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Bolojan: Nu pot da o sentinta” privind afirmatia lui Kelemen Hunor despre viitorul coalitiei Bolojan: "Nu pot da o sentinta” privind afirmatia lui Kelemen Hunor despre viitorul coalitiei Antonescu: E posibil sa avem o finala intre mine si Nicusor Dan Antonescu: E posibil sa avem o finala intre mine si Nicusor Dan Despre mersul economiei: vestile bune vin din Vest, in timp ce ingrijorarile se acumuleaza in Est Despre mersul economiei: vestile bune vin din Vest, in timp ce ingrijorarile se acumuleaza in Est Bolojan avertizeaza ca economia Romaniei a intrat in stagnare: Fara restructurari serioase, vom ajunge inevitabil la taxe mai mari” Bolojan avertizeaza ca economia Romaniei a intrat in stagnare: "Fara restructurari serioase, vom ajunge inevitabil la taxe mai mari” Bulgaria vrea sa infiinteze un lant de magazine de stat care sa comercializeze alimente ieftine mai ales in regiunile sarace Bulgaria vrea sa infiinteze un lant de magazine de stat care sa comercializeze alimente ieftine mai ales in regiunile sarace Ce vitamine si minerale trebuie sa luam la inceput de primavara: De aici apare scaderea imunitatii si oboseala Ce vitamine si minerale trebuie sa luam la inceput de primavara: "De aici apare scaderea imunitatii si oboseala" Cresterea economiei zona euro accelereaza Cresterea economiei zona euro accelereaza Bursa. Ce multipli de tranzactionare au Banca Transilvania si BRD comparativ cu alte banci din regiune precum Erste, Raiffeisen, OTP, Millennium, Garanti pe baza estimarilor pentru 2025 Bursa. Ce multipli de tranzactionare au Banca Transilvania si BRD comparativ cu alte banci din regiune precum Erste, Raiffeisen, OTP, Millennium, Garanti pe baza estimarilor pentru 2025 Cercetatorii trag un semnal de alarma. Microplasticele pot face bacteriile si mai rezistente la antibiotice Cercetatorii trag un semnal de alarma. Microplasticele pot face bacteriile si mai rezistente la antibiotice Perchezitii de amploare, inclusiv la sediul CFR Calatori. 35 de persoane audiate intr-un dosar de frauda si delapidare Perchezitii de amploare, inclusiv la sediul CFR Calatori. 35 de persoane audiate intr-un dosar de frauda si delapidare Actiunile Bayer au scazut cu 7,1% dupa un verdict nefavorabil in SUA privind Roundup Actiunile Bayer au scazut cu 7,1% dupa un verdict nefavorabil in SUA privind Roundup Ianis Hagi a dat verdictul dupa San Marino: Meciurile vor fi cruciale Ianis Hagi a dat verdictul dupa San Marino: "Meciurile vor fi cruciale" Mircea Lucescu, nemultumit dupa San Marino - Romania 1-5: I-am certat la finalul meciului, am vazut niste lucruri care nu mi-au placut Mircea Lucescu, nemultumit dupa San Marino - Romania 1-5: "I-am certat la finalul meciului, am vazut niste lucruri care nu mi-au placut" Horoscop chinezesc pentru luna aprilie. Unii nativi isi schimba destinul, altii fac schimbari radicale, iar unii sunt, pur si simplu, de neinvis Horoscop chinezesc pentru luna aprilie. Unii nativi isi schimba destinul, altii fac schimbari radicale, iar unii sunt, pur si simplu, de neinvis Incendiu de proportii in Bucuresti. Cinci masini au fost distruse de flacari pe Calea Mosilor | VIDEO Incendiu de proportii in Bucuresti. Cinci masini au fost distruse de flacari pe Calea Mosilor | VIDEO


Stiri locale

US inflation - ABOVE expectations

publicat 2025-02-13 00:00:14 (Bursa)
US inflation - <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> expectations US inflation accelerated in January 2025, for the fourth month in a row, reaching 3% at an annual rate, while analysts expected a slowdown, AFP reports. ...continuare.

CFR Calatori: Profit ABOVE passengers and #39; needs?

publicat 2025-02-04 00:00:23 (Bursa)
CFR Calatori: Profit <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> passengers and #39; needs? Approximately 240 trains were suspended by the management of CFR Calatori, i.e. 20% of the company and #39;s total daily trains (1200 trains throughout the country), Traian Preoteasa, the general director of the company, announced yesterday, during a press conference, who tried to justify the measure by stating that the trains in question 'were running with two or three passengers' and that this resulted in savings of over 25 million lei in a single month (January 2025). ...continuare.

CE FACI CU BANII TAI? Siguranta in online: De ce este bine sa zABOVEsti putin inainte de a da click? Urmariti o discutie miercuri, 15 ianuarie 2025, de la ora 11.00 cu SERGIU ZAHARIA, Cybersecurity advisor, fondator Expand Cyber si FABIAN CONSTANTINESCU, student la Academia de Studii Economice

publicat 2025-01-14 21:15:26 (Ziarul-Financiar)
CE FACI CU BANII TAI? Siguranta in online: De ce este bine sa z<span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span>sti putin inainte de a da click? Urmariti o discutie miercuri, 15 ianuarie 2025, de la ora 11.00 cu SERGIU ZAHARIA, Cybersecurity advisor, fondator Expand Cyber si FABIAN CONSTANTINESCU, student la Academia de Studii Economice Pentru alte stiri, analize, articole si informatii din business in timp real urmareste Ziarul Financiar pe WhatsApp Channels Pentru alte stiri, analize, articole si informatii din business in timp real urmareste Ziarul Financiar pe WhatsApp Channels ...continuare.

Romania and #39;s rating: Fitch sees us walking the wire

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Romania and #39;s rating: Fitch sees us walking the wire * Marcel Bolos: 'We remain in the and #171;BBB- and #187; category; fiscal-budgetary consolidation measures must follow' * Economics professor Mircea Cosea: 'The policy of the current decision-makers is a brake on the development of the Romanian economy' * Ionut Dumitru, Raiffeisen Bank: 'If the Government implements credible fiscal-budgetary adjustment measures and the political situation stabilizes, we will probably return to a stable outlook' * Fitch estimates that our country and #39;s... ...continuare.

Fairlead Strategies: Bitcoin and #39;s Failure to Hold ABOVE $100,000 May Bring a Correction

publicat 2024-12-12 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Fairlead Strategies: Bitcoin and #39;s Failure to Hold <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> $100,000 May Bring a Correction * It May Take a Few Weeks of Digestion Before Bitcoin Resumes Its Uptrend, Fairlead Strategies Founder Believes Bitcoin and #39;s failure to hold ABOVE the key psychological threshold of $100,000 recently reached could trigger a correction for the world and #39;s most famous cryptocurrency, believes Katie Stockton, a technical analyst and founder of independent analysis firm Fairlead Strategies, writes Business Insider. ...continuare.

Tropical cyclones caused total losses of about $133 billion

publicat 2024-12-05 00:15:18 (Bursa)
Tropical cyclones caused total losses of about $133 billion Damage caused by extreme weather events is increasing. The 2024 tropical cyclone season was exceptional, with violent storms causing record losses well ABOVE the average of the last ten years, according to estimates by the German reinsurance company Munich Re. ...continuare.

Goldring sees Aages shares in the range of 7.08-7.11 lei, ABOVE the current market price

publicat 2024-12-02 03:01:21 (Bursa)
Goldring sees Aages shares in the range of 7.08-7.11 lei, <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> the current market price * Analysts estimate that the induction heating equipment manufacturer will exceed the budgeted turnover and profit for this year The Market Analysis and Strategies Department of the Goldring brokerage house estimates a target price of between 7.08 lei and 7.11 lei for the shares of the induction heating equipment manufacturer Aages Targu Mures, in the next twelve months, 10-11% ABOVE the company and #39;s share price in the market on Thursday, of 6.4... ...continuare.

Capital referendum validated; Parliament and #39;s decision awaits

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Capital referendum validated; Parliament and #39;s decision awaits The referendum initiated by the general mayor of the capital, Nicusor Dan, passed both validation conditions, with over 40% of the eligible voters of Bucharest participating in Sunday and #39;s vote, i.e. more than 700,000 people, well ABOVE the required threshold of 30%. ...continuare.

iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year

publicat 2024-11-26 00:00:09 (Bursa)
iHunt turns profitable after a loss last year * The company is focusing on expanding its network of electric vehicle charging stations, according to the issuer and #39;s report Online retailer and manufacturer of mobile phones, gadgets and accessories iHunt Technology (HUNT) achieved a net turnover of 31.1 million lei in the first nine months of the year, 4% ABOVE that of the same period last year, while net profit amounted to 0.46 million lei, compared to a loss in the first three quarters of... ...continuare.

Mini-Luna Pamantului porneste spre Soare. Cand se va intoarce 2024 PT5 pe orbita Planetei

publicat 2024-11-25 18:30:17 (Antena3)
Mini-Luna Pamantului porneste spre Soare. Cand se va intoarce 2024 PT5 pe orbita Planetei O asa-numita mini-luna a Pamantului, care zABOVEste pe ceruri din septembrie, va incepe luni o calatorie spre Soare, pregatindu-se sa dispara pana in 2055, potrivit The Guardian.Asteroidul de marimea... ...continuare.

Goldring sees the OMV Petrom share in the range of 0.78 - 0.82 lei, ABOVE the market price

publicat 2024-11-05 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Goldring sees the OMV Petrom share in the range of 0.78 - 0.82 lei, <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> the market price * The Analysis Department of the brokerage house estimates that the oil and gas producer will achieve a net profit of five billion lei, this year, slightly ABOVE the company and #39;s budgeted level * To estimate the share price target range, Goldring uses the discounted cash flow method and the market multiples method ...continuare.

Let and #39;s win the election by tweaking the budget!

publicat 2024-11-04 00:30:12 (Bursa)
Let and #39;s win the election by tweaking the budget! The preparation of the campaigns for the presidential and parliamentary elections that will take place on November 24, respectively December 1, led the Government to increase the amount of budget expenditures in the second month of autumn in order to put an end to the protests of unions in several sectors of economic activity, allocating from the Reserve Fund additional amounts for each individual ministry, over and ABOVE the addition made through the... ...continuare.

Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 1.7683 lei for DN Agrar shares, ABOVE the market price

publicat 2024-10-25 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 1.7683 lei for DN Agrar shares, <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> the market price * 'In the second semester, the impact of weather conditions on the group and #39;s agricultural production will have to be monitored', say the brokerage house and #39;s analysts * For valuation, Prime uses a combination of the market multiples method and the future cash flow method ...continuare.

Record subscriptions in the latest issue of Fidelis government bonds

publicat 2024-10-14 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Record subscriptions in the latest issue of Fidelis government bonds * The value of the purchase orders launched by the investor amounted to almost 3.5 billion lei, ABOVE the August record of 3.2 billion lei * The titles will be listed on the BVB on October 17 ...continuare.

Major banks cut their oil price forecasts

publicat 2024-09-19 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Major banks cut their oil price forecasts * UBS: 'In order for oil to rise ABOVE 90 dollars per barrel next year, an impact on the supply resulting from the intensification of geopolitical tensions would be necessary' * Morgan Stanley: 'The global oil market is experiencing weak demand, similar to that seen during periods of recession' ...continuare.

Erste raised the price target for the Sphera share to 47.5 lei, 20% ABOVE the current market quote

publicat 2024-09-13 07:45:02 (Bursa)
Erste raised the price target for the Sphera share to 47.5 lei, 20% <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOVE</span> the current market quote Erste Grup raised the price target for Sphera Franchise Group (SFG) shares to 47.5 lei, over the next twelve months, ABOVE the previous target of 42.3 lei, maintaining the Buy recommendation, according to the latest analysis report signed by Caius Rapanu, published on the BVB Research Hub portal. ...continuare.

Prime Transaction: Sphera and MedLife - among the best results from the BSE; Electrics and TTS - poor results

publicat 2024-09-09 00:00:03 (Bursa)
Prime Transaction: Sphera and MedLife - among the best results from the BSE; Electrics and TTS - poor results * 'Normally the results of Sphera in the second semester should be ABOVE those of the similar period of the previous year' * 'Even for the second half of the year, things are not expected to improve at Electrica, there is still potential for negative base effects' ...continuare.

Americans and #39; investments in listed shares, close to a record

publicat 2024-08-23 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Americans and #39; investments in listed shares, close to a record The share of financial assets invested by Americans (households and non-profit entities) in listed stocks is approaching record levels, just ABOVE the peak recorded in 2021, according to a visualcapitalist.com analysis, which points out that investor confidence, a strong (US) economy and the superior historical performance of the last decades encourages this type of investment. ...continuare.

Ola Electric - India and #39;s largest IPO in the last two years

publicat 2024-08-12 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Shares of Ola Electric Mobility Ltd rose in their debut on the Mumbai Stock Exchange on Friday, buoyed by strong investor demand amid widespread adoption of electric vehicles in the country, Bloomberg reports. Shares of India and #39;s largest electric scooter maker rose as much as 20% (daily limit) ABOVE the public offering price of 76 rupees. ...continuare.

Marcel Bolos: ANAF, record receipts in July

publicat 2024-08-05 00:00:03 (Bursa)
At the end of July, ANAF exceeded the threshold of 50 billion lei in receipts from the state budget, announced on Friday, on the official Facebook page, Marcel Bolos, the Minister of Finance. According to the official, ANAF and #39;s seven-month collection rate is still ABOVE 100%. ...continuare.

Sebastian Frent, nevazatorul care cuprinde caile ferate din Romania in telefonul lui cu butoane: "Eu inteleg cel mai bine expresia «glasul rotilor de tren»"

publicat 2024-08-04 18:15:07 (Libertatea)
Sebastian Frent, nevazatorul care cuprinde caile ferate din Romania in telefonul lui cu butoane: Eu inteleg cel mai bine expresia «glasul rotilor de tren» Gara de Nord este pustie la amiaza. Pare ca toti drumetii zilei s-au inghesuit laolalta in vagoane, dimineata, sa plece spre destinatiile lor, lasand in urma o liniste apreciata de putinii oameni care zABOVEsc pe banci, inca in asteptarea trenului.  E bine sa te ascunzi, arsita isi face de cap si aerul e irespirabil. Pe […] ...continuare.

Oppenheimer raised its year-end forecast for the S and P 500 to 5,900

publicat 2024-07-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The new target is 6% ABOVE the index and #39;s quote from the start of the week ...continuare.

Raiffeisen reduces the price target and recommends 'Sell' for Conpet shares

publicat 2024-06-13 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The new price estimate is 80 lei per share, 9% below yesterday and #39;s market quote, from the first part of the stock exchange session * The decrease in transported volumes and inflation ABOVE estimates - the reasons for Conpet and #39;s downgrading by Raiffeisen ...continuare.

Erste raises the price target for the MedLife share to 6.06 lei, 17% ABOVE yesterday and #39;s market quote

publicat 2024-06-11 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* Analysts changed the recommendation from 'Hold' to 'Accumulate', for the shares of the healthcare provider * 'Romania has promising growth, both in terms of GDP and purchasing power, and quality healthcare is still far from ubiquitous,' the Erste report states ...continuare.

Prime Transaction estimates an intrinsic value of 15.5521 lei for the 2B Intelligent Soft share

publicat 2024-05-31 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The value is 15% ABOVE yesterday and #39;s market price of the share in the first part of the trading session * 2B Intelligent Soft and #39;s return on equity reached 2019-2024 high, according to analysts ...continuare.

Cel mai mare dusman al binelui

publicat 2024-04-19 00:00:02 (Bursa)
Care este cel mai mare dusman al binelui? 'Raul', o sa zica pe loc cineva, fara sa zABOVEasca prea mult! Cine sa fie dusmanul Binelui, daca nu Raul? ...continuare.

Subscriptions of almost 3.2 billion lei in the Fidelis offer, ABOVE those of the previous operation

publicat 2024-04-18 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The annual interest rates are between 6% and 7% for installments in lei, respectively 4% and 5% for those in euros * The titles will be listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange next week ...continuare.

Macquarie: 'It will be difficult to keep crude oil prices ABOVE $90 a barrel'

publicat 2024-04-12 00:00:04 (Bursa)
Crude oil futures fell in foreign markets yesterday as lingering US inflation dampened interest rate cut optimism. However, stock market quotes are holding close to six-month highs as investors consider a potential attack on Israel by Iran, according to Reuters. ...continuare.

EIB survey: The shock in the energy sector strongly affected Romanian companies

publicat 2024-03-20 00:00:03 (Bursa)
* The proportion of enterprises in our country facing financial constraints is far ABOVE the European average, according to the bank * Romanian companies showed resistance beyond expectations in the face of the slowdown in economic growth, according to the EIB * Isarescu: 'According to the findings of the EIB, the general image of investments in Romania has improved' ...continuare.

Bank of America: 'Nvidia is still not expensive at a valuation of two trillion dollars'

publicat 2024-03-15 00:00:02 (Bursa)
* The bank raised its price target on the company and #39;s stock to $1,100, according to Business Insider * The new price target is 20% ABOVE Nvidia and #39;s midweek quote ...continuare.

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