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Premier Energy obtains the reduction of the interest and the annual payment of a loan of 80 million euros

publicat 2024-07-02 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The company was listed on the BSE in May this year Premier Energy, the last issuer listed on the Main Market of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB), revised an 80 million euro loan with J and T Banka by reducing the interest rate and the annual amortization payment of the loan, according to a report by the infrastructure company energy published, yesterday, on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB). ...continuare.

Emannuel Macron ar putea pleca acasa

publicat 2024-06-30 10:15:03 (Bursa)
Presedintele celei de-a cincea Republici Franceze ar putea, desigur, intr-o alta paradigma, sa urmeze exemplul lui de Gaulle si, infrant de electorat, sa plece acasa. Desigur, aceasta este doar o optiune, un exercitiu de demnitate. Ultimul sondaj de opinie indica faptul ca Emannuel Macron a comis o grava eroare strategica dizolvand Parlamentul si declansand alegeri anticipate in speranta ca va schimba raportul de forte in Adunarea Nationala. ...continuare.

Brazilianul Ronaldo schimba sportul: "Fotbalul de astazi a devenit mult prea plictisitor. Nu mai rezist sa vad un meci intreg, prefer sa ma uit cinci ore la tenis!"

publicat 2024-06-28 15:45:05 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Brazilianul Ronaldo schimba sportul: Fotbalul de astazi a devenit mult prea plictisitor. Nu mai rezist sa vad un meci intreg, prefer sa ma uit cinci ore la tenis! Ronaldo Luis Nazario de Lima (47 de ani), fostul mare atacant brazilian si actualul proprietar al clubului Valladolid, a dezvaluit, la "Mouratoglou Annual Charity Gala", eveniment organizat de fostul antrenor al Simonei Halep, ca nu mai e atras de "sportul-rege". "E incredibil, insa cred ca iubesc acum tenisul mai mult decat fotbalul!"Situatie paradoxala cu care a ajuns sa se confrunte Ronaldo. Ronaldo brazilianul, nu Cristiano. ... ...continuare.

Subscriptions of 350 million lei in the Fidelis offer, three days after its debut

publicat 2024-06-21 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The annual interest rates are between 6% and 7% for installments in lei, respectively 4% and 5% for those in euros * The subscription period ends at the end of next week ...continuare.

Germania - Ungaria, in etapa a doua a grupelor EURO 2024. Echipe probabile + cote

publicat 2024-06-18 23:00:06 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Germania - Ungaria, in etapa a doua a grupelor EURO 2024. Echipe probabile + cote Germania o intalneste pe Ungaria, in etapa a doua a grupelor EURO 2024. Meciul are loc de la ora 19:00, liveTEXT pe GSP.ro si la televizat pe Pro TV.Germania - Ungaria, live de la 19:00Click AICI pentru statisticiGermania - Ungaria, echipe probabile:Germania: Neuer - Kimmich, Rudiger, Tah, Mittelstadt - Andrich, Kroos - Musiala, Gundogan, Wirtz - HavertzSelectioner: Julian NagelsmannUngaria: Gulacsi - Lang, Orban, Szalai - Bolla, Nagy, Schafer, Kerkez - Sallai, B. ... ...continuare.

The world, 'flooded' with plastic waste

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* OECD: Annual global production of plastic waste has doubled in two decades In just two decades, the annual global production of plastic waste has doubled, from 180 million tons to more than 350 million tons, according to the Global Plastics Outlook report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), cited by Statista . ...continuare.

Top European Union exports, by country

publicat 2024-05-28 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The European Union (EU) exports more than $6 trillion worth of products annually, with the bloc having a diversified economy that includes the fuel and minerals, machinery, vaccines and technology industries. ...continuare.

Tribunalul Bucuresti a validat si congresul din 2022, unde Tomac a fost ales presedinte

publicat 2024-05-23 13:15:07 (Jurnalul-National)
Tribunalul Bucuresti a validat si congresul din 2022, unde Tomac a fost ales presedinte Tribunalul Bucuresti a validat si congresul din 2022, unde Eugen Tomac a fost ales presedinte, annunta PMP: " Un proces de doi ani, care, in mod normal, trebuia sa dureze maxim cateva luni, arata cat de brutala si mizerabila a fost lupta impotriva noastra". ...continuare.

Digi Communications N.V. anunta disponibilitatea Raportului anual pentru anul financiar 2023

publicat 2024-05-02 11:30:02 (Bursa)
Digi Communications N.V. informeaza actionarii si investitorii ca Raportul Financiar Anual aferent exercitiului financiar care se incheie la 31 decembrie 2023 este disponibil incepand cu data de 2 mai 2024 pe web-site-ul societatii (www.digi-communications.ro) la adresa https://www.digi-communications.ro/en/investor-relations/shares/financial-results-shares/annual-reports-shares din sectiunea Relatia cu Investitorii. ...continuare.

Mussolini, "elevul" lui Enescu. Romania-Italia, pe axa Il Duce, Titulescu, Celibidache, Malaparte, D'Annunzio

publicat 2024-05-01 09:00:06 (Jurnalul-National)
Mussolini, elevul lui Enescu. Romania-Italia, pe axa Il Duce, Titulescu, Celibidache, Malaparte, D'Annunzio Dialogul cu academicianul, diplomatul si istoricul Maurizio Serra, purtat recent la resedinta ambasadorului Italiei in Romania si prilejuit de lansarea cartii "Misterul Mussolini. Omul. Provocarile. Esecul" (Editura Trei, 2023), a fost o incantare. Daca nu ma credeti pe cuvant, saditi in mintile voastre semintele adunate mai jos. Vor rodi inmiit. ...continuare.

Subscriptions of almost 3.2 billion lei in the Fidelis offer, above those of the previous operation

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The annual interest rates are between 6% and 7% for installments in lei, respectively 4% and 5% for those in euros * The titles will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange next week ...continuare.

Gabriele D'Annunzio, poetul-soldat metamorfozat in erou al Italiei

publicat 2024-04-17 07:00:07 (Jurnalul-National)
Gabriele D'Annunzio, poetul-soldat metamorfozat in erou al Italiei Primavaraticul Gabriele D'Annunzio (nascut pe 12 martie 1863, la Pescara - mort pe 1 martie 1938, la Gardone Riviera) a ramas un personaj de legenda in Italia. Iubit pentru versurile picante ce preamareau hedonismul si betiile dionisiace, barbatul sarmant impopotonat cu titlul de print (de Montenevoso) va fi slavit ca erou dupa participarea la Primul Razboi Mondial. A fost rand pe rand infanterist, marinar si aviator, raidurile deasupra Vienei consacrandu-l ca patriot angajat in lupta directa. ...continuare.

Subscriptions in the Fidelis offer exceeded the threshold of 200 million lei

publicat 2024-04-10 00:00:05 (Bursa)
* The annual interest rates are between 6% and 7% for installments in lei, respectively 4% and 5% for those in euros * Greater appetite for securities denominated in the European currency ...continuare.

Investors can subscribe to Fidelis government bonds starting today

publicat 2024-04-08 00:00:06 (Bursa)
* The annual interest rates are between 6% and 7% for installments in lei, respectively 4% and 5% for those in euros ...continuare.

Bonds of Impact worth three million euros are listed today on the BSE

publicat 2024-04-02 00:00:16 (Bursa)
* The bonds bear interest at 9% per annum and mature in 2027 A bond issue by the real estate developer Impact Developer and Contractor (IMP), worth three million euros, is listed today on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) under the symbol IMP27E, according to an announcement by our capital market operator. ...continuare.

Life is Hard wants to raise ten million lei through a bond issue

publicat 2024-04-01 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The money will be used for the construction of a strategic partnership, by investing in a company with a similar profile * The annual interest of the securities is 10% and maturity in 2028 ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: 'Profits up for TTS and Simtel in Q4; historical annual result for Antibiotics'

publicat 2024-03-18 00:00:04 (Bursa)
* 'The latest events in Transnistria brought back to the discussion the risks given by the geographical positioning of Purcari and #39;s main production capacities' * 'It is hard to believe that TTS and #39; profit growth rate can be maintained in 2024, but for now we do not expect a reversal of direction either' * 'Maintaining Antibiotice and #39;s profitability in this would mean moving to another level for the company' * 'Considering the European Union and #39;s efforts to abandon energy... ...continuare.

Bursa. Digi Communications a raportat venituri consolidate de 1,7 miliarde de euro in 2023, in urcare cu 13% fata de anul anterior

publicat 2024-02-28 11:45:19 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Bursa. Digi Communications a raportat venituri consolidate de 1,7 miliarde de euro in 2023, in urcare cu 13% fata de anul anterior Autor: Tibi Oprea Operatorul de telecomunicatii Digi Communications (simbol bursier DIGI), companie antreprenoriala controlata de omul de afaceri Zoltan Teszari, a raportat venituri consolidate de 1,69 miliarde de euro in 2023, o crestere cu 13% comparativ cu anul anterior, arata datele din raportul financiar annual preliminar. In moneda nationala, veniturile Digi au fost de circa 8,4 milirde de lei. ...continuare.

State aid of 29.5 billion lei paid in 2023 for the business environment

publicat 2024-02-28 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Romanian companies benefited from state aid paid during 2023 in a total amount of about 29.5 billion lei, about 2% of the annual Gross Domestic Product, a percentage that is part of the European trend, according to a press release of the Government sent to the Editor. ...continuare.

Castigurile Nvidia: IA generativa a atins 'punctul critic'

publicat 2024-02-26 10:45:02 (Bursa)
Castigurile Nvidia raportate saptamana trecuta au fost cel mai important eveniment si unul pe care l-am evidentiat in analizele noastre. In ciuda asteptarilor excesive legate de publicarea veniturilor, Nvidia a oferit rezultate incredibile in ceea ce priveste castigurile. Nu am mai vazut asa ceva pana acum pe piata de actiuni in ceea ce priveste rata de crestere a veniturilor: 265% annual, pentru o companie care se estimeaza ca va raporta venituri de aproximativ 100 de miliarde de dolari in... ...continuare.

The decision of the ICCJ in the Danilet case, annulled by the ECHR

publicat 2024-02-21 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The decision of the ICCJ in the Danilet case, annulled by the ECHR *The European magistrates believe that the CSM and ICCJ violated the right to free expression of the former magistrate Cristi Danilet *The Council and the High Court disciplinary sanctioned Danilet for the position expressed on Facebook at a time when the PSD leaders attacked the independence of the judiciary and put political pressure on judges and prosecutors ...continuare.

The Ministry of Finance launches a new offering of Fidelis government bonds

publicat 2024-02-21 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The Ministry of Finance launches a new offering of Fidelis government bonds * Subscriptions start today and end on March 1st * The annual interest rates are between 6% and 7% for tranches in lei, respectively 4% and 5% for those in euros * The securities will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange ...continuare.

Romania. Isarescu: Annual inflation rate will follow a continuous downward path

publicat 2024-02-15 14:15:20 (Mediafax)
Romania. Isarescu: Annual inflation rate will follow a continuous downward path The annual rate will follow a continuous downward path, and the National Bank of Romania is considering interest rate cuts in the future, but a waiting period of at least two months after January's inflation increase is needed to make a decision, reports the Financial Newspaper. ...continuare.

Governments without a word: deficit of 5.68% at the end of 2023, instead of 4.4%

publicat 2024-02-07 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Governments without a word: deficit of 5.68% at the end of 2023, instead of 4.4% Last year, the governments of Ciuca and Ciolacu failed to comply with the state budget law approved in December 2022, a normative act drawn up by the PSD-PNL governing coalition and which provided for an increase in budget expenditures, but also a considerable increase in revenues to the state budget through the prism the fight by ANAF officials of tax evasion, which exceeds 10 billion euros annually, according to statements made in September 2023 by Prime Minister Marcel Ciolacu. ...continuare.

Investment fund managers have positive estimates for 2024

publicat 2024-01-31 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Investment fund managers have positive estimates for 2024 * Adrian Negru, Raiffeisen Asset Management: 'From a strategic point of view, Romania has probably never been in such a good moment' * Horia Braun-Erdei, Erste Asset Management: 'The constellation of economic policies is very favorable for stocks' * Dan Popovici, OTP Asset Management: 'In the medium and long term, the capital market brought an annual return between 8 and 12%' * Calin Metes, Franklin Templeton: 'I expect to see a higher appetite for IPOs at BVB' * Mihai Purcarea, BRD Asset... ...continuare.

Daniel Anghel, presedinte FIC: Romania se plaseaza foarte bine la multe categorii pe care investitorii le analizeaza, dar are decalaje semnificative in ceea ce priveste nivelul investitiilor, productivitatea, competitivitatea si ocuparea fortei de munca

publicat 2024-01-17 17:00:19 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Daniel Anghel, presedinte FIC: Romania se plaseaza foarte bine la multe categorii pe care investitorii le analizeaza, dar are decalaje semnificative in ceea ce priveste nivelul investitiilor, productivitatea, competitivitatea si ocuparea fortei de munca Autor: Roxana Rosu Romania se plaseaza foarte bine la multe categorii pe care investitorii le analizeaza, dar are decalaje semnificative in ceea ce priveste nivelul investitiilor, productivitatea, competitivitatea si ocuparea fortei de munca fata de alte state, a declarat Daniel Anghel, presedintele Consiliului Investitorilor Straini (FIC) cu ocazia forumului annual al presedintilor FIC. ...continuare.

Siegfried Muresan, warning to Viktor Orban: 'The European Union will never allow itself to be blackmailed by anyone'

publicat 2024-01-15 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Siegfried Muresan, warning to Viktor Orban: 'The European Union will never allow itself to be blackmailed by anyone' The European Union will never allow itself to be blackmailed by anyone, said the European deputy Siegfried Muresan, referring to the negative vote given by Hungary in the European Council in December regarding the review of the multiannual European budget financial framework 2021-2027, a review that also includes the allocation of 50 billion euros over the next four years to support Ukraine. ...continuare.

Commissioner Ylva Johannsson: 'The EU faces an annual decline of 1 million people in terms of the workforce'

publicat 2024-01-10 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Commissioner Ylva Johannsson: 'The EU faces an annual decline of 1 million people in terms of the workforce' *To solve the problem of the lack of labor in our country, the Government established a quota of 100,000 foreign workers for 2024 *Entrepreneurs claim that said quota is too small for the needs of the market ...continuare.

Report: Making investments - a deficient chapter for the management of the Romanian Naval Authority

publicat 2024-01-04 00:00:05 (Bursa)
Report: Making investments - a deficient chapter for the management of the Romanian Naval Authority The Romanian Naval Authority is one of the leading public institutions in terms of the implementation of the investment program approved annually by Guven through the revenue and expenditure budget, according to the report prepared by the Prime Minister and #39;s Control Body, a document that refers to 01.01. .2020 - 01.01.2023. ...continuare.

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