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Astrit Selmani, inainte de Dinamo - FCSB: Stiu ca am contribuit la aproape jumatate dintre punctele echipei Astrit Selmani, inainte de Dinamo - FCSB: "Stiu ca am contribuit la aproape jumatate dintre punctele echipei" Horoscop zilnic, 29 Martie 2025: Eclipsa Solara aduce noi inceputuri pentru toate zodiile Horoscop zilnic, 29 Martie 2025: Eclipsa Solara aduce noi inceputuri pentru toate zodiile Cutremur de 7.7 in Myanmar, resimtit puternic in Thailanda. Mai multe cladiri s-au prabusit in Bangkok in timpul seismului Cutremur de 7.7 in Myanmar, resimtit puternic in Thailanda. Mai multe cladiri s-au prabusit in Bangkok in timpul seismului Jucatorii de la Dinamo vor avea prime pentru derby-ul cu FCSB: Noi nu avem acces la aceasta rotita Jucatorii de la Dinamo vor avea prime pentru derby-ul cu FCSB: "Noi nu avem acces la aceasta rotita" Sepsi - Hermannstadt, debutul lui Dorinel Munteanu la Sfantu Gheorghe » Echipe probabile + cote Sepsi - Hermannstadt, debutul lui Dorinel Munteanu la Sfantu Gheorghe » Echipe probabile + cote Sume mari puse in joc de Loteria Romana, la tragerile din weekend si de saptamana viitoare Sume mari puse in joc de Loteria Romana, la tragerile din weekend si de saptamana viitoare Cea mai mare listare pe bursa din SUA a unei companii tech din ultimii ani arata un entuziasm in scadere pentru AI - CoreWeave stagneaza in prima zi pe Nasdaq, dupa ce a batut in retragere si a atras doar 1,5 mld. $ de la investitori, fata de planul initial de 4 mld. $ Cea mai mare listare pe bursa din SUA a unei companii tech din ultimii ani arata un entuziasm in scadere pentru AI - CoreWeave stagneaza in prima zi pe Nasdaq, dupa ce a batut in retragere si a atras doar 1,5 mld. $ de la investitori, fata de planul initial de 4 mld. $ Catalin Dit pleaca dupa 8 ani de la eMAG, unde in ultimii ani a fost director fullfillment si operatiuni marketplace. Dupa doua decenii de sedinte, e-mailuri, prezentari strategice si ocazionale dureri de cap induse de Excel... oficial iau o pauza Catalin Dit pleaca dupa 8 ani de la eMAG, unde in ultimii ani a fost director fullfillment si operatiuni marketplace. "Dupa doua decenii de sedinte, e-mailuri, prezentari strategice si ocazionale dureri de cap induse de Excel... oficial iau o pauza" Primaria Galati va opri finantarea Otelului daca misteriosul co-investitor strategic vrea sa faca legea la club Primaria Galati va opri finantarea "Otelului" daca misteriosul "co-investitor strategic" vrea sa faca legea la club Cutremur in Myanmar, cu magnitudinea 7,7. Seismul devastator, resimtit in cel putin alte 5 tari. Cladiri prabusite in Bangkok Cutremur in Myanmar, cu magnitudinea 7,7. Seismul devastator, resimtit in cel putin alte 5 tari. Cladiri prabusite in Bangkok Tragedia de la Caracal, subiectul unui film socant. Premiera in Romania - in aprilie (Video) Tragedia de la Caracal, subiectul unui film socant. Premiera in Romania - in aprilie (Video) Adio, industrie romaneasca! Ultima suflare a unei fabrici din comunism Adio, industrie romaneasca! Ultima suflare a unei fabrici din comunism Cat de tare o supara pe Elena Lasconi candidatura lui Nicusor Dan Cat de tare o supara pe Elena Lasconi candidatura lui Nicusor Dan Fugarul francez care l-a ajutat sa evadeze pe Mohamed Amra, criminalul prins in Romania, a fost si el arestat Ciolacu: Stiu ca PSD s-a macelarit cu PNL, dar actuala coalitie e singura care poate implementa ce e nevoie in Romania Ciolacu: "Stiu ca PSD s-a macelarit cu PNL, dar actuala coalitie e singura care poate implementa ce e nevoie in Romania"


Stiri locale

Environment Ministry on Rabla: Next week I propose to give good news to Romanians

publicat 2025-03-25 13:30:45 (Mediafax)
Environment Ministry on Rabla: Next week I propose to give good news to Romanians MediafaxThe Environment Minister, Mircea Fechet, claims that information ABOUT the Rabla Program, the 2025 edition, could appear soon. "Next week I propose to give good news to Romanians", said Fechet.Articolul Environment Ministry on Rabla: Next week I propose to give good news to Romanians apare prima data in Mediafax. ...continuare.

Fishing and Hunting Expo - I and #39;ve seen happy men too

publicat 2025-03-25 00:01:10 (Bursa)
Fishing  and  Hunting Expo - I and #39;ve seen happy men too In a world where men and #39;s weekends are divided between shopping at the mall and visiting relatives, there is one place where, year after year, they can be seen truly happy: Fishing and Hunting Expo! The place where they don and #39;t talk ABOUT shoe discounts or 'how did you choose that color for the curtains?', but ABOUT rods, boats, scopes, lures and baits. ...continuare.

European football is dependent on gambling sponsorships

publicat 2025-03-25 00:01:05 (Bursa)
European football is dependent on gambling sponsorships The sports betting industry dominates European football, with almost 300 top-flight clubs having signed partnerships with betting firms for the 2024/25 season. Despite stricter regulations and warnings ABOUT the risk of gambling addiction, teams and league organisers continue to be financially supported by the industry. ...continuare.

Tree Census, with Drones and Lasers

publicat 2025-03-25 00:01:04 (Bursa)
Tree Census, with Drones and Lasers A new study published in the journal Science Bulletin estimates that there are 142.6 billion trees in China, which means ABOUT 100 trees for every inhabitant. However, the researchers warn that the real number may be underestimated due to technological limitations used to count them. ...continuare.

Mircea Cosea: 'This is not ABOUT nationalizing bank deposits'

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Mircea Cosea: 'This is not <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> nationalizing bank deposits' Regarding the strategy of the Union of Savings and Investments, economic and financial expert, university professor Dr. Mircea Cosea, told us: 'This is not ABOUT the so-called nationalization of bank deposits, which has been rumored online, and there should be no panic on this issue. ...continuare.

Gheorghe Piperea: 'Banks will run out of deposits'

publicat 2025-03-21 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Gheorghe Piperea: 'Banks will run out of deposits' Regarding the strategy proposed by the European Commission for the Economic and Investment Union, MEP Gheorghe Piperea (ECR/AUR) told us: 'The thing ABOUT 'investment' in venture capital, that is, financial poker, is of a 'rare beauty' as a public policy. Bonus: banks will run out of deposits and will compete with funds (shadow banking) to convince people to keep their money in banks. Plus, they will also enter the 'investment' arena: they will be able... ...continuare.

Ellen Ringier a murit la 73 de ani: „Mostenirea ei va continua sa traiasca in vietile tuturor celor pe care i-a atins si inspirat”

publicat 2025-03-19 17:00:42 (Libertatea)
Ellen Ringier a murit la 73 de ani: „Mostenirea ei va continua sa traiasca in vietile tuturor celor pe care i-a atins si inspirat” Ellen Ringier, o figura proeminenta in lumea filantropiei si publicisticii din Elvetia, a incetat din viata la varsta de 73 de ani. „All life is ABOUT to give other people a chance” Potrivit publicatiei Blick, decesul a survenit, astazi, 19 martie 2025, dupa o lupta cu o boala grava. Fondatoare a Fundatiei Elternsein si editoare […] ...continuare.

Storm Alfred leaves more than 330,000 homes without power

publicat 2025-03-11 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Storm Alfred leaves more than 330,000 homes without power Storm Alfred has caused massive power outages in eastern Australia, leaving nearly 330,000 homes in the state of Queensland without power, according to announcements made by Australian electricity suppliers. ABOUT 310,000 households in southeast Queensland and at least 16,000 in northeastern New South Wales were left without power on Sunday as a result of Storm Alfred. ...continuare.

China, ready for any type of war. What war is Beijing thinking ABOUT?

publicat 2025-03-10 00:00:20 (Bursa)
China, ready for any type of war. What war is Beijing thinking <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span>? The reactions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Beijing to the statements of Donald Trump and Secretary of State Marco Rubio, regarding trade tariffs and Taiwan, although they were taken up by the international press, did not gain the due importance due to the repetition of the same message: China is ready for any type of war that the US will trigger. ...continuare.

David Schröder, co-CEO-ul Zalando - cel mai mare retailer online de fashion din Europa: Zalando si ABOUT You vor ramane branduri distincte dupa achizitie. Au abordari diferite ale pietei

publicat 2025-03-07 12:30:43 (Ziarul-Financiar)
David Schröder, co-CEO-ul Zalando - cel mai mare retailer online de fashion din Europa:  Zalando si <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> You vor ramane branduri distincte dupa achizitie. Au abordari diferite ale pietei David Schröder, co-CEO al Zalando Zalando, cel mai mare retailer online de moda din Europa, care a anuntat la finalul anului trecut ca va cumpara magazinul online ABOUT You pentru suma de 1,2 mld. de euro, va pastra in continuare brandul ABOUT You, in conditiile in care platforma va completa ecosistemul gigantului german, aceasta avand o abordare diferita a pietei. Tranzactia urmeaza sa fie finalizata cel mai... ...continuare.

The world and #39;s largest iceber, an ice giant with an unpredictable path

publicat 2025-03-06 00:00:31 (Bursa)
The world and #39;s largest iceber, an ice giant with an unpredictable path The world and #39;s largest iceberg, A23a, has stopped ABOUT 70 kilometers from South Georgia Island, an isolated region of Antarctica, thus reducing the risk of a collision that could have affected the local ecosystem. ...continuare.

EPP calls for a just peace: 'Nothing ABOUT Ukraine without Ukraine'

publicat 2025-02-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
EPP calls for a just peace: 'Nothing <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> Ukraine without Ukraine' Any peace agreement must respect Ukraine and #39;s sovereignty and be negotiated with its participation on the principle of 'Nothing ABOUT Ukraine without Ukraine, nothing ABOUT Europe without Europe', states the final declaration of the informal summit of the European People and #39;s Party, which took place yesterday, under the chairmanship of President Manfred Weber. ...continuare.

Daca celebrul personaj Bridget Jones ar fi existat, ar fi riscat sa moara de la chardonnay si tigari, spun medicii

publicat 2025-02-14 16:30:29 (Libertatea)
Daca celebrul personaj Bridget Jones ar fi existat, ar fi riscat sa moara de la chardonnay si tigari, spun medicii In contextul in care cel de-al patrulea film „Bridget Jones: Mad ABOUT the Boy” a fost lansat in cinematografe, obiceiurile cunoscutului personaj i-a alarmat pe specialistii in sanatate. Acestia i-au analizat tabieturile si au avertizat ca acestea ar fi putut avea un impact devastator asupra sanatatii sale, relateaza ziarul britanic The Times. Dan Baumgardt, lector […] ...continuare.

DNSC: New online fraud attempts in the name of Interpol, Europol and the Romanian Police

publicat 2025-02-12 00:00:14 (Bursa)
DNSC: New online fraud attempts in the name of Interpol, Europol and the Romanian Police The National Directorate of Cyber Security (DNSC) is sounding the alarm ABOUT a new online fraud method, in which attackers use the visual identity of important institutions such as Interpol, Europol or the Romanian Police to deceive users. ...continuare.

Antonescu and #39;s sovereignist tendencies

publicat 2025-02-12 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Antonescu and #39;s sovereignist tendencies In the context of the 2025 presidential elections, Crin Antonescu, the candidate of the PSD-PNL-UDMR coalition, returned to the forefront of Romanian politics after an absence of ABOUT a decade. ...continuare.

Stada - Solid investor demand ahead of IPO

publicat 2025-02-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Stada - Solid investor demand ahead of IPO German drugmaker Stada Arzneimittel AG is preparing for what could be Europe and #39;s largest initial public offering (IPO) this year, Bloomberg reports. The company has seen 'huge' interest during meetings with ABOUT 60 investors, Stada Chief Executive Peter Goldschmidt said in an interview with Bloomberg last week. ...continuare.

Pollution, an older problem than we expected

publicat 2025-02-03 00:00:09 (Bursa)
Pollution, an older problem than we expected Humans have been polluting nature since ancient times, this is the conclusion of a study. Human-caused environmental contamination with lead in the Aegean region began approximately 5,200 years ago, ABOUT 1,200 years earlier than previously thought, according to research that also reveals that the expansion of the Roman Empire in Ancient Greece contributed significantly to this pollution. ...continuare.

Trump and #39;s tariffs will hit the US and #39;s top trading partners

publicat 2025-01-31 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Trump and #39;s tariffs will hit the US and #39;s top trading partners Trade with Mexico, China and Canada accounted for ABOUT 43% of all US goods imports in 2023 by value, according to a Statista analysis, noting that, according to UN Comtrade data, the United States imported $3.2 trillion in goods and exported $2 trillion in that year. ...continuare.

ABOUT 300 new mines - needed for the energy transition

publicat 2025-01-28 00:00:24 (Bursa)
<span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> 300 new mines - needed for the energy transition The energy transition relies on the minerals needed to manufacture electric vehicles, batteries, solar farms and wind turbines, and in an economy that is moving away from fossil fuels every day, the supply of these materials presents one of the biggest challenges, according to an analysis by visualcapitalist.com. ...continuare.

Investment in artificial intelligence to modernize public services

publicat 2025-01-22 00:00:14 (Bursa)
Investment in artificial intelligence to modernize public services Artificial intelligence is penetrating all socio-economic layers. The UK government has announced an ambitious plan to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into public administration, with the aim of modernizing archaic technology that, according to a recent report, causes annual losses of 45 billion pounds (ABOUT 53 billion euros), AFP reports. ...continuare.

The wave of anti-Semitism is what allows Calin Georgescu to run for president

publicat 2025-01-17 00:00:12 (Bursa)
The wave of anti-Semitism is what allows Calin Georgescu to run for president While pro-European parties are trying their best to block Calin Georgescu from running in the presidential elections, citing reasons for which they have no evidence or have evidence that they have not yet presented, journalists avoid talking ABOUT one obvious thing: Calin Georgescu should not have been allowed to run if state institutions had applied the legislation on combating the promotion of the Legionary Movement, fascism and anti-Semitism and had... ...continuare.

Antonescu and Funeriu, in Georgescu and #39;s dilemma: voting, the only solution?

publicat 2025-01-09 00:00:06 (Bursa)
Antonescu and Funeriu, in Georgescu and #39;s dilemma: voting, the only solution? The recent statements of Crin Antonescu and Daniel Funeriu ABOUT Calin Georgescu and #39;s candidacy in this year and #39;s presidential elections raise questions ABOUT political responsibility and the health of democracy in our country. ...continuare.

Cocoa bean prices hit a new all-time high

publicat 2024-12-19 00:00:12 (Bursa)
Cocoa bean prices hit a new all-time high Cocoa bean futures hit a new all-time high of more than $12,000 a ton on the New York Stock Exchange on Tuesday, as concerns ABOUT declining production in Ivory Coast, the world and #39;s largest cocoa bean producer, Bloomberg reported, according to Agerpres. ...continuare.

Warning ABOUT the traps related to attractive online job offers

publicat 2024-12-16 00:00:07 (Bursa)
Warning <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> the traps related to attractive online job offers The traps of the online environment are becoming more and more dangerous. The National Directorate of Cyber Security warns ABOUT SMS messages or messages received on various messaging applications (Whatsapp) that offer 'online jobs' with the aim of collecting sensitive data from users. ...continuare.

Zalando preia rivalul ABOUT You intr-o tranzactie de peste un miliard de euro. Ambele companii au operatiuni in Romania

publicat 2024-12-11 17:00:28 (Mediafax)
Zalando preia rivalul <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> You intr-o tranzactie de peste un miliard de euro. Ambele companii au operatiuni in Romania Gigantul european al comertului online Zalando intentioneaza sa preia compania rivala ABOUT You intr-o tranzactie care evalueaza competitorul mai mic la 1,13 miliarde de euro au anuntat miercuri cele doua companii, marcand un nou pas major in consolidarea pietei europene de imbracaminte online, noteaza Reuters. ...continuare.

Retailerul german Zalando preia rivalul ABOUT You intr-o tranzactie de peste un miliard de euro. Ambele companii au operatiuni in Romania

publicat 2024-12-11 16:45:50 (Ziarul-Financiar)
Retailerul german Zalando preia rivalul <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> You intr-o tranzactie de peste un miliard de euro. Ambele companii au operatiuni in Romania Autor: Adrian Seceleanu Gigantul european al comertului online Zalando intentioneaza sa preia compania rivala ABOUT You intr-o tranzactie care evalueaza competitorul mai mic la 1,13 miliarde de euro au anuntat miercuri cele doua companii, marcand un nou pas major in consolidarea pietei europene de imbracaminte online, noteaza Reuters. ...continuare.

Bankers optimistic ABOUT European IPOs in 2025

publicat 2024-12-10 00:00:11 (Bursa)
Bankers optimistic <span style='background:#EDF514'>ABOUT</span> European IPOs in 2025 The initial public offering (IPO) market in Europe is expected to continue its recovery in 2025, despite threats from trade tensions and political turmoil, bankers consulted by Bloomberg say, according to Agerpres. ...continuare.

The picture of foreign interference in the Romanian presidential elections

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
The picture of foreign interference in the Romanian presidential elections The Romanian presidential elections were marked by a tense climate, amplified by recent revelations ABOUT the involvement of state and non-state actors in the electoral process. ...continuare.

Calin Georgescu, close to neo-legionaries

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Calin Georgescu, close to neo-legionaries New revelations question the independence and political past of Calin Georgescu, a candidate who entered the presidential final. The evidence suggests a close connection with neo-legionary groups, raising concerns ABOUT the ideological influences on his campaign and the nature of his supporters. ...continuare.

Romania, vulnerable to Calin Georgescu: How the Kremlin exploited our desire for independence and honorability

publicat 2024-12-06 00:00:08 (Bursa)
Romania, vulnerable to Calin Georgescu: How the Kremlin exploited our desire for independence and honorability The declassification of documents presented by STS, SRI, SIE and the Ministry of Interior showed us the true face of Calin Georgescu. We are talking ABOUT a surprising face, behind which both people close to the Kremlin and the mafia, underworld figures and influencers in Romania acted nonchalantly. ...continuare.

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