Romradiatoare Brasov is making a loss, after the first nine months of the year

publicat 2024-11-01 00:00:11 (Bursa)

Romradiatoare Brasov is making a loss, after the first nine months of the year * Mircea Lucescu, the national football coach of our country, owns 16% of the company based in Brasov Romradiatore Brasov (RRD), a company controlled by Transilvania Investments (TRANSI) in which the coach of the Romanian football team, Mircea Lucescu, has a 16.5% stake, reported for the first nine months of the year, total revenues of 20.2 million lei, 12% below those of the same period last year, and a loss of 0.01 million lei, compared to a profit of 0.8 million lei at the end of September 2023, according to a report of the issuer published yesterday on the website of the Bucharest Stock Exchange (BVB).

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