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Te cunosc de undeva, sezonul 21, 8 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a patra gala. Cum s-au descurcat concurentii pe scena Te cunosc de undeva, sezonul 21, 8 martie 2025. Ce pereche a castigat a patra gala. Cum s-au descurcat concurentii pe scena Orasul din Romania in care preturile apartamentelor au depasit 3.000 de euro pe metrul patrat Orasul din Romania in care preturile apartamentelor au depasit 3.000 de euro pe metrul patrat Singura tara din Europa care are granita terestra cu Africa. Multi romani nici n-au habar Singura tara din Europa care are granita terestra cu Africa. Multi romani nici n-au habar Noul tip de peste disponibil in comert care face concurenta somonului: gustos, plin de vitamine si mai accesibil ca pret Noul tip de peste disponibil in comert care face concurenta somonului: gustos, plin de vitamine si mai accesibil ca pret Ce a lasat in urma pandemia de COVID-19. Un scurt bilant dramatic al sechelelor fizice si psihice Ce a lasat in urma pandemia de COVID-19. Un scurt bilant dramatic al sechelelor fizice si psihice Nicusor Dan vrea o aparare mai tare pentru Romania cu ajutorul SUA si Europei Nicusor Dan vrea o aparare mai tare pentru Romania cu ajutorul SUA si Europei Epoca de aur nu se atinge fara durere? Bloomberg: Presedintele Donald Trump a facut campanie cu promisiunea de a vindeca ceea ce el spunea ca este o economie americana bolnava. La o luna de la inceperea celui de-al doilea mandat, el incepe sa sugereze ca tratamentul ar putea sa doara Epoca de aur nu se atinge fara durere? Bloomberg: Presedintele Donald Trump a facut campanie cu promisiunea de a vindeca ceea ce el spunea ca este o economie americana bolnava. La o luna de la inceperea celui de-al doilea mandat, el incepe sa sugereze ca tratamentul ar putea sa doara Horoscop duminica, 9 martie. Zodia care ar trebui sa evite promisiunile catre partener Horoscop duminica, 9 martie. Zodia care ar trebui sa evite promisiunile catre partener Un ruso-ucrainean a pornit un razboi pentru hrean intr-un sat din Vaslui: Mi-am luat amenda, dar el saracu' a stat 8 zile in spital Un ruso-ucrainean a pornit un razboi pentru hrean intr-un sat din Vaslui: "Mi-am luat amenda, dar el saracu' a stat 8 zile in spital" Ce inseamna regula celor 8 secunde. Managerul unui bordel european legal explica: Se refera la... Ce inseamna "regula celor 8 secunde". Managerul unui bordel european legal explica: "Se refera la..." Ce mancau domnitorii romani in timpul postului? Multe preparate se consuma si in zilele noastre Ce mancau domnitorii romani in timpul postului? Multe preparate se consuma si in zilele noastre Care este cel mai mare dusman al parului sanatos. Nu este nici vopseaua, nici placa Care este cel mai mare dusman al parului sanatos. Nu este nici vopseaua, nici placa Makaveli, audiat in dosarul de santaj: Victoras Micula si legaturile cu campaniile electorale Makaveli, audiat in dosarul de santaj: Victoras Micula si legaturile cu campaniile electorale Energie cosmica puternica: 2 zodii au noroc la bani pe 9 martie 2025 Energie cosmica puternica: 2 zodii au noroc la bani pe 9 martie 2025 Alegeri parlamentare in Groenlanda. Independenta sau urmatoarea miza geopolitica a marilor puteri? Alegeri parlamentare in Groenlanda. Independenta sau urmatoarea miza geopolitica a marilor puteri?


Stiri locale

Eurovision 2025: 37 million euro budget, tens of thousands of tickets sold

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Eurovision 2025: 37 million euro budget, tens of thousands of tickets sold The 2025 Eurovision Song Contest promises a series of surprises and innovative ideas, ACCOrding to organizers in Basel, the Swiss city that will host the event. With just two months to go before the start of the competition, preparations are in full swing for the world and #39;s largest live music event. ...continuare.

New Framework Plans for High School: Flexibility, Decentralization and Personalized Education

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
New Framework Plans for High School: Flexibility, Decentralization and Personalized Education The Ministry of Education and Research is proposing a profound reform of the framework plans for high school education, taking into ACCOunt adaptability to the needs of students and the labor market. ...continuare.

Experimental pancreatic cancer vaccine shows promise

publicat 2025-03-07 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Experimental pancreatic cancer vaccine shows promise Half of patients who received an experimental pancreatic cancer vaccine developed by Roche and BioNTech in an early-stage trial were still alive, most with no signs of disease recurrence, more than three years after treatment, ACCOrding to a report published by Reuters. ...continuare.

Massive Cyber Ticket Scam

publicat 2025-03-06 00:01:05 (Bursa)
Massive Cyber Ticket Scam A network of cybercriminals managed to steal and illegally resell more than 900 digital tickets for Taylor Swift concerts and other large-scale events, ACCOrding to statements by New York prosecutors, cited by The Associated Press. ...continuare.

President Trump and #39;s speech mistakes

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
President Trump and #39;s speech mistakes President Trump and #39;s speech was marked by strong statements, but fact-checking reveals significant discrepancies between his statements and the economic and social reality of the US. ACCOrding to journalists from National Public Radio (NPR) and CNN, they conducted a detailed fact-check of Trump and #39;s statements, providing additional context on the main topics addressed. ...continuare.

Faced with Trump and #39;s trade aggression, China proposes collaboration with the European Union

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
Faced with Trump and #39;s trade aggression, China proposes collaboration with the European Union * China steps up incentives to support domestic consumption Lin Jian, a spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, expressed China and #39;s willingness to work with the European Union to address global challenges, in a swift response to US President Donald Trump and #39;s aggressive trade policy in his speech to the US Congress, ACCOrding to Reuters. ...continuare.

Race of Champions 2025 (7-8 martie, 10:30) LIVE in AntenaPLa! Sebastian Vettel si Mick Schumacher, printre participanti

publicat 2025-03-05 14:15:19 (Antena-1)
Race of Champions 2025 (7-8 martie, 10:30) LIVE in AntenaPLa! Sebastian Vettel si Mick Schumacher, printre participanti Marele eveniment este gazduit anul acesta de ACCOr Stadium din Sydney, o arena de 83.000 de locuri. Este pentru prima oara in istorie cand Race of Champions are loc in emisfera sudica. ...continuare.

UN budget in danger

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
UN budget in danger The US withdrawal from the United Nations, a withdrawal promoted by Elon Musk, senior advisor to President Donald Trump and coordinator of the Department for Government Efficiency, would have a negative impact on the international institution, taking into ACCOunt the fact that 20% of its budget is provided by the White House Administration, ACCOrding to an article published on the Zerohedge website. ...continuare.

Huge european defense financing gap

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Huge european defense financing gap The European defense financing gap amounts to 850 billion euros, ACCOrding to two analyses published on the Zerohedge website and using statistical data provided by NATO, the Kiel Institute for the Global Economy and Exante Data. ...continuare.

Electric buses dominate the European market: Romania, among the countries with the fastest transition

publicat 2025-03-04 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Electric buses dominate the European market: Romania, among the countries with the fastest transition In 2024, almost half (49%) of new buses sold in Europe were zero-emission models (electric or hydrogen), exceeding the targets set by the European Union to reduce CO2 emissions, ACCOrding to a report by the NGO Transport and Environment (T and E). ...continuare.

Turkey and #39;s economy grows faster than expected

publicat 2025-03-03 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Turkey and #39;s economy grows faster than expected Turkey and #39;s economy grew 3% in the fourth quarter of 2024 at an annual rate and 3.2% for the whole of last year, exceeding estimates despite high interest rates in the country, ACCOrding to data announced on Friday by the National Institute of Statistics in Ankara, cited by Reuters. ...continuare.

Global Market Capitalization, Dominated by the US

publicat 2025-03-03 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Global Market Capitalization, Dominated by the US America and #39;s dominance of the global stock market is unmatched, and its share has only increased in the past two years, ACCOrding to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com, which notes that the remarkable performance of the S and P 500 stock index played a role in the US and #39;s leadership position, with an average compound return of 14.8% over the past decade. ...continuare.

Europe: Block trades in European stocks off to best start since 2021

publicat 2025-03-03 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Europe: Block trades in European stocks off to best start since 2021 Block trades in European-listed companies had their best start since 2021 in the first two months of 2025, defying subdued enthusiasm for initial public offerings (IPOs), ACCOrding to Bloomberg data. ...continuare.

Oil Terminal and #39;s profit increased by 34% last year, to 19.2 million lei

publicat 2025-03-03 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Oil Terminal and #39;s profit increased by 34% last year, to 19.2 million lei * The company recorded a loss in the fourth quarter Port operator Oil Terminal (OIL) reported a preliminary net turnover of 474 million lei, 35% more than last year, while net profit amounted to 19.2 million lei, up 34%, ACCOrding to the company and #39;s information on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) website. ...continuare.

Turbomecanica - revenue and profit growing in 2024

publicat 2025-03-03 00:00:15 (Bursa)
Turbomecanica - revenue and profit growing in 2024 Aircraft components manufacturer Turbomecanica Bucharest (TBM) reported a preliminary net profit of 12.2 million lei for last year, 10% more than in 2023, as revenues increased by 8.5%, to 142.5 million lei, ACCOrding to the issuer and #39;s report published on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) website. ...continuare.

TaxDome Romania atinge peste jumatate de milion de lei in 2024 si isi propune dublarea afacerilor in 2025

publicat 2025-02-28 11:31:04 (Income-Magazine)
TaxDome Romania atinge peste jumatate de milion de lei in 2024 si isi propune dublarea afacerilor in 2025 axDome Romania a crescut semnificativ in 2024 si a raportat afaceri de peste jumatate de milion de lei, pe plan local. Printre cele mai importante activitati din 2024, s-a numarat organizarea Digital ACCOunting Summit Romania 2024, unde TaxDome a reunit contabili, consultanti fiscali si reprezentanti ai Ministerului Finantelor, inclusiv pe Iulian Ardeleanu, directorul general al […] ...continuare.

Domeniile Ostrov reports 10% revenue growth in 2024

publicat 2025-02-27 14:15:36 (Bursa)
Domeniile Ostrov reports 10% revenue growth in 2024 Domeniile Ostrov registered a significant sales increase of ovear 10% in 2024 compared to the previous year, ACCOrding to a press release. This performance was supported by continuous investments in wine quality, state-of-the-art technology, and the expansion of distribution networks. ...continuare.

Orsova Shipyard - profit of six million lei last year, up 72%

publicat 2025-02-27 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Orsova Shipyard - profit of six million lei last year, up 72% Orsova Shipyard (SNO) reported a preliminary net profit of 5.9 million lei, up 71.9% compared to the previous year, while business remained at almost 100 million lei, ACCOrding to the river shipbuilder and #39;s report published yesterday on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) website. ...continuare.

Explosion of insolvencies: 7,274 companies became insolvent last year

publicat 2025-02-27 00:00:18 (Bursa)
Explosion of insolvencies: 7,274 companies became insolvent last year *Insolvencies increased by 9.38% compared to 2023, with a major impact on large companies, ACCOrding to the annual study conducted by Coface Romania *In the first eight months of last year, the number of insolvencies was 17.16% higher than in the period January-August 2023 *ACCOrding to Coface Romania representatives, the situation was caused by insolvencies in companies operating in the residential construction... ...continuare.

The impact of Donald Trump and #39;s tariffs: who will be most affected?

publicat 2025-02-26 00:00:11 (Bursa)
The impact of Donald Trump and #39;s tariffs: who will be most affected? ACCOrding to an analysis by Allianz Trade and published yesterday by the German website Finanzen100.de, Donald Trump and #39;s imposition of tariffs, aimed at reducing the United States and #39; trade imbalance, could have a significant impact on emerging economies and the US and #39;s major trading partners. ...continuare.

ACCOr anunta rezultatele pentru anul 2024

publicat 2025-02-25 16:45:21 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>ACCO</span>r anunta rezultatele pentru anul 2024 ACCOr a incheiat anul 2024 cu rezultate financiare in conformitate cu previziunile anuntate, consolidandu-si pozitia in industrie si confirmand strategia sa de crestere pe termen mediu, ...continuare.

ACCOR anunta rezultatele anului 2024

publicat 2025-02-25 11:00:18 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>ACCO</span>R anunta rezultatele anului 2024 Pe tot parcursul anului 2024, inclusiv in al patrulea trimestru, sectorul ospitalitatii a demonstrat rezilienta intr-un context economic contrastant. Diversificarea ACCOr atat din punct de vedere geografic, cat si al segmentelor abordate a sustinut Grupul in obtinerea de performante solide. ...continuare.

Theater education, an essential step in the new reform of Romanian education

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:29 (Bursa)
Theater education, an essential step in the new reform of Romanian education The Minister of Education, Daniel David, announced that the framework plans for high school will be adopted in May, with the result that, from 2026, ninth-grade students will study ACCOrding to the new textbooks. ...continuare.

Prefab - declining business, growing profit

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:29 (Bursa)
Prefab - declining business, growing profit * 'Although investments from European funds are vital for the Romanian economy, their absorption is below the optimal level', ACCOrding to the company * 'Implementing the PNRR and absorbing European funds should be a major objective for Romania', claims the Prefab management ...continuare.

Chinese tea and ice cream giant Mixue goes public

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:29 (Bursa)
Chinese tea and ice cream giant Mixue goes public China and #39;s largest iced tea, other drinks and ice cream company Mixue Group is seeking to raise HK$3.45 billion ($443.66 million) in an initial public offering (IPO) on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, ACCOrding to Reuters, citing documents filed with the capital markets authority. ...continuare.

Von der Leyen in Ukraine: Plans for economic, military and diplomatic support

publicat 2025-02-24 00:00:28 (Bursa)
Von der Leyen in Ukraine: Plans for economic, military and diplomatic support Ursula von der Leyen, the President of the European Commission, will meet with the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, to discuss recent developments and the next steps in strengthening the European path of this state, ACCOrding to a press release issued on Friday by the European Union Executive. ...continuare.

Administratia Trump inchide baza de date nationala care inregistreaza conduita abuziva a politiei

publicat 2025-02-22 19:15:35 (Mediafax)
Administratia Trump inchide baza de date nationala care inregistreaza conduita abuziva a politiei National Law Enforcement ACCOuntability Database (NLEAD), care stoca inregistrarile politiei care documentau conduita necorespunzatoare, este acum indisponibila, potrivit Washington Post. ...continuare.

India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds

publicat 2025-02-20 06:45:17 (Bursa)
India leads global IPOs in 2024, US in proceeds Global initial public offering (IPO) markets remained relatively healthy in 2024 despite economic uncertainties and geopolitical challenges, ACCOrding to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which notes that overall positive investor sentiment was boosted by momentum in stock markets, interest rate cuts and technological advances. All of these were benefits for newly listed companies. ...continuare.

Trump and Putin negotiate Ukraine and #39;s future: What and #39;s next?

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Trump and Putin negotiate Ukraine and #39;s future: What and #39;s next? At first glance, the US-Russian negotiations that took place yesterday in Riyadh seem to resemble those of the Wild West. Donald Trump, posing as the new sheriff of the world, wants to reach an agreement with the international criminal (if we take into ACCOunt the arrest warrant issued by the International Criminal Court) Vladimir Putin. ...continuare.

Bucovina-Club de Munte sold land for 1.2 million euros

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Bucovina-Club de Munte sold land for 1.2 million euros Bucovina-Club de Munte, a company controlled by the former SIF Muntenia, sold nine land lots with a total area of 94,877 square meters, located in Gura Humorului, Arinis area, Suceava county, through a competitive auction, ACCOrding to a report by the issuer published on the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB) website. ...continuare.

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