The expectations of BSE fund managers for 2024

publicat 2024-03-14 00:00:03 (Bursa)

* Robert Burlan, Raiffeisen Asset Management: 'The ratio between demand and supply is increasingly favorable to the evolution of the market, something that has also been seen in the past' * Dragos Manolescu, OTP Asset Management: 'History tells us that, in a cycle of falling interest rates, assets are revalued, which usually means an increase in prices' * Rares Trif, BT Asset Management: 'I think we can continue to see increases, certainly not at the level of 2023' * Razvan Pasol, Patria Asset Management: 'Having elections, we will very likely see some peace from a fiscal point of view' * Adrian Dudu, Certinvest: 'For the financial markets, 2024 could prove to be a more volatile year'

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