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17:45 Papa Francisc dizolva un influent grup catolic peruan in urma unei investigatii privind abuzuri
Cele mai citite stiri - 24h
Power Couple Romania sezon 2, 21 ianuarie 2025. Concurentele au trecut prin foc si apa ca sa isi salveze partenerii! Ce s-a aflat
OpenAI si SoftBank lanseaza in SUA Stargate, un proiect de infrastructura pentru inteligenta artificiala de 100 mld. dolari, suma putand ajunge pana la 500 mld. dolari in urmatorii patru ani. Presedintele Donald Trump: Aceast proiect monumental este o declaratie rasunatoare de incredere in potentialul Americii sub un nou presedinte
Olaf Scholz face apel la calm dupa investirea lui Donald Trump
Morun de 888 kg? Internautii se cearta pe o imagine chipurile de la 1890
Care era numele real al lui Iisus Hristos? Motivul neasteptat pentru care acesta a fost modificat
Proiect urias in SUA. Trump anunta o investitie de 500 de miliarde de dolari in domeniul inteligentei artificiale
Melania Trump s-a pregatit asiduu pentru Casa Alba, in ultimele doua luni
Kelemen Hunor are incredere in Antonescu: Are prima sansa sa intre in turul al doilea
Seful Binance: Piata criptomonedelor ar putea atinge un nou maxim istoric in 2025
Bursa. Actiunile Transelectrica, pe plus cu 8% de la inceputul anului. Prime Transaction: Rapoartele financiare sunt foarte bune, iar inceputul de an ofera argumente suplimentare
Un barbat a smuls telefonul unei tinere, intr-un tramvai din Bucuresti, in timp ce usile erau deschise in statie
Germania cere o inasprire a reactiei fata de atacuri hibride ale Rusiei si propune noi sanctiuni
Scandal la Senat. Angajatii au facut circ in timp ce vorbea Ilie Bolojan, nemultumiti ca vor fi dati afara: "Nu cunoasteti problemele reale”
Stanley Yan, country manager, Honor Romania: Piata smartphone-urilor din Romania ar putea fi mai diversificata. Consider ca exista o mare oportunitate si potential pe piata locala. "Treptat, piata va deveni mai dinamica, iar fiecare producator va incerca sa creeze cele mai utile functii bazate pe AI."
Ilie Bolojan: "Vom introduce sistemul electronic de acces in Parlament pentru angajati. Nu exista un control al prezentei"
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Curierul National | Gazeta de agricultura | Cotidianul | Gazeta Sporturilor | Dilema Veche | Jurnalul National | AgoraNews | Mediafax | Ziare Mondene | Capital | Romania TV | ProTV | Money.ro | Adevarul | Evenimentul Zilei | Bursa | Chip | Antena 1 | Income Magazine | ComputerWorld Romania | Cronica Romana | Ziarul Atac | Romania Libera | eInformatii | Pro Sport | Click | Realitatea Romaneasca | Libertatea | Ziarul Financiar | Realitatea TV | Puterea | Madone | Antena3 | Catalin Tolontan | Gandul | OnlineSport | CanCan | Go4IT | Hit | SmartNews | Toate stirileUN Conference to Combat Desertification Ends in Failure
publicat 2024-12-17 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Big initiatives do not ALWAYS lead to positive results. Negotiations at the UN Conference to Combat Desertification, COP16, have ended without reaching a binding agreement to combat the phenomenon.
Generation Z Uses AI the Most at Work
publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
People have ALWAYS sought to create and use tools that reduce their tedious tasks and increase productivity, and AI (artificial intelligence) is the latest addition to their 'toolkit,' according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis
F1 Champion, Community Service in Rwanda
publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Public statements do not ALWAYS bring benefits to those who make them. Drifts are most often sanctioned, including in the world of motor racing stars.
Council of University Ethics and Management: Harassment in 22 Universities
publicat 2024-12-04 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The veil is slowly being lifted from an issue that has been intensely discussed, but is ALWAYS in a gray day.
Big businessmen in the US - famous, but not very appreciated by the population
publicat 2024-11-28 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Being widely known does not ALWAYS equate to being appreciated, and if people like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk, for example, are famous, they do not enjoy a positive perception among the majority of Americans, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com.
Over a thousand glaciers have disappeared in 30 years in a single region
publicat 2024-11-18 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Whether we want to admit it or not, things are changing, not ALWAYS for the better, around us. Over a thousand glaciers in Tajikistan have disappeared in the past three decades, the energy minister of this Central Asian republic warned on the sidelines of the annual UN Climate Change Conference (COP29).
National Restoration Program Suffers from Lack of Specialists
publicat 2024-11-13 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Money does not ALWAYS solve problems. The absence of specialists is a big problem, regardless of the field. The Manager of the National Institute of Heritage (INP), Oana Zaharia, stated at the opening of the 7th edition of the 'Constantin Brancusi' International School for Heritage, Culture and Art (SIPCA) in Sighisoara, that there is an insufficient number of specialists and experts certified by the Ministry of Culture to carry out financing programs...
The BNR revised upward the inflation forecast for the end of the year
publicat 2024-11-12 00:00:22 (Bursa)
* Isarescu: 'We know that a fiscal-budgetary correction will follow, an adjustment that will also lead to an external adjustment'
* 'We expect a coherent correction program; any adjustment means belt tightening,' according to the governor
* 'It is not the problem of the deficit as such that is acute, but its dynamics, because we ALWAYS talk about the decrease, but it is increasing', said Isarescu
The President of the Academy spoke about models for transforming agriculture
publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
Good examples are not ALWAYS followed, which is precisely why it is necessary to popularize them. The President of the Romanian Academy, Ioan-Aurel Pop, highlighted the importance of creating the Royal Domains, true 'model centers for transforming agriculture into a great stimulus for economic growth'.
Romanul a inscris in strainatate si l-a copiat pe Mario Balotelli: "De ce mereu eu?"
publicat 2024-10-27 15:15:22 (Gazeta-Sporturilor)
Deian Sorescu, 27 de ani, a inscris in meciul dintre Gaziantep si Konyaspor, scor 3-1, apoi a revelat mesajul pe care-l avea scris pe tricoul de compresie de sub echipament: "Why ALWAYS me?", sloganul facut celebru de Mario Balotelli in 2011.Astazi, Deian Sorescu a inscris al doilea lui gol in acest sezon de campionat. Romanul a inchis tabela la 3-1 in meciul dintre Gaziantep si Konyaspor, care a contat pentru etapa 10 a Superligii Turciei.Golul a venit...
Why does the Fed and #39;s rate cut matter for global markets?
publicat 2024-09-17 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* BNP Paribas: 'The US election will have a major influence as different fiscal policies complicate the rate cut cycle' Barclays:
* 'The equity market is ALWAYS jittery around the first cut as investors wonder why central banks are cutting rates'
* The US dollar strengthened after the Fed and #39;s first rate cut in three of the past four cycles, according to JP Morgan
Kapital Minds study: Two out of three entrepreneurs in our country consider selling the business as the main option for exit
publicat 2024-09-06 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Laurentiu Stan, founder of Kapital Minds: 'Many potential transactions are not realized due to the very different expectations of the seller and the buyer regarding the price'
* 'An independent, objective assessment anchored in the reality of the specific market is ALWAYS the first step in an M and A process', says the company and #39;s founder
The authorities targeted the brown bear again
publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
The authorities targeted the bears again. A tragic event, resulting in the death of a young woman, put a problem that was ALWAYS postponed, but never solved, back on the screen.
Nature: Desert bloomed
publicat 2024-07-10 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Nature ALWAYS offers spectacular surprises.
Technical Issues Hinder Russian Space Program
publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Calculations in the laboratory don and #39;t ALWAYS match those in the field. This holds true for space rocket launches as well.
Povestea piesei "I Will ALWAYS Love You", de la Dolly Parton la Elvis si Whitney Houston | VIDEO
publicat 2024-03-14 11:30:02 (Adevarul)
Probabil nu exista niciun indragostit care sa nu fi fredonat, macar o data in viata, hitul "I Will ALWAYS Love You" al lui Whitney Houston. Dar aproape nimeni nu stie ca, de fapt, melodia ii apartine cantaretei de muzica country Dolly Parton.
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