: Arrested for whistling in the ping-pong 'church'.

publicat 2024-08-08 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Freedom of opinion does not walk all roads. Those who imagine otherwise may wake up with unpleasant surprises, especially if they live in countries with more 'troublesome' leaders. Beijing police have arrested a woman suspected of posting defamatory comments about Chinese ATHLETES and coaches on social media after the women and #39;s table tennis final at the Paris Olympics, police said, according to Reuters. ...continuare.

Paris Olympics: Team Romania - 107 ATHLETES in 18 disciplines

publicat 2024-07-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The Romanian team is prepared, including from an official point of view, for the Olympic Games. Romanian ATHLETES are strong, well prepared and will climb the podium in Paris, said the president of the Romanian Olympic and Sports Committee (COSR), Mihai Covaliu. ...continuare.

Olympic Games: a small number of Russian and Belarusian ATHLETES will come to Paris

publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Participating in the Olympic Games under a neutral flag is not a high stakes for ATHLETES from Russia and Belarus. ...continuare.

JO Paris 2024. Cerere impotriva participarii unui sportiv condamnat pentru viol

publicat 2024-07-08 22:00:06 (Jurnalul-National)
JO Paris 2024. Cerere impotriva participarii unui sportiv condamnat pentru viol Comitetul International Olimpic (CIO) ar trebui sa interzica participarea voleibalistului olandez Steven Van de Velde la JO de la Paris din 2024. Solicitarea a fost facuta de organizatiile Sport & Rights Alliance ATHLETES Network for Safer Sports, The Army of Survivors si Kyniska Advocacy. ...continuare.

Russian ATHLETES make their way to the Olympics

publicat 2024-07-01 03:15:03 (Bursa)
ATHLETES from Russia and Belarus have been given a small chance to reach Paris and some of them have to take advantage of it. The International Olympic Committee authorized 22 Russian and 17 Belarusian ATHLETES to participate under a neutral flag at the Olympic Games in Paris. ...continuare.

The IOC president, accused of 'conspiracy'

publicat 2024-04-04 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The great Olympic family is facing a wave of scandals related to the presence/absence of ATHLETES from Russia and Belarus at the Paris Olympics. ...continuare.

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