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Bolojan: Nu pot da o sentinta” privind afirmatia lui Kelemen Hunor despre viitorul coalitiei Bolojan: "Nu pot da o sentinta” privind afirmatia lui Kelemen Hunor despre viitorul coalitiei Antonescu: E posibil sa avem o finala intre mine si Nicusor Dan Antonescu: E posibil sa avem o finala intre mine si Nicusor Dan Despre mersul economiei: vestile bune vin din Vest, in timp ce ingrijorarile se acumuleaza in Est Despre mersul economiei: vestile bune vin din Vest, in timp ce ingrijorarile se acumuleaza in Est Bolojan avertizeaza ca economia Romaniei a intrat in stagnare: Fara restructurari serioase, vom ajunge inevitabil la taxe mai mari” Bolojan avertizeaza ca economia Romaniei a intrat in stagnare: "Fara restructurari serioase, vom ajunge inevitabil la taxe mai mari” Bulgaria vrea sa infiinteze un lant de magazine de stat care sa comercializeze alimente ieftine mai ales in regiunile sarace Bulgaria vrea sa infiinteze un lant de magazine de stat care sa comercializeze alimente ieftine mai ales in regiunile sarace Ce vitamine si minerale trebuie sa luam la inceput de primavara: De aici apare scaderea imunitatii si oboseala Ce vitamine si minerale trebuie sa luam la inceput de primavara: "De aici apare scaderea imunitatii si oboseala" Bursa. Ce multipli de tranzactionare au Banca Transilvania si BRD comparativ cu alte banci din regiune precum Erste, Raiffeisen, OTP, Millennium, Garanti pe baza estimarilor pentru 2025 Bursa. Ce multipli de tranzactionare au Banca Transilvania si BRD comparativ cu alte banci din regiune precum Erste, Raiffeisen, OTP, Millennium, Garanti pe baza estimarilor pentru 2025 Cresterea economiei zona euro accelereaza Cresterea economiei zona euro accelereaza Cercetatorii trag un semnal de alarma. Microplasticele pot face bacteriile si mai rezistente la antibiotice Cercetatorii trag un semnal de alarma. Microplasticele pot face bacteriile si mai rezistente la antibiotice Perchezitii de amploare, inclusiv la sediul CFR Calatori. 35 de persoane audiate intr-un dosar de frauda si delapidare Perchezitii de amploare, inclusiv la sediul CFR Calatori. 35 de persoane audiate intr-un dosar de frauda si delapidare Actiunile Bayer au scazut cu 7,1% dupa un verdict nefavorabil in SUA privind Roundup Actiunile Bayer au scazut cu 7,1% dupa un verdict nefavorabil in SUA privind Roundup Ianis Hagi a dat verdictul dupa San Marino: Meciurile vor fi cruciale Ianis Hagi a dat verdictul dupa San Marino: "Meciurile vor fi cruciale" Horoscop chinezesc pentru luna aprilie. Unii nativi isi schimba destinul, altii fac schimbari radicale, iar unii sunt, pur si simplu, de neinvis Horoscop chinezesc pentru luna aprilie. Unii nativi isi schimba destinul, altii fac schimbari radicale, iar unii sunt, pur si simplu, de neinvis Mircea Lucescu, nemultumit dupa San Marino - Romania 1-5: I-am certat la finalul meciului, am vazut niste lucruri care nu mi-au placut Mircea Lucescu, nemultumit dupa San Marino - Romania 1-5: "I-am certat la finalul meciului, am vazut niste lucruri care nu mi-au placut" Incendiu de proportii in Bucuresti. Cinci masini au fost distruse de flacari pe Calea Mosilor | VIDEO Incendiu de proportii in Bucuresti. Cinci masini au fost distruse de flacari pe Calea Mosilor | VIDEO


Stiri locale

Black Sea resorts are preparing to welcome tourists for the Easter mini-vacation

publicat 2025-03-25 13:30:45 (Mediafax)
Black Sea resorts are preparing to welcome tourists for the Easter mini-vacation MediafaxBlack Sea resorts are preparing to welcome tourists for the Easter mini-vacation from April 18-21. ACCORding to Litoralulromanesc.ro, almost 130 accommodation units will be functional, mostly in Mamaia, Mamaia Nord and Eforie Nord, but also in Neptun-Olimp and Costinesti.Articolul Black Sea resorts are preparing to welcome tourists for the Easter mini-vacation apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

The World and #39;s Most Valuable Brands in 2025

publicat 2025-03-25 00:01:13 (Bursa)
The World and #39;s Most Valuable Brands in 2025 Brands provide a powerful source of value to companies, and currently, the value of brands, along with other intangible assets such as intellectual property and research and development (R and D), is at an all-time high of $80 trillion globally, ACCORding to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

Global economic policy uncertainty at its highest post-pandemic level

publicat 2025-03-20 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Global economic policy uncertainty at its highest post-pandemic level Global economic policy uncertainty has reached its highest level in 2020, ACCORding to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which highlights that while the tariffs imposed by the Trump administration aim to recalibrate supply chains, the US stock market has reacted negatively. ...continuare.

Russian Finance Ministry wants to step up privatization

publicat 2025-03-19 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Russian Finance Ministry wants to step up privatization The Russian Finance Ministry considers it appropriate to discuss the possibility of large-scale privatizations again, the relevant minister, Anton Siluanov, said yesterday at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Rosimushchestvo, the federal agency for the management of federal property, Interfax reports, ACCORding to Agerpres. ...continuare.

Japan and China - the countries that hold the most US government bonds

publicat 2025-03-19 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Japan and China - the countries that hold the most US government bonds The United States owes foreign investors $8.5 trillion in national debt - nearly a quarter of the total debt, ACCORding to a visualcapitalist.com analysis that highlights the largest foreign holders of U.S. government securities. ...continuare.

Over 5,000 Romanians registered to vote by mail in the presidential elections

publicat 2025-03-17 12:45:42 (Mediafax)
Over 5,000 Romanians registered to vote by mail in the presidential elections MediafaxOver 5,000 Romanians in the diaspora registered by Monday to vote by mail in the presidential elections in May, ACCORding to data provided by the Permanent Electoral Authority (AEP).Articolul Over 5,000 Romanians registered to vote by mail in the presidential elections apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

Europe spends, US dictates: ReArmEU becomes Enrich USA?

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Europe spends, US dictates: ReArmEU becomes Enrich USA? Europe is in an accelerated rearmament race, but the direction of this massive investment raises uncomfortable questions. Instead of strengthening the European Union and #39;s defense industry, the European Commission and #39;s ambitious plan seems to transform the bloc into a loyal client of the American military-industrial complex, which would justify renaming it . 'ReArm Europe' to 'Enrich USA', ACCORding to an analysis published by the Italian... ...continuare.

airBaltic Latvia prepares for London listing in second quarter

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
airBaltic Latvia prepares for London listing in second quarter Riga-based airline airBaltic, based in Latvia, is expected to launch its initial public offering (IPO) in the second quarter of this year and has chosen the London Stock Exchange for this purpose, sources quoted by Bloomberg say, ACCORding to ch-aviation.com. ...continuare.

NASA: Sea levels rose more than expected in 2024

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
NASA: Sea levels rose more than expected in 2024 The level of the sea surface of the globe rose more than expected in 2024, the warmest year ever recorded on Earth, ACCORding to an analysis published by NASA. 'Last year and #39;s increase was caused by unusual warming of the oceans, combined with the melting of glaciers and other land ice masses,' explained the American space agency. ...continuare.

The Ministry of Finance Raised 2.3 Billion Lei Through the Fidelis Offering, Less Than the Previous Offering

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
The Ministry of Finance Raised 2.3 Billion Lei Through the Fidelis Offering, Less Than the Previous Offering * The Bonds Will Be Listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange on March 20 The Ministry of Finance has raised 2.25 billion lei from investors through the latest issuance of Fidelis government bonds, below the record set by the first offering of this year, which amounted to 4.3 billion lei, ACCORding to our calculations based on data from a brokerage firm. ...continuare.

Global stock market - $124 trillion; What are the dominant sectors

publicat 2025-03-17 00:00:13 (Bursa)
Global stock market - $124 trillion; What are the dominant sectors The world and #39;s three largest sectors by capitalization are currently information technology, financials and industrials, which together represent 50% of the global stock market, ACCORding to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

Brussels corruption scandal: prosecutors accuse Huawei of bribing MEPs

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
Brussels corruption scandal: prosecutors accuse Huawei of bribing MEPs Chinese technology giant Huawei is suspected of bribing members of the European Parliament to gain support within the European institutions, ACCORding to an article published yesterday by the website Follow the Money, which states that Brussels prosecutors have launched an investigation following a complaint from the Belgian secret services, targeting approximately fifteen current and former MEPs. ...continuare.

QS ranking: University of Bucharest, the first in Romania in several fields

publicat 2025-03-14 00:00:17 (Bursa)
QS ranking: University of Bucharest, the first in Romania in several fields The University of Bucharest (UB) was designated the first university in Romania in the fields of Linguistics, Modern Languages, Philosophy, Computer Science and Information Technology and Chemistry, ACCORding to the ranking carried out by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS). ...continuare.

Romania and #39;s eCommerce Market to Surpass euro8 Billion in 2025

publicat 2025-03-13 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Romania and #39;s eCommerce Market to Surpass euro8 Billion in 2025 The value of the Romanian eCommerce market will exceed euro8 billion in 2025, after reaching euro7.7 billion in 2024, ACCORding to a specialized report. ACCORding to the second edition of the 'eCommerce Insights 2025' study, conducted by MerchantPro, the local eCommerce market has demonstrated high resilience and good adaptability, despite geopolitical and economic challenges. ...continuare.

AIG and Citigroup - the worst-performing stocks in the S and P 500 index over the past 20 years

publicat 2025-03-12 00:00:16 (Bursa)
AIG and Citigroup - the worst-performing stocks in the S and P 500 index over the past 20 years The S and P 500 has posted an average annual return of 10.4% over the past 20 years, navigating two major market crashes and double-digit declines, respectively, ACCORding to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

Companies don and #39;t want to list on the stock exchange even if they are paid

publicat 2025-03-12 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Companies don and #39;t want to list on the stock exchange even if they are paid * Three companies signed financing contracts in the first round of the call for projects, but none were listed; of the three registered now, one was rejected * Broker: 'A company does not list just for a few tens or hundreds of thousands of euros' * Attracting a strategic shareholder, expanding through acquisitions and distributing shares to employees - the main reasons why a company wants to list, ACCORding to the broker * 'The program would have... ...continuare.

Storm Alfred leaves more than 330,000 homes without power

publicat 2025-03-11 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Storm Alfred leaves more than 330,000 homes without power Storm Alfred has caused massive power outages in eastern Australia, leaving nearly 330,000 homes in the state of Queensland without power, ACCORding to announcements made by Australian electricity suppliers. About 310,000 households in southeast Queensland and at least 16,000 in northeastern New South Wales were left without power on Sunday as a result of Storm Alfred. ...continuare.

SIPRI Report: US, the main supplier of weapons to Europe

publicat 2025-03-11 00:00:14 (Bursa)
SIPRI Report: US, the main supplier of weapons to Europe The US has become the main supplier of weapons to Europe, ACCORding to the report published yesterday by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). ...continuare.

Ukraine, Congo and Jordan - the largest recipients of aid through USAID

publicat 2025-03-11 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Ukraine, Congo and Jordan - the largest recipients of aid through USAID The United States of America provided Ukraine, in 2024, with support of 6.1 billion dollars through the Agency for International Development (USAID), this being the highest financial aid granted by the US last year, ACCORding to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

Etihad Airways postpones initial public offering

publicat 2025-03-10 00:00:20 (Bursa)
Etihad Airways postpones initial public offering Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, will postpone the launch of its initial public offering (IPO) until the second quarter of this year, after the Muslim holiday Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan (March 30), Reuters reports, citing industry sources, ACCORding to ch-aviation.com. ...continuare.

Eurovision 2025: 37 million euro budget, tens of thousands of tickets sold

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Eurovision 2025: 37 million euro budget, tens of thousands of tickets sold The 2025 Eurovision Song Contest promises a series of surprises and innovative ideas, ACCORding to organizers in Basel, the Swiss city that will host the event. With just two months to go before the start of the competition, preparations are in full swing for the world and #39;s largest live music event. ...continuare.

Experimental pancreatic cancer vaccine shows promise

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Experimental pancreatic cancer vaccine shows promise Half of patients who received an experimental pancreatic cancer vaccine developed by Roche and BioNTech in an early-stage trial were still alive, most with no signs of disease recurrence, more than three years after treatment, ACCORding to a report published by Reuters. ...continuare.

Massive Cyber Ticket Scam

publicat 2025-03-06 00:01:05 (Bursa)
Massive Cyber Ticket Scam A network of cybercriminals managed to steal and illegally resell more than 900 digital tickets for Taylor Swift concerts and other large-scale events, ACCORding to statements by New York prosecutors, cited by The Associated Press. ...continuare.

President Trump and #39;s speech mistakes

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
President Trump and #39;s speech mistakes President Trump and #39;s speech was marked by strong statements, but fact-checking reveals significant discrepancies between his statements and the economic and social reality of the US. ACCORding to journalists from National Public Radio (NPR) and CNN, they conducted a detailed fact-check of Trump and #39;s statements, providing additional context on the main topics addressed. ...continuare.

Faced with Trump and #39;s trade aggression, China proposes collaboration with the European Union

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
Faced with Trump and #39;s trade aggression, China proposes collaboration with the European Union * China steps up incentives to support domestic consumption Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, expressed China and #39;s willingness to work with the European Union to address global challenges, in a swift response to US President Donald Trump and #39;s aggressive trade policy in his speech to the US Congress, ACCORding to Reuters. ...continuare.

Race of Champions 2025 (7-8 martie, 10:30) LIVE in AntenaPLa! Sebastian Vettel si Mick Schumacher, printre participanti

publicat 2025-03-05 14:15:19 (Antena-1)
Race of Champions 2025 (7-8 martie, 10:30) LIVE in AntenaPLa! Sebastian Vettel si Mick Schumacher, printre participanti Marele eveniment este gazduit anul acesta de ACCOR Stadium din Sydney, o arena de 83.000 de locuri. Este pentru prima oara in istorie cand Race of Champions are loc in emisfera sudica. ...continuare.

UN budget in danger

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
UN budget in danger The US withdrawal from the United Nations, a withdrawal promoted by Elon Musk, senior advisor to President Donald Trump and coordinator of the Department for Government Efficiency, would have a negative impact on the international institution, taking into account the fact that 20% of its budget is provided by the White House Administration, ACCORding to an article published on the Zerohedge website. ...continuare.

Huge european defense financing gap

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Huge european defense financing gap The European defense financing gap amounts to 850 billion euros, ACCORding to two analyses published on the Zerohedge website and using statistical data provided by NATO, the Kiel Institute for the Global Economy and Exante Data. ...continuare.

Electric buses dominate the European market: Romania, among the countries with the fastest transition

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Electric buses dominate the European market: Romania, among the countries with the fastest transition In 2024, almost half (49%) of new buses sold in Europe were zero-emission models (electric or hydrogen), exceeding the targets set by the European Union to reduce CO2 emissions, ACCORding to a report by the NGO Transport and Environment (T and E). ...continuare.

Turkey and #39;s economy grows faster than expected

publicat 2025-03-03 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Turkey and #39;s economy grows faster than expected Turkey and #39;s economy grew 3% in the fourth quarter of 2024 at an annual rate and 3.2% for the whole of last year, exceeding estimates despite high interest rates in the country, ACCORding to data announced on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics in Ankara, cited by Reuters. ...continuare.

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